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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #2321701
Adventures of a young witch, her mother, and her best friend.
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#1072396 added June 9, 2024 at 5:29pm
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Alyson's Adventures- The Dream Realm
**The Dream Realm**

Alyson Whitecraft was a natural-born witch. According to family legend, she and her ancestors descended from Cerridwen, the Celtic goddess of Inspiration and Knowledge. Her mother, Renee, had traced their family history back to the 1400s and discovered a unique lineage: since then, there had always been an only daughter of an only daughter, each conceived during the Beltane ritual.

Their lineage revealed a tapestry of women who carried both a deep connection to the mystical arts and a burden of secrecy. Each generation had inherited Cerridwen's gifts, manifesting as a unique blend of powers that were nurtured and passed down through a sacred matrilineal line.

As Alyson grew, she felt the weight of her heritage. She was in the process of being taught the ancient spells and rituals, learning to harness the energies of nature, the moon, and the stars. The stories of her ancestors, their triumphs, and their trials were her bedtime tales, and she could feel their presence guiding her as she mastered her craft.

The bond between mother and daughter was not just one of blood but of a shared destiny. Renee was preparing Alyson for the responsibilities that came with their legacy. She emphasized the importance of wisdom, compassion, and the careful use of their powers. Alyson understood that her gifts were not just for her benefit but were meant to help others and maintain the balance of the natural world.

Each descendant of Cerridwen had a gift that was distinctly their own, a mark of their individuality within the lineage. One of Alyson's was a profound empathy that allowed her to connect with others on an emotional and spiritual level. She could sense their fears, hopes, and dreams, and with her guidance, help them find their true paths.

She also had limited power over the element of fire. It was a skill that she was working hard to master. At present time she was able to create flames, however, she was having difficulty controlling them. This was what her and Renee had been focusing on at the time that Renee had vanished.

The legacy of Cerridwen was more than just magical prowess; it was a call to be a beacon of knowledge and inspiration in a world often shrouded in darkness. Alyson felt that she was preparing to add her chapter to the family legend and ensure that the wisdom of the goddess would continue to illuminate the lives of future generations.

Together Allie and Renee had observed the eight major celebrations that occurred at different times of the year. They also observed the moon celebrations that took place every month. However, this had changed two years before when Renee simply disappeared.

Since Renee’s disappearance, Allie had continued observing the rituals with only her familiar, a calico cat named Grimalkin at her side. Renee’s familiar, Nyx, had disappeared the day after she did. Allie could tell that Grimalkin missed both of them as well.

Allie knew that she was blessed to be able to do this. In the clearing there were no bright city lights to hinder the moon’s glow. To her it was a glorious tradition that she looked forward to every month.

She had placed jars of water beside her to absorb the moonlight, making moon water, which she used for various things. There were four candles inside of the circle, placed at each of the cardinal directions. The candles and the circle drawn in the soil around her sealed in the moon’s energy.

In her nineteen years of living she had never known anything other than this way of life. She followed no doctrine and like her ancestors, the rhythm of the Source pulsed through her veins.

Looking to the east, she saw that the sky was beginning to glow with moonlight. At the moment she could only see a sliver of the moon. Soon the sun would completely disappear, and another day would end.

When the moon was fully visible, she sat down, waiting for the portal to open allowing her to enter. This was always Allie’s favorite celebration, however for the past two years, since Renee’s disappearance she would often return to the Awakened Realm feeling frustrated and melancholy.

At the beginning of the journey she was walking on a beach. She was close enough to the ocean that the incoming waves washed over her feet. When the waves retreated, they took the footprints that she had left behind her out to sea with them.

At a distance, she could see a small bonfire burning. Getting closer, she saw three people tossing flowers into the ocean. They were whispering a soft prayer in unison as the flowers floated out to the open water. She knew that these people were paying respect and saying goodbye to a loved one.

They looked at Allie as she walked past. Allie uttered her condolences and lowered her head slightly. She continued walking until suddenly she found herself in an unfamiliar grove.

In the ambient moonlight, she could clearly make out a short man dressed in deer skin standing in front of her. His arms were extended, welcoming her.

“Greetings and salutations, Alyson Whitecraft.” His heavily wrinkled face broke into a radiant smile.

“Greetings and salutations to you as well,” Allie repeated back, looking at the man with curiosity.

“I guess you’re wondering who I am?”

“It would seem that you have me at a disadvantage,” Allie respectfully told him. “You know my name, but you haven’t given me yours.”

“Oh my word, I’ve forgotten my manners. I am Breken Stoneforge. I have been connected to your ancestors from the beginning of their time. As of late, I’ve been watching over you.”

At first his admission made Allie feel violated. She looked deeper into his eyes. They were non-threatening, peaceful but with a touch of concern. “Glad to meet you, Breken. Is there a reason that you’ve been watching me?”

“As I mentioned I am bound to your ancestral line, and you are the last ancestor of Cerridwen, for now.” He paused. “That is not why I brought you here unfortunately. I have something to tell you that pertains to your mother.”

Allie’s heart began to race. “Where is she? What can I do to help her?” She asked the questions in a single breath.

“I regret to tell you that she’s found herself in a bit of, well to be blunt, she’s in a bit of trouble. Let’s sit down while I explain the situation, please. My little legs are getting tired from standing for so long.”

After they both were seated, Breken began giving Allie the details.

“Renee is being held captive by a witch hunter named Hagdar Bloodthorn,” he explained. “Like you, he can travel between realms. You should also know that he is immortal and has been alive since the Dark Ages.”

Breken went on to explain that Hagdar was himself half-witch on his paternal side.

“I’m hoping that you can find Hagdar and destroy him or weaken his powers so that he is unable to use them. Being half-witch, I’m sure that he possesses several magical skills.” Breken warned her. “However, I’m only aware of his ability for psychic vampirism. He uses this to drain the captive witch of whatever unique skill they possess. He uses this skill until he drains it completely from the witch. After that, he must find another.”

