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With Beth compromised, Jake & Pamela go to extreme lengths to save their friend |
Jake, Pam, and Ashley stood gathered around an abandoned construction site. They'd been here for a little while now while they waited for Anders to arrive and pick them up. Jake was currently trying his best to line up a shot on a can placed fifteen yards from where they stood. Pam was close by and watching him carefully while Ashley sat and did the same. She'd found a beam to sit on a little ways off the ground, and she kept her focus between Jake and their surroundings. Jake closed one eye and squeezed the trigger to take his shot. To his dismay, the bullet missed the can Pam had placed on the edge of a board. He lowered his hand and bit his lip in frustration. "Relax," Pam said, walking over to him and grabbing his wrist, "You're thinking too much. Breathe, raise your hand, and line up your shot. Think of it like when you're throwing one of your birdarangs." "There's no recoil on those," Jake pointed out, although he tried to follow Pam's instructions. "Don't make excuses," Pam sighed, releasing his wrist and stepping back, "You just need to brace yourself for it. Line your shot up, and gently squeeze the trigger when you're ready." Ashley glanced down at the two of them as Jake nodded and took a deep breath. Firearms weren't a specialty of either of theirs. She'd dealt with blackpowder pistols in her time, but she was better suited for close quarters and planning. She wasn't a soldier, she was a commander. Still, even she could see the necessity of learning to shoot in this strange world they'd landed in. Pam was a surprisingly good teacher, she'd seen that from Jake's lessons in spellcraft and casting. Patient, kind, and understanding, she was who Jake needed at times like this. If she wasn't so sure about Pam's undying love for Beth, she'd have been concerned that she and Jake may become more than friends. However, the two were more like siblings than lovers. Strangely, Pam seemed the more mature one despite being younger, but the girl was wise beyond her years. "Sometime today, Jake," Pam said, earning a smirk from Ashley. Well, she was usually more mature than her mate. There were still moments where her youth showed through, but that was what made Pam different from her mentors and teachers. She was still human inside. A heart that wasn't fully hard, yet still mostly closed off. Her appearance and demeanor scared most people, but it was the girl underneath that endeared her to those close. She wasn't cold and callus, she was calculated and caring. It was no wonder why Beth gravitated to her in the way she had. The girl was a hothead, and Pam was the calm to her storms. Not that the blonde wasn't without fault and anger. She was possessive, and while her fuse was longer than most, she was a force to be reckoned with whenever she finally blew. Jake shook his head as he took another shot, and to his surprise managed to hit the can this time. "There we are," Pam smiled at him, "You just need to clear your head. You don't have to be a marksman, but you need to be able to control your weapon. Now, let's try this again and see if it was luck or skill. Afterwards, we'll try a moving target." "You want me to shoot at you?" Jake asked. "Don't be cute," Pam scoffed, pointing at another can she'd set up, "I'm going to throw some objects into the air, and you'll try to hit those." "How was I supposed to know that?" Jake asked. "Because you're not an idiot," Pam pointed out, "Once more, before our ride arrives. Line up your shot, breathe, and gently squeeze the trigger when you're ready." Ashley hopped down to the ground and walked over to Pam as she stepped back to let Jake practice. "How are you holding up?" she asked while Jake was distracted. Pam looked at her before turning her focus to the ground. She stared at the dirt beneath her feet for a moment before looking up at the digital skyline above and replying, "As well as I can, given the circumstances. Worried, angry, but still trying to hold it together to save Beth." "She'll survive, Pam," Ashley assured her, "The girl who took her is on a similar level to Alexis and yourself. A strange mixture of the two. One part crazy, and another part extreme care. Beth is tough, but I doubt she's in serious danger with Ingrid." "Her safety isn't the only thing I worry about, Ashley," Pam sighed, taking a seat, "What if…what if she decides she likes this girl more than me?" Ashley raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Is the greatest Pamela Lavely feeling insecure? I'm shocked, truly." "I'm still human, you know," Pam reminded her undead friend, "I feel, think, and have wants and desires the same as anyone else. Beth is everything to me, and I don't know what I'd do if I lost her." Ashley frowned and took a seat beside Pam as she weighed whether or not to speak plainly. In the end, she decided that it would be better to be honest with her