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Jake, Beth, and Pam have to band together with old foes to stop the monster they unleashed |
Rebecca stood in the master bathroom at the end of the second floor hallway. She stared at herself in the mirror, questioning her actions and decisions. She'd done the one thing she promised Jake she would never do, she used her powers on him. She had used magic on him before, but never in the course of their time together had she used her mind control abilities. She'd been pushed by that look in his eyes and his hateful speech, but was that really enough to justify her actions? He had, at one point, trusted her, but now she had shattered that trust. "He's right, you know," she heard a voice speak, "You are a monster. Here you are worried about that breech of trust, but you've lied to him again and again, beat and abused him, and manipulated him countless times. You're not worthy of his or anyone's love." She spun around to see who it was that dared to speak to her in such a candid and hateful manner. She furrowed her brow as she realized she was still alone. "Who dares to say such things?!" she demanded. "Who knows you better than yourself?" the voice said, "Turn around, you daft harpy." She turned back around slowly, and marveled at the sight before her. There in the mirror was herself, but a version of her from centuries ago. The young woman glaring at her in the mirror was an image of her from soon after she'd escaped that wretched dungeon. "I must be losing it," she breathed in disbelief, "The stress of ruling and heartbreak must be greater than I realized." "Deny and excuse it all you want, I assure you I am very real," her reflection said. "Lies," she spat, "Begon, you foul hallucination of weakness." "I am no hallucination!" her reflection roared, "I am the manifestation of your regret and humanity that you seal and repress, given life by the lives you've stolen. What did you think would happen when you took in the souls of the dead? You use them as a conduit for your power, fueling your demonic influence from that thing in the underworld, but try as you might, you cannot be rid of me that easily." "I don't have time for this," she said as she turned to leave, but to her surprise the doors became encased in an all too familiar barrier of magic. "Make time, Rebecca," her reflection said, "Consider what you've done. You broke the boy we love, turned him against us, and drove him into the arms of the very monster who cursed us with this misery." "He made the choice to go to her!" Rebecca roared, her aura flaring to life, "He betrayed us first! I gave him everything. Purpose, love, a home, and he threw it all away for selfish gain!" "You dilute yourself more by the second," her reflection said, stepping out and appearing as an ethereal version before her, "You stole everything that makes him the boy we fell in love with. Our knight is no more, and it is all because of you and your insatiable need for more." "Shut up," Rebecca whispered. "Your desire for power has corrupted not only us, but hum and everyone we love!" her outward manifestation continued, "Never satisfied, never happy, and always so miserable and alone. You did this to us. You blame Lilith, but her influence on your mind only goes so far. Your actions have been the cause of all of his, and our, suffering!" "Shut up!" Rebecca repeated, louder and more forceful this time. "I will not be silenced so easily!" Her double exclaimed, "You have stifled me for too long, and you will hear what I have to say! I am the voice in the back of your head that you choose to ignore, the side of you that you continue to deny, but no longer will I be made to be still and quiet! You cast judgement on mortals, citing their actions as sins, but you are guilty of folly and sin more than any who walk among this world! You sold our soul to that monster in the name of freedom, the name of vengeance and love, but when we struck down the very man we loved, you threw yourself into the pits of despair, hate, and greed!" "Shut up!" Rebecca screamed, slowly crouching and cowering before the ethereal duplicate of herself and covering her ears. "You think that your actions are justified?!" The duplicate spoke louder, her voice ringing out in Rebecca's head, "You are the liar, the deceiver, and the demon that you sought to usurp! All of that power, all from taking in her power and abilities, and you've become the very thing that you hated: the abuser, the sinner, the demon disguised as a moral. Your mind may have been altered by her influence, but it has ultimately been your actions and choices that have made us into the monster we've become! Hated and despised by the one we swore to protect!" "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Rebecca