Breken was pleased to see that Allie was taking everything in and seemed to be processing it well. “Any questions so far?” he inquired. “There’s more to be said.”

Allie asked him to continue.

“Unlike other hunters, he didn’t become one for religious reasons or profit. He only craved ultimate power over others. Immortality, in his mind, was only the means to an end.”

Upon hearing this Allie interrupted him. “How did he become immortal? That’s a complicated spell for any witch to perform.”

“His father mastered the spell just before his death, and its casting ultimately led to his demise.”

Allie tilted her head slightly. “I think I’m missing something. If he’s immortal, then how can he be destroyed?”

"My dear Alyson, immortality means one cannot die from aging, but can still be destroyed.”

After allowing Allie a bit of time to internalize what he had told her, Breken continued. “By any chance, does Renee possess a skill that Hagdar would find useful?”

“She never uses it, but she is able to influence people’s minds. She can't control their actions because the target has free will, but she can implant thoughts and observe responses.”

“For Hagdar, that would make sense that he would want this skill.”

“I just don’t know how to I’m going to rescue her or weaken him. I’m merely a novice.”

“I believe that even at this point in your training, you are a rather powerful witch.”

“Thank you. I hope so.”

“Have faith in yourself young one. Now for your first step, Hagdar has not been in this realm for quite some time. Since he hasn’t been observed in this realm, my suggestion is that you return to your realm and look for Hagdar there. He owns an estate in Rhode Island called Duskmire. That is where you should begin.”

"Huh?" Allie managed. She worried that if she had to use magic, she’d probably not have a chance against Hagdar.

Breken smiled as if he had a secret. “You won’t have to go at this alone. I am sending someone with you for your protection and to assist you.”

There was a rustling behind Allie and there was a faint bluish light coming from within the darkness.

“Elara,” Breken called out. “I think it’s time that you meet Alyson.”

At that moment, a small dragon, about the size of a mastiff, appeared, radiating its own light.

"Alyson Whitecraft, I'd like to introduce you to Elara Firestar."

Elara and Allie scrutinized each other before Elara turned her attention to Breken. "She has some power, but it's likely too weak to take on Hagdar… Plus, she's rather small."

Allie giggled. “I was kind of thinking the same thing about you.”

Breken smiled. "You both may be small, and both of your skills may still be growing, but working together, your combined powers will increase them."

As if reading Allie’s thoughts Elara said, “You are wondering how a dragon won’t be noticed in the Awakened Realm.”

“Well… yeah, I guess I am.”

"In your realm, I will appear human but retain my dragon abilities. If I need to change back, only you will see and hear me."

They continued to talk until Breken loudly cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to be rude and interrupt the two of you, however, seeing that the sun is waking up in Allie’s realm, you two should really be on your way.”

**Feywood Manor**

Returning to the clearing, Allie found that Elara was curled up beside her. Allie wondered how long she was going to stay asleep.

This gave Allie the chance to study Elara's human form.

It was true that they both were short. Allie herself was slightly pudgy with short dark brown hair. Her eyes were violet and there were two piercings in the center of her bottom lip. She also had several sigil tattoos.

Elara was petite with long blue hair matching her dragon scales and dark emerald eyes. She also had tattoos but had no piercings.

The eastern sky was a brilliant red, making Allie think about the rhyme that her mother used to tell her about red skies in the morning.

As she was gathering the jars of moon water and candles to put them in her basket, Elara woke up and yawned. “Are we here?” She looked at their surroundings. “Where are we for that matter?”

“Yep, we’re here. Welcome to my realm and my home, Feywood Manor.”

Elara lifted her face and smelled the air. “It smells nice here.”

"It might smell good here, but a lot of places outside of these woods are a different story.”

They returned to the small house that had been passed through many generations of Allie’s ancestors.

She had left a single lamp lit when she left the evening before.

Elara looked at the lamp with curiosity. “Where’s the fire that illuminates it?”

“There is none. We use electricity to light lamps. We also use it to power almost everything else.”

“I don’t understand… What’s electricity?”

Allie had no idea how to explain this to Elara.

Since neither of them had eaten, Allie was getting hungry. She figured that Elara was as well. She wondered what dragons ate when in human form.

“Can I make you something to eat?” she asked Elara.

“I don’t eat the meat of another animal.” Elara wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Me neither. I substitute tofu for meat in my recipes."

“What’s tofu?”

“Basically, it’s soybeans and water. Some types have flavors added to it.”


Her innocence made Allie smile. “It’s nothing more than a type of bean.”

Elara considered this for a moment. “Okay. As long as it isn’t meat.”

They talked non-stop as Allie cooked.

"Are you able to enter the Dream Realm anytime? Or only when the moon is full?" Elara asked.

"I can do it anytime. The full moon just makes it easier."

After finishing their food, they were both sleepy. Allie showed Elara to a spare room with a bed in the corner.

Looking at the bed, Elara said, “If you have a fluffy blanket, I’d rather sleep on that.”

Allie left the room and returned with a wool-filled mattress. She laid it on the floor beside the bed.

Elara sniffed it. “Oh, wool instead of feathers. This will be perfect. Thank you.”

Laying down, Elara changed back into a dragon and curled herself into a tight ball.

“Would you like something to cover up with?” Allie offered, but Elara was already deeply asleep.

The next morning as Allie was making coffee, Elara woke up.

“Did you sleep well?” Allie inquired.

“Yes, thank you. The bedding was quite comfortable.”

When the coffee was done brewing Allie filled her favorite mug.

The coffee’s aroma caught Elara’s attention. “What do you have in the cup?”

“It’s coffee. Have you ever tried it?”

“Yes, we have that in my realm. It doesn’t smell like that though. Our coffee has a more pungent smell, and it tastes bitter.”

“I’ll pour you some if you’d like to try it.”

Elara sniffed the coffee again and decided that yes, she would like to try it.

