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The changing landscape of Metropolis leaves our heroes backed into a corner |
"Kill them!" a male voice shouted in the confines of the crypts, "Focus fire on the witch while she's weak!" "Typical male chauvinist," Pam grumbled as she raced for cover behind the well, "And people wonder why I prefer women. Kitten, throw me a damn weapon!" "On it!" Beth called back as she laid down suppressing fire at the mob rushing to face them. Beth grabbed a rifle that had fallen to the ground at the start of their attack, and she tossed it to Pam before rolling and ejecting the magazine from her own rifle. She checked it and sighed when she saw it was nearly empty. She cursed Chasity for stripping her of her grenades and pistols. An explosive would have been ideal given that they were quickly getting surrounded. However, she was stuck working with what little she could get her hands on. It wouldn't have been so bad if Pam could provide backup with her magic, but she was clearly struggling to cast right now. No, Beth would have to choose her shots carefully if she was going to come out of this on top. She slapped the magazine back in, and tried to find the cultist who had her pistols. At least if she could get those back, she'd have something of an edge. If nothing else, she'd have more ammunition to work with. The problem was that most of them looked the same. Their faces were different, sure, but they all wore the same black outfits. They needed a better plan, but time was something that was in short supply for them right now. Sighing, Beth popped up and unloaded what was left of her clip into the crowd. Her shots managed to find a home in the midsections of a couple of Meg's followers, but then her gun was empty. Beth was on the move once again as the dull click of an empty mag graced her ears. She ejected the clip once again as she ran towards their opposition. Strafing as much as she could, Beth kept her head down and threw the empty mag at one of the cultists. It managed to hit a woman in the throat, and that was all the time she needed to pounce on another cultist. She tackled the man to the ground and crashed the butt of her empty assault rifle onto his face. He was out cold, but she knew there were more just waiting for a shot at her. Beth tossed hee gun to the side, and grabbed his shoulders to roll onto her back. Another hail of bullets came flying at her, but they embedded themselves in the body of their fellow cultist. So much for trying to take the non lethal approach. Pam popped her head up and took aim at the cultists shooting at Beth. She preferred her magic, but she was thankful that Beth had taken her to firing ranges for dates in the past. Admittedly, Beth was a better shot than her, but Pam was good enough to hit her marks when it counted. It was the recoil she couldn't stand. She used a careful trigger finger to conserve ammo as much as possible, and she managed to take out three more of the cultists. However, she could feel and hear more coming down the corridor from the sewers. They needed to act fast if they were going to catch up with Jake. Pam wasn't as good at counting rounds as Beth, but even she knew the magazine she had wouldn't be enough. They needed to figure out something soon if they were going to survive. The cult's attention returned to her as some of their own fell to the ground bleeding, and Pam dropped back behind cover to save herself. She let out a growl of frustration as she looked around for something they could use. This was getting them nowhere fast, and they hadn't come this far to fall here. An idea came to her as she looked behind her at the bricks with runes carved into them. It wasn't guaranteed, but Chasity had warned the rounds were armor piercing. Pam found a few of the glowing runes and fired a careful burst of rounds at it. She'd had a splitting headache since she'd pushed through the dampeners, but the second the bullets connected, she felt a weight off of her shoulders. It still wasn't a guarantee, but at least it was something to try. "Kitten, shoot the runes!" Pam shouted over the gunfire and fighting. "What?!" Beth shouted back, standing and grabbing another cultist by their jaw and slamming to the ground. "Shoot the fucking bricks that are glowing!" Pam snapped, frustrated at not being able to be heard. Beth ducked down, grabbed another assault rifle that had fallen to the ground, and spun out of the way of more fire aimed at her. She broke into a sprint to find cover, and she looked up at the walls to see what Pam was talking about. "Gotcha!" she shouted as she dove into a slide and aimed at the walls. Pam knew that since Beth was better shot, she'd have more luck dealing with the runes. That meant that she needed to provide as much cover for her girlfriend as possible. She just hoped that she had enough ammo to last until she could use her powers without a migraine. Pam took aim and shot two more of the cultists that were trying to catch Beth, and she watched as Beth opened fire on the opposing wall to extinguish more of the runes. With every one that was shattered, Pam could feel herself regaining power and control. Even if they couldn't destroy them all, it wouldn't be long before she could cast lower level spells again. That would surely be enough to begin to turn the tide in their favor. "No!" Chasity screamed as she charged and dove at Pam, "You're not getting out of this, Pammy! C'mere, you stupid little bitch!" Just like that, Beth lost