friend. After all, she didn't get the chance to speak without Jake often, and she valued Pam as a friend and colleague. "I know, and I mentioned that to Jake," she said, starting slowly. "What do you mean?" Pam asked. "Love is something of a prison, Pam," she explained, "It gives strength and comfort, yes, but it also comes at a cost. When you lose the one you love, you become desperate and distraught. You do things that you'd otherwise think unspeakable, and you'll cross whatever lines it takes to succeed. Bound by chains of passion, it can lift you up when you're together, but it can drag you down to new lows if you're not careful. This Ingrid girl is a good example of this, but so was I and even the witch who taught you." "You'd compare this harlot to yourself and Rebecca?" Pam asked with a bitter scoff. "I would," Ashley nodded, "From what I've seen in Jake's memories, and what I've heard about it, I don't think she's as evil at heart as most. Many of the women you, as well as Jake and Beth, have dealt with have hearts harder than gold, but this girl acts out that same desperation and love. She was rejected by Beth, and she discovered that her principal reason was a mired sham. The witch turned on you, consorted with demons, and rid herself of all humanity to achieve her goals. I was summoned from the void, but I was willing to take what I wanted by force when faced with rejection. I turned Beth, and I used her as a pawn because I knew you would cave in the face of her hunger. This girl has given herself over to powers that she doesn't understand in the name of achieving what she feels she deserves. In the end, all of us seek to be happy, and that is all she wants. You, Jake, and myself are all obstacles standing in the way of that, but she's not inherently evil. She is misguided and disillusioned by love." “You’d sit here and defend her after witnessing what she nearly made Beth do?” Pam asked incredulously. “I am not saying what she did was right, Pam,” Ashley countered, “All I am saying is that her actions are spawned from that same place of love that I mentioned earlier. I don’t think that she would have followed through with her threat, but I also think that what we saw raised a question that we’ve been overlooking.” Pam frowned for a moment before it clicked in her mind, “Why did Beth follow her instructions?” “And why did Beth follow her to the warehouse?” Ashley added, “There were no signs of a struggle, and it was as if Beth simply followed behind her without question. This girl is more than just a smart technomancer. She has something up her sleeve that we aren’t aware of, and something that we need to be cautious of. Whatever this world is, our struggles won’t end once we get out of here. She isn’t going to let Beth go without a fight.” “Then I’ll teach her what fear is, and why I am not to be trifled with,” Pam said. “That is what worries me,” Ashley sighed. “What is that supposed to mean?” Pam asked. “Listen to me carefully, Pam,” Ashley started, “There isn’t a person in this world that has known love and is above the pitfalls that come with it. We will do anything to protect the ones we love, but our lines will become blurred. Does this girl deserve to die because she’s acting on the same feelings as you?” “She has taken the person most precious to me, forced her to act against her will, and is trying to kill me and my friends,” Pam replied, crossing her arms, “Death will be a mercy for her that she will be lucky to be granted.” “Then how are you better than her?” Ashley asked, “Beth had her life taken away by your mentor, and she was forced to be with you in the beginning. You are the one who told Jake that mercy is the trait of a hero. Does this girl deserve to suffer because she is acting on feelings of rejection and love? She may not be beyond redemption, but if she dies you will never know.” “I didn’t peg you for the type to show kindness and mercy to those that threatened the people you care about,” Pam scoffed. “I am not the merciful type, no, but perhaps Jake has begun to rub off on me,” Ashley nodded, “Just try to think about this, Pam. She is not the main threat here, but rather the distraction for those that are working in the shadows. Do not let your feelings cloud your judgment, and try to reverse the roles when you can.” “If Rebecca were here, would you be able to do that with Jake?” Pam asked, knowing Ashley’s disdain for her mentor. “Hmph, touche,” Ashley smirked, “It is easier to offer advice than to follow it. Consider it food for thought, Pam.” “Hey, Pam, I think I’m ready for the next lesson!” Jake shouted, reloading his pistol, “Well, as ready as I can be.” “Go ahead, we can speak more later,” Ashley smiled at her beloved, “Know that I haven’t said anything to jab or dig at you, but that I am speaking from concern for my friend.” Pam stood up and sighed, “I know…thank you, Ashley. Honesty is a trait that is rare in this world, and it isn’t always easy to hear. I won’t make any promises, but I