After pouring the coffee, Allie asked her if she wanted anything added to it.

“What do you have in yours?”

“Just cream and sugar. Do you want me to add them to yours?”

“I’ll give it a try.”

Allie added the cream and sugar, then handed the mug to Elara.

At first, Elara took a hesitant sip. “It’s kind of sweet and the cream tastes different than what we have back home, however, it’s quite good.”

Since it was a sunny day, they went out on the patio to drink their coffee. They decided that after they were finished they would set out for Rhode Island.

**Rhode Island**

When the girls arrived at Duskmire, Hagdar wasn’t there.

The manor house was built out of rough grey stone and was surrounded by a tall metal fence with a gate that allowed entry. There were stone columns on either side of the gate.

A long gravel driveway led from the gate to the front of the manor looping back to the gate. The land surrounding the manor house was immaculately groomed with bright flower beds scattered here and there.

Searching the fence for security cameras, Allie wasn’t surprised to find one every ten feet along the top of the fence. At the entrance gate, there was an intercom.

The cameras were going to be next to impossible for them to get past.

“I could use remote viewing and scan the inside of the house if you’d like me to. That way once we make it inside, I could guide us through the halls.”

“If you’re willing to do that, I think we would have a chance.”

Elara performed the remote view and relayed to Allie everything she saw.

“There are a couple of people in rooms of a wing that branches off the main hall upstairs and a person seated at a desk beside the front door.”

"Of course, Hagdar would have servants and a guard," Allie thought.

They returned a couple of times a day over the next week for Elara to scan the manor.

In between those times they explored the city. Though it wasn’t a big city, Elara could see what Allie had meant about the smells outside of Feywood. During their walks she asked to stop at every café that they saw.

On the day of Hagdar’s return they arrived just as he stepped out of a large black SUV that had stopped in front of the manor house.

They stepped behind the stone column to the left of the gate.

As if sensing that the girls were somewhere close by, Hagdar paused and looked around. Seeing nothing, he entered the manor, closing the door behind him. The SUV pulled away, heading back toward the gate. The girls walked away before the driver could notice them.

They would return to the estate that night.

Once again looking inside, Elara saw that the guard was positioned by the door. Even though people were present, there was no movement of the people in the rooms of the servant’s wing.

“How are we going to get inside? We can’t just open the front door and step in,” Allie told Elara.

“We’ll simply pass through the door.”

“Pass through? You can go through walls and doors?”

“Of course, I can phase through any solid barrier. And since you’ll be touching me, you’ll phase through as well.”

When they entered the house, Allie was holding onto Elara’s tail which also rendered her invisible.

The guard didn’t even notice a dragon and a young girl walking past him. It would be the same if they came upon someone that was also walking through the halls.

The girls walked in the middle of the halls, careful not to run into anything that lined them.

Standing outside of Hagdar’s room, Allie began to worry that getting here had been too easy.

The sensation of their presence had woken Hagdar. They could feel him trying to get inside their minds from within the room. His presence was oppressive, a dark force pressing against their mental defenses.

Though Hagdar's attempts to breach their minds failed, the sensation of his probing thoughts was unmistakable. Each of them felt the chill of his malevolent intent, like icy fingers skimming the edges of their consciousness.

Despite his inability to penetrate their mental barriers, Hagdar didn’t give up. He prowled the confines of the room, his frustration palpable in the heavy air. A predator aware of its prey just beyond reach. It was a tense standoff, a silent battle of wills where any slip in the girl’s concentration could spell disaster.

In that charged silence, they steeled themselves. They had to be prepared for whatever Hagdar might try next. The eerie awareness of his scrutiny was unsettling, but they held firm, knowing that even in sensing their presence, he had yet to access their minds.

They both took a couple of steps away from the door, which suddenly opened, revealing Hagdar dressed in a long sleeping gown.

His looks were similar to what Allie had imagined. He was very tall and thin. His gray-streaked black hair was pulled back into a thick ponytail that hung down his back.

“I know you’re there dragon,” he said loudly. “And I know that your little witch is with you.”

“I’ve notified my guard and he’s on his way. I’m looking forward to having you both under my control. Just think little witch, you’ll finally get to see your mother again.”

They had to find a way out of the house before the guard arrived.

Elara tried teleportation, however, it failed. They both started to panic.

“Allie, hold onto me tightly,” Elara commanded, her voice strained but determined. “I’ll try something else.”

“What are you going to do?” Allie asked, her heart pounding.

“I’m going to shift us into the astral plane. It’s risky, but it’s our only chance.”

Before Allie could respond, Elara closed her eyes and began to chant in a low, urgent tone. The air around them shimmered, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to flicker and fade.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a shadowy, ethereal version of the manor. The walls and furniture were translucent, like ghosts of their physical counterparts. They could still hear Hagdar’s voice, muffled and distant, as if he were calling to them from the bottom of a deep well.

“We don’t have much time,” Elara said, her voice echoing strangely in the astral realm. “We need to move quickly and find a way out before Hagdar figures out what we’ve done.”

Navigating through the spectral halls, they retraced their steps to the front door. Just as they reached it, they felt a jolt as if the world was trying to pull them back into the physical realm.

“Hurry!” Elara urged, pushing the door open. They stepped through, emerging into the cool night air outside Duskmire Estate.

As they crossed the threshold, they felt the hold of the astral plane release them, and they were fully back in the physical world. The manor behind them stood silent and imposing, its secrets and dangers temporarily left behind.

“We made it,” Allie said, breathless with relief.

“But we’re not safe yet,” Elara replied, glancing back at the house. “Hagdar will be after us, and we need to stay one step ahead.”

With a shared look of determination, the girls turned and disappeared into the night, ready to face whatever challenges that might present themselves.

Outside of the gate Allie’s mind was racing. "There's an abandoned cabin in the woods around Feywood. It contains a magic of its own. My mother used to take me there when we needed a quiet place to practice magic. We can drive back and go there.”