her support as Chasity tried to tackle Pam. Beth frowned as she realized she'd have to divert her focus between fighting and dealing with the runes. She was confident that Pam could handle herself, though. Although, she wished she had a better feel on how many rounds were left in her assault rifle. A familiar silver glint caught her attention from the corner of her eye, and then the sound of her forty-five caliber pistol hit her ears. She nodded to herself as she made the decision to take down the man who'd taken her weapons. She could deal with the rest afterwards, and she'd have ample ammunition to wreck the runes lining the walls. Pam fell back as Chasity took her to the ground, but she kicked her feet upward to throw her off as they rolled. She got to her feet at the same time as Chasity, and their eyes locked for a fraction of a second. "I was going to knock you out, but I'll have to settle for strangling you!" Chasity screamed at Pam as she lunged for her once again. Pam rolled her eyes as she stepped back and threw a knee into Chasity's stomach, "I'd honestly like to see you try, girl. Unlike you, I intend to make good on my word. All you're doing is furthering your punishment when the time comes." "More like ensuring your precious little pet gets a bullet in the back!" Chasity growled as she recovered and threw a right cross at Pam. Pam leaned back out of the way of Chasity’s fist, but she was surprised by an uppercut from her left that caused her to stumble. She frowned as she recovered just in time to sidestep another punch from Chasity. She could hear gunfire in the background, but she kept her focus on the nuisance in front of her. Chasity threw a straight left, but Pam deflected it with her right and wrapped her arm around hers. She twisted her hips and pulled Chasity in. Summoning what little power she had, Pam struck her chest with an open palm and sent a wave of force out. It wasn't much, but it knocked the wind out of Chasity long enough for Pam to headbutt her. Her already aching head throbbed from the impact, but it was a small price to pay. Meanwhile, Beth was busy dodging bullets and targeting the man who'd taken her pistols. She expended what was left of the magazine in her borrowed rifle, and closed in on the cultist thief she'd been looking for. However, he'd seen her coming and was aiming her own guns at her. Beth jerked to the side as he took a shot at her, and she grabbed the barrel of the rifle to use it as a blunt weapon. She was within striking distance when she felt a burning sensation in her calf as a bullet grazed her leg. She stumbled just long enough for the man holding her guns to put more distance between the two of them. Beth spun around and launched the rifle she'd been planning on using at the ones who'd shot her. It was enough to give her a break to recover and pursue the bastard. Beth grabbed the last knife in her coat as she got closer to the cultist in question. Her leg had a dull ache with it, but her adrenaline kept her from limping. He tried to get away from her again, but she was too fast for him. Two shots, one from each pistol, were fired and missed as she strafed to the side and spun around him. Her free arm wrapped around his neck, and she pulled him in close to use him as a shield. Blade in hand, Beth drove the tip of it into his neck and twisted it. His body tensed for a second before going slack. Blood shot from his neck as she ripped the blade out and pocketed it. She ducked down and caught her pistols before they hit the ground. The weight was familiar and comforting in her hands. Now it was time for her to really get to work. Beth ignored the searing pain shooting through her leg as she spun around, and took two quick shots with her pistols at the herd of cultists gathering in the entryway. Two direct hits to their shoulders dropped them to the ground, but she hadn't loaded her live rounds yet. Taking off in a sprint, Beth ejected the magazines and let them fall to the ground. She was close to another cultist when she was ready to reload, and she swung her pistols in an upward arc to uppercut the woman with the barrels of them. With deft hands, Beth holsters one of her pistols, grabbed a fresh magazine, and slapped it into her pistol. She took aim and fired a few more shots to scatter the crowd and buy time to load her other gun. "Let's dance, fuck-wads," she muttered to herself, fully loaded and finally ready for a fight. As Beth regained her missing armaments, Pam continued fending off Chasity. The young blonde was faster than Pam had originally thought, and she was having to work to avoid a flurry of fists aimed at her face and midsection. Pam had never been so glad to have sparred with Beth as often as she had. Without that training, she might have been overwhelmed by Chasity's vicious assault. However, Pam managed to continually block and deflect the incoming blows. Granted, Chasity was pushing her back with each attempt, but Pam hadn't been hit yet. She'd come close many times, but between trapping Chasity's arms and swatting them away, she'd managed to fend off her brazen attacker. The problem was that the more she exerted herself, the worse her head hurt. Just using the small ounce of magic she had caused her immense stress and pain. She couldn't keep this up forever, and she knew that Chasity would eventually break through her defenses. Using her powers was out of the question right now, and Chasity wasn't giving her any room to breathe. As intolerable as the young woman was, Pam