just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me. |
Just got home from seeing a production of Euripides' "Trojan Women." Most of the actors were really good. A real downer of a play though. I don't think I've ever heard more screaming in a play... But they did a good job, it was written to be a screamed sort of play. Got done a good portion of one of my English projects on the bus. (I could have done more, but instead I chose to spend most of the busride home lost in thought. I haven't done that ) Have to type it tonight. There's no way I'm going to be able to finish my note cards and outline... I'm going to have to cut quite a few corners in my research... We should have been given this part to do over break. It took relatively no time at all to do the bib cards. Even if her thesis was six times as long as ours should be, it took her months to do her research. I really hate it when I forget a thought in the middle of telling it. The sunset was gorgeous tonight. Red and fuschias and the sun reflecting a straight line down the cloud. I've never seen that happen before with that color. It's a shame I couldn't get a picture. I'm wondering if we wouldn't have covered more material in history if we'd been given set assignments to do in a study-like class. Our sub is getting us nowhere fast... And the regular teacher will definitely try to compensate for it. Oh, that should be fun. She's scary as it is. And we're possibly over five chapters behind her schedule. I'm really sick of hearing this guy's stories of growing up out west. Especially since they never seem to go anywhere. And never connect with anything. Back to my oh-so-fun projects... ::eye roll:: Actually, they'd be fine if they weren't due on the same day and if we had longer to do them. |