Back at Feywood, they made their way through the dense underbrush, the sunlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. Every rustle and snap of a twig seemed amplified in the tense silence. After what felt like an eternity, they reached the cabin, a small, weathered structure nestled among the trees.

Inside, the cabin was just as Allie remembered: a single room with a stone fireplace, a wooden table, and a few chairs. Dust covered the surfaces, and cobwebs clung to the corners, but it felt safe, secluded.

Elara closed the door behind them and immediately set to work, casting protective wards around the cabin. Allie watched, her anxiety slowly giving way to a sense of calm as the wards shimmered into place, providing a barrier against any magical intrusions.

"We should be safe here for the night," Elara said, turning to Allie. "But we can't stay long. Hagdar will be searching for us, and he'll have ways of tracking us."

Allie sat down at the table, her mind filled with questions and fears. "What do we do now? How do we stop him?"

Elara joined her at the table, her expression serious. "For now Hagdar's power comes from his control over your mother and her ability to manipulate minds. We need to find a way to weaken that control. There are ancient artifacts and spells that can disrupt his magic, but they're well-hidden and heavily guarded."

Allie thought for a moment, then said, "My mother mentioned something once, about a place called the Shadow Library. She said it held knowledge about powerful artifacts and ancient magic. Do you think we could find what we need there?"

Elara's eyes widened. "The Shadow Library is a repository of forbidden knowledge, hidden from the world for centuries. If your mother knew about it, she must have been incredibly resourceful. It’s dangerous, but it might be our best chance."

Determined, Allie stood up. "Then we need to go there. Whatever it takes, we have to stop Hagdar and free my mother."

Elara nodded, her resolve matching Allie's. "We'll leave tomorrow at sunrise. For now, we should rest and gather our strength. The journey to the Shadow Library won't be easy."

They spent the rest of the day and night in the cabin, sleeping then making plans and preparing for the challenges ahead. As dawn approached, they set out into the forest, their hearts steeled for the trials to come.

They reentered the astral realm for the journey to the Shadow Library. In the physical realm they saw enchanted creatures, magical traps, and treacherous landscapes. But with each step, Allie and Elara grew stronger, their bond deepening as they relied on each other to overcome the obstacles in their path.

Finally, after days of travel, they stood before the entrance to the Shadow Library, a massive stone archway carved with ancient runes. The air around it thrummed with powerful magic, a testament to the knowledge and secrets held within.

"This is it," Elara said, her voice tinged with awe and trepidation. "The Shadow Library."

Allie took a deep breath, her determination unwavering. "Let's find what we need and end Hagdar's reign of terror."

Together, they stepped through the archway, ready to face whatever lay inside. The Shadow Library awaited; its secrets poised to tip the balance in their favor in the battle against Hagdar.

**The Shadow Library**

Allie and Elara stood at the threshold of the building, the weight of their mission pressing heavily on their shoulders.

"We must be cautious," Elara whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of magical energy. "The Shadow Library is protected by powerful wards and traps. One wrong step could be our last."

Allie nodded, gripping Elara's hand for reassurance. Together, they stepped through the threshold into the dimly lit interior of the library.

Inside, the library was a vast, cavernous space filled with towering bookshelves that stretched up to a ceiling lost in shadow. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the faint crackle of arcane energy. Floating lanterns cast a soft, eerie glow, illuminating the countless volumes that lined the shelves.

"This place is incredible," Allie whispered, her eyes wide with awe. "It's like a repository of all the knowledge in the world."

Elara nodded, her gaze scanning the rows of books and scrolls. "We need to find the section on ancient artifacts and spells. That will be our best chance of finding what we need to disrupt Hagdar's power."

They moved cautiously through the library, aware that they were not alone. Shadows seemed to move and shift in the corners of their vision, and the faintest whispers echoed through the aisles. The library itself felt alive, as if it were watching them.

After what felt like hours of searching, they reached a secluded section of the library where the books were older and the magic stronger. Elara's eyes lit up as she pulled a heavy tome from the shelf, its cover inscribed with symbols of power and protection.

"This is it," she said, opening the book to reveal pages filled with detailed diagrams and descriptions of powerful artifacts. "These are the tools we need to break Hagdar's hold on the realms."

Allie leaned over to look at the book, her finger tracing the lines of an intricate drawing. "The Amulet of Arawn," she read aloud. "Said to grant its wearer protection from mental domination and enhance their magical abilities."

"Perfect," Elara said, a determined glint in her eye. "We need to find this amulet. According to this, it was last known to be in the possession of the Order of the Silver Dawn, a group of ancient guardians sworn to protect powerful artifacts."

"Do we know where to find them?" Allie asked, feeling a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Elara nodded. "They have a hidden sanctuary in the mountains. It's a long journey, but we have no other choice."

As they prepared to leave the library, a low, menacing voice echoed through the cavernous space. "You should not have come here."

Allie and Elara turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. It was a tall, hooded figure with eyes that glowed with an unnatural light. The air around them grew cold, and the library seemed to darken.

"I am the Keeper of the Shadow Library," the figure said, its voice resonating with power. "No one may take from these halls without paying a price."

Elara stepped forward, her hand glowing with magical energy. "We seek to defeat Hagdar and free those under his control. We need the knowledge contained within these books to do so."

The Keeper regarded them with a long, piercing gaze. "Very well," it finally said. "But know this: the path you seek is fraught with danger, and the price for this knowledge is steep."

"We'll pay it," Allie said firmly, her resolve unwavering. "Whatever it takes to stop Hagdar."

The Keeper nodded slowly. "Then take what you need but remember: knowledge is a double-edged sword. Use it wisely."

With the book in hand and the Keeper's warning echoing in their minds, Allie and Elara left the Shadow Library and set out on their journey to find the Order of the Silver Dawn. The road ahead would be perilous, but they knew they had to succeed. The fate of countless souls depended on it.

