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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1050214 added June 4, 2023 at 8:53pm
Restrictions: None
11th week of the year 180
*Mugr* 04/06/66

79 degrees at 07:30. We are still In the Shadow of the Tower.

*Checkr* Exor. 300/50/50/300 = 700. 08:22 79 degrees
*Checkr* obsv. fallen palm frond, nest, after-the-rains litter, bumble checking out a yellow tube... backing out, long grass needing a trim. 08:30
*Checkr* ss&s. 09:10
*Checkr* blog. Neva/Steph/Harlow 10:35
*Checkr* Thai. dûay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtuEbwIpYzQ 12:03
*Clock* เที่ยง 93°F 34°C *Clouds**Sun* Overcast.
*Checkr* meee. "Rent has been paid!Open in new Window. 13:00
*Checkr* tvBL. Eclipse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAT5Pte6bNg 14:30 and the finale of UMG 21:30
*Checkr* foto. palm frond, nest, sweet-sour, race. 18:00
*Checkr* Walk. 18:45 Rain = slippery
*Checkr* PorP. 21:30 15 lines, unfinished
pôod. นิดนอย
Shop. potatoes มันฝรั่ง
*Xr* mess.
*Xr* Pool.
*Xr* gnus. I read the Nooz every day but Florida depresses me.

An ugly bag of mostly water glowing from its inner stardust? Star Trek meets Rumi? Something Neva posted got me thinking.

To Steph: "I prefer tap water. I grew up with treated lake water (decent) and in Missoula our water comes from an aquifer (very good). I always drank tap water in Costa Rica as well.

I do prefer it flavored.

In Thailand no one trusts the water... although it's deemed safe. I boil tap water for my coffee. Bottled water just cost us 416 baht for 10 cases (60 1.5 liter bottles = 90 liters). That's about 4.5 baht/bottle or 13 cents US.

By alkaline do you mean soda water? Don't care for it."

To Harlow: "My blogs garner some views but very few comments. My give/get ratio is about 10:1. That's WdC ... not a community!

My photos on facebook do much better. Comments most every day.

I wonder whether fiscally conservative and anal retentive are related. Conservatives, by definition, tend to value stability, conformity, tradition. This is comforting to those who do not want change. Social-liberalism is demanding change. The two don't go well together.

Let me put it this way... to treat everyone as a human being that deserves respect means sharing a piece of your pie. And many people do not want to share with "them" (no matter who "they" are)."

To Phyllis (Newsfeed): "I have had writing goals in the past. 1/day was my go-to for many years. I'm worn out now. If I can do 200/year that's a victory.

I'm doing better with photos. Can take one hundred in a day... or nothing. I'm trying to edit and post at least one/day at facebook. I get better recognition and feedback there (a non-photo, non-writing site) than here.

I've received 3,785 reviews over 18 years. I don't respond to them often though and that's on me. I should, if only to encourage others to review. I shy away from reviewing myself as I don't know much about stories to critique them. And poetry? No one wants me giving them a 2.5 for a grade school haiku that makes me cringe. If I like it I'll give it a 3.0 even if it fails at being a haiku. A 4.0 means I like it, 4.5 means I like it a lot; 5.0 means I'm gushing. However, most writers seem to want/need hugs but cannot differentiate between someone giving them a hug whilst slicing their dubious writing to shreds.

I guess a good goal would be re-reading and editing old works and finishing or polishing them. *Hearto*"

To Erik Petersen "Americans have no problem flying to Paris to take a selfie with the Eiffel Tower, then going to a tourist restaurant and bitching about the French not speaking English... with that mentality there's little hope that Americans will value what they have at home or come to the understanding that what is done everywhere in the world can be done in the U.S. as well (example...U.A.E.). Yes, I sound cynical, but Reserve Street in Missoula could be turned into Torino/Paris and become a great place to live/work/play/visit. But... very little vision other than a developer's bank account. If the only concern is $$$ then that's the answer. We aren't Brisbane which mandates art as part of the exterior and design of a building. To Americans that's "communism" and absolutely verboten. As long as the materialists hold sway then Art will only have crumbs to live off of. Yes, I'm very cynical."


1. Whether Lauds or None, it's always 3 o'clock somewhere. It was Lauds when the priest's prayers went unanswered and None when his naked body was found.

2. Kissing the door to the freezer was only the second worse problem Isaac faced. Finding a way to unlock it from the inside still eluded him.

3. Daisy peered past the field of dandelions at the naked man approaching her. He looked fine and dandy in her binoculars.

4. Writhing roots converged at the old stump where new purple growth had appeared overnight.

5. Bullshit! Agreed, but I want to know whether that was before or after he was gored.

6. The click-clack wouldn't have bothered him if he weren't sky-diving at 5,000 feet — alone.

7. Flicka knew she had a horse-face, knew that that's why she got the starring rôle.

8. Pansy traipsed around Dillon in his sequined gown. This was his town and anyone who thought different would best move out of his way.

