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There are 54 weekly reading cycles. Initially established by Moses. Reinstituted by Ezra |
Weekly Bible Reading #13-Shemot, names *** 13-Shemot/Names-Exodus Torah Exodus Chapters 1:1-6:1 HafTorah Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23 New Testament 1Cor. 14:13-25 *** The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God - YHVH Assembly of Called-Out Believers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbb45zmkli4 (21 mins) *** 1 Corinthians ~ 14:11 to 14:40 YHVH Savior Marching On In Truth #Shepherd's Chapel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBki6P-TLNo (~ 58 mins) *** Rabbi Chaim Richman The Torah portion of Shemot Why does Moshe ask G-d what His name is…and what is the meaning of G-d’s cryptic answer, ‘I Shall Be What I Shall Be?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgVYfTTYptM (11 mins) The Torah portion of Shemot (Exodus 1 : 1 - 6 : 1) is read on Shabbat, Tevet 21, 5782 - December 25, 2021 *** The Book of Sh’mot Rabbi Isaac Assembly of Called Believers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=197Q8swBNMA (90 mins) The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus) begins by chronicling the names of those who comprised the creation of the nation of Israel, from Ya’akov down to his descendants. Shemot means "names," in this Torah parashah, we learn all the different hidden glimpses of redemption in the Hebrew names of the tribes and Moses' multiple names. A whole study on the name of God as the holy name of God is introduced! *** Rabbi Isaac, Shemot -Deeper Teaching AMAZING insights on the opening chapters of the Book of Exodus with parallels for Today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9-gQN_3N2c (57 mins) Prepare for next Shabbat's Torah portion with deeper understanding... Listen and learn from Rabbi Isaac's new Dvar Torah teaching on the 13th Torah Parashah Shemot (שְׁמוֹת) — Hebrew for “names,” referring to the sons of Ya’akov listed in the opening of the book of Exodus. The Book of Sh’mot (Exodus) begins by chronicling the names of those who comprised the creation of the nation of Israel from Ya’akov down listing his descendants and the first couple of chapters give the backdrop for the development of Hashem’s plan which is being fulfilled by them becoming a nation. As after Ya’akov dies 17 years after coming to Egypt there is then 113 years for the children of Israel to multiply before Moshe is born and then another 80 years before there deliverance! Each year we study and understand on a deeper level and we hope this more profound teaching on Israel in Egypt and Moses' birth and early life blesses you with deeper insights and spiritual growth! *** Southern Raised Performs "What A Day That Will Be" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrWuboX1oZ0 (~ 4 mins) |