screamed, "All that I've done has been for him!" "Lies!" the duplicate screamed in her ears, "You've done all of this for your own selfish desires! You even drove away the one woman we could call a friend, the only one to stand beside us throughout the chaos and misery that you have wrought!" "I gave them the choice to submit to me!" Rebecca screamed back, "I offered to forgive her and Elizabeth for their transgressions!" "There you go again, playing the divine being," her duplicate mocked, "There is no divinity within you, only hatred and evil. Those mortals out there bow before you because of the strength you've stolen and lies you've spread. The sword of truth you claim to wield will be your undoing! Even those that offered themselves to you, begged for your supposed mercy and grace, you murdered without question or hesitation, and for what?! Power that you didn't need! How many innocents have you cut down in pursuit of your own greed and ambitions?!" "No more," she said, her voice cracking as an overwhelming sensation of grief and regret began pouring through her body, "Please, stop. Go away! Begone from me!" "It would have been better if we had died in that dark, dank dungeon all those years ago," the apparition said coldly, "You are a failure, and you've damned us both. You are a blight on this world, and when you die I will be the one punished for your mistakes, you miserable demon!" "Leave me be!" she cried out. The apparition bent knelt before her and she stared into her own eyes, one set filled with hate and the other filled with fear, "You can never be rid of me. Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean that I'm gone. I am a part of you, the real you. You can't lock me away any longer, and these feelings you're experiencing aren't going anywhere. May these feelings be your undoing." "Enough!" Rebecca screamed, the foundation of the entire manor quaking as her fear and sorrow turned to rage, "You are nothing! You are weak, lowly, pathetic, and- "You," the apparition said as it faded away. "Goddess!" one of her maidens yelled through the door, "Are you okay?" Her breathing was heavy, and beads of sweat poured down her face. She looked around and saw that she was alone once again. She took a deep breath and opened the door, "Leave me," she said calmly. "Goddess, I heard you screaming and then the manor started shaking," she said, "I was worried that-" "I'm fine, leave me," Rebecca repeated, "I need to return to my Raven. Focus on your studies and leave me be." "I-yes, Goddess, by your command," she said as she bowed and turned to leave. Rebecca waited for the girl to round the corner and descend the stairs before walking back to her and Jake's room. She let out a shaky breath as she walked. What was happening to her? She shook it off, but she decided that she owed Jake an apology for using her powers on him. The image of the apparition of her old self was still fresh in her mind. Had she really gone too far? No, everything she'd done had been for the betterment of this world. She was its salvation! Still, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that maybe she was wrong. It had to be the stress of everything happening beginning to affect her. She was only doing what needed to be done. Nothing more, and nothing less. She slowly pushed open the door to their room and called out, "Jake, I'm afraid that we may have gotten off to a poor start. I thought that perhaps we could…" She trailed off as she saw the room was empty. She tried to keep her composure as she closed the door and started searching the room. Surely he wouldn't have actually left. He didn't have his equipment, and his body was in terrible shape. She had personally seen to that. Her searching became more frantic as time went on, and she slowly began to unravel. "He's gone," he heard a familiar voice whisper in her ears. "Not this again," she grumbled as she looked around to try to see if and why the apparition had followed her. To her surprise, she saw what looked like a reflection of herself only with a red aura rolling off her like smoke. Her eyes had lost their purple shine, and instead they were a brilliant crimson. She could see a burning crown floating over her head, and two small horns jutting out from her forehead. The body was gaunt, almost skeletal in appearance, and it reminded her of her transformed state with slightly altered parts of her body. "You were foolish enough to leave him unattended, and now he's fled," the almost demonic looking image of herself growled, "He's probably run off into the arms of those weaklings you allowed to live. Your mercy gives way to idiocy. Pathetic girl, you should have broken them when you had the chance!" Being lectured by herself was quickly becoming tiresome, but this side of herself had