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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
They entered the large main hall. The same black and white tiles lined the floor, but there were rugs of royal purple with gold inlay covering portions of the floor. More portraits of Goth hung on the walls, and tables with statues of strange beasts sat atop them. Torches lit up the room with green and purple flames casting strange dancing shadows along the floor. Twin staircases sat off in the distance, and the library and living room could just barely be seen in the distance. Rebecca had taken it upon herself to redo more of Jake's family home than he liked. The chains and shackles hanging from the walls were evidence enough of that. The sight served to fuel his unfiltered outrage at how far he'd let things go. An ambush of seven women stood waiting for everyone. Their bodies had been mutated by Rebecca's foul magic and demonic influence. Just like Morgana and the others Jason had faced, their skin had turned a sickly ash gray with lines of purple and red running down along their exposed skin. Their eyes were glowing red, and all of them were filled with hate and lust. More women stood along the staircase readying spells to fire for support. The seven women, on the other hand, stood with spectral weapons in hand. Axes, spears, swords, and other instruments of pain and misery radiated with a glow of demonic energy. They stood poised to attack, but not one of them made a move towards them. The thundering voice of Rebecca boomed throughout the manor, "Let him pass! Send him to me! He is mine, and mine alone!" "Nice to see she hasn't lost the dramatic flare," Beth scoffed. One of the seven women stepped forward and gestured at Jake, "Our Goddess has given the decree, Raven. Step forth and answer the call of your master." "She's no master of mine," Jake spat. "Were it not for her favor, I'd strike you down for such blasphemy, boy," the woman snapped, "You are not worthy of her love, but then none of us are truly worthy. Go now, and have your little friends lay down their arms in surrender." "Not happening, bitch," Beth said, stepping forward, "He can go, but you're dumber than you are ugly if you think we're just gonna lay down and submit." "You are outnumbered, outclassed, and overpowered, girl," the woman said, "If you choose to fight, then you are truly fools. Do what you wish, but know that the Goddess doesn't care whether your little band of renegades lives or dies. Your lives will be forfeit if you choose to defy her will, but should you submit, there may yet be redemption for you all." "As if," Beth scoffed, "Redemption from a woman who serves demons, what a joke. Jake, go and see what your psycho ex wants. We'll handle this." Jake nodded and slowly walked forward. The women created a path for him, and he got a good look at the sheer number of Goth's forces lying in wait. The dozen that Pam had sensed must have been from this room. He could practically feel magic filling the air. The staircases were lined with unarmed women with glowing hands and eyes. Just past the seven mutated maidens, Magdeleine stood with eight other women holding staves and glaring at him. Their looks told him that they didn't think he deserved his position, but he ignored them as he passed. Fifteen on the floor, counting the seven from before, and at least a dozen on each staircase. His friends were in for a fight for their lives while he dealt with Rebecca. He knew, though, that between Beth and Kait, they wouldn't back down or shy away. They hadn't come this far just to surrender. Pam watched as Jake began his ascent to the upper levels of the manor. She was sure that Rebecca planned to wield her power over him and attempt to break him one final time. She felt confident that Jake was strong enough to resist her now, though. Right now, she and everyone else had more pressing matters to worry about. These were the elite members of Rebecca's new coven. The air held a static charge that only came from the arcane. If it were just the seven standing before them, then maybe it wouldn't have been such a problem. Rebecca wasn't one to fight fair, though, and that meant that her followers wouldn't either. It was how she'd been taught after all. Give no quarter, and use every advantage, no matter how dirty and deceitful, against your enemies. The casters in the back were sure to join in just as soon as the battle started, and even she couldn't create a barrier strong enough to hold all of them back. "We will ask one final time," the woman said, "Will you yield?" "No chance," Pam said as everyone prepared for the fight of their lives. "So be it, infidels," the woman said, swinging a greatsword over her shoulder, "They have chosen defiance, sisters! Let us instruct them in the ways of might and discipline! Break them, sisters, and show them the power of our Goddess!" "Love their humility," Alexis chuckled, "Let's have some fun!" "Zoey, Sally, Sam, focus on the casters in the back!" Pam ordered as she prepared to fight, "Everyone else, spread out and pick a target! We haven't come this far to fall!" With those words, chaos was unleashed throughout the main hall. Spells from fireballs, missiles, and beams rained down from the stairwells while the seven warrior maidens rushed to block everyone's path. Kait, Beth, Alexis, and several of Pam's duplicates dashed forward to meet them and prevent them from attacking their firing squad. Zoey, Sam, Sally, and Jason took off while firing at the women on the stairs in hopes of breaking their concentration and cutting down some of their ranks. The hall was abuzz with magic, gunfire, and weapons clashing with one another. Three of Pam's duplicates slipped past the seven to try to take down and cover a few of the casters lurking in the back. Alexis slid under a swing from a two-handed mace from one of the mutated maidens and between her legs. She grinned as she spun herself on the ground and tried to kick the woman's legs out from below. The woman didn't budge, and instead turned