9. "I know I shouldn't count you out but poverty is a crime punishable by death." Bridget was about to find out how right she was.

Bridget Blakley on fb: "I know I shouldn't rant [count you out] but poverty is a crime in the US punishable by death." [Bridget was about to find out how right she was.]

This coming week's forecast: 31/24 and rain every day. Subject to change and reality, of course.

there's a planet where clocks rule time, 8
where nothing new disturbs the day 8
Everyone knows the proper way 8
rhythm's forbidden; there is no rhyme 8
poetry shuns this world 6

and there's a place where no one goes 8
it's dangerous to narrow minds 8
that cannot grasp the jewels they find 8
among the ancient books of prose 8
and tomes of poetry 6

where there's music there's melody 8
and where's there's joy one sees the art 8
weaving wonder within the hearts 8
whilst phrases echo endlessly 8
and know it's poetry 6

15 lines 8/8/8/8/6 abbax no-name-form for "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

*Muglv* 03/06/66

Queen's Day

*Checkv* blog. Phyllis/Lilli/Sorji 08:24
*Checkv* obsv. Slight breeze tickling the leaves, shade from a passing cloud, yellow swallowtail, workout/playground colors: red, gold and green, two hooters (herons?), small cotton puffs. 10:50
*Checkv* Exor. 100/50/50/200 = 400 Took it easy. 10:50
*Checkv* blog. Phyllis/Lilli/Sorji 08:24
*Checkv* ss&s. 11:20
*Clock2* เที่ยง 97°F 36°C *Clouds**Sun* Rain in the forecast.
*Checkv* PorP. "Waiting for JackOpen in new Window. 13:45
*Checkv* foto. Nong Bua, Wat, video of Pan eating. Dog on red carpet. 16:30
*Checkv* Walk. 17:00 82 degrees
*Checkv* Thai. Days/colors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLaz2D6f9Bw 17:50
pood. นิดนอย
*Checkv* tvBL. Our Skyy คาธ | EP.1:1-2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tguDILOBcI4
*Xv* Pool.

"Chapter One - CLOSED till Spring 2025Open in new Window.

Forgotten among the zoysia, now faded sepia, all color drained after Summer fled south... one lone baseball faces the coming cold and Jack Frost's arrival. Will Jack want to play ball? 29w

empty and silent 5
a round object sitting 6
on bleached out grass 4

I was laid to rest 36 hours ago; but my back doesn't like cold hard rock. I snuck past Mary-the-mourner not to wake her up. I craved a bowl of rice. 7/11 was open so I bought two and came back to leave one for Mary. She would be hungry when she woke up. I went for a walk. Never came back.

That's my story. At least the one I experienced. I've seen other recounts of that last week but I won't bother correcting them. I have more important unfinished business to attend to. I've moved on from the trauma.

Next time I die though, please put a toe tag with my true identity: "unknown".


40 word prompts for the following dates:-
06/01/2023- 'You'
06/02/2023- 'new'
06/06/2023- 'Up and down'

The view from the swing had always been lonely, except on Tuesday afternoons when ghosts gathered and his sister joined his vigil. "Hook of the BookOpen in new Window.

สลึง = 1/4 baht.

17:00 82 degrees and sprinkles on the way back from the Wat where Pan made merit on this holy day, Visakha Buja Day.

To Erik Petersen: "Art Nouveau is wonderful in many ways. Ålesund in Norway was rebuilt around 1910 in Art Nouveau and Riga is known for it. Brisbane has ordinances requiring buildings to include art. Over time it will surpass Sydney architecturally; Melbourne is bland. So are most modern American cities. At least a place like Dubai is promoting buildings-as-sculpture. Missoula? Mostly boring. But it needn't be that way. For those who cite the expense I beg to differ. Art is a minimal expense with a huge impact. As long as Americans demand uniformity and conformity (looking at U... Utah Valley) and not encouraging or even allowing self-expression this will be a problem. When Art is considered the play-thing of the wealthy instead of a right accessible by all this is the sad result."

"A TV Show Called Earth" (Philip Labes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXuPF2XmQWo

*Lightning**Rain* Around 9 pm it came crashing down. Wonderful! 80°F Westerly gusts.