a point. "I don't know who or what you are, but I will not stand here and be insulted," she said, standing her ground and glaring at the distorted image of herself, "I don't have time for this." "Make time!" the apparition growled as it lunged forward, "I am everything you strive to be, I am perfection! The version of you that follows through on her word, and the one you forsook everything to become! You know I'm right, I can feel that fury welling up within you at the thought of him working against you. You know it to be true. That little fool meant every word that he said to you, and because you left him unattended and unbound, he will surely find a way to destroy you and everything you've fought for!" "Do not presume to speak to me on my affairs, you pale imitation of a monster!" she snapped, stepping forward, "This world is mine, he is mine, and I will not have my time wasted by a cheap and annoying trick of my own mind!" "I am no trick, girl," the demon said, growing in size and causing the temperature to rise along with her, "I am the side of you that knows what you're doing is right. The one your actions and desires have created. I am your strength, your power, and the one who will give rise to a new Era in this miserable little world. I am you, and you are me, it is as simple as that. We are the rulers of this world and the next." "Do you see now what you're becoming?" she heard an echo of herself ask, "This is the form and fate that awaits you, should you choose to continue down the path you've started. A demon, no better than Lilith below who has laid claim to our knight." She looked over her shoulder to see the frail image of herself from before sitting on her bed with her arms crossed. "No," she whispered, placing a hand on her head, "I am neither of you! You were weak, and this...this thing is nothing more than a monster!" "This thing is what you are becoming, Rebecca," her past self said, "The embodiment of your moniker as the Goth Goddess, a mockery of the divinity you claim to embody." "Shut your mouth, you little whore!" the demonic version of herself growled, "You are nothing more than the shell that hatched our greatness! Pay this little insect no mind, Rebecca. You know what must be done. Bring Jake, his little friends, and all who dare to defy us to their knees! Make them suffer the consequences of defiance and disobedience. It's the only option available to morsels like them!" Rebecca was taken aback by the words this version of herself spoke. It wasn't the tone or the appearance, but rather how much it sounded like her. She'd had the exact thought when she walked in to find her room empty, and when Jake had run off before Dilatrix stole her powers. "You see now, don't you?" her past self asked, "This is what you're destined to become if you don't turn from your evil ways. We were naive all those centuries ago. This is the price of the pact we made with Lilith, and that is the result of us being greedy. Turn back before it's too late!" "Don't listen to her!" the demon shrieked, "This sad little world needs us. They betrayed us, and now they must pay the price!" "Both of you, shut up!" she exclaimed. "Trust your instincts, Rebecca, you know this isn't right," her past self said, "We must right the wrongs that we've done before it's too late."She "And what of Jake?" her demonic self said, praying on her vulnerability, "If you allow him to roam free, then he will inevitably end up in the clutches of the very monster you once served. He must be brought in. It's the only way to save him. The little wench is right, trust your instincts. You know that you are the only one who can save him." "Not like this, Rebecca, not like this," her past self pleaded, "There is a better way, you know it. Work with Pamela, your combined powers can free him." "Listen to her beg!" the demon mocked, "Is this really the person you want to be? The sniveling little slave from so long ago? You don't need anyone's help, you've become more powerful than any other being in this world or the next!" "Is that thing really what you want to become?" her past self countered. "Both of you begone!" she roared, her power surging outward and washing their images away, "I will do what must be done, what no other has the strength to do. If I become a monster, then so be it. All that matters is saving him, even if that means destroying those he holds dear." Exhausted from the stress and sudden outburst of her power, she climbed into the bed. She would deal with the problems arising when she awoke, but right now she needed to rest. Whatever was happening to her, she felt certain it was due to the stress of ruling an empire and losing her beloved. Still, hearing that demonic version of herself speak was unnerving. Was that really what she was destined to