would silently, and begrudgingly, admit she was smarter than she looked. Eventually, Pam's guard faltered just enough for Chasity to land a hard jab to her stomach. The domino effect was immediate, and Pam felt the sting of a harsh uppercut across her jaw. Pam grimaced as she stumbled backward, and Chasity smirked as she stepped forward and roughly kicked her shin. Pam fell to one knee, and Chasity grabbed the back of her head to try to knock her out with a knee-strike to the face. Pam barely managed to stop the incoming attack with her palms, but Chasity tried again with her other knee. Again, Pam managed to block, and she could feel her frustrations beginning to mount. Alongside her own bubbling anger, Pam could feel a bloodlust radiating from Chasity. This girl was a hungry sadist, and that alone infuriated Pam. The sound of gunfire and combat in the background continued to fill the air. It was adding to Pam's growing headache, but then she felt another weight lift from her mind. It was brief at first, but then it gradually started to grow. Pam could hear the sounds of lead marrying stone, and she felt a wonderful sense of relief start to wash over her. Beth was slowly eliminating more of those damned dampening runes. Pam could feel a wealth of power unlock within her, and she quickly tapped into it to launch a counter offensive against Chasity. She continued to block as she willed her magic to take shape in the physical world. The rattling of her signature chains was drowned out by the fighting around them, and Chasity was too absorbed in her potential success to notice. She was rearing back for another attack when her arms were suddenly ensnared by Pam's ghostly chains. Her face paled as her eyes went wide. It was Pam's turn to smirk as she opened her hand and pulled Chasity away from her. She got to her feet and let out a sigh of relief. Chasity struggled to break free, but Pam kept her in place and raised her arm to hoist her into the air. "What's the matter, Chasity?" Pam asked, "You seem surprised. Don't tell me you thought you'd actually win this fight." "Let me go, you fucking heretic!" Chasity screamed, flailing as best she could against her restraints, "Somebody shoot this cunt!" Even as Pam held Chasity in place, she could feel more of her resolve returning. Beth was continually and systematically lifting the wards in the room. Without turning, Pam raised her left hand behind her, and summoned a barrier to stop any bullets coming for her. "I think this game has gone on long enough, don't you?" Pam asked, feeling more confident while still perturbed at the blonde suspended in the air, "I want you to remember that it was your choices that led you to this fate. You're going to learn why it's foolish to have me as an enemy, little girl." "Wait!" Chaisty screamed as Pam jerked her hand down and slammed her foe to the stone floor, "I can tell you whatever you want, just don't hurt me!" Pam walked forward, her barrier following her as she did so, "Oh, you're going to tell me everything I want and more, girl. When I'm through with you, you'll be little more than a shell. If you're good, then maybe I'll find you a home where you'll be cared for, but that's dependent on you." "Please," Chasity begged, "You don't have to do this." "Oh, I know," Pam smiled as she put her boot on the back of Chasity’s head, "But I want to. Sleep, girl, you're going to need rest for what I have in store for you." Pam stomped on her head to knock her out before turning her attention to the remaining cultists in the chamber. She spotted Beth rushing through the crowd with her pistols out and moving like the Feral she was. Pam quickly turned her attention to the remaining runes lining the walls, and she clenched her fist to shatter her chains. The links broke apart, and she flung them into the stone to dispel what was left of the warding. Free to breathe again, she focused on the enemies they still had left to deal with. These people didn't deserve mercy, not after what they'd done. Her outrage and anger manifested itself as she called upon the well of power within her. This had gone on long enough, and it was time to end this little game once and for all. As Pam put an end to her conflict, and prepared to join the fight, Beth reached the end of another clip. Her adrenaline had surged shortly after reloading regaining her pistols, and Alexis' serum from nearly a year ago kicked in. It was rare for Beth to notice the uptick in her agility, but moments like this served as a reminder. Normally, a gunshot wound, even a graze, would have staggered her by now, but she was darting through the fray with ease and precision. Shooting, kicking, and punching anyone that was within range. She'd managed to split between dismantling the runes and the ranks of the cultists with near minimal effort on her part. Rather than reload, Beth holstered her pistols and grabbed one of the cultists by her jaw. She raised up, lifting the woman into the air, and slammed her down onto her back as hard as she could before moving to avoid another hail of gunfire. She saw Pam's magic flicker and smash what few runes remained, and Beth decided to tap into her own magic. She'd been afraid to summon her sword when Pam had reacted so poorly earlier, but maybe it was time to try. Jake was somewhere deeper in the catacombs, and they'd wasted enough time dealing with these lunatics. Beth opened her right hand, and felt the familiar warmth of her bound weapon begin to channel through her arm. The