This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
"prompt: Do you think there is a Spiritual picture going on with Covid-19? Explain your opinion." I really don't know. I mean, the question seems to be whether COVID is one of the plagues of Revelation. I don't know if it is or not. In my professional opinion Revelation was about the siege of Jerusalem carried out by Roman General Titus in the late 60's through 70AD. It has all been fulfilled except the last few chapters. However, I can say that God has traditionally used man to punish man. In 583-586 BCE God used Nebuchadnezzar to punish the entire known world. So it is very possible that God is using COVID to destroy part of the population due to sin. However, there is no clear evidence that this is the case. The Spanish flu of 1917 wiped out so many people that bodies were stacked in the streets and burned. Yet the world continued on so COVID could just be our 100 year pandemic. On the other hand, Peter tells us that God is going to destroy mankind with fire. Man is working hard to develop self-sustaining, self-aware artificial intelligence. The world is also becoming warmer all the time. I believe man will succeed in developing the artificial intelligence and that this intelligence will then create a nuclear holocaust that will destroy mankind. It will not be like Terminator where small pockets of resistance will survive. I believe all life will be destroyed. Then Christians will live with God in heaven and rule a world of machines. Today cruising through the WDC universe we saw a star.Samberine Everose writing
I love nursery rhymes. This is a cute one. |