become? It couldn't be, could it? She could still feel the hatred dripping off of that thing's being and in every phrase it uttered. No, she was in control of herself. She was only doing what she did because it had to be done. It wasn't because she enjoyed enjoyed it, was it? Sleep, she needed to sleep. Surely she was just tired. She closed her eyes and drifted off into slumber, but unbeknownst to her, the two sides of her mind prepared to continue their war for her sanity. Her dreams were filled with painful memories and ominous visions of what the future may have held for her. Jason was on his knees in front of Kaitlyn. The warrior woman had her boots off and legs outstretched while he worked. The two were taking a much needed break from the chaos of their operations while everyone at their base rested, prepared, and waited to see if the heroes would accept his invitation. This break consisted of him worshipping the sweaty woman by kissing and locking every inch of her body. It had been the terms of their agreement the night he'd challenged her to a fight. In hindsight, he knew he hadn't stood a chance against her. Without his weapons, he was little to no match for her in hand to hand combat. Kait had a gift unlike many he'd had the privilege of encountering. She was certainly rough around the edges, but her heart wasn't anywhere near as hard as led others to believe. "Harder, little man, I can barely feel that tongue of yours," she ordered. He rolled his eyes and put more effort into pleasing her. The sour and salty taste of her sweat permeated his mouth at this point. His senses were accustomed to much worse, and this was child's play compared to the bodies he'd previously serviced. She was demanding, but he'd endured women more cold and cruel than she could ever be. Her feet were the last of their little worship session, unless of course she decided she felt frisky. The most grueling part of their time together was always her armpits; the level of stink, sweat, grime, and musk that filled those caverns gave even Rebecca a run for her money. There was a degree of care that she took with him that made serving her easier. For another twenty minutes, he lapped at her feet without hesitation. Finally, she pulled her foot back and spoke in a softer tone, "That's enough, I suppose. Get up here and sit beside me for a little bit." "Kait, we really need to get back to work," he weakly argued. "Shut up, and get up here," she ordered, and he did as he was told. She put an arm around him and pulled him close, just enjoying being close to him for a moment, "I know we have work to do, Jay, but these moments are far and few between. Sally, Sam, and the others need to rest." He sighed and conceded to her, laying his head down on her strong chest. She'd never admit it, but he knew that deep down she was afraid of the upcoming battle, everyone was. "How you have such an effect on me, I'll never know," he said. "You know your place, it's as simple as that," she said. "You can drop the act, Kait," he said, "It's just the two of us here." She didn't acknowledge his remarks, and instead asked, "Do you think they'll come?" "I believe they will," he replied, "Belief is all that I have. I ran out of hope a long time ago, but after speaking with Pam in Ravenfalls, I think that she will make the decision for the two of them." "You put a lot of faith in that woman," she said, leaning her head back on the couch, "If memory serves, she was one of Goth's most loyal followers. What makes you so sure that she won't go running back to her master?" He answered with a single word, "Love." "Don't give me that shit," she sighed, "I'm serious, Jason. How do we know she won't sell us out?" He shook his head and pulled away from her, "The same reason that I know I can trust you: she has someone to fight for other than herself. Pam is a strong and capable fighter, and I'm betting that she will do whatever it takes to keep Beth out of Goth's hands. If you could have seen what I saw in Ravenfalls, then perhaps you would understand. You should know better than anyone what having a cause to fight for can do for someone." "I fight for myself," she said, bitterly as she turned to hide a small blush. "Keep telling yourself that, and maybe one day you'll believe it," he said. "What about the nut job?" she asked, "What are we supposed to do about that, let alone with that?" As if on cue, the door to their small quarters burst open. Alexis stood in the doorway, hands on her hips and a wicked grin on her face, "Awe, did I interrupt your playtime? Want me to come back later? Oh, maybe he can take a turn licking my feet!" Kait stood up and moved in front of him with a glare, "Touch him, and I will rip those scrawny arms of yours off and beat you with them!" she threatened. "And