**The Order of the Silver Dawn**

As Allie and Elara approached the Order of the Silver Dawn's sacred grove, they were greeted by the high priestess, Calina. She was adorned in flowing robes woven with silver thread. The air was alive with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of laughter and music. Colorful ribbons fluttered in the gentle breeze, and the trees whispered secrets of ancient rituals past.
Calina welcomed Allie and Elara with open arms, her eyes sparkling with warmth and recognition. "Welcome my sisters and blessed be,” she said to the pair. Her voice carried the resonance of age-old wisdom. "We are honored to have you join us in our festival.”

“We’ve come in search of the Amulet of Arawn.” Allie told Calina.

“We are in the midst of preparing for a festival. You both are welcome to join. Afterwards we will discuss the amulet.”

Calina led Allie and Elara deeper into the grove, where they saw other members of the Order preparing for the festival. A circle of stones marked the sacred space. There were flowers, candles, and archaic symbols chiseled into the stones. The members mingled, exchanging greetings and blessings as they awaited the commencement of the festival.
Allie and Elara were invited to assist in the final preparations. They helped decorate the altar with offerings of fresh flowers, fruits, and colorful ribbons, infusing the space with their own energy and intentions. As they worked alongside their fellow members, they felt a sense of unity and belonging, knowing they were part of something greater than themselves.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the grove, the high priestess called for silence and reverence. Allie and Elara joined hands with their fellow members, forming a circle around the sacred space. Together, they invoked the blessings of the goddess Rhiannon.

The festival continued until the fire burned low. Allie and Elara reflected on the magic of the Order of the Silver Dawn. With hearts full of gratitude and spirits renewed, they knew that they were part of a lineage of wisdom and tradition that would continue to guide them on their journey through the cycles of the seasons and the mysteries of the universe.

After the festival, the grove was quiet, the air filled with the lingering scent of smoke and flowers. Calina approached Allie and Elara; her expression serene but serious. "Come my sisters," she said softly. "Let us discuss the Amulet of Arawn."

She led them to a secluded part of the grove, where an ancient oak tree stood, its gnarled branches stretching toward the night sky. Beneath its protective canopy was a small stone altar adorned with symbols of the old gods.

"The Amulet of Arawn is no ordinary artifact," Calina began, her voice imbued with reverence. "It holds immense power and is deeply connected to the Otherworld. Arawn, the lord of the dead, is both a guardian and a guide. The amulet can grant its bearer the ability to navigate between our world and his, but it must be used with great care."

Allie and Elara listened intently; their curiosity piqued. "Why do we need this amulet?" Elara asked.

Calina looked at them both, her eyes reflecting the depth of her wisdom. "Dark forces are stirring, threatening the balance between worlds. The amulet is the key to confronting these forces and restoring harmony. However, it is hidden and protected by ancient magic."

"Where can we find it?" Allie inquired, determined to help.

Calina paused, choosing her words carefully. "The amulet lies in the heart of the Whispering Woods, guarded by the spirits of those who once served Arawn. You must seek out the Guardian of the Grove, an ancient spirit who can guide you to it. But be warned, the path is fraught with danger, and only those pure of heart and intent will succeed."

Allie and Elara exchanged glances, their resolve strengthening. "We are ready," Elara said firmly. "We will find the amulet and protect our worlds."

Calina nodded, a proud smile gracing her lips. "I believe in you both. Take these," she said, handing them each a small pouch filled with protective herbs and a silver pendant shaped like a crescent moon. "These will aid you on your journey."

The three women stood together beneath the ancient oak, their shared purpose binding them. The grove, now a place of quiet strength, seemed to whisper its blessings upon them.

"Go with the blessings of Rhiannon and the strength of the Order of the Silver Dawn," Calina said, her voice a soft benediction.

Allie and Elara left the grove, their hearts filled with determination and the weight of their mission. The path ahead was uncertain, but they knew they were not alone. With the wisdom of the Order and the courage of their convictions, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

**The Whispering Woods**

The Whispering Woods stretched before them, a labyrinth of ancient trees and shadows. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth. Like the Shadow Library, a faint whispering, almost like distant voices, filled the air. The forest seemed alive, watching their every move as Allie and Elara stepped cautiously into its depths.

Allie clutched her pouch of protective herbs, feeling the rough texture of the fabric under her fingers. "Remember what Calina said," she murmured to Elara. "We have to stay true to our purpose."

Elara nodded, her silver crescent pendant glinting in the dappled sunlight. "And keep an eye out for the Guardian of the Grove. It's our best chance of finding the amulet."

As they ventured deeper into the woods, the light grew dimmer, the trees taller and more foreboding. Every rustle of leaves and snap of a twig set their nerves on edge. Yet, there was a sense of peace too, an ancient, protective presence that seemed to guide their steps.

Hours passed as they navigated the twisting paths, avoiding treacherous roots and low-hanging branches. The whispering grew louder, more insistent, as if the forest itself was trying to communicate with them. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows ahead—a tall, ethereal being with eyes that glowed like embers.

"Are you the Guardian of the Grove?" Elara asked, her voice steady despite her racing heart.

The figure nodded, a soft light emanating from its form. "I am. You seek the amulet of Arawn."

Allie stepped forward, holding up her crescent pendant. "We do. We need it to protect our worlds."

The Guardian studied them for a moment, its gaze piercing and wise. "Many have come before you, seeking the amulet for power or glory. Why should I believe your intentions are pure?"

Elara took a deep breath. "We seek it not for ourselves, but to protect our people. Our worlds are in danger, and we believe the amulet holds the key to saving them."

The Guardian's expression softened. "Your hearts speak the truth. I will guide you but be warned—the spirits of the Whispering Woods are not easily tamed. You must prove your worthiness."

With a graceful gesture, the Guardian led them deeper into the forest. The path became even more treacherous, the air thick with magic and mystery. Shadows flickered at the edge of their vision, and strange, ghostly figures seemed to move just out of sight.

