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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #523148
What can i say!
#245077 added June 7, 2003 at 12:05pm
Restrictions: None
been a while since i saw you
well a lot has happen over the several months. I stoped writing for a while and i had also moved out and got my own place with the gal i was currently with. Yet again another dumb idea by da jew when he lets all walls down. She was younge and wanted to party/go out all the time. Yet we where broke, ;) lol or so i was lead to believe. Well she was so broke she got her own apartment and then left me. Figures, also ideas and suspisions lead to believe that she was cheating. thats more so why it dose not bother me at all. She of course declines all acusations. Yet comeing home to a dude at 1 to 5 in the morrning? Never inviting. And different behavior when asked about things. Off well i guess theres always a chance she didn;t but never know. Recently been thinking about everyone in my life and i can actually say i am blessed to know i have great friends that will back me on my moves and give me a good kick in the ass when the time is right. i have also been thinking about the past things i have done and i wish i still had a gal like aubrey around i miss the fact of how she shows her love with every moment your there. I look at this tatoo on my right arm in memories of joy and sorrow hit me. Things i wish i could change but can never do. I was able to forgive her at one point and i just prey that one day she would forgive me. We had a lot in common as well as our differences. But to be a friend to be able to talk to somone that understands is what i need now. I never thought i would every say i prey and blessed. I am the most unspirtitual person i know. lol but youd be amazed at what i believe in now. If it wasn;t meant to be then it was not meant to be. all i do know is one day i will prove to aubrey that i never cheated on her if it was to require a lie detector test on jenny jones then good blessed i am going to do it. As far as my life goes ive been talking to the recruiting officer and i have been thinking about leaveing for the army. Maney is going and is trying to get me to go, if so we leave next month. I was also accepted to the art inst. several months back i believe it was in my writing. But not sure. I was already accepted and that all i need to do is go register and pay the 150 to hold my seat. I realy wish to go but the problem is the money and everything i already have to pay for. well its a give n take i will figure something out also been a while since anyone has seen my car. lol well they are in for a shock!!! my car was down for about 2 to 3 months since then its just waiteing to come out. I also bought another camaro older model but still clean body needs alot of upgrades but will be fun and low insurance. Been selling my parts and the car is almost all sold off. Well its been fun Monday i am supposed to be flying to vegas it will be my first time and i hope to enjoy it, but we will see i am not that type of gambler. Going on a buisness trip with a new gal and a friend. also happy graduation robert i almost forgot. Thanks for being there and going to see you soon going to party tonight. well i guess that about covers it sorry for the typos once i get going i dont like to stop maybe later i will fix them and maybe i wont never was a good speller. night and best of wishes to all in my life and those that aren't

da jew
i miss u

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