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There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1062833 added January 22, 2024 at 11:35pm
Restrictions: None
Fifty-Four and Two Seventy
Fifty-Four and Two Seventy

It’s hard to translate five single sentences into one single sentence. But that’s what I had to do today. And I think that I did an excellent job of doing it. After all, out of two hundred and seventy single sentences, I broke them down to fifty-four. That sounds pretty good to me.

It may not read that way to anyone else. But it does to me. Translating two hundred and seventy single sentences into fifty-five single sentences in about six hours isn’t too bad. At least I don’t think that it is. That’s about nine single sentences per hour or nine Chapter single sentences for the first Novel Outline for the October Prep Challenge.

I needed thirty-six-chapter single sentences to finish the first Novel Outline for Part One of my SpaceHorrors Movie Introduction novel. Also got the first half of Part Two done. That’s another eighteen-chapter single sentence for a total of fifty-four. Only have eighteen more to write.

After I get the eighteen-chapter single sentences to finish the second half of Part Two, that will be the end of my single sentence Outlines. Then I will be ready to start the third Outline for the October Prep Challenge. That will take a lot longer to write. After all, it’s the five-part single paragraphs for each chapter.

Two of those parts will be three lines long and two will be four lines long. The fifth part will be five lines long. With spaces in between each part, that will be about twenty-five lines per Chapter. Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as it looks here. I don’t think it will, but it might.

It may start out kind of slow because I’m just starting with this Movie Introduction novel. But once I get going it will be easier to write. At least I hope that’s how it’s going to be. I guess I will find out tomorrow when I start writing these single paragraphs. I’m just not sure how long I will have to start writing these single paragraphs.

There are four Chapters that begin and end each Part aka my Teaser Act and my Tag Act for my Movie Introduction script. In between my Teaser Act and my Tag Act, I have four Acts representing seven Chapters each. That’s how I came up with thirty-six chapters for Part One and Part Two of this novel.

Usually, when I’m writing a Novel, I break it up into forty-two Chapters. The first one is the Introduction Chapter and the last one is the Conclusion chapter. With the other forty Chapters in between my Introduction and Conclusion. Usually, I have some Profiles between Chapters Twenty and Twenty-one because that’s the middle of the novels.

I can’t do my usual novel with this one because it’s a Movie Introduction novel. So, there are thirty-six Chapters instead of forty and there are no Introduction or Conclusion Chapters. What does all that mean? It means that my normal Chapter numbers don’t add up like they do in my usual novels.

Tried to give each one of my four main characters, and storylines, an equal amount of Chapter Fives and Chapter Tens. But it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to do that with this Movie Introduction Novel. Of course, each chapter ends in Part Five. But so do my usual novels. Only I’m writing these parts differently with this novel.

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