around to slam the head of her mace down where Alexis sat. She rolled into a backhandspring to avoid getting crushed by the spiked instrument. She let out a thoughtful hum as she contemplated how to take down her fearsome foe. She could play defensive for a time while she worked to figure out how to attack. Until then, she would do what she did best: avoid and annoy. Alexis began dodging and dancing around her attacker with ease while laughing and mocking her in hopes of causing a misstep. While Alexis took a defensive and tactical approach, Kait charged in and locked blades with another of the titanic maidens. The woman was taller than her, but their strength was evenly matched. A rogue spell flew at her, but she batted it away with her shield. The woman pulled back and attempted to swing up at an angle at Kait, but stepped out of the way and tried to slash at her chest. A quick spin of the greatsword deflected her attack, but Kait blocked the counter with her shield. This was what she'd been needing; the thrill of a hardened battle in single combat. Despite the stakes, she couldn't help but savor the feeling of a welcomed challenge for a change. Sparks flew as her blade once again locked with the greatsword of her opponent. Beth had taken the direct approach like Kait, and she was already forcing her opponent on the defensive with a barrage of blindingly fast attacks. The maiden she fought wielded a large halberd, but with Beth's continued assault, she was barely able to launch a counter offensive. She fought with every ounce of tenacity and hate that had built up within her over the last year; everything had been leading to these moments. She could feel herself moving out of instinct rather than thought, and she slowly forced her opponent back. A barrage of magic missiles came her way, and without missing a step, Beth stepped around to avoid them before returning to her flurry of attacks. She was through holding back, and if these citizens chose to stand with Goth, then they'd chosen to die alongside her. Pam worked on a divided front with the remaining four maidens. The different facets of herself, Rage, Courage, and Lust, fought autonomously with minute guidance from their host. Courage swelled to the same height as the titan, and she wielded the same hammer that her adversary used. Her strikes were hard, fast, and thundered throughout the room. Rage moved in a furious assault from different angles against her own opponent. Fire and sparks flew from her body as she chose to attack with every bit of hate within her. Lust, the embodiment of Pam's trademark chains, kept her distance and whipped her weapons at her maiden. The luminous violet chains sprung up around the woman wielding an axe as big as herself. All the while Pam faced off with her own opponent with nothing more than her spells and bare hands. Sally, Sam, Jason, and Zoey fanned out in search of cover while laying down suppressing fire. Flashing lights from the various spells whipping about the room created an almost stroking effect as they ran. Sam and Zoey kept close together and fired their guns at the casters; their bullets either missing or ricocheting off of barriers erected by the maidens. Sally and Jason broke off to the left, but Jason opted to push forward while Sally hung back and ducked behind a table she knocked over onto its side. "Jay, catch!" she yelled as she tossed a grenade at him, "Give those cunts a surprise for me!" He caught the explosive and nodded as he zigged and zagged his way closer, "Count on it!" "No you don't!" one of the maidens exclaimed as she raised her left hand before slowly dropping it down, "Try this on for size, you little worms!" A large red portal in the air towards the center of the room, and a massive chunk of molten rock began to fall from it. "Fuck, Pam!" Jason yelled. "I see it," Pam said as she stepped back to avoid getting cleaved by her opponent. The golden clone of herself, Wisdom, dissipated from her position near the stairwell. She appeared beneath the falling meteor, and held up her hands before her body began to expand. Wisdom's body rose into the air and began morphing around the falling rock. She enveloped it in a golden light. Her body sparkled as it wrapped around the spell. The meteor exploded within her, but the blast did nothing except raise the temperature in the room. Wisdom's form faded after absorbing the energy, but she returned to her identical copy shortly thereafter. She disappeared in the direction of the evoker who'd called down what would have been a disastrous spell seconds after returning. "Damn, that's cool as hell," Sam said as she popped up from behind a bench she and Zoey hid behind to shoot, "She still scares the piss out of me, but damn if she's not a literal ace in the hole." "I'm just glad she's on our side," Zoey said, slapping another magazine into her pistol, "We need all the help we can get right now." Alexis had seen Pam's display of power as she was being flung off to the side. She couldn't fully appreciate it since her back had slammed into the wall at the apex of the explosion. A cutlass clattered to the ground beside her as she landed on her stomach. "Ow, that one stung," she grunted as she pushed herself up and spotted the cutlass. She picked it up and leapt to her feet, "Haha!" she cackled, "Avast ye, scurvy slut, now it's a fair fight!" The maiden she'd been facing glared and grunted, "Do you ever shut up?" Alexis brandished her sword, stepped forward as though fencing, and grinned, "Nope!" "I'll make sure to cut out your tongue first then, worthless little whore!" the maiden yelled as she charged forward with her mace at the ready. Alexis laughed as she spun out of the way and thrust her sword at her opponent's side, "You'll have to hit me first, slow poke! Na, na, na, na, over here, thundercunt!" The maiden swung her mace to the side hard and fast, but Alexis dropped to the ground in a split. She thrust the tip of her sword at the maiden's calf, and smiled wickedly as it pierced through her flesh. She pulled back and rolled backwards