*Mugb* 02/06/66

*Checkb* foto. 08:20 Shadows, patterns
*Checkb* Exor. 200/50/50/200 = 500 08:30 81°F
*Checkb* ss&s. 09:15
*Checkb* rent. 11:45 Paid 4 months July through October.
*Clock2* 12 เที่ยง *Sun* 35°C Hot. Will it rain?
*Checkb* PorP. "Decade by decade.Open in new Window. 12:44
*Checkb* blog. Lyn/Annette/Sonali 13:06
*Checkb* obsv. kid's shoes, worker watering, wet shadows, thunder, rainbow 17:30
pood. นิดนอย
*Checkb* Walk. 19:00
*Checkb* Shop. 19:00 lotus, rose, fish, Milo. Pan bought 10 six-packs of 1.5 liter bottled water for 416 baht. 90 liters at 4.6 baht/liter (= 13 US cents/liter).
*Checkb* Thai. Daily routines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab-7F54b0dQ 22:21
*Checkb* tvBL. Be My Favorite. 21:30
*Xb* Pool.

I was cooler this morning. If I can get to the workout station around 8 it's not bad. The towers cast long shadows. In June the workout station is in the shadow of tower A2.

I feel like shit. I'm tired, weak, distraught, depressed.

*Mugo* 01/06/66

*Checko* ss&s. 08:30
*Checko* visa. 09:20 till July 1st
*Clock* 12 เที่ยง *Sun*
*Checko* blog. Carol/Stik/Pumpkin 12:30
*Checko* wash. Pan decided that today was the day. 13:45
*Checko* Thai. 30 phrases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNHBND20ti8 14:13
*CheckO* Exor. 100/50/75/300 = 525. I was 100 degrees. Used gloves. 16:18
*CheckO* Foto. Work station, thunderheads. 17:45
*CheckO* tvBL. 20:30 Skyy 2 ... ATOTS meets BadBuddies. This episode kinda works.
*CheckO* Pool. 20:00 I was able to float on my back! First time since I was a child.
*Checko* PorP. blog entry "After all this time I'm still meOpen in new Window. 20:45
*Checko* obsv. Thunder, lightning! Rain at 9 pm. frog croak, glistening slippery sidewalks. The gate to the wat closed, late night diners, puddles, the pool like bath water. 22:30
*CheckO* Walk. 22:30 26°C
pood. นิดนอย

I need to write to this: "Quotation Inspiration: Official ContestOpen in new Window. "A million dreams are keeping me awake"

I'm exhausted. At least I reconnected with David. I have no friends here at the moment. He suggested the Sport's Bar in the red-light district. Guess some friendly Australians hang out there.

38C degrees at 13:49. I got up to 100F. There was thunder to the west. Big angry clouds. Got a decent photo. Wish the windows were clean.

Forgot that I'm Premium-plus! and can set up another blog. Welcome: "Bibimbap 비빔밥 Open in new Window. Plus I can add photos!

Cardamom... earthy, piney; bite of cinnamon, nutmeg... earthy, sweet; cloves fragrant, anise licorice,

Prison slang: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/11-slang-terms-you-ll-only-hear-in-prison-a...

*Mugg* 31/05/66

30°C at 08:11. *Sun**Clouds* Nursing a coffee. Today: work on writing. Try not to stress about tomorrow (Immigration - visa), Friday (Rent?), Saturday (Holy Day วันวิสาขบูชา Visakha Bucha, Queen's birthday, offices closed and also on Monday the 5th, Buon Bang Fai in Roi Et).

*Checkg* Exor. 200/50/50/200 No problems. 09:20
*Checkg* blog. Neva/Judith/JohnnnyO 10:50
*Checkg* ss&s. 11:10
*Checkg* Thai. 5 tones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNhjPTkBeKw 11:37
*Clock* 12 เที่ยง
*Checkg* PorP. "Snakeheads [180.51] Open in new Window. 16:00 needs edit
*Checkg* Walk. 19:00
*Checkg* Foto. Yellow and purple flowers. Pool. 19:30
*Checkg* Pool. 19:45
*Checkg* tvBL. Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy meets ATOTS... wtf... 21:30
*Checkg* obsv. Bird chasing bug, dappled shadows; thunderheads.
pood. A little.
mess. A little.

Breakfast/frokost: White rice and grilled chicken and grilled pork. I added chopped peanuts and sauce and sliced cucumber. 10:20

To Judith: "I didn't know I had rights growing up. Just being me was 'wrong'. Americans want to vote on everything but refuse to acknowledge the personal freedom to define oneself.

I believe in Human Rights. Americans don't. Which is why your comment "We are not free to inflict damage on other people's rights. is so important imho.

I know that I'm generalizing; but, I have experienced being the recipient of other people's angers, fears and ignorance."

ss&s: morning routines freshening up. May seem silly to most folks but years of depression and not giving-a-rats-ass means that it has to be on my list. I need to 'work' today. It would be easy to just ignore getting dressed, hygiene, eating or anything else on my list.

Thai conjoined twins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2LSdPvPRFA

I entered the Senior contest. "Sunsets of SunflowersOpen in new Window.
Trying to enter "What a Character! : Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.
"SnakeheadsOpen in new Window.
"Elemental Open in new Window.

