Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
30 Day Blogging Challenge PROMPT May 30th Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition? What did you learn? It is the last day. Wow. I can't believe May is almost done. Time to pick my favourite prompt and reflect on the past month. I enjoyed the virtual traveling because I got to know my fellow bloggers a bit better in terms of where they live and I got to take a virtual trip that involved a little traveling over the internet. That entry was as good to write as it was to read other people's entries. I also loved writing the the poems on May 8. The prompt for that date was "I used to believe..." I used to believe I was invincible I used to believe life would go on I used to believe that I could do anything I used to believe life was my oyster But then life happened.. Now I believe life is fleeting Now I believe you must cherish what you have Now I believe love and gratitude abide Now I believe in following my bliss Because life is too short to waste. I also appreciate the prompts when I was facing the blank page each day. Having a starting point got the creative juices flowing for the day. Some days I needed that kick in the pants to keep me showing up. I keep thinking that I will take the next month off and so far I have blogged each month of this year so far. Thanks for being here and providing grist for the mill. |