as the woman yelled and slammed the head of her mace down where she'd been only a second ago. "Stand still, you annoying little insect!" the woman roared as she charged towards Alexis. Alexis ducked as another spell nearly hit her and laughed, "Make me!" As Alexis continued to infuriate and antagonize her attacker, Kait remained locked in a wordless battle of wills with her own adversary. Their skirmish had been deadlocked again and again as their swords met or missed their target. Kait stepped back and raised her shield to stop a mighty overhanded swing from her opponent. Her knee nearly buckled from the weight, but she stood her ground and tried to slash at her chest. The maiden withdrew her sword, and knocked Kait's aside before spinning it again and trying to run her through. A simple sidestep and a twist of her wrist was all Kait needed to redirect the incoming attack. "You're different from the others," the maiden remarked as she turned to face her, "Stronger, more disciplined than many of your allies." "I am a warrior," Kait said, resuming her stance with her shield raised and her sword resting on the edge of it, "You just happened to be unfortunate enough to get in my way." "Heh, I'd say you're arrogant, but with those skills it's merely confidence," the woman chuckled, twirling her sword, "As a child, I read tales of warriors and strong women. I dreamed of becoming something out of those old legends, but it wasn't until the Goddess gifted me these abilities that it became a reality. I am Astrid, one of the seven chosen faithful enforcers of her will." "Relying on the strength of others is a weakness," Kait spat, "I am Kaitlyn Cassidy, and I rely on my own prowess and abilities. I was the conqueror of this city, but now I am just a warrior seeking a cause. Your Goddess stands against me, and I do not submit to others." "What a shameful and narrow point of view," Astrid sighed, raising her blade, "You would have made a fine addition to our ranks, Kaitlyn, but your stubbornness will only end in your death." "Enough talk," Kait snapped, "If you're a warrior then you should let your actions speak for you. Let's see who is still standing once this duel is over, Astrid." "Yes, let's," Astrid said, charging forward and locking blades with Kait once again. Beth continued her relentless attack against her opponent. She hadn't given the woman a second to breathe, but she'd yet to land a single blow against her. Despite the inability to launch a counter offensive, the woman had managed to maintain a quick and strong guard against her attacks. She'd narrowly avoided Beth's blade a few times, but she was doing well to keep the edge from finding a home in her flesh. Beth would swing left only to have her sword deflected by the steel pole, or she'd attempt an uppercut only to cut through the air. It was frustrating her beyond belief, but she could feel the heat from battle swelling within her sword arm. Soon she would unleash a furious blast that would hopefully shatter the woman's guard. Finally, the woman managed to parry Beth's attack and strike her back with the blunt end of her halberd. Beth stumbled forward, but she quickly spun around to deflect the oncoming blade aimed at her throat. "Yield, you disgusting vermin," the woman barked, "You are a blight on what should be a perfect world. Stand down, and I will let you live." "What's wrong?" Beth asked, standing her ground, "You seem scared. Maybe it's because you've heard about what I've done to Goth's past followers. I'll die before I let that lunatic, or any of you, win!" "You're strong, but you lack the temperament to succeed, little girl," the woman said, "You could be a weapon of the Goddess, but you choose to be unruly and to defy your betters!" "I don't have betters!" Beth roared, slashing at her, "My partner views me as an equal, something you and your kind will never understand!" The woman blocked again and threw a punch at Beth's jaw that knocked her back, "Your partner is a diluted and pathetic fool! She had everything, and she threw it away for the sake of a slave! If you are equals, then even combined you are both less than nothing!" "Shut up!" Beth roared, her anger surging through her and her reflexes heightening in response, "You don't know a thing about either of us beyond what your master has said! Did she tell you that I ended her sister? Did she tell you that I killed her right hand? Did she tell you that deep down she fears me?! I'll show you what real terror is, you ugly cow!" "Insolent little blasphemer!" the woman roared while fending off Beth's attacks, "You are as arrogant as you are fool hearted! When this is over, you'll serve as my personal toy while your lover watches!" "Go to hell!" Beth screamed as she pushed her opponent back, "I'll drag you there myself, and then you can watch while your Goddess is tortured for eternity!" Pam and her doubles held their opponents at bay with relative ease. Rage's continued and ruthless assault with her fire and skeletal minions was slowly wearing her opponent down. Courage fended off and parried every attack that came her way, and Lust had begun stripping away her opponent's armor. Pam had summoned multiple swords to fight for herself between parrying and dodging her attacker. Though multiple parts of the same person, they fought with a singular and possessive mind. There was no pity for what these women had chosen to believe, there was only disdain for the choices they'd made. These were the real monsters from fables, and these women sought to tear her beloved and her friends away from one another. The thought was infuriating, and it fueled every attack she made. A volley of spells was aimed at her after the casters realized that she was the largest threat to their efforts at stopping the others. Pam scoffed as she jumped back and held out her hands to create a barrier around herself. The fireballs and missiles slammed into it, and Pam pulled the magic into her body. If these women wanted to see true arcane prowess, then she would show them just that. She held her