*Muglp* 30/05/66

*Checkp* blog. Elizabeth/Ken/Tracker 09:10
*Checkp* obsv. partly cloudy cotton puffs, the sun plays with the shadows; shade, sticky, barely a breeze, black&white feathers in flight, pesky flies, my bite itchy, reddened, not healing, whoop of a bird. 10:25
*Checkp* Exor. 200/100/100/200 10:40 88 degrees and *Clouds*
*Checkp* ss&s. 11:40
*Checkp* Thai. Tones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXWiObQ9xu8 13:45
*Checkp* tvBL. พระจันทร์มันไก่ Ep.8 online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIMM-79wRno It ends. 17:00
*Checkp* Walk. 19:00
*Checkp* Foto. 19:00
*Checkp* Pool. 20:00
*Checkp* PorP. 21:15 "Haiku [180.49]Open in new Window.
*Xp* pood.

*Sun* 86 degrees at 08:14

Alice bunnied across the room like a wounded grasshopper, zig-zagging as if her life depended on it. When she entered the board meeting she let go like a rock-slide taking out two executives. The CEO smiled. "Spare?" She thundered and let go a torrent. 44w

Entered Shadows & Light: "HERE LIES A QUEER Open in new Window.

I'm not going to beat up Cruz on this: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ted-cruz-calling-uganda-s-anti-gay-law-h...

TO @victorhugolab "Exactly... I saw those comments too and thought WTF? My boyfriend's mother is 60 but looks 40 by-the-way, so even that is lost on Westerners. My experience is global so I agree that the audience is Asia and specifically Thailand. I stated to someone else: "Jim/Jam are early? 40s and GenX/Millenial. They would have been through the coup d'état of 1991, 2006 and 2014. Isan (Sakon Nakhon where they are from) has been more progressive, more leftist, more Lao, more rural and more repressed than the powers in Bangkok. This may be lost on Westerners as these issues cannot be approached directly. Wen is often seen wearing orange... which is the color of the young progressives that just won the elections on May 14th. Subliminal or intentional? Possibly." I'm in Udon Thani and really appreciate the ways these BL series include culture and language. The silly boy-meets-boy in a private school in Bangkok origins have become deeper with genres added (horror, mystery, crime, etc.) and, with the financial backing, incredible cinematography, great OSTs, and A level actors (Khaotung, Earth, First, among them). They also address mental illness, deafness, disabilities, poverty, physical illness... they are expanding into showing everyday life, including actors who are not bleached-blond Western-wannabes or ethnic Thais (or Thais with light-skinned Chinese heritage) from Central Thailand."

It was 98 in the late afternoon. It was hard taking a walk. I did see a toad/frog and a skink. Got some photos, but overall it was a bust. I came back exhausted to find no one home as Pan decided to go swimming without me. I did join him but this does not make me happy.

*MugY* 29/05/66

*Checky* Exor. 200/50/50/300 ish. A small boy in diapers wanted to join me. *HeartO* 88 degrees. 11:40 = late.
*Checky* obsv. Yesterday; puddles, jet overhead, running to catch Pan, slight pain of the twist, yellow leaves and flowers, slippery tiles, dog bark, moto-roar. Today: young boy looking, thinking, playing. Faint clouds. Rick's cigarette. Pan splayed out in bed. 12:34
*Checky* ss&s. 12:55
*Checky* PorP. Comb/goat/island They climb trees. They eat fruit, shit nuts, that we collect, that we press into oil. rake the ground then comb your hair. No woman is an island when goats must be tended. "In Sousse-Massa [180.48] ((8))Open in new Window. 13:07
*Checky* Foto. Food. 14:00
*Checky* tvBL. พระจันทร์มันไก่ EP.7:1 online. Reaction by Javi. 17:00
*Xy* Pool. Pannya didn't want to tonight.
*Checky* Walk. 18:30
*Checky* Shop. 18:30 local market for vegetables, pork. Pannya cooked.
*Checky* blog. Storm/Stik/Whirls/NormaJean 20:09
*Checky* Thai. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoV4AFQ8UIY 22:30
pood. Spoke a few words but not really.
mess. Pannya made breakfast for me, swept the floor. I did a little.

I wrote a blog entry based on my poem, put it on the Newsfeed as well. "Maya Angelou's advice... when will I know better? Open in new Window.

so far it looks like a productive day; but, I'm unhappy. Lost 4.200+ words that were supposed to become a blog entry. Can't redo it tonight. I rejected Pannya's food because the egg was runny and the veggies under-cooked. I'm not upset with him but he may think that I am. I cringe over raw eggs. I can't chew raw vegetables. My teeth are bad. I explained that they need to be chopped. I hope I'm not stressing him as he gets depressed easily. So... I need to smile. *Smile*


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1050214-11th-week-of-the-year-180