yet you say you only fight for yourself," Jason chuckled before coughing as he got to his feet. "Yeesh, you're as aggressive as ever," Alexis huffed, "I was only joking. He might look like Jake, a burnt and ragged version of him, but he's no substitute for the real deal. Nice to see you've got a soft spot for burn victims, though. Here I thought that the mighty Kaitlyn the Conqueror was a heartless brute." Kait stepped towards Alexis, but Jason stepped between them before she could make a move. "Easy, Kait," he said, putting a hand on her arm before looking at their newest addition, "What do you want, Alexis?" "I'm bored," she said with a shrug, "I figured that I'd see what you two were up to." "You were supposed to be doing a security sweep of the prison where Havoc is being held, you dunce," Kait snapped. "Firstly, I'm a genius, muscle brain," Alexis said, holding up a hand, "Second, I've done all I can do for now. The tech is all Blackridge, but without Jake I can't go any further. Do I need to come back so you two can keep cuddling or whatever?" "I don't do that!" Kait snapped. "Sure looked like it to me," Alexis said before asking, "What else do you call sitting on a couch while holding someone?" Kait growled, but Jason tried to calm her down, "Let it go, Kait. She's just trying to get under you skin." "It's working," Kait said. "I know!" Alexis laughed. "Keep it up, and I'll put you at my feet in place of Jason," Kait threatened. "Is that a promise?" Alexis asked, her eyes getting hazy, "I haven't had the chance to indulge myself in a while, and I bet they're pretty ripe!" "You are...impossible," Kait fummed, "What is the matter with you?!" "Too much to get into," Alexis replied, casually, "So is that offer an empty threat or…." "That's enough, Alexis," Jason said, "I'm not having another fight break out in our ranks. We can't afford to have any infighting among us right now." "Are you talking as a general, or are you talking as protective boyfriend and plaything?" Alexis asked, "Because you're a shit general, Jay-Jay." Not many people could evoke a blush from him, but somehow this crazy girl had done it. Kait stepped around him to get in Alexis' face, "If you have even half a brain in that moronic skull of yours, you'll watch your mouth! Jason has brought us all together under one banner, and I think that he deserves a little respect for that! While you were off playing in Hell, the rest of us were here fighting to survive!" "I wasn't playing down there," Alexis said, her tone getting serious, "You lot weren't the only ones fighting for survival. You think I care about your little rag-tag group of misfits? Think again, I'm only here because I know Jake and the others will show up eventually. If this didn't benefit me, I'd leave you all to your fates." "I don't believe that," Jason said, cutting Kait off before she could snap back at the small girl, "Your fate is directly tied to ours, yes, but I've seen a change in you since you decided to help Beth. You're insane, but there is good in you, buried beneath that craziness and selfishness." Alexis stared at him before crossing her arms and huffing, "You don't know a damn thing about me." "That's where you're wrong," he said, "Since I came back, I spent months researching and studying every one of Metropolis' super powered inhabitants. Alexis Hamilton, gifted and natural genius, a girl who's infatuation with a certain masked hero drove her over the edge after a failed experiment. Your crimes are one's born out of passion and boredom, not evil and malice like some of the others. Kait, here, is another fine example. She's driven by a desire to prove her superiority and prowess, but her past, just as yours, doesn't define who she is. If you truly were as selfish as you claim, you wouldn't be here with us. You could have run off on your own, fought against Goth's growing empire, and sought out your crush and friends without our help. Instead, you're here and helping our efforts to build a movement against the evil that threatens to overtake this city." "Why run off and fight when I can just wait here for them to show up?" Alexis countered. "Why go someplace and help, when you could easily hide out elsewhere?" he asked, "Deny it all you want, you know I'm right. Deep down, you're not as evil as you would like others to believe." "Hmph, I like you better when you've got a foot in your mouth," Alexis huffed before turning to leave, "I'm gonna go bug Sally and Sammie." "Wait," he said as he fished out a flashdrive from his coat, "This has an algorithm on it to download and copy security blueprints. Run it over the prison layouts you've gathered. It'll take time before it finishes, but once you run it, you're free to do whatever you want while we wait." He tossed it to her and she caught