will try to remember the points you brought up. I’m not sure how time works here in relation to the real world, but I would guess that we don’t have long before our employer arrives.” —------------ Ingrid sat at her computer looking over readings from Pam and the others. The Ashley girl was still an unknown, and her system was struggling to create a report on her. However, she’d managed to gather a fair amount of information on Pam and Jake. It wasn’t the most accurate, mostly because they were still considered new players, but she had a decent spreadsheet that was still growing. Accuracy, proficiencies, kills, favored weapons, and more were all compiled into the document. The three players weren’t doing much outside of talking and target practice right now. Pam had managed to strike a deal with one of Ingrid’s favored NPCs, and they were waiting for their supplies to arrive to start their first mission. Pam’s stats were higher in terms of accuracy and proficiency with firearms, but Jake seemed to have a higher stat with melee and unarmed combat. Pam hadn’t yet displayed anything outside of a firefight, but she was trying to teach Jake how to shoot. It didn’t sit well with Ingrid that she may have so colossally underestimated Pam. The blonde was more formidable than Ingrid had originally thought, and she hated to admit that to herself. She glanced down at the icon she had pulled up before Dr. Murray showed up. She hadn’t unleashed her secret weapon yet, and she still wasn’t sure if it was something that she needed to do or not. Releasing her meant running the risk of damaging the coding she’d worked so hard on for so long, but she wouldn’t have to worry as much about Jake, Pam, and that Ashley girl. Was it really worth running the risk, though? Maybe it would be better to wait and see how well they did on their first official outing. She needed something to distract herself before she worked herself into another frenzy. “Ingrid?” the sweet voice of her crush turned playmate called out from the doorway, “C-can I come in?” The slight stutter in Beth’s voice pulled at her heartstrings. She was still afraid of her, and that didn’t sit right with her. “Yeah, come on in, hon,” Ingrid replied, not seeing the harm in letting Beth see something as mundane as what the players were doing. Beth let out a shaky breath as she crossed the threshold to the control room. She was still nervous around Ingrid, but she was trying to push her nerves down. Ingrid had stood up for her with Anna, but she had even admitted having difficulty controlling her moods and emotions. She stopped a few feet from Ingrid, not wanting to risk angering her captor. “What, uhm, what’s going on?” Beth asked, looking at the screen. “I’m just reviewing some data,” Ingrid answered, minimizing the windows and saving the sheets for later, “Your girlfriend is a decent shot. Did you teach her that?” “I-I did,” Beth stammered out, hating hearing the quiver in her voice, “We went to a shooting range after everything that happened in Citiville. She wanted to learn more about guns, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to teach her how to shoot in case something happened to her powers. Of course, I didn’t really think that she’d be tossed into a world where her powers were taken away for real.” It was hard for Ingrid to hide her jealousy upon hearing Beth recount one of her dates, but she tried to focus on the fact that Beth was talking to her. She wasn’t telling her this out of spite, she was just answering Ingrid’s question. "You really believe that she's got magical powers, don't you?" Ingrid asked, still doubtful of that possibility. Beth walked deeper into the room and took a seat beside Ingrid on the floor. She was still nervous, but she needed to keep calm and try to connect with the girl behind the powers. "I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen too much to believe anything else," Beth replied, forcing herself to take the next step in gaining Ingrid's favor, "Want me to rub your feet while we talk?" Ingrid stared down at Beth for a moment, surprised by her forwardness. It was almost too good to be true, but she couldn't turn this chance down. Beth was working of her own free will, not her commands for a change. "If you want, I'm not going to say no," she finally said, watching as Beth scooted around and unlaced her boots. "Got a lot of practice after Pam came back from the dead," Beth admitted, trying to open up. "What?" Ingrid asked, relaxing a bit as her curiosity piqued. "You're gonna think I'm nuts, but I swear this is true," Beth chuckled, pulling Ingrid's boots off and removing her socks, "I killed Pam at a cabin that Jake owns outside of Metropolis. I tortured her, beat her, cut her, and drug it out for a long, long time." "You're shitting me," Ingrid scoffed, "You must not have done a thorough job because there's no coming back from the dead, Beth." "That's what I thought, but I slit her throat and watched the life leave her eyes, Ingrid," Beth