Just things that I think about now and then. |
August 31, the year is 1985 I gave birth to my first child, 5 weeks early and small enough to wear a cabbage patch doll dress. She stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks so that her lungs could develop enough that she could come home. Here I started my journey of being a parent. Fast forward to 2023 - My daughter, who has given me plenty of joy, a lot of anguish and some moments of anxiety, will be 38 years old. How did that happen? Time indeed marches on, and sometimes tramples over the top of someone, if they are not careful! (LOL...Dolly Parton in Steel Magnolias) I'm grateful to have my daughter, and the also the son and a second daughter as well. They've come to be good kids, and responsible adults (I think mostly in spite of me ) I thank God for them always. We may not always agree on things, and they have become quite the "mother hen" (a crazy roll reversal, much to my grief). But I can honestly say that they love me, as I do them. So, in 38 years, I've come to learn that time waits on NO ONE. I've learned that sometimes I have to let go of the situation, and trust God for the outcome; whether I want to or not. Life is fragile, and sometimes so is the spirit, if I depend only on my strength. What a contemplative night |