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Anastasia the Tiger taur tells her tale to her young about her visit to a micro world. |
Anastiasa snarled, making the youngsters jump and even Shadow. “Sorry. It was a Brown Bear Taur. You know what I told you about them?” Boris gulped “They are twice our height, arrogant and egotistical” Anastasia huffed “Yes. Worst of all it was a male Bear. As you hopefully remember they will clear off if disarmed. As it humiliates them. That was the only way I managed to win a few fights with them”. “Soon he appeared. He was charging right for me. His feet were huge as were his claws. He had his sword drawn as he reached the tinies city. He didn’t even slow”. Boris gasped “He just tore straight through without a care?!” Anastasia growled “Yes, he trampled everything under those broad paws of his. He even called the tinies measly bugs as he tore through the tinies homes.” She visibly became angry. As did the two youngsters. “What a nasty monster! I hope you beat him up good!” Said Boris angrily. Anastasia growled “Oh I did. I let off a loud roar in extreme anger. Inadvertently I blew out windows and made my tiny riders cower. I couldn’t feel bad at the time as I was in a rage at the Bears destruction, killing and stinking attitude. I held my ground, I wasn't going to charge into the city and carve a trail of destruction of my own. I unsheathed my claws to anchor into the curb and held my Greatsword defensively before me. The Bear stopped before me and mockingly grinned down at me”. Boris snarled, “I would have gone for him.” “Oh I was so tempted to. He called me an angry little kitty!” Both youngsters' mouths dropped “How rude!” Anastasia growled “Yes. I told him I thought he was sick picking on the tinies. He just snickered and slammed one of his paws down on a building. I was absolutely livid. I gritted my fangs and snarled as he called the tinies disgusting bugs, then he noticed the ones upon my back”. “Oh no! He sounded so evil and mean. Why would he call such cute sounding creatures disgusting?” Asked Valentina. Boris huffed “Clearly he was blind from licking his own arse!” Anastasia laughed “Pretty much. But he then swung his sword at my back, going for the tinies. I barely managed to block it with my sword. He called me a rather colourful word and threatened to stomp me along with the tinies. He pushed me back then swung again. I just managed to deflect it with a mighty clang and shower of sparks. I swiped but he blocked me. He went for my head, I ducked just in time. I did try to grab his arm and pull him down but instead he lifted me up and threw me back”. “Oh no. He sounded like a dangerous opponent”. Whined Valentina. Anastasia huffed “He sure was. Sadly As I slid back I smashed through multiple buildings. But luckily they were empty. I barely had time to react as the Bear lunged at me. I blocked him again, but usually I would be moving around. But I was surrounded by buildings and tinies. I had a quick sniff to confirm there were no tinies in the area around us. Apart from those on my back. I realised I would have to be more aggressive to deal with the brute”. “But what of the tinies on your back? If you wanted to fight better you would have to get them off?” Asked Boris. Anastasia nodded “I did just that. I managed to push the Bear off and he slipped back on some travelling boxes. Giving me time to leap away and unload my riders. I sat on a patch of grass, letting them tumble off my back. Before you worry my fur cushioned them as they fell off. Now I had no tiny riders to worry about I could step things up a notch”. Boris and Valentina looked at her intently “Ooh listening to mother give it her all. So exciting!” Giuggled Boris. Anastasia laughed as she carried on “Yes. I roared and charged at him. Calling him a fat ugly brute to anger him. Below I sadly did have to mash through the tinies buildings and trails. Creating deep paw print craters but I had to protect them from the monster before me. The now extra angry Bear charged for me also. Carving up his own trail of destruction. Geysers of water sprayed from alongside the trails but worse I smelt gas”. “Gas? What’s that?” Asked Boris confused. Anastasia shook her head “I’ve warned you before about the stuff. How it leaks from some areas and it is highly flammable. Just the slightest spark would trigger a deadly explosion”. Boris’s eyes went wide “Oh. Did you use this to your advantage?” Anastasia sighed “Yes, though you ruined the story a bit. You see after charging past each other and swiping with our swords we produced sparks. Luckily, we didn't ignite the gas. He insulted me again, claiming to be superior. I called him superior in weight, which really angered him” “Was pissing him off the best idea?” Whined Valentina. “Yes, you see anger causes you to make mistakes. Which the Bear ended up doing. He ran a short distance away before turning and charging with all his might. I stood my ground, sinking my claws into the ground to anchor myself. I lifted my sword back to expose myself”. Boris gasped “Wait what?!” Anastasia growled “I knew what I was doing! When he reached the area with the leaking gas I tossed my sword at him. He of course swung to deflect it which produced sparks and….” “Boom?” Said Valentina. Anastasia nodded “Yes.I had to back up as with a roar along with a blinding light and heat hit me as it consumed the area around the Bear in one all mighty fireball”. Valentina whined “But the tinies…” Boris snorted “Mother told you there were none in that area”. Valentina giggled “Oh. I forgot”. Anastasia clenched her fist “I was pleased with myself. I did a quick check for tinies but luckily not one had been caught out. I approached the smoking area to find the Bear”, “Dead I hope!” Shouted Boris. Anastasia shook her head “No, He was alive. Lying on his back, fur singed along with burnt patches of flesh. I was not in a mood for mercy. He was an evil cold blooded murderer and needed justice. So I grabbed my bow and fired off six arrows into every limb. I walked up to him retrieving my Sword that was not damaged luckily. He tried one last insult but my sword plunging into his throat silence him for good”. “Oh my. What a brutal end for a brutal monster”. Said Valentina. Boris nodded in agreement. “I bet it was messy though. Anastasia sighed “It was, blood poured everywhere and out of his mouth. But it had to be done. Once I’d finished him I planted a paw on him and roared to the heavens in victory. I looked around at the devastation I’d caused. I felt guilty but I had no choice. I retrieved my arrows and sword then returned to where I’d left my riders”. “Were they still there?” Asked Valentina. “Yes, they sure were. I was panting heavily from my fight, it had worn me right out. I was worried they might be wary of me after my actions. Plus I still had my bloodied Sword in my hand. I dropped onto my belly on the green patch before them. To my delight they cheered and ran up to me. They started to stroke my chest and legs”. Both youngsters giggled “Aww so cute and nice to hear they were grateful”. Anastasia smiled. “It sure was. I dropped my sword aside and enjoyed their petting. I did apologise for the mess. I think they understood me. But I also wanted to check on the city's other inhabitants. I lifted my head high for a good look and sniff. What I saw was quite the shock”. |