my somewhat deviant life, and experiences
this is me, take it--or leave it |
Well not a whole lot to say about today. Went out last night to sing--there was a shitload of ppl there, apparently the races got rained out and they all decided to come out to the moose. You couldn't even walk in there. Got a lil drunk, but don't knwo why i only had about 4 beers. Oh well my alcohol tolerance is about as fucked up as I am --one day its 3 beers, one day its 10 I never know. Anyway took my calculus test this morn think i did Ok on it. Got an A on my Abnormal Psych test i took wed. not bad considering i just barely looked over the notes and missed 2 days of class last week. Class was hilarious though, started talking about sexual disorders. of course to start out we had to talk about what normal was so we talked about the 4 sexual phases--she said she wasnt encouraging us to have sex, but if we did our assignment over spring break was to try to recognize the 4 stages during sex HA HA! So my spring break assignment is to have sex--works for me. Anyway picked up sean today--he wore me the fuck out at the park--we were there for about 3 hrs and we walked about 2 or 3 miles by the time it was done with. Started singin a new song today its hilarious to hear your four year old running around singing "im not crazy im just a little unwell" Once again--he did not learn this at my house. Damn im getting interesting insight into Amanda's musical taste. anwyay im really tired from this day today so im off to bed at only 12:17 i must be sick or something :) later |