barrier in place as her opponent rushed forward to try to shatter it. With a simple thought, she pushed the energy back out and created an explosion that shook the foundation of the manor. Everyone but her was knocked off their feet and backward, including her team. She stepped forward towards the maiden who'd landed on her back, ignoring Jason as he yelled, "Pam, what the hell?!" She planted her boot on the woman's chest, digging her heel into the exposed flesh. She held a single orb in her hand and glared down at her, "This is the price you pay for following blindly. May you and the others serve as an example for women better than yourself." "Fuck you, you pretnetous whore!" the woman yelled before she began screaming as Pam slammed her hand down onto her chest. The orb slid into her chest, and her body began to convulse as her screams intensified. Her skin began to glow as heat bubbled up within her, and in seconds an explosion of gore brought everything to a screeching halt. Pam stood upon her bloody remains and looked around the room, "This is the fate you've all chosen! Your Goddess has led you to your deaths, and we are the reapers come to collect!" Upon seeing the gruesome demise of their sister and hearing Pam's fearsome declaration, several of the casters froze. Three in particular shared a look of fear and dread. A slender raven haired young woman, a tall and strong purple woman with purple hair, and a heavy set blonde slowly stepped back from their sisters. The trio abandoned their posts without a second thought, and they disappeared down the stairs and out the door. There were some who called out to them, deeming them cowards and traitors, but others simply fought to regain their composure. Even with the loss of those three, the battle resumed after a moment of unease; albeit with trepidation briming within their ranks. "Jesus, it's shit like that that makes me say she's scary," Sam shuddered, pushing the table off of her, "I do not want to be on her bad side. Beth is murdery, but her girlfriend is like something out of a nightmare when she's pissed." "Yeah, I'll admit that's more than a little unsettling," Zoey agreed, "Again, let's just be glad she's on our side." Alexis had been in the middle of a leaping stab against her opponent when Pam erupted in a magical explosion. The sudden blast had sent her flying into the air, and she was currently clinging to the chandelier swinging back and forth. She couldn't recall a time when she'd felt this happy since before Goth's rise to power over Jake. The thrill of battle, the rush of murder and mayhem, and the reminder that she had a new toy waiting for her when they won. She looked around beneath her to make sure that none of her friends were around. Seeing no one but their enemies, she grinned wickedly and swung her sword at the old chain holding up the chandelier and screamed, "Special delivery!" She rode the falling light fixture midway down before kicking off and launching herself over one of the banisters. The chandelier smashed into the ground and shattered. Several of the casters that had moved from the stairwells were crushed and killed upon impact, and Alexis quickly started to lash out at the women on the stairs. Being in such close quarters made dodging more difficult, but she was quick on her feet and kept moving throughout their assault. With their attention diverted, Zoey, Sam, and Sally's bullets began finding homes in their bodies. Alexis cut down any that faltered from a gunshot, and slashed at anyone close by. She jumped over one woman's shoulders, wrapped her arm around her throat, and pulled her close to use her as a shield against the others. She was having the time of her life as she watched the young woman's body get pumped with various spells. Once her body seemed filled to bursting, she kicked her corpse at them and laughed as she exploded in an icy blast before hopping over the banister to the floor below. Jason recovered well enough from Pam's literal outburst, and he watched Alexis cut through several of the casters hiding in the back. He spotted Magdalene retreating, and decided that she would become his target. He drew his knife and pistol just as the chandelier shattered off in the distance. This was more chaotic than he had anticipated, but maybe this was the push they needed. Alexis was psychotic, but she was a damn good distraction and an asset to them right now. He glanced back at Kait as she and her maiden got to their feet and resumed their battle. How he'd managed to get attached to that woman was beyond him, but he was relieved to see she was still alive. She would hold her own while the others did their part. Now, it was just a matter of Jake fulfilling his obligation. He popped a couple of shots off at two women who spotted him as he stalked Magdalene. Killing her would be a decisive blow to the already crumbling morale. Pam's display of power and terror had already caused many to falter. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as a blue version of Pam whipped by and engulfed an older woman. The way she writhed inside of the cobalt form reminded him of just how powerful their resident mage could be when pushed. Still, they needed to end this sooner than later. Whether it was ammo or magic, everyone had their limits and he didn't want to reach that point. Magdalene spotted him, and she raised her hand to summon three large serpents from the ground. They opened their mouths and spit fire at him. Jason broke into a run at an angle to avoid the firebolts they shot at him. He dove into a roll, and fired at Magdalene to break her concentration. He holstered his gun, pulled out the grenade Sally had tossed him, and pulled the pin before throwing it over the banister. The bust of flames and screws that followed the explosion were music to ears. He kept his sights on Magdalene as her snakes slithered back into the ground. He opened fire on her, but she held up a hand to halt his bullets. She threw a blast of ice at him, but he ducked under it as he ran towards her. "Stay back, you filthy