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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1036038-Three-Days-Off-Now
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1036038 added August 2, 2022 at 11:30pm
Restrictions: None
Three Days Off Now
Three Days Off Now

Unfortunately, I was right for a change. Yesterday was a short blog entry. Will it be another one today? I hope not. But it might be. After all, I don’t have too much to write about again today. That may have not been the reason for my lack of writing yesterday. But it is today.

With three days off instead of two, I thought that I would have more time to do my writing. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been that way so far. I have had some time during my days off last week to get some writing done on my scriptwriting projects. But I haven’t this week so far. At least I haven’t for my Water Wars scriptwriting project.

Got quite a bit of writing done last week when it comes to my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual. But that’s because I did that at work. My Water Wars scriptwriting project used to be the project that I did at work. Now it’s my second project, The Final Ritual.

With three days off work week now, I thought that it was pretty even for me to work on my Water Wars scriptwriting project during my days off and my second scriptwriting project, The Final Ritual, while I’m working. Especially, since I have some catching up to do with my second project.

So far, it has worked for my second project. But it hasn’t been for my first one. This is the second day in a row that I haven’t been able to get any writing done on this project. Yesterday, I can understand because of my lack of sleep. But today I can’t use that excuse.

Why didn’t I get any writing done today on this project? What is the usual reason why I don’t get any writing done? That’s right. Unfortunately, it’s because of what my brother and I had to do today. It wasn’t that much that needed to be done. But what we did need to do took up almost the whole day to do it.

That’s why I didn’t get any writing done today. As for tomorrow, I don’t know. I don’t think that my brother and I have anything to do tomorrow. But I have been wrong about that before. If I am wrong about that again, I hope that it doesn’t take the whole day to do it.

Of course, that may all change once I get this month’s ‘What a Character’ prompt for the WDC Short Story contest for this month. And any other contest that I may be getting. So far, I haven’t gotten either one of them. But once I do, I may be shutting down all of my scriptwriting projects until I get them written. After all, I can now work on Short Stories at work too.

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