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Austerity is a form of punishment and augments the disparity between those who have vs those who don't. The very reason for permanently establishing QUANTITATIVE EASING is to prevent the few enslaving the many through greed and monetary hoarding. The PEOPLE as a collective own the treasury. Not a single person or a small group sitting on top of a mountain of cash. Debt collection is used along with the implementation of taxation to not only presently manage society, its being deployed in order for the few to remain constant over the many. Furthermore, when you also manipulate the system of governance between nation states through the use and false justification of currency differences enhanced with these differences in law and language, this also enslaves. ANYTHING THAT ENSLAVES IS AN EXTENSION OF CORRUPTION. We all must free ourselves from this perpetual pendulum of punishment. THIS PROCESS WAS ESTABLISHED FOR THE FEW OVER THE MANY OVER TIME THROUGH THE USE OF LANGUAGE AUGMENTED WITH HATE. The proof is all around us to see and experience. FREE HUMANITIES IMMENSE POTENTIAL. By doing so, we will secure our time and existence along with managing our planets resources which in turn shall lengthen the time humanity will have to enjoy the planet. A side effect of this collective process change will establish the mining off planet which will also minimize negative environmental issues. |