little man-thing!" Magdalene ordered, "I will rend the flesh from your worthless bones!" "Try it, lady," he said as he dodged another ball of fire and tackled her, "Let's see how you do in close quarters!" To his surprise, she rolled with him and quickly used her knees to vault him off of her. She got to her feet and growled, "I am one the Goddess' most esteemed students! If you think I got to this position from slinging only spells, then you're dumber than I thought! Let's go, dead man." He scoffed at her as he brandished his knife, "Cocky little shit, aren't you?" Magdalene conjured a ghostly short sword and gave it a few swings, "I'm superior to you and the rest of your kind I'm every way," she said as she took a fighting stance, "Let me show you the error of your ways." Kait had gotten back to her feet shortly after the explosion from Pam, and she and Astrid had returned their heated duel. Sparks flew from their swords as they locked in a cross, and Kait could feel the larger woman beginning to wane. She was approaching her limit, but Kait knew better than to let her guard down. She pulled back and deflected another swing with her shield. Astrid tried to spin her sword, but Kait ducked under it to get in close. She slammed her shoulder into her chest, stepped around Astrid, and cut the strap on Astrid's breastplate. It fell from her body and clattered to the ground in front of her. Kait prepared to deal the final blow, but Astrid let out a roar and magic pushed out of her and knocked Kait away. Kait stood her ground, albeit sliding back from the surge. Astrid fought with powers that weren't hers, but Kait had seen the heart of a fellow warrior within her. She'd give the girl a death that was deserving of such a feat. She hated what she represented, who she represented, but she could respect her will and mind. She was through talking, though, and as Astrid continued to cry out I'm rage, she pushed through the waves of force that rippled out of her. She inched her way forward slowly with her sword at the ready. Astrid was too consumed by the rage within her to realize how close Kait was getting. It wasn't until Kait's sword was plunged into her chest that she fell silent and her body went limp. Kait forced her to the ground and looked into her eyes as the glow began to fade. "A warrior's death for a woman who held potential," Kait said, ripping her sword from her chest, "In another life, maybe we could have fought side by side. Your Goddess led you to your demise, but from one warrior to another, I hope you find peace in the next life." "You…were…a worthy…adversary, Kaitlyn Cassidy," Astrid said slowly, "Thank you…for giving me…the fight…I longed for…" Kait stood over her and watched as her body turned to ash. Spells and carnage surrounded her as she stood there and pondered. Was this really all there was? What more could she do with her life? Astrid had wanted to be like the warriors of legend, and she'd been taken advantage of by Goth. Maybe if she'd found her first then things could have been different. A rogue spell nearly took her head off and brought her back to reality. These were questions she could think about later. Right now, she had people counting on her. She swung her sword to remove the blood, and she looked for her next target. She spotted Pam's purple clone fighting with another maiden. Deciding to aid the duplicate, she charged off to aid the duplicate. Beth had been sent skidding backwards when Pam had executed her opponent. Unlike the others, she had been expecting Pam's display of power. She'd drove her sword into the floor to keep from getting knocked off of her feet, but the maiden she faced had done the same with her halberd. Her arm was practically burning from the heat of battle and the energy building within her. The fact that several of Goth's forces had been uprooted and dismayed from the explosion hadn't been lost on her either. Sally and the others were moving up, and two of the seven maidens had fallen victim to their party. The tide was slowly turning in their favor, and now they just had to push a little more to maintain their position. She was about to release the energy wave within her when the maiden rushed forward to attack. The woman sought to capitalize on the break in Beth's relentless assault by launching one of her own. She spun with her halberd outstretched before quickly shifting it to an upward slice when she landed. Beth stepped back out of the way of the spin attack, and shifted to the side to avoid the edge of the blade. The woman spun the halberd in her hand to try and hit Beth with a sweeping diagonal strike. Beth brought her sword up to stop the incoming attack, but the maiden followed up with a reverse strike to Beth's jaw with the blunt end of her polearm. As Beth stumbled back from the forceful blow, the maiden swept her legs out from under her. Beth fell on her back, and prepared to roll out of the way as her opponent prepared to drive the blade down into her throat. Just before she could roll, the woman cried out and stumbled to the side. She turned to see who'd struck her, and glared as Pam stepped forward with her hand outstretched. "Really, Kitten, I expected more from you," Pam sighed, "You really need to work on your defenses. What would you do without me?" "I had it under control," Beth argued, springing to her feet, "One blow doesn't mean I lost." "A mistake is still a mistake, dear," Pam said, stopping to stand beside Beth and raising her fists as they crackled with magic, "This lumix of a woman should have already been dealt with. Honestly, you're falling behind Kaitlyn at the rate you're going." "Oh, bite me," Beth said, standing and returning to her stance. "Maybe when this is over," Pam grinned. "A master and her slave," the maiden growled, "How fitting that the two of you should fall together. I'll silence you both and put an end to your insistent blathering and flirting!" "What an exceedingly rude woman," Pam remarked, "If you think you're capable, then come at us. Allow me to educate you on what treating your submissive