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entering Wonderland again |
The Mock Turtle has received quite a lot of ‘educations’ under the sea like the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision. Share with us a most unique branch of education entirely from your imagination. (<500 words) Cat-napery: The science of napping. The basic premises of cat-napery can be best learned by observation of the two categories of subject who have mastered the art. These are, of course, babies and cats. Observation proves that cats spend the majority of their spare time with their eyes shut, saving up energy for more important times (like meals and play). Most cats have mastered cat-napery to such an extent that they can sleep anywhere, melding into various surfaces as though their bones were liquid. While adults may not be able to reach the level of expertise of a cat, there is something to be said for making a study of the sleeping habits babies. This is because although most infants have a good idea about the science of napping, as we grow older, we lose some of the wisdom. We no longer let ourselves drop off at an instant until some discomfort or other wakes us. We no longer realize the optimum length of a nap is precisely 1.53 hours, which allows for one solid approach and withdrawal from dreaming. As we leave childhood, we realize that infants and felines have the right idea. It's important to nap. Not only does it speed the day through the boring bits (have you ever seen an infant awake for a lecture? Or a cat letting itself be bored?) but it refreshes us so that we are more attuned to the needs of our bodies and more energized for the rest of our days. One thing is also certain. A too lengthy nap is anathema. Excessive sleep outside of the night time span will leave the napper groggy and sluggish. Do not force the body into more sleep than is needful and proper. And above everything, take time to nap. Forget dignity or time management or any other consideration that could come before the necessity of a good nap, climb into bed, and sleep. word count: 321 |