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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064977 added February 27, 2024 at 8:56am
Restrictions: None
A Gem Hidden In A City
Location: Canterlot City
Date: June 18, 2018
Time: 10:30 p.m.

It was a dark and stormy night in the city of Canterlot.

The wind was howling, the sky filled with dark clouds, the rain came down in buckets as lightning filled the sky, reflecting off the many windows that reflected off the many buildings of the city. And the thunder crashed as if telling all the storm is not yet finnished.

Within this city, many of the citizens were busy either going home to relax, heading to hang out with friends, enjoying the company of significant others on a date.

Unfortunately, deep in a alley way, their was a lone figure walking through it with a noticable limp in his leftbleg, trying to make their way home from a day that could only be described as utter and total torture to the heart, the mind, and the soul.

Meet Spike Drakeson. A twenty-five college studen that recently had graduated. Standing at six feet tall, he was currently wearing a torn up button up shirt, ripped slackes, and missing his shoes, leaving him in only a pair of mud stained socks.

To make a long story short, today was not his day.

Sure, he woke up all happy, cheerful, and chipper to face the day ahead.

He go dressed, ate a breakfast of cinamin toast, grabbed a small pocket sized box containing a special gift for his girlfriend and stuffed it into his pocket before grabbing his car keys and headed out of his apartment.

Unfortunately, that is when the good part of his day ended.

First his car had a blown tire, causing him to be late to work for a very important meeting. The people he was going to meet were already gone by the time he arrived, ending him in his bosses office and yelled at for one hour straight, only to be told that he was fired, effective immediately.

To make things worse, after cleaning his desk out, he walked out to see that his car was now towed away for unknown parking tickets. Thus, leaving him to walk back to the other side of the city on foot, carrying all his items from where he used to work along with him.

As he walked back to his home, came across a small bistro where he saw his current girlfriend kissing his best friend that he knew since high school. Seeing this, he started to walk down a alley, tossing his items that he grabbed off his desk from his job into a dumpster, and cried his eyes out.

Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was walking. As he continued to go deeper into the alley, shadows began to converge and follow him, knowing that at the end of the alley way was a dead end.

It was there he was ambushed by the cities criminal gang, 'The Children of Sombra.' Nobody knows who the leader is, only that whoever it is, told tales to young teenagers, creating believers of a long dead king that was said to have ruled the world with the help of a all powerful group of magic users, and will one day return to rule once again.

While some believe in it, most just shrug it off as a story to tell the younger generation so they will go to sleep at night. Leaving it to being a legend or a mythe that was created in the past.

As they ambushed him, Spike took all his anger and began to fight back, throwing punches and kicking any who got close.

Unfortunately, just as he ducked a incoming punch, another member come up from behind and knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head. After the blow to the head, Spike fell to the ground as the gang members gatheref around him, and taking all his valuables before he blacked out.

Yet, upon waking up, he found his clothes torn, his body bruised, and his wallet emptied of all it's contents. All he had ledt was the ring he had in his pocket. Which surprised him that it was still there.

Upon him recollecting all that transpired to him in a single day, Spike was worn out, tired, and wanting to find a place to rest.

Digging out the ring from his pocket, Spike began to recount his childhood till his parents died from a drive-by shooting when he was only eighteen years old. He missed them dearly, and right now, he began to think about joining them.

"No. Bad Spike, mom would of killed me again herself if I did that. Not to mention dad would of gave me a good slap to the face."

Looking to the ring, he began to think of his past and started to hope things would get better.

"Man I wish my life was easier to live."

It was right then the gem stone began to shine a brilliant light, blinding him as he unknowingly dropped the ring to the ground.

"Wh-What the hell?! What's going on?!"

It was then the ring began to release a strange red smoke from it, filling the alley and blinding all who walk by.

'~So you have wish it, so it is granted, master.~'
Authour's Notes

Hope I got a good start to the story so everyone can enjoy reading.
Really hoping I can also live up to everyones expectations while writing this story.

Read and Review
Any and all critisim helps bring the story to become better, and more eye catching to fellow readers.

Spike X Harem

"May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!!"
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