with respect can do for them." "Enough!" the woman roared, her body surging with rage and magic, "I'm going to enjoy beating you both into oblivion!" Beth stepped in front of Pam with her legs spread wide and her sword clutched in both hands. She kept the edge of the blade facing up, and held the edge out in preparation for whatever their opponent tried. Pam kept her feet together and her fists clenched tight with a spell in each hand. The maiden kicked off from where she stood, and was on top of Beth in less than a second. Beth barely had time to react as she resumed her aggressive attack style. She batted away the first two swings, and stepped around her the second there was an opening to attack. She swung her sword horizontally as she stepped around, and her blade cut through the maiden's armor. Pam fired a spell into the opening that caused their opponent to recoil in shock and pain. Torn between the two of them, the maiden spun her halberd above her head to create a whirlwind of energy that coursed from the edge of the enchanted blade. Beth held up her sword to let it take the magic in, and Pam lifted her arm to repel the magical bolts as they whipped around her. She brought two fingers up and called forth one of the summoned swords she'd used against her last victim. Without moving from her spot, she began guiding the blade with her hand and attacking the monstrous maiden. Beth jumped into the fray to attack her from behind, and it wasn't long before the two pronged attack began to wear down the woman's defenses. They forced their way through her impromptu twister, and she was forced back on the defensive once again. She blocked and parried as best she could against the floating sword and Beth's heightened attacks. Finally, Beth cut through the pole of her halberd with a single devastating slash. Pam pulled her arm back before pushing forward and sending the sword flying at the maiden. She clapped her hands together to halt the blade just inches from her chest, but she couldn't stop Beth from jumping and slicing at her neck. Her head rolled from its shoulders before a fountain and crimson sprang up from her neck. Her body fell forward and quickly turned to ash. "Go and help Sally and the others," Beth said, "I'll help your weirdly possessive side with hers, and it looks like your green thingy has hers under control." Pam glanced back at Courage as she gained the upperhand against her opponent before nodding back at Beth, "Protective and possessive can go hand in hand. Work with Rage, then after Kaitlyn has dealt with her and Lust's little enemy rejoin us. I'll provide cover so that the others can move ahead. Be careful, and be quick, Kitten." "Call it what you want, that red one reminds me of you whenever Aurora used to get too close," Beth remarked, walking over to join Rage. Pam rolled her eyes, "I'll explain this to you again later. Go, and put an end to these miserable little harpies once and for all." "Yes ma'am," Beth said. Alexis yelled out from across the hall, "Could use a little help here! If someone wouldn't mind, I've got a broody and bitchy lady with a mace on my ass!" Pam sighed before yelling at Sam, Sally, and Zoey, "Get behind me, and be ready to move up! I'm coming, Alexis, just try not to get killed before I get there!" "Not planning on it!" Alexis yelled back as she dodged a heavy swing from her attacker, "Get bent, you ugly bitch!" "You heard the lady!" Sally yelled at Sam and Zoey, "Reload and move up!" Pam held her hands out to create a wide shield around herself. The onslaught of spells was finally beginning to die down, but some still continued to hurtle towards them in the back. Sally and the others reloaded and rushed to stand behind Pam. Skeletons and snakes began rising out of the ground as what was left of their ranks tried to summon something to stop them. Sally stuck close to Pam and switched to her shotgun. She blasted the bones of the skeletons apart whenever they got close, and Sam and Zoey shot at the snakes as they slithered closer to them. The few spells that were fired at them were absorbed by Pam's barrier, and the four of them advanced closer to their team and the end of their nightmare. Kait had jumped into the fight alongside Pam's purple clone mere seconds after disposing of Astrid. Her anger was getting the better of her, and she needed a distraction from her introspective musings. Whatever the thing was that Pam had created seemed to understand her place because the violent onslaught of chains died down to allow Kait closer access to their shared enemy. Together, with calculated and precise combinations they quickly overwhelmed the struggling maiden. Her armor had been stripped down to nothing, and all Kait needed was an opening to strike. The woman was fast, but she couldn't hold a candle to the seemingly sentient chains that rattled and battered her between Kait's offensive tactics. While Kait battled alongside Lust, Beth joined Rage on the battlefield. The red appartion seemed to welcome Beth with open arms. Beth could feel her eyes scanning her as she ran in, and she had to suppress a shudder from the feeling of being undressed by the strange entity. "My pet," Rage growled as Beth launched a surprise attack. "God, you're weird," Beth grumbled as she tried to find an opening. "Let me in!" Rage growled as her body began to burn, "Let me in and release!" Before Beth could question her, she found herself surrounded by crimson fire. It swirled around her and pushed the maiden back in surprise. The fires circled her before embedding themselves with her sword. The blade flared to life with a strange violet hue, and Beth's arm felt like it might burst into flames. She couldn't hold back the waves of energy any longer from her previous fight any longer, and with a heavy hand, she swung her sword at an angle directed at the maiden. A torrent of red and blue energy shot out in a slash of power that engulfed the maiden and slammed into the wall. The wall crumbled upon impact, and the maiden was erased from existence in the wake of her destructive