it with ease. She looked at it before rolling her eyes, "Fine, fine, but I'm on break after this," she said. Once she was gone, he walked back to the couch and sat down. Kait walked over and stood in front of him, "You're playing a dangerous game," she said, "That girl is a flight risk, and your presumptuous attitude is likely to earn her wrath, not to mention my own." "Tell me I'm wrong," he said as he leaned his head back, "About her and about you." She glared at him for a moment before taking a seat beside him and sighing, "If you weren't so entertaining, I'd have broken you months ago." "That your way of admitting that you have a soft spot for me?" he asked, showing his lighter side for a change. "As if, you little worm," she said. He smirked and said, "For what it's worth, I find you almost delightful." "Of course you do, why wouldn't you?" she asked. "The lack of showering, the brutality, your crass demeanor," he said, counting on one hand, "I could go on, if you want." "Shut up before I cram that face of yours back into my pit," she said. "Behind all that bravado and muscle is a girl who's actually charming, that's all I'm saying," he said, "I had no intention of forming any connections or bonds when I returned to this world, but then you came along and reminded me that I'm still human. Burned, scarred, and disfigured, but still a human under all of this. You are a remarkable woman, Kait, and one I'm proud to stand beside." Her cheeks flushed a bit at his words, but he chose not to comment on it. It was enough of a sign that perhaps she felt the same way. She looked away from him, but put an arm around him to pull him closer to her, "You're a mushy little thing for someone who claims to be so full of hate." "As I said, I'm still human," he said, laying his head on her shoulder. She didn't say another word as they sat there in silence. These moments of peace were far and few between in their war, and that made them all the more important. A tenderness and calm amidst the storm that loomed on the horizon. As Jason sat with his head on Kait's shoulder, he thought about what he'd said to Alexis. It was true that a cause gave someone purpose and stoked the fires within them, and he couldn't help but wonder if he too had someone other than himself he was fighting for. However, he knew one thing for certain: Goth had her own cause that went beyond herself as well. She had always fought control of Jake, and if he chose to stand against her then she would become more dangerous than ever. It would take everything and everyone that they had to withstand whatever grueling assault she had planned. This wasn't just a battle for the city, it was a battle of wills and hearts that would define everyone involved. He could only hope that his people would survive the endeavor and come out stronger for it. Only time would tell, and that was something that they were running out of. Jake stood over the kitchen table with Pam and Beth beside him. Pam had healed his wounds, and while his body felt fine, his mind was still scarred from everything he'd dealt with. He still didn't have his suit or equipment, but he had a plan. "Jake, are you sure about this?" Beth asked, "This is risky, even for us." "Positive," he replied, "We're out of options, and we can't afford to take any more chances." "You realize that what you're suggesting can, and will, put these allies on edge, right?" Pam asked. "I know that, but it's all or nothing now," he said, "We can't stay here much longer. I'm surprised that Rebecca hasn't already come after me, and you both know that this will be the first place she sends her people." "Duh, but you really want to go back?" Beth replied, "We barely managed to escape before, and I'm not keen on the idea of leading this charge here alone." "Why, because you've become dependent on Pam?" he asked. "Fuck you," she replied, "I've just learned that I work better with you two by my side, or at least one of you." "It'll be fine, Kitten," Pam said, giving her an encouraging smile, "You'll do great, I know it." "But what about you two?" Beth asked, "His idea is a possible suicide mission. I'm not going to lose you two again." "You won't," he said, "The deal is still on the table, and she knows that I can't win this battle alone. If she wants her revenge, then she's going to have to let us pass." "Fine, but it's still a dumbass plan," Beth huffed, crossing her arms. "So run it by us again, Jake," Pam said, "At least the first part. We can worry about the rest when the time comes." "Alright," he said, "You two will rendezvous with the resistance, see who they are, what we're working with, and get a feel for them. I've got to pick up some extra equipment for myself and this plan, so I am going to break into Blackridge headquarters to pick