said, her voice hardening as she recalled that fateful night, "She stared at me the entire time, and I checked her pulse before I left. Goth, you know the woman who nearly wrecked the whole city, had another woman working with her. She had some way of manipulating time and space, and she undid the damage I'd done. Aurora and Pam were brought back to life, and I was left with a broken back and one of those collars controlling my every move. I was hung up in a cell for a long while before Pam came in and made me an offer. I serve her, and she gets me my body back. She also made the promise to keep me out of the hands of the rest of Goth's sick friends. She kept her word, and I had to learn how to be with a woman." "Hmph, so all I had to do was kidnap you and hold you against your will," Ingrid frowned. "It's not that simple," Beth sighed, applying pressure before pausing, "Lemme know if I'm using too much force, okay?" "You're fine, I'll let you know," Ingrid replied, "So, spell it out for me, Beth." "I had nightmares about what I went through, what I saw, and what could have happened," Beth explained, making herself open up, "You might not believe in magic, but I've experienced it and seen it. It can be amazing, but I can also be downright terrifying. God, I fucking hated the first two weeks with Pam. Always on me, making me degrade myself, edging me, she was fucking relentless. I never lied to you, I had no interest in girls. But, then there were those moments between her fun that left an imprint on me. Anytime I'd wake up screaming, or have a fit of panic and rage, she was there for me and amazingly patient. She comforted me, slowed down, and was the only one in that shit castle to treat me like a person the entire time I was there. After a while, I started to realize maybe I was attracted to her, but I was supposed to be just a toy to her. It wasn't until Goth damn near broke me a second time, and we broke out, that I realized that I loved her. She threw herself in front of a monster to buy me and Jake some time to escape, and the last thing she said was that she loved me." Ingrid frowned at Beth's story. Maybe it would have been touching if it wasn't so bittersweet. The story was crazy, and she was still skeptical about the hocus-pocus business. However, the way Beth spoke with such certainty was almost enough to convince her that maybe there was some truth to it. She swallowed thickly and leaned her head back as Beth's thumbs found a spot on her arch, "You're good at this." "Lot of practice," Beth admitted, letting herself slip into the state of mind she often went to when servicing Pam, "Anything else you want to know? You can ask, and I'll be honest without the…whatever you've been using on me." It was Beth's willingness to comply and open up that was keeping Ingrid grounded right now. "What made you go from being Catgirl to…what you are now?" Ingrid asked. "Heh, that's a question that I suspect a lot of people want to know," Beth said, shaking her hear as she remembered the night she'd received the video from Goth, "Do you remember when Jake disappeared? More specifically, the time that Birdboy seemed to abandon Metropolis?" Ingrid frowned as she thought back, "Vaguely, what about it?" "You already know that he was in a relationship with Goth, but he tried to break it off at one point," Beth sighed, "He did it without thinking, which is very much Jake's style. Goth was furious, and she enlisted everything at her disposal to capture me, a handful of old friends, and to torture Jake. Fucking selfless basted gave himself over to her to save me and the rest of our city. In exchange, he stayed with her and acted as an enforcer for her. Me being me, I needed to see my friend and talk to him. Goth…She found out about it, and she didn't like that. Even though Jake told me to stay out of it, Goth beat him, whipped him, cut him, and…and damn near killed him because of me. Fucking bitch recorded it and sent it to me. Wrote a note that said that I did this. I fucking snapped, Ingrid, and I was hellbent on making every motherfucker in this city who hurt anyone pay." Beth paused her rubbing and shook as she was taken back to her fury before continuing, "I fought against these psychos for years, but they just played the system, broke out, and went back to terrifying people. That night, I decided it was time for them to know what fear was. They'd learn the meaning of fear, and they'd experience what it was like to know someone was coming for them when they did wrong. My target was Goth and her entire operation, but she was already moving into Metropolis, despite what she'd promised Jake. Once I started, there was no going back. I killed Megabutt in her own church, carved out her eyes, and sent them to Goth with the same message she sent me. I killed Pam because she was like a daughter to her, and I carved her best fucking friend up like a piece of meat." Ingrid listened without interruption. She didn't realize what all Beth had gone