attack. Beth blinked in surprise as she stared at the smoking remains of the woman who'd stood before her only a second ago. Rage left her sword and appeared beside her. The red apparition leaned in and purred, "Good girl, my good girl." "Would you stop?!" Beth demanded, stepping back and fighting a blush, "In case you haven't noticed, we've still got a shit storm to deal with!" Just as the energy wave destroyed the wall, Kait landed the killing blow to her and Lust's opponent. She bashed her shield into her chest, and swiped thr edge of her sword along her throat. The moment her body stopped, Lust sent her chains through her shoulders and legs. Her body was dragged to the ground, and a blade pierced through her throat to bring an end to her life. Kait took a deep breath, and turned to the purple duplicate as it held its hand out. "Nice working with you, whatever you are," Kait said, "Come on, looks like Jay needs our help." "You're a fiesty and strong little thing, aren't you?" Lust purred in a seductive tone, "I could have quite a bit of fun with you, if you'd let me that is." "I'm getting hit on by Pam's little copies," Kait sighed, "Isn't your main self in a committed relationship with Beth?" "Mhm, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a fine specimen when I see one," Lust replied, "Mayhaps in another life you could have been my toy instead." "I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that," Kait said, turning to try to find Jason, "Not another word, we need to move." Alexis ducked under another wide swing from the maiden that had pursued her. She had briefly seen Beth finish hers, and she was beginning to feel frustrated. She hated being last in a fight, but she'd lost her sword amidst the chaos of slaying the spell casters. The head of the mace embedded itself in the wall, and Alexis grabbed onto the handle to pull herself up and swing forward. She planted her feet in her opponent's chest, and kicked off of her. It staggered her just enough, and she grinned as she saw Beth and Pam's angry self speeding towards her. All she had to do was keep her adversary distracted and annoyed. If there was one thing she could do, it was to work her enemy's nerves. "That all you got, tall dark and ugly?" she mocked, "Jeez, it's no wonder your master is losing with people like you in her ranks." "Shut your mouth, whore!" the maiden roared as she destroyed what was left of an end table with her mace. "You know, once upon a time, even I feared Goth," Alexis hummed to herself, "Of course, back then she had real women fighting for her. My girl Nastia, that freak Aurora, hell even Pammy was with her!" "Be silent, you disrespectful little worm!" the woman screamed as she swung and missed again. "Funny thing, Pammy can you still put fear into me when she's angry enough," Alexis continued as she leaned back out of the way of another swing, "I don't know, maybe her standards are just lower now or something." "I'll kill you!" the maiden yelled. "So you keep saying, but you keep missing," Alexis laughed, watching as Beth and Pam's crimson copy drew closer, "You can yell, swing, and get mad, but you're still missing that key component." "What's that?!" the maiden demanded as she raised her mace over her head. The tip of Beth's sword punctured the front of her chest, and her mace fell from her hands. She stared down at the blade as Alexis answered, "You're overconfident and unobservant. See, at least I know enough to watch my back. You, on the other hand, are too prone to tunnel vision. That's why you lost, why you're dying. All those muscles, and such a teeny tiny brain. Have fun in Hell! Be sure to let me know how the new management is when I see you there!" Beth ripped her sword out of the maiden's dying body and looked at Alexis, "You plan that the whole time?" Alexis shrugged, "Nah, just made it up as I went. Saw you and angry over there coming, and I figured you two could take care of her if I made her mad enough. Just like Goth, they're easy to manipulate and distract when they're angry. Come on, let's finish this." Beth shook her head, "You are one hundred percent batshit insane." "It is so sweet of you to point that out," Alexis beamed. "Not a compliment," Beth chuckled before turning to Rage, "Can you handle what's left of the spell slingers?" "I'm not leaving my pet," Rage growled. "Awe, she's as possessive as Pam," Alexis cooed. "Just do it!" Beth ordered, "I can take care of myself, and Pam trusts me enough to do just that! Why can't you?" Rage looked taken aback for a moment before she growled, "Fine, but I will be punishing you for that tone later." "Looking forward to it," Beth sighed with a roll of her eyes, "Come on, let's move while we still have an advantage." "Aye, aye, Kitty-Cat!" Alexis yelled, mock saluting her. Jason had been engaged with Magdalene in one on one combat while the others fought their own battles. The young woman was good, better than he'd originally thought. He had yet to land a single blow against her, but already she'd managed to cut him quite a few times. He hadn't suffered anything major, but she'd surprised him more than once already. He kept his stance the same with one foot in front of the other, his right hand holding the blade close to his chest, and his left hand facing out to try to catch and disarm Magdalene. Magdalene, on the other hand, kept her sword pointed at an upward angle with the hilt by her waist. Her feet were shoulder length apart with one at a slight angle and the other facing him. He waited for her to attack, and she was more than happy to oblige. Magdalene stepped in and swung her sword overhanded at him, but Jason dodged with a step to the side. He leaned in and swung at an angle, trying to utilize an ancient technique he'd read about, but Magdalene switched hands and blocked his blade. He stepped back to avoid an upward slice from her, and tried to move in with a stab at her throat. Magdalene grinned as she shifted her footing and deflected his strike with the blunt end of her sword. She threw her shoulder into his