"Stay close," the Guardian advised. "The spirits test all who seek the amulet. You must show courage, wisdom, and compassion."

They walked in silence, the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders. Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, and a massive wolf stepped onto the path, its eyes an intense red.

Elara and Allie froze, but the Guardian remained calm. "This is one of the forest's trials. Show no fear."

Elara took a step forward, her voice gentle but firm. "We mean no harm. We seek only to protect our worlds."

The wolf's growl softened, and its eyes dimmed. It slowly bowed its head before vanishing into the shadows. Allie let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "That was close."

The Guardian smiled. "You are doing well. But the greatest challenge is yet to come."

They continued on, the forest growing denser and the whispering more intense. Finally, they reached a clearing bathed in a strange, ethereal light. In the center stood an ancient stone altar, and upon it, the amulet of Arawn, glowing with a powerful, otherworldly energy.

"You have reached your goal," the Guardian said. "But to take the amulet, you must offer something of equal value in return."

Allie and Elara exchanged glances, understanding dawning in their eyes. Elara stepped forward; her heart resolute. "We offer our service to the spirits of the Whispering Woods. In return for the amulet, we pledge to protect and honor this sacred place."

The Guardian nodded, satisfied. "Your pledge is accepted."

As Elara reached out and took the amulet, a powerful surge of energy flowed through her, binding her and Allie to the forest. The whispering voices rose in a harmonious chorus, blessing their mission.

With the amulet in hand and their bond to the Whispering Woods sealed, Allie and Elara turned to leave the grove. The path ahead was still fraught with danger, but now, they carried with them the power and blessing of the ancient spirits. Their hearts were filled with renewed determination, knowing that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

**The Journey Home**

Leaving the Whispering Woods behind, Allie felt the weight of the amulet in her hand, its power humming softly against her skin. The journey home seemed shorter, though no less perilous, as they navigated the winding paths and treacherous terrain of the forest.

As they emerged from the shadowed depths of the woods into the golden light of the setting sun, a sense of relief washed over them. Yet, they knew their mission was far from over. The amulet of Arawn was a powerful artifact, but its true potential lay in their ability to wield it wisely and protect their worlds from the impending darkness.

"We must return to the village and consult with Calina," Allie said, her voice filled with determination. "She will know how best to use the amulet against Hagdar and the forces that threaten us."

Elara nodded; her gaze fixed on the distant horizon where Calina’s village lay. "But we must be cautious. There are those who would seek to steal the amulet for their own gain."

Together, they set off towards the village, their senses alert for any signs of danger. The journey was uneventful, yet the air seemed charged with tension, as if the very earth itself was aware of the artifact in their possession.

As they reached the outskirts of the village, they were met with wary glances from the villagers, who had heard rumors of their quest into the Whispering Woods. Allie and Elara paid them no mind, their focus solely on their mission to protect their homes.

They made their way to Calina's cottage, the familiar scent of herbs and incense greeting them as they entered. Calina looked up from her work, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the amulet in Allie’s hand.

"You've found it," she exclaimed, rising from her chair to approach them. "But be cautious, my sisters. The amulet is a powerful tool, but it can also be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands."

Allie nodded solemnly, her grip tightening on the amulet. "We understand, Calina. We will do whatever it takes to protect our worlds from the darkness that threatens them."

Calina smiled, her wrinkled face softening with pride. "I have no doubt that you will, my dear. But remember, you do not fight this battle alone. The spirits of the Whispering Woods are with you, as are all who call this land home."

With Calina's words ringing in their ears, Allie and Elara knew that their journey was far from over. But with the amulet of Arawn in their possession and the support of their people, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hand in hand, they stepped out into the fading light of dusk, their hearts filled with hope and determination. The path ahead was uncertain, but together, they would light the way towards a brighter future for their worlds.

In the distance, it seemed as if Breken was calling out to them.

“Return to Bramblethorn my ladies. We have much to discuss.”

**Return to Bramblethorn**

As expected, Breken was awaiting their return outside his cabin, illuminated by the moonlight.

"I’ve been watching, and it seems that you two have been having quite an adventure," he remarked upon their arrival.

Allie presented the amulet.

"What an accomplishment. I knew that you both were true of heart and having the spirits of the Whispering Woods as well as the Guardian trust you enough to give it to you…"

“We did have to pledge our protection and services to the spirits,” Elara said proudly.

“That’s a serious promise and not one to be taken lightly,” Breken responded. “You realize that they can call you back at any time and you must do their bidding?”

“Of course we do,” Elara assured him. “However, it’s a small price to pay to free our realms from Hagdar’s control.”

“I agree,” Allie added.

“Now I offer you both a choice. You can continue your quest by yourselves, or you can add another to your group.”

“We can try to find my mother,” Allie suggested. “However, I have no idea how we can accomplish that.”

“If Hagdar is holding her at his residence in the Dream Realm, which I’m positive he is,” Breken sounded sure. “You could attempt to rescue her. A warning though, if he senses you there from the Awakened Realm or he returns on his own, you may have a bit of a problem on your hands.”

Looking at Elara, he added, “Or claws, whichever form you’re in at the time.”

“I know how to cast a protection spell,” Allie offered. “I’ll only need a couple of items to cast it if you’d want me to do it.”

“I’ll take anything that will provide extra protection,” Elara replied.

“What items will you need?” Breken asked.

“Do you have sage or rosemary in this realm?”

Breken confirmed they did.

“Good. I’ll need a bit of one or both of them to burn. I’ll also need to find a patch of ground that’s only dirt and large enough to draw a circle, a heat-proof bowl for the herbs, and four white candles.”

“That can be easily done. Plus, I know the exact spot where you can draw a rather large circle. Is there a specific time when the spell has to be cast?”

“Not really. I can cast it any time after we gather the needed items, and everything is set up.”

