"All books are either dreams or swords." |
I have officially started my first procrastination session of the Fall semester. Nothing to smile about, I know, but there are things we are born to do and procrastination happens to be one of mine. There have been many a tale told about my escapades of this certain trait. My brothers (when all were speaking to me) find it amusing. My mother, ever the pragmatist, finds it completely unnerving. My love finds it cute (somewhere, in the back of his mind, I believe he thinks of me as a little bunny or other cute little creature, which is slightly disturbing but funny all at the same time). Me, personally, I find it gets everything where its suppose to go. Its hard to describe the feelings of a rush during a deadline. Creatively, I get my best stuff when pushed to the limit. At least...I did. Now, as I grow older, I find that the rush simply isn't there anymore. I don't think my need to procrastinate will fade anytime soon, but the want to feel the rush really isn't all that thrilling. However, as I sit in front of my laptop, haven't had cracked open my Poli-Sci book in a few hours, I feel the beginnings of the new academic year. Wonderfully bitter coffee is currently burning its way down my throat as we speak. I haven't slept a solid night in a couple of weeks. My mind is racing and losing focus all at the same time. Higher Education. Isn't it grand? |