to knock him back, and tried to swipe at his chest as he stumbled. He blocked her attack, and grabbed her wrist to try to wrest the blade from her hand. She sent a small shockwave of energy out of her free hand to force him back and laughed. "Is this the best the leader of this little motely crew can muster?" she asked, "I am disappointed, but then I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. From what I understand, you have always been weak and pathetic." "It's not over yet," he said, returning to his stance. "I should hope not," she laughed, "Come at me then, boy, and let's see how long you can last." He growled as he stepped around her and swung his blade at an upward angle. She twisted her wrist to block, but Jason was quick to pull back and redirect. Magdalene parried his next attack, an overhanded swing aimed at her neck, and she spun around to try to cut his back once again. Jason followed her movements, and managed to stop the blade just inches from his chest. He held her at bay for a second before throwing his leg up in a roundhouse kick that hit her in the ribs. She grunted as she stumbled, and Jason was quick to seize his opportunity. He swung at another forty-five degree angle at her neck. She leaned back just enough to avoid a fatal blow, but he managed to cut her all the same. Magdalene touched the cut on her neck with her free hand as she took two steps back. The foundation of the manor suddenly shook as an ear piercing shriek filled the air. Magdalene began to laugh as the quaking intensified, "It is time!" "What are you on about?" Jason asked, looking around for the cause of the tremors and finding the survivors all beginning to laugh. "It would seem your hero has made his choice," Magdalene answered as she brought her sword to her throat, "He chose unwisely, but it matters not, little man. Even in death, we will serve our Goddess, and we will join her in her glorious triumph! This was never about winning, not for us in the end. Our victory doesn't come from defeating worms such as yourselves, but rather from joining the Goddess in glory for eternity! You will be buried beneath the rubble, and your bones shall set the foundation for her new Era! Farewell, you insignificant little cockroach!" Jason watched as Magdalene slit her own throat with a mad smile plastered on her dying face. Her body fell to the ground, and it began to glow a distinct shade of red. He looked around to see the remaining members of Goth's chosen committing suicide one by one, but the bodies of the fallen all began to glow like Magdalene. The foundation continued to shake and the quaking intensified as the maniacal cackle of Goth filled the air. Their bodies turned to a strange smoke that quickly shot up into the ceiling. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Goth was drawing their souls and power back into herself! The manor would collapse soon, and he and everyone else would be trapped beneath the ruins. "Everyone, regroup and find a way out!" he yelled, "Goth is bringing the place down, and she's drawing in the souls of all her followers we've killed!" "What about Jake?!" Beth demanded. "He's on his own!" Jason replied, "He knew what he was going up against, and the last thing he'd want would be for us to die trying to save him!" "We can't leave him!" Alexis screamed, "I love him!" "I hate to say it, but he's right," Pam said grimly, "Jake wouldn't want us giving our lives for him. He's resourceful and if anyone is to survive Rebecca, it will be him. We have to get out of here. She's using the power of The Well of Souls, her demonic side, and necromancy to bolster herself. Whatever has happened up there, Jake has clearly either struck a nerve or dealt a vicious blow." "Pam, can you teleport us out of here?" Jason asked, running to rejoin everyone. Pam closed her eyes and tried to tap into the shadow realm, but somehow her powers were blocked. She frowned as she opened her eyes, "I'm afraid not. It would seem that Rebecca has no intention of letting us escape through my powers." "There's a door right fucking there!" Sally yelled, pointing at the large doors just as a barrier appeared over them, "Or not, fuck!" "Oh, he's gonna kill me if we survive this," Beth mumbled, "Come on, there's one way out that I doubt even Goth has considered." "Surely you don't intend to take them through there, Kitten," Pam said, knowing what her girlfriend was referring to. "In for a penny, in for a pound," Beth sighed, "Never got that saying, but it's that or we get crushed to death. Grab whatever you need, and let's get a move on!" "I'm going to get that Adelaide girl from before," Kait said, surprising everyone. "We don't have time!" Jason argued. "I'm not leaving her," Kait said adamantly, "Too many people have been lost because of Goth, and that girl can still be saved. Just tell me where to go, and I'll meet the rest of you there." "Kait, why?" Jason asked, "She tried to kill us!" "Maybe, but I'm doing what I feel is right," Kait replied. "Fine, whatever," Beth sighed, "We don't have time to argue right now. Kait, the study is beyond the walls I wrecked. Grandfather clock by the bookcase, turn the hands to 6 and pull the pendulum. That'll open the way, but hurry the hell up!" "I'll meet you all there, don't worry," Kait said, turning to leave. "If she's going back for her plaything, I'm going back for mine!" Alexis chimed in, "I'm gonna need a new foot slave after this is all said and done." "Ugh, fine, just go!" Beth yelled, "Be quick unless you want to die again! The rest of you, follow me!" So, everyone took off behind Beth. The manor was collapsing and quaking more and more with every second. Beth didn't like the idea of giving the people she and Jake had fought for years against access to the Bird Cage, but she didn't see another option. It was their only hope, and she refused to lose anyone else to Goth. She hoped that Kait and Alexis would make it back in time, but they'd made their choices. As she ran, she wondered just what had happened upstairs while they had waged their war. |