weight of the blade in her hand came next, but the warmth turned to a burn as she thought about what her friend might be enduring. Rage and hate spilled over as she thought about The Amazon, Myers, and these monsters manipulating and hurting innocent people, and Beth's arm suddenly ignited in a blazing blue flame. The sensation forced her to stop and pause as it nearly overwhelmed her. She shuddered as she forced the pain down and concentrated on her upcoming attack. The ground shook and began to split as Pam worked some sort of magic in the distance. The remaining cultists focused their fire on Beth, thinking a stationary target would be simpler, but Beth began spinning her sword at a blinding speed. Time seemed to distort and slow around her as the bullets collided with the ghostly steel of her blade. Beth spun to the side and slammed the tip of her sword against the ground, a trail of lead lining the ground as the bullets fell. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled the bullets back at the cultists, and eliminated another handful. Pam had been in the midst of conjuring when she felt the surge of magic from her pet. The familiar blue aura of Sborro engulfed Beth as she willed her blade into existence. There was a second of concern when she saw fire begin to burn, but Beth was stronger than most. Within seconds the flames were controlled, and her lovely little girlfriend was moving at unbelievable speeds. Satisfied, Pam returned her focus to the spell she'd been preparing. Tapping into the reserves and ancient knowledge she'd learned from her old friend and mentor, Pam pulled a creature from fables and myths from the confines of her mind. The ground cracked and quaked as a behemoth of a serpent rose from the fissures; it burned brightly and smoldered as it rose to a full height of eight feet. Two identical heads broke from the ground, and an earsplitting shriek filled the air as they howled and hissed. Flames crackled and burned out of their mouthes, and Pam felt a smidgen of pride as she looked at her creation. Beth was preparing her attack when she spotted the Hydra burst from the stone below. She spun her blade so that the hilt was facing, and she slid her right foot out behind her. The cultists that remained were startled by the monster Pam had conjured, but Beth wasn't afraid. The trust she'd built up between her and Pam kept her grounded as she launched her offensive. The Hydra roared as it spit fire and flame, and Beth kicked off with remarkable speed towards the cultists. She moved like a blur between them, swinging, slicing, and cutting down any and all that got close. Panic ensued as terror got the better of their enemies, and many of them abandoned their posts and positions. However, they continued to fall to bolts of fire and vicious swings from Beth's blade. The battle was over within seconds, and those that remained tried to flee back the way they'd come. Pam used her power to send the Hydra after them, and their screams filled the stone halls as they were charred and devoured. Beth stopped her assault on the opposite end of the chamber, and she let out a shaky breath as she composed herself. A final swing of her sword, and the blade began to dissipate and fade. She rolled her shoulders and stood up straight as she allowed herself a moment to relax. Pam dispelled her magic and sent the beast back to the abyss as well. "That was a gigantic pain in the ass," Beth sighed as she turned to see what Pam was doing, "What are you going to do with the traitor?" "Exactly what I've already said," Pam replied kneeling down and binding Chasity, "I'm going to teach her the meaning of suffering, the price of foolishness, and why you shouldn't cross me." "We've been together for a year, but when you talk like that, it reminds me why Sal and Sam are scared of you," Beth remarked, walking over to watch Pam work. "You should know better than anyone that I'm not someone to be angered or upset," Pam said, locking Chasity in place. "A red ass and torture are two different things, Pam," Beth pointed out, "Just because I can't sit down for a day doesn't mean you've tortured me." "Are you telling me that I'm going too far, Kitten?" Pam asked, finishing her spell. "I'm not a hypocrite, Pam," Beth replied, "I beat the shit out of Karen Black, so I'm not going to fault you for whatever you're going to do to Chasity. All I'm saying is that when you talk like that, it's intimidating." "Do I scare you, Kitten?" Pam asked, standing up and turning to face her beloved. "Not anymore," Beth replied honestly, "You used to, but I trust you as more than anyone else now." "There's a good and smart girl," Pam smiled at her, "You know I'd never do anything to hurt you." "Again, the inability to sit down kinda falls in a gray area there, but yeah," Beth said, reciting what Pam had told her many times before, "You only punish me when I act up or out, and it's only because you know I can do and be better. Your role is to bring out the best in me, not to bring fear and pain." "So you can listen," Pam chuckled, "You simply choose not to." "I always hear you, Pam," Beth sighed, grabbing her pistols and reloading them, "You haven't steered me wrong yet, even when you went behind my back and helped Rebecca. I still knew you were watching me, looking out for me. That's why I never take my collar off. I want to be your good girl, now and forever." "A sentiment that would be much more moving were we not in a crypt," Pam smiled at her. "Kinda thought this was your