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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
The seed sown by the Guru will sprout. The tree that will grow is the same as the world. In the end it will disappear. It is of no use to you. Whatever you gain will ultimately be useless, as there will be no form to enjoy it. The memory ‘I am’ will not remain. When there is no consciousness, there is no need to be happy nor is there any experience of misery. As childhood did not last, our individuality will also not last. Whatever you are not will also end, whether you like it or not. The desire to ‘be’ leads to humiliating conditions e.g. the need to eat, sleep, and wake up, etc., over and over again. In truth, your true nature has no measure. It has no color. You will never know that you have died. How can death be experienced when there is no death? Consciousness will not last whether you like it or not. Whatever you feel about the body will not last. When you realize in meditation that there is nothing, who knows about it? When the knowingness ends, is it death? Many names have been given to consciousness in the human body. It is not found in the objective world. It is not known to anyone. It is transcendental. One in a million realizes it. He realizes his own birth. He knows that where there is consciousness in the body, there is also the world. They go together. Pure consciousness by which we know we are is the Sadguru. It cannot be experienced objectively. All beings have a need to continue their beingness. It is nourished through the five senses. In order to continue it, various activities are undertaken. Devotion to consciousness is its nourishment. That is our first love. It is the only thing that is worthy of love. It is of the nature of the Self. One must perceive it directly. Keep repeating ‘Guru, Guru’ silently. Finally, consciousness gets dissolved into itself. You may lose your prana or the body, but not this Self-knowledge. Deep sleep is restful because the knowingness is not there. The memory of being a man or a woman belongs to the body. There is no need of anything, once the body is forgotten. Unless you understand your present state of being, you will not understand your true nature. When you let go the sense of being a body, your individuality will become the totality. Once the subtle body (seed consciousness) is realized, it becomes universal. All the names are given to the manifest. The world and Brahman are not separate. The light of consciousness is called the world. It is the manifest consciousness that knows the world through itself. It is called the feet of the Guru, and is to be worshipped. In the first phase, one should sit in solitude and go inwards by paying attention to one’s own consciousness – the Guru. It is self-sensing and luminous. It is knowingness and love. To assimilate this knowledge is very difficult. For that, be one with the Guru. While being awake, do not forget that you are pure consciousness. It must be firmly established that ‘I am’ is prior to whatever i have seen. What is there where we are not? With the grace of the Guru, you become of the nature of the Guru and see this. You will realize that you have not done anything at all, nor will you ever do anything. When emotions become quiet, there is no need to go anywhere. The mischievous intellect will never give you any satisfaction. Right discrimination and faith are essential. The whole existence of the world is within you. As a spider forms a web from its saliva, the universe is formed from your own light. It is bondage to think that you live in the light of the world. It is the other way around. All activities take place on the basis of the word (mind-concepts). One who is in the void of the subtle body becomes awake if invoked through words. What is the subtle body and when does it come into existence? It is That by which we feel ‘we are’. There is no God other than the devotee. As God, he is consciousness. You take him to be of the nature of the body and are convinced that there will be death. The universe is fabricated by your unique consciousness. Pay constant attention to your own true nature. If you feel uneasy, recite ‘Guru, Guru’. One who has no fear has no death. |