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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #2259195
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#1020192 added October 26, 2021 at 3:50pm
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26th October - Tuesday - Minor Character profiles
Revised Character List:

Character: Dramatis Personae

Queen Boudica III
Age: 22


William Cecil
Chief advisor to Boudica, her most trusted advisor.
Age: 36

Bridget Sommers
Best Friend of Boudica.
A dwarf, she is the daughter of Will Sommers, Great Harry's Fool.
Age: 22

Katherine Rothersay
Mother of Boudica
Age: 43.

Eleanor Ffitzjohn
Widow of Edward, Boudica's elder step brother and King before Mary.
Age: 30.

Dafydd Morus
Childhood friend of Boudica. David's father died when he was quite young, and he and his mother had to seek help from their cousins the Llewellyn family. He has consequently been bullied by Pawl Llewellyn. He has loved Boudica since they were both children, usually hopelessly as Boudica likes him, but doesn't feel any romance for him.
Age: 23

Brian Peters
(Replacing Roger Asham)
Educator, Collector of Books. Was Boudica's tutor.
Brian Peters is the only member of Council not swept out by Boudica's explosive use of the Pavilion to destroy the Iberian fleet following Carrick's self sacrifice. He reveals to Boudica some of his previous names - Bran, and Thoth.
Age: Looks to be in his late 50's, but Drake remembers him as looking like that over 20 years ago.

Dr. John Dee
Age: 32
Scholar, collector of books, mathematician, map maker.

Morwenna Llewellyn
Head of the Llewellyn Family, one of the most powerful members of Council.
Unable to have children herself, she is very fond of Pawl, and ambitious for him. She encourages him to woo Boudica, and when it is clear that Bayezid is more to Boudica's taste Morwenna suggests that Pawl accompany Bayezid on his ship as it joins Drake to defend against the Iberian invasion. She suggests that plenty of accidents can happen at sea.This ultimately leads to Pawl's death when the Iberian flagship explodes he is struck by flying timber.
Age: 59

Madog Llewellyn
Younger brother of Morwenna. Generally amiable. Madog likes nothing better than hunting, fishing and running his farm. Likes a quiet life so is generally led by Morwenna, going along with her schemes.
Age: 48

Pawl Llewellyn
Son of Madog, friend of Dafydd Morus. Pawl is somewhat narcissistic, thinking very well of himself. He is well built, an excellent warrior and popular with many women. His own education was rather good, but he affects to despise book learning.
Age: 24

Sir Francis Drake
Age: 43
Given command of the fleet to tackle the Iberian Invasion force. Privateer, adventurer. Is friendly with John Dee and Brian Peters as they are both keen on maps and improving their accuracy.

Son of Suleiman the Magnificent. Bayezid is handsome, intelligent and provides romantic interest for Boudica. She clearly likes him, and will flirt with him once she has got to know him a little. Their shared love of knowledge gives them a lot to talk about. She will not marry him, but he is not deterred and continues to press his suite. His brother tries to strangle him, apparently on the orders of his father. Bayezid kills Selim, having been warned by Carrick's premonition.
He puts his three ships under Drake to defend the realm against the invasion force, and captains one of them himself. Pawl goes with him. Bayezid sees Pawl's rivalry for Boudica as friendly, and is easy going about it, believing correctly that Boudica favours him.
Age: 28

Son of Suleiman the Magnificent, younger brother of Bayezid. Has been instructed by Suleiman to murder Bayezid if he fails to take control of the Mindwalk Pavilion, in order to blame this on the Celts and provide a pretext for war. (Think more about this, may be a bit silly - distance etc making it difficult).
Age: 26

Pater Giovanni Archinto
Head of Rome Block of Mithraic Church
Age: 63

Bernado Filippo Bruno
Chief Financier for the Roman block of Mithraic Church
Head of the Order of Mithraides.
Cadaverous figure, practices Realpolitik along the lines of Machiavelli. Pragmatist, and ruthless in the pursuit of his aims.
Age: 59

Niccolo Corsini
Secretary to Bernado

Pater Mattias
Leader of Polish Block
Age: 57

Iliaster da Ragusa
Member of the Order of Mithraides
Age: 39
Grizzled look, dark skinned, swarthy. An outsider, having to hide his natural psychic talents. Being often under suspicion he moved around a lot, until brought to the attention of Bernardo Bruno, who found him to be perfect a role as part of the new secret order of Mithraides. Deep set eyes, thin hair, nearly bald. well built, and quite strong physically.

Fernando Lucius de Moncloa
Proconsul of Iberia
Description. Handsome man with still dark hair, though receding a little. Slim build, slightly above average height. Deeply religious, and has the rank of Pater. Tries to practice Mithraism honestly. Is incensed by the continual plundering of his treasure ships from the Americas by Drake etc.


Edward Carrick
Age: 77
Description: A slight elderly man who has been a member of Council most of his life. Never a contender for Kingship, Edward is unusually gifted in precognition. He has a sweet nature, and is pretty much universally liked, and held in high esteem. Frail now, with long white hair below a bald pate. Bright blue eyes, full lips, a very open expression. Edward sacrifices himself to save Boudica from Iliaster's attack.
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