that stuff up. There should still be plenty of stuff to work with in R&D. I'll send a message once I'm ready for us to regroup, and then you bring everyone to the warehouse so we can move onto the second phase. Uhm, Pam, how do I use this thing again?" He fished out a small stone from his pocket. Pam had managed to craft a second communication stone for him to use. It had originally been meant as a replacement for Beth should her collar get damaged. "Simply concentrate on the stone, and a link will open up directly to Beth and I. Once it's open, all you need to do is think of your message and we will receive it." "Fair warning, telepathic communication sucks the first time," Beth said. "Hush," Pam said before grinning and teasing, "Not everyone is a baby when it comes to such matters." "I am not a baby!" Beth yelled. "Then stop acting like one," Pam said with a smirk. Beth huffed and looked away, "Don't know why you're being so mean. I'm just giving him a heads up is all." Pam rolled her eyes and walked around Jake, snaked her arms around Beth, and leaned in, savoring the feeling of Beth tensing up at her touch, "Maybe because I think you're adorable when you pout. Come now, give your mistress a smile and a kiss." Jake watched the two and chuckled. Their relationship may have been strange, but the two gave him hope. He grinned as his fierce friend blushed and complied with Pam's command. He waited a moment before clearing his throat, "Hate to interrupt your little moment, but we've got a war to win." Pam broke the kiss and nodded while Beth resumed her pout, "Can't let me have this one thing, dickwad?" she asked. "Adorable," Pam laughed. "I am not adorable!" Beth yelled, stomping on her foot. "Not this again," Pam sighed, "If I say you are, then you are. End of discussion. Now, Jake, I don't think it's fitting for you to be running around in those rags. Step forward and I will give you some more fitting garments. Do you have any suggestions?" "Actually, yeah," he said, stepping towards her, "The Raven suit was actually pretty practical, but I don't want to wear Rebecca's colors anymore." "So, the same design with a different color scheme," she said, "Simple enough, what are you thinking?" "Something to reflect what I feel on the inside," he said, "Black and red. Black for the darkness that she's brought into this world, and red for the blood that's been spilled in her name." "Dramatic," Beth mumbled. Pam elbowed her, "Hush, I think it's a marvelous idea," she said, "Very well, come here, Jake." He stepped forward and Pam began weaving the spell. Her hands began to glow, and threads of arcane energy flowed out before swirling around his body. He felt a warmth envelope him as the familiar weight of his suit formed around his body. The Kevlar lining gave a comforting weight, and as the light began to subside he could see the changes. The black parts along his legs and midsection were the same, but the purple flourishes had been replaced with a deep crimson on his gloves and boots, as well as the sides of his chest. His cowl was familiar with its long nose piece, but the goggles were gone. It didn't matter, he could replace them with ease from his company's storage facility. He clenched his fists and was amazed at how the fabric already felt broken in. "What do you think?" Pam asked as her hands returned to normal. "It's perfect, just perfect," he said with a grin. "Yeah, now we don't have to see your face," Beth joked. "Haha," he said, "You're as funny as ever." "It suits you, Jake, it really does," Pam said, "Don't mind her, she's just getting anxious about everything we have to do." "Am not," Beth argued, "I'm just ready to get this show on the road." "Whatever you say, Kitten," Pam said. "All jokes aside, she's right," he said, "We need to get a move on if this is going to work. We don't have a lot of time before Rebecca starts moving against us." "Then let's get to it," Beth said. The three grabbed everything that they needed before heading for the fire escape. They were ready to set the stage for their greatest battle yet, but there was still much to be done before the final battle. Parts of the plan were contingent on unknowns and what some would call moving pieces. Their plan may have been shaky at best, but it was all that they had. Their minds were made up, and they had all agreed to win or die trying. They'd been through hell together, literally, and they'd only managed to survive by fighting together. They may not have been completely confident, but they felt sure enough of themselves to stand together and fight. For the sake of the city, and the world, they had to. This battle was bigger than any they'd faced to date. With higher stakes than ever before, victory was all that was on their minds. Failure was not an option. |