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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1036251 added August 27, 2022 at 12:18am
Restrictions: None
A child's Terrifying trip to the movies - Bimbisara
It was August 6th, 2022, and you and your whole family has been celebrating the death of the head of a terrorist organization.

You and your whole family are in joy over this. However, just days ago, you weren't feeling quite happy. Days ago, you were just coming home from spending a week or two in jail because of that bastard brother of yours. When you got home, both you and your girlfriend gasp in shock as your place looked like it was ransacked. Outside of your house, you see some spray painted graffiti on the outside walls of your house. They say things like "Racist Pigs" and "Home of the Homophobic Fatties!" You then see some trash strewn about your yard and the outdoor play area. You then see a door that is wide open and run inside it, starting to go into a panic. Your panic goes into overdrive as you realize that a lot of your stuff has gone missing and started to lose your shit.

She asks what the Hell you are looking for and you told her that not only has your collection of wrestling action figures have been stolen, but a very important book as well! She asks what it was and you told her that it was a signed Harry Potter book!

She tells you that it was just a stupid book and you told her that it costs a fortune! She then tells you to just get the fuck over it and move on and be thankful we still have a home, children, and our lives! You get mad and was half tempted to slug her, but didn't want to go back to jail so quickly...

That was days ago. Today, your family was gathering at a Japanese steakhouse to celebrate America's victory over terrorism. As you are all sitting at the table, your mother decided to text your brother and asks where he is. After a while, you notice your mother getting pale and began to shake uncontrollably. You ask what is wrong and she tells you that, despite the circumstances, your brother is, once again, WATCHING ANOTHER GODDAMN INDIAN MOVIE!!!

You couldn't fucking believe it. At a time like this, your brother is still gutsy enough to go and pull something like this! You then wonder why terrorists would do something like this. Then a thought hits you, they are getting back at this country for the DRONE STRIKES, AND ARE GETTING VENGEANCE FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN'S ACTIONS!

Before you could do anything, your group notices warm fluids going down the legs of your mother. That was when you realized that she is pissing on herself out of fear before collapsing onto the ground in shock.

Thankfully, you all have managed to get your mother sent to a hospital. All that is left is to get vengeance against that asshole brother of yours! Thankfully, they didn't steal your camera and the equipment, seeming to be only wanting to steal other priceless things. You get your gear together and you, along with your sister's group, head to the International Movie Theater.

You find your brother's beat-up Jeep and to your surprise, didn't see that psychopath friend of his. You then remember that his friend is still IN THE HOSPITAL WITH COVID! He seems to be taking quite some time to recover from this, but regardless, you have a mission to carry out! You decided to follow your other brother's strategy and hide the camera in your pants before going inside. You manage to find the bastard and his friend in the raggedy clothes going into a showroom with a shit load of other strange people. Your girlfriend asks what are we going to do and you come up with an ingenious plan! You were only going to go about halfway up the stairway entrance before you turn on the camera's lights, because it is dark as a damn cave in that showroom! You looked around for any brutish guards before you slipped into the stairway. Thankfully, no one is in the stairway, so your group huddled up as you turn on the camera's lights. You all then rush up the stairway and begin shining your light around in the theater, shining it on random people's faces. This was, again, one of the luxury rooms and each person had a recliner seat. As you look around for your brother, you get a few glimpses of the lame movie. It appears to be in the part where a couple of people are running through a poorly rendered CGI cave. Your girlfriend then spots your brother in the middle row and your group proceeded to where he is and shined your light on his face. You then begin to ask him questions on him generally being an asshole, but he seems to be quite confused. Either he was blinded by the camera's lights or was high on his medicine, or both, he clearly did not recognize you or anyone in your group. He keeps telling you to get in a seat, turn off the light and be quiet during the movie. You continue to ask him questions and he keeps telling you the same garbage. Eventually, his friend loses his patience and somehow manages to run your whole group out of the showroom! You can tell he is quite pissed because he keeps shoving on you hard while cussing up a storm like a drunken sailor! Of course, all the ruckus attracted the security guards' attention and they ask what is going on. Ross's friend in the raggedy clothes tells them about your group causing trouble in the showroom and the guards ask for a ticket stub.

Upon failing to provide a stub, the guards promptly grabs your group and roughly escorts you all out of the theater in a brutish manner! Your sister, in utter shock from the security guards' treatment, says, "Wow, what a bunch of fucking assholes!" And you of course tell her that's usually how things go at this theater. She asks how they are so nice to your brother, but treat everyone else in the family like garbage! You reply by telling her that the asshole probably dumps a bunch of money at the theater. "Well, that explains some things!" She says, still clearly annoyed at the earlier treatment. Your group checks in on your mother and she is fine, but she will have to stay a night or two in the hospital.

That night, as you heat up a frozen dinner, you started to cough your lungs out. Your girlfriend comes in and asks if you are alright, because the coughing is waking her up. You tell her that it's fine and you just got a tickle in your throat. She then rolls her eyes and says that she thinks you caught COVID. You tell her you didn't and you two immediately get into an argument. The next day, as she schedules you an appointment for a COVID test, you start cussing up a storm under your breath at your asshole brother again for the fiasco...
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