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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2172808
We live much of life amid unique choices. Joy is anchored in The One beyond our life.
#1060691 added December 8, 2023 at 4:21pm
Restrictions: None
The Not Possible and The It's Okay
How many times I criticize
the fact that I can't live
perfection in The Savior's Eyes,
best worship to him give.

How many days are full of tears
when weariness precludes
some hoped-for goodness jumped by fears
or dragged down by my moods?

How often have the heavens seemed
so closed to muddied prayers
as the cloudy heart is that day deemed
unworthy for its cares?

Can this believer find his way
through the Slough of Great Despond?
Can one, who started, daily stay
the upward Way upon?

Whence cometh sadness when great Joy
is in the Heart of Christ,
Who lives in those by his Grace employ
as One, Who paid the price?

Believing days are not without
the things we face down here,
but Saving's Hope beyond all doubt
is known when all's made clear.

Oh weary eyes, so prone to look
at ornery waves untoward,
remember from The Blessed Book
the Goodness of The Lord.

The not possible is oft today,
but wondrous is his Thought.
The hoped-for time when it's okay
is promised as we're taught.

He cleans the cup through struggles rough
in lives most blest Elect.
His daily Grace is true, enough
to make his Face reflect

in the face of ev'ry blood-bought child,
who's saved by His Great Plan,
resulting in his Peace, so mild
to help them live and stand.

by Jay O’Toole
on December 8th, 2023

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