through, and it was almost hard to hear. "Do you regret it?" she finally asked. "Honestly, no," Beth admitted, "I questioned what I'd become for a long time, but I'm a reminder to villains that judgment is coming. I won't stop, I won't go back, but I've tried to pull back on the killing. I still carry live rounds, but I keep gel tipped bullets loaded most of the time. I'll pay for it one day, I'm sure of that, but I'll see these bastards in Hell when my time comes. Maybe I already am paying for it…" "You're talking about me," Ingrid said, cutting through the vague remark, "Is it really so bad to be with me?" Beth sighed and shook her head as she took Ingrid’s foot back in her hands, "It's not that. Once again, I'm not in control of my own body, not completely, and the people I care about are in danger. I'm not gonna lie to you, Ingrid, I'm scared. I'm afraid of what you'll do, not to me, but to my friends. I'm also worried about who you're working with." "I can take care of myself," Ingrid defended, "The doctor doesn't scare me, and I'm not stressing over the others. All that matters is that I have you." "That's sweet, and I mean that, but these aren't people that play by the rules," Beth sighed, trying to get through to Ingrid, "You've got me because of them and the powers they gave you. What happens when they start holding me over your head? You're in their debt now, and they're not going to let you out of that. What's your plan for that?" "Better than what yours and Jake's usually is," Ingrid scoffed, her annoyance showing through, "Unlike you two, I won't be charging in without thinking. I'll outsmart them if it comes down to it." "I didn't exactly come running to your base," Beth countered, "You hijacked the train I was on, remember?" "Again, because I'm smart," Ingrid said, "Staying two steps ahead is the key to victory. It's how I got you, how I trapped your friends, and how I'm going to survive." "This isn't a game, Ingrid," Beth sighed, shaking her head. "Don't tell me what it is and isn't!" Ingrid snapped, pushing Beth back with her foot and getting to her feet, "You don't get to tell me how to go about my life! Last I checked, I'm the one in control here. I've got the tech, your friends, and my game isn't the only trick I've got up my sleeve, Beth!" Beth crawled back a bit, realizing she may have made a mistake. "Ingrid, please," she whimpered, not wanting to experience the wrath of her stalker, "I'm worried about you…I'm not trying to upset you, I swear." Ingrid caught herself before she stomped on her lovely little playmate. The terror in Beth's eyes as she stared up at her was enough to give her pause. "Does this girl deserve to suffer because she is acting on feelings of rejection and love? She may not be beyond redemption, but if she dies you will never know?" The voice of Ashley came over the speakers. Ingrid stopped and turned around to watch the interaction between Pam and Ashley. They were talking about her, and it seemed that this new girl didn't see her as expendable. She shook off her stupor and turned back to Beth. "I'm sorry," Beth whispered, closing her eyes as though she was preparing herself for the worst. This wasn't what she wanted. Beth hadn't said anything other than what was on her mind, and she'd stressed that it was coming from a place of concern. She pulled out her phone and typed in a few codes. She put it away and sighed as she knelt down, "It's okay. You didn't…you didn't do anything wrong. It's these…you know what? It doesn't matter. You said you were lonely, right?" Beth cracked her eyes and looked up at Ingrid, "Yeah, I thought we might could do something together." Ingrid nodded and felt her anger start to subside, "Okay, I can keep an eye on them from my phone. Let's go to the bedroom and maybe we can watch a movie." "That's not code for sitting on my face, is it?" Beth asked, still not a fan of the activity, "I-I've had some really bad experiences under women, that's why I'm asking." "Tempting as it is to ride your face, I can take it slow for now," Ingrid smiled reassuringly, offering her hand, "I might have you rub my feet a little more, and maybe we can see where that goes. You're a good girl, Beth, and I'll be sure to reward that. Come on, let's go." Beth swallowed and took Ingrid’s hand. It seemed she'd managed to avoid the backlash from Ingrid’s temper for now. She wasn't in the clear, and she was pretty sure that she'd wind up pleasuring this girl before the day was over. A small price to pay, relatively speaking. As long as she didn't have to do it while fighting for air, that was as close to a win as she could get. She let Ingrid lead her back towards the bedroom. Beth glanced at the screen one last time, and she wondered what else Ingrid had up her sleeve. Whatever it was, she just hoped that they could handle it. That was assuming Jake and Pam could figure a way out of Ingrid’s game. —----- Jake was feeling a bit more confident about his ability with his new pistol. Pam had