“We can gather everything later today, dry the herbs tonight, and likely be prepared by sundown tomorrow,” said Breken. “For now, I think that we all need some sleep to ready ourselves.”

The three friends entered Bramblethorn Cabin.

There was only one bed, which Breken offered to Allie. “You’ll sleep better there. I have wool-filled mattresses for Elara and myself.” They all laid down and were asleep within minutes.

When they woke up, there were still five hours of sunlight left.

Elara went in search of the sage and rosemary. Breken gathered the other items, placing them in a basket. After that, he and Allie set out for the area where she could draw the circle.

It was a clearing similar to the one in Feywood. And like that one, Allie could sense a quiet magic coming from the earth.

“This spot is perfect. I’ll wait and draw the circle tomorrow before I begin the casting. When it’s drawn, you’ll have to point out the cardinal directions so that I can place the candles at them.”

When they returned to the cabin, Elara was waiting for them with large bunches of each herb.

That night, they dried the herbs over the fire in the hearth. When they were dry, Allie crushed them into a rough powder and mixed them together in a bowl.

When all of that was finished, they all sat at the table and enjoyed a meal and steins filled with mead.

The mead affected Allie more than the others, so she went to sleep before them.

Even though they had gotten to sleep late, they were all awake early the next morning.

Just before sunset, they made their way to the patch of earth.

By the time it was dark, Allie had drawn the circle and placed the candles, lighting them with a touch of her finger. She also ignited the herbs in the bowl, letting them burn down to smoldering embers.

“You never said that you could cast fire,” Elara exclaimed.

“It wasn’t needed before now, so it never entered my mind.”

Allie stopped at the edge of the circle and said, “In perfect love and perfect trust, I enter this sacred space.” She then stepped inside and motioned for Elara to repeat her words before entering the circle to join her.

They stood motionless for a minute or two, breathing in the scent of the smoking herbs. It was then that Allie extended her arms in front of her with her palms facing the sky. She began to speak.

“By the light of the moon and the power of the sun,
Protect us now, until our work is done.
Guard our bodies, minds, and souls,
Keep us safe and make us whole.
With herbs of strength and words of might,
I cast this spell to shield with light.
No harm shall pass, no ill will stay,
With this spell, we will be safe.”

They felt the protection wrapping itself around them. It felt warm and tingly.

Allie ended the spell by saying:

“So mote it be, by power and will.
We are protected from this hour onward.”

After the casting was finished, Allie opened the circle, allowing herself and Elara to exit. She extinguished the candles but allowed the herbs to burn themselves out. Allie closed the circle.

“That’s it,” she announced. “The protection has been created. Tomorrow morning I’ll return to empty the bowl of herbs as a gift to the Source for granting our request.”

“Then I guess that tomorrow we’ll set out for Gloomshade.” Elara said.

That night Nyx arrived at Bramblethorn.

**Gloomshade Forest**

Elara told Allie that since Hagdar had probably created wards to keep intruders out, she would transport them both just to the edge of Gloomshade Forest.

“I know that I’ve underestimated his strength before,” Breken admitted. "However, I believe with the amulet and the gifts from Calina combined with your spell,” He smiled at Allie. “I doubt that his wards and the inhabitants of Gloomshade will prove to be too much trouble for the two of you. Of course, I could be wrong, so you’ll have to tread lightly.”

When they appeared at the edge of the forest. The girls both felt the negativity that Gloomshade emitted. However, neither of them sensed a ward against entry.

Elara attempted to transport them once again through the trees and land just outside of Wardstone Hall but found that skill wouldn’t work.

“Looks like we’re walking. Let’s just hope that the perimeter isn’t being guarded by Duskriders.”

“What are they?” Allie asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

“They are ethereal riders on skeletal horses that patrol the forest and hunt those who dare to enter.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but what do they do to whoever they manage to catch?”

“That I’m not sure of,” Elara admitted. “I don’t want to find out, though.”

“I don’t think I want to either.”

“The most dangerous creature, however, is the Dusk Banshee. Her cries have the ability to drain our life forces. We definitely don’t want to run into her.”

Gloomshade was eerily silent. The girls stopped for a moment while Elara tried to sense anything nearby. “I think we’re safe for now.”

They walked a bit further before hearing distant hoof steps moving closer.

“We need to walk faster,” Elara whispered.
They only made it a couple feet before a Duskrider stopped in front of them.

“You cannot go any farther,” the Duskrider ordered.

Allie held out the amulet. “I believe that we can,” she said with authority. “You have no power to stop us.” It seemed hours that Allie and the Duskrider glared at one another.

The amulet began pulsing like it had a heartbeat.

Breaking eye contact first, the Duskrider turned his steed and galloped away from the girls.

Elara was amazed at the energy that seemed to surround her and Allie both.

They continued walking quickly toward Wardstone. Even at a distance away, they could feel the wards that Hagdar had cast.

At the edge of the ward the girls stopped. Taking in the appearance of Wardstone.

Wardstone Hall was Duskmire’s twin. Thankfully, there was no fence surrounding it. That was one less obstacle for the girls to deal with. The wards surrounding the manor shimmered slightly.

Looking into the house from outside of the wards, Elara only saw one person inside.

“That has to be my mom. I want to try something.” There was excitement inside of Allie.

She sat down with Elara seated beside her. When they were both settled, Allie reached out psychically to Renee.

“I hear you, my love.” Renee said. “Where are you?”

“A friend and I are outside of the wards around Wardstone Hall.”

“That’s too close!”

“Don’t worry about us Mom. We are well protected.”

Renee was still worried, however the excitement of seeing Allie again was stronger.

“We were wondering if you’d be able to create an opening in the ward so that we can get into the house,” Allie asked.

“Hagdar has my powers bound with a spell. I’m weakened but I should be able to break the binding with your help. However, wherever he’s at, he might be able to feel it and could return within seconds.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take if you are.”

