Just things that I think about now and then. |
Prompt: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ― Jimi Hendrix How does this quote relate to peace? To me, this quote makes sense. The power of love is putting others before yourself. It is looking at other people's needs and helping to take care of them in a merciful way. Or at least trying to do so. It is not a "me first" thinking. My ultimate example is Jesus and his words: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The love of power is grabbing everything you can and to not worry about anyone else. "Me first" mentality. One sees this in politics - even if someone genuinely wants to help others, it comes at the price of selling your soul, otherwise you won't last long in the "game". I wonder when that change of thought came into play? We used to elect others to represent us in our wishes for government. Now indifference to elect people, not voting, and those who hang onto power for power's sake, even when they are unfit to be in office, due to infirmity, etc. has made politics a quagmire that one can be easily drowned in. Just my two cents' worth |