bread and butter," Beth smirked behind her helmet. "A smart mouth leads to punishment for naughty girls, Kitten," Pam pointed out. "Talk dirty to me later," Beth waved her off, sobering up and looking towards where Jake had run off, "Jake is still in here, and we need to get to him before something bad happens. Myers has that psycho on her side, and she's messed Jake up almost as bad as Rebecca in the past." Pam nodded and her hand became enveloped in a black mist as she opened a portal beneath Chasity, "You're right, we should move. Let me slip this little troublemaker into a place she can suffer in silence, and we can catch up to him." "Where exactly are you sending her?" Beth asked with a frown. "The space between dimensions where she listen to the screams of those that came before her," Pam shrugged. "How you can say that without batting an eye is beyond me," Beth said, shuddering as she thought about what that would be like. "Would you rather I place her in our home?" Pam asked. "Didn't say that," Beth pointed out, "Just saying, that'd not something that people normally say as though it's obvious." "I'm not most people," Pam retorted. "Fair enough," Beth nodded, "C'mon, let's go find Jake." Pam nodded and the two of them took off into the darkness. They just hoped that Jake had managed to hold his own in the face of his alleged mother and Meg Myers. The Children had been dealt with, at least for now, but their matriarch was still at large. Myers posed a bigger threat than any of them had realized. The woman was more than met the eye, but none of them had any idea just what she was truly capable of. What was her connection to the Brunswick family, and why did she have such a vested interest in them? It was a question that needed to be answered, but one that neither woman the slightest guess. As they disappeared into the darkness, the only light coming from an orb from Pam, a figure stepped out of the shadows. She'd waited and watched as the chaos and carnage that had unfolded reached a climax, but she'd refrained from intervening. Her sister had asked her to hold off, but more than that, she'd been curious to see these new heroes at work. If they had fallen to the ranks of these puny mortals, they'd have been inconsequential to her anyway. Honestly, she'd been surprised at their resourcefulness in overcoming the traps they'd set for them. They'd grown stronger since the last time she'd watched them. She wasn't angry or impatient, but rather she felt a sense of excitement at what was to come. Although, they still had to beat her sister and that annoying woman she'd recruited. If it were up to her, she'd have cast that Rose harlot into the void and dealt with Jake herself, but her sister knew what she was doing. She'd always looked to Eva for guidance, even before she'd ascended to godhood, and if it weren't for her, she'd still be trapped between dimensions. Theirs was a waiting game to he played, and she would play along for the time being. She was willing to be patient if it meant they'd achieve victory in the end. Surveying the bodies that littered the ground, she felt a sense of calm and belonging in her old tomb. She could still feel the magic from the witch permeating the air, and she wondered just how strong she was. Was this Pamela woman their ace in the hole, or had Jake and Beth truly grown this much since they'd last met? Whatever the case, she knew that they were still insects compared to her. This world, and all others, belonged to her. The trio was little more than moving parts in her machine; toys for her to play with when the time finally came. It would surely be a good show when the time eventually arrived. However, she needed to clean up the mess that they'd left behind first. She raised her hand and opened her palm to pull the souls of her departed to her. Their dying screams echoed in her mind, and they were music to her ears. They'd pledged their lives to her light, and she would give them what they desired in death. Whether they enjoyed it or not didn't matter to her. Whatever promises they'd had paled in comparison to the truth. They were hers, and their life-force would serve to further her powers and ambitions. Batteries, that's all these wretches were in the end. Submissive little toys that would serve to fuel and amuse her for eons to come. She was the alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end. All roads led to her, through her, and she would give no rest to those that failed her. They'd served her in life, and they would serve her in death. A ball of swirling Astral energy began to form in her palm, and the screams of the dead grew louder as they were pulled toward it. She inhaled through her nose and savored the feeling of their pain. Their anguish was like nectar to her, and she drank it in with joy. Their bodies dissolved or eroded into dust, but their souls flew to her. Hell could be damned, they belonged to her. If the devil wished to collect, then she could bring herself to this plane of existence. Still, she wanted to see the ones who'd ended her suffer. Their time would come, though. Eva wanted them broken first, and she could understand. After what Jake had done to their family, she couldn't deny a similar want. His sister had been fun, but he was the prize she truly wanted. "The fall is coming," she said to herself as she closed the portal, "You will bend and break, Jake Blackridge, and I will be there to see it come to fruition. Soon, little boy, soon your reckoning will be at hand." |