“Actually, yes, I am. Together we should be able to break the bindings.”

Allie connected her energy with Renee’s, hoping Hagdar wouldn’t be alerted.

It took several minutes to break the binding spell.

In the Awakened Realm, Hagdar sensed what Renee and Allie had done. However, he was with a group of people and therefore couldn’t create a portal and simply vanish.

With her bindings removed, Renee created an opening in the ward. She told Allie to stay where she was. “I’ll come to you instead.”

Exiting the house, Renee began running toward the opening.

“My love,” Renee exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her daughter. “I never thought I’d see you again.”

Elara stood to greet Renee.

After a quick introduction, Renee told the girls that the three of them should get away from Gloomshade as quickly as they could.

They were shocked when they arrived at the edge of the forest without coming into contact with any creatures. They stepped across the perimeter and were safe.

“Bless the Source for being with us,” Renee said.

Renee created a portal back to Bramblestone.
As was always the case, Breken was outside of his cabin waiting for them. Nyx was standing at his feet until he saw Renee and went to her, rubbing against her legs.

“Renee, how are you?” Breken asked with concern.

“Tired and weakened. Nothing a little bit of rest won’t fix, though.”

Meanwhile, Hagdar stormed back into Wardstone Hall. Finding the place empty, he seethed with rage. His wards had been breached, and Renee had escaped. He knew he couldn’t afford to let them remain free, especially now that Allie’s powers were growing. Though he felt a strange energy, he was unaware of the amulet in Allie’s possession. He vowed to track them down and finish what he had started.

“They think they can outsmart me,” he muttered to himself. “But they underestimate my power. I’ll find them, and when I do, they will regret ever crossing me.”

Hagdar knew he needed to bolster his forces. The Duskriders and Murk Bats were loyal, but he needed more. He needed an army capable of overwhelming any resistance. He began devising a plan.

**Much Needed Rest**

The tranquility of Bramblethorn felt almost surreal after the tense journey through Gloomshade Forest. Allie, Renee, and Elara stood outside Breken’s cabin, absorbing the serene atmosphere. The air was crisp, and the scent of pine was invigorating. The rising moon cast a gentle glow over the lush landscape, making it difficult to believe that danger was still lurking.

“Let’s go inside,” Breken suggested, his voice breaking the silence. “You three need rest and nourishment.”

Inside the cabin, a cozy fire crackled in the hearth. Breken busied himself preparing a hearty meal while the ladies settled onto the plush cushions that lined the walls. Allie’s eyes felt heavy, and the tension from their recent ordeal began to melt away.

As they ate, Renee recounted her time in captivity. “Hagdar’s binding spell was strong, but I managed to keep my spirit intact. Your presence, Allie, gave me the strength I needed to hold on.”

Allie listened intently, her admiration for her mother growing. Despite the hardship, Renee’s resilience shone through. “I’m just glad we found you,” Allie said softly. “I couldn’t have done it without Elara and Breken’s help.”

Breken smiled warmly. “You and Elara have proven yourselves to be remarkable young women. We have a long road ahead, but I have no doubt that the three of you will be a formidable force against Hagdar.”

After the meal, Breken and Elara excused themselves to attend to some matters outside, leaving Allie and Renee alone. They sat in companionable silence, enjoying the peaceful moment.

“I’ve missed you so much, Mom,” Allie finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Renee reached out and took Allie’s hand. “I’ve missed you too, my love. We have a lot to catch up on, but right now, rest is our priority. We need our strength for the battles ahead.”

The next morning Elara returned to her cave, but not before hugging both Allie and Renee.

“It’s been a great pleasure to meet you Renee,” she said respectfully.

“You too my love.” Renee gave Elara a soft kiss on the cheek.

Elara then reminded Allie that even though they lived in different realms, they were only a wish away from each other.

“We’ll get together often,” Allie promised. “Whether in your realm or mine. Which of course you’re always welcome to come to. I’ll make sure to have coffee waiting for you.”

With a last glance at Allie, Elara changed back into a dragon and took flight.

After Elara was gone, Allie and Renee said their goodbyes to Breken.

“It’s always a pleasure my ladies.”

**Home Sweet Home**

“It’s so good to finally be back where I belong. That means that we can now continue your training,” Renee said with anticipation.

“I’d really like that,” Allie replied, equally enthusiastic.

“Did you realize that it’s a full moon tonight?” Renee smiled. “Have you been performing your celebrations while I’ve been absent?”

“Of course I have. Grimalkin has also joined,” Allie told her proudly. “They haven’t been the same without you and Nyx, though.”

Renee nodded, a look of pride and relief on her face.

They spent the rest of the morning talking about spells and rituals, about the importance of balance and harmony, and about the role they each played in the greater cosmic order.

As the day progressed, they prepared for the full moon celebration. Allie gathered herbs and candles, setting up the altar in the clearing while Renee mixed essential oils and prepared the ceremonial tools. The anticipation of the night’s rituals filled the air with a palpable sense of magic and renewal.

That evening, under the light of the full moon, Renee and Allie stood together in the clearing with Grimalkin and Nyx lying beside them. They were ready to perform their celebration. The moon’s silvery glow bathed them in ethereal light, casting long shadows and illuminating the vibrant colors of the flowers and plants around them.

“Are you ready?” Renee asked, her voice soft and filled with reverence.

Allie nodded. “More than ever.”

They began the ritual, their voices harmonizing as they chanted ancient incantations. The air around them seemed to hum with energy, and the connection between them and the natural world felt stronger than ever.

As they concluded the ceremony, Allie felt a profound sense of peace and purpose wash over her. She knew that with her mother by her side, there was nothing they couldn’t face. They stood together, hand in hand, gazing up at the moon, knowing that this was just the beginning of their journey together.

“Welcome home Mom,” Allie whispered.

“Thank you my love,” Renee replied, her voice choked with emotion. “It’s good to be home.”

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