taken the submachine gun away, stating that the recoil would be too dangerous, but she'd given him one of her extra handguns. He still felt more comfortable in a close quarters setting, but Pam had a point about the world they were trapped in. Besides, learning a new skill was never a bad thing. His accuracy wasn't the best, certainly nowhere near the level of Beth's or Pam's, but he could hold his own if it came down to it. Moving targets were still difficult, but he'd hit three out of the seven thus far. Pam seemed to think it would be good enough, and that was enough for him. The trio was checking their equipments when a van pulled around to the construction site. They were on guard until the window rolled down and Anders opened the door, "You three got your practice finished?" Pam stepped forward, taking the lead as she'd done multiple times before now, "I believe we have. I take it everything is in order?" Anders nodded and reached into his coat, "Yeah, Erin might be a bit much at times, but she always delivers. Got you three a few fake badges, and a little something in case shit goes sideways. Catch." Anders tossed three cylinders at them, and they caught them easily. Pam looked at the cylinder in her hand and smirked, "Silencers, how very astute of our new boss. Hopefully, we won't need them." "In a perfect world you wouldn't, but the city don't know what perfection is," Anders said, looking at Ashley as she discarded the piece, "Too good for a handout, honey?" "You'd be wise to watch how you speak to me, boy," Ashley warned, "Guns aren't exactly my style, but if I must then I will. I find combat much more intimate and enjoyable whenever I can get in close." "A woman after my own heart, I can respect the hell out of that," Anders chuckled, his laughter gruff and gravely as though it were a rare sound, "Erin said she'd have that blade for you, but it's better to be prepared in case things fall through, wouldn't you agree?" Ashley stared at him for a moment before cracking a smile. At least this tangled mess of coding could adapt well enough. She didn't understand it, but he seemed smart enough to respect her wishes. "I suppose that'd a fair point," she said, pocketing the silencer, "Still, my talents are best used elsewhere for the time being. Is Ms. Erin going to be meeting us near this job, or will we be simply reporting back to her?" "Ordinarily, she'd be hanging back," Anders sighed, pulling a syringe out of his coat, "However, my sister is a bit of a sadist. Love her to death, but she's got a plan to get you three in and keep your badges from getting looked at too closely. Since it's a funeral parlor, and a morgue, she figured you could use a body to sneak in." "That's a toxin," Jake piped up, noticing the black liquid in the syringe. "Bingo, kid, same one I used during black-ops missions during the war," Anders said, "Fucking hate this shit, and I hate getting woke up by it worse. One of you is going to stick me in the heart, toss my near-dead ass on a gurney in a bodybag, and wheel me into the morgue. Gagngers should let you through without too much hassle, but they're not gonna let you wander around downstairs unattended for long. Shit goes sideways, or if it goes off without a hitch, you stick me with the adrenaline shot, and I'll either kick ass to get you out, or I'll sneak out and meet you back at the bar. Any questions, kids?" "You're willing to inject yourself with that stuff for a job?" Jake asked, understanding it was a simulation, but still mildly in disbelief. "You're looking at a veteran of the corpo wars, kid, it's not my first time going under," Anders answered, "Believe me, it's not my first choice, but it'll get you three in and give you backup should things go to shit. My sister thinks it's funny, calls it playing dead. Love her to death, but she's gonna owe me for this one." "Are there any other entry points beyond the front doors?" Ashley asked, steering the conversation back to the objective. "Paneling on the roof has a couple of skylights that you might be able to slip through, if you're quiet enough," Anders replied. "Raven, that'll be where you're going," Pam said, looking at Jake, "You can take down any unwanted attention seekers while Ashley and I take Anders downstairs." "Got it," Jake nodded, glad to have a role sticking to the shadows. "Sure you're up for this, kid?" Anders asked, looking Jake over, "You don't exactly seem like the running type." "Trust me, this is what I do best," Jake replied, moving towards the van, "Let's move before we waste anymore time." "Tch, suddenly gungho and ready to go," Anders scoffed, "Alright, everyone in the van. Ladies, you can change in the back. Kid, you're up front with me. Give the girls some privacy while they swap over to their scrubs. Anybody asks, you're from Northside Clinic, and you're bringing me there under orders from Wakano, got it?" "Understood," Pam nodded, following behind Jake and climbing into the van, "Let's start the show, shall we?" |