A hub for the "Book of Masks" universe. |
Today's chapter— * Interactive: "A Final Confrontation" * Public: "A Final Confrontation" — wraps up the current branch. The chapters didn't get a lot of views, so I don't think they were widely popular. But there were some people who got pretty into it. ThePrussian said some unnecessarily kind things about this part of BoM—"Commentary: "Dodging Out of Dodge"" —and I got a lot of GPs and even some emails from other readers who liked it, and I am grateful to Easy, thatdude, the-knight-croisant, and ThePrussian for them. Those were very encouraging. So what's next? Well, I'm taking my life in my hands, sort of, by plunging into a commission that I haven't finished writing yet, and have had a hard time with. I think I've got the first five chapters in shape for publication, but that's as far as I've gotten, and those five chapters got rewritten, revised, shifted about, cut, reworked, merged, and centrifuged a lot of times. I'm hoping that the chapters that follow will come more easily and quickly. But where are these chapters going to appear? They are going to pick up from "An Overwhelming Question" . That's the branch where Will lost the book--he had it stolen from out of his house, apparently--and wound up getting involved in a weird way with Stephanie Wyatt. And it ended on a fairly alarming note, with Will up in his dad's office at Salopek as something blue was shoved into his face. Tomorrow's chapter will pick up where that last one left off. |