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by mozez
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #824952
The morning can be a tough time.
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#280950 added March 8, 2004 at 7:41pm
Restrictions: None
The Morning
The alarm ringing in my room right now is the worst and most devastating sound someone of my age can possibly hear. Would you like to know why? Or do you already know why? Of course you do, but let us just say that you are stupid and I’ll tell you anyway. It symbolizes the beginning. The beginning of what? The start of a new day. And every morning when that sound goes off you are only thinking one thing: that you have to wake up. You have to wake up to go to a place that I am hesitant to write, a place that is feared, a place that is so cruel that people can be heard begging for mercy on a consistent basis. Now, one might be wondering what sort of place I might be talking about. What sort of place is so harsh and scary that I cannot even write its name? You know what it is, for it has also consumed you. And just like me, you wake up in the morning with it in mind. You fear this place so much that you do not dare speak ill of it in a place where it can be heard. You hate it so much, yet you keep going back. Is it fear that drives you back? Or is it something else. Something that has the power to force you to go back.
Your alarm has now been ringing for several minutes. The noise itself has the power to drive any person, man or woman into complete insanity. Yet you keep letting it ring, you cannot get yourself out of your palace of sanctuary to shut off the sound which is currently drowning out that annoying sound that your boiler makes every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year.
Then you hear a click in the far corner of your room. You look where the sound came from and you know what’s about to come. You despise the makers of such machines, machines that might be even more frustrating than that of your dreadful alarm clock. For with this machine comes the sound of something much greater than a constant beeping. With it comes a voice that you hope would have been lost the night before. A voice that had hopefully been stricken with some sort of disease so as not to let but a single sound out. But your prayers have not been answered. The voice comes with a force that you would not have thought possible in the hour in which it is now being used. You close and then reopen your eyes hoping that you were just dreaming and that the time is still to near to hear the voice. But then the message is repeated and you know that your time is up. The message is now being repeated again and it is starting to get more annoying than that of your blasted alarm clock which is still ringing. Then very suddenly and abruptly the alarm clock stops ringing and the voice is silenced. Could it be, you are wondering to yourself, could it be over? That at last you have been left alone, both by man and by machine. Then you hear something else, something which was faint but is quickly getting louder. At first you didn’t realize what it was because you were still under your covers, but now you realize what it is. Your movements are not quick enough and the door is thrown open with a force not possible for the person who did it. You freeze, with your covers almost completely off. You see those furious eyes, the mouth opening, the voice screaming out so loud you thought everyone on your block would hear it. She looks crazed, with here hair a mess and all over the place. Then she says those words. The words that you have been dreading all morning. They hurt like…like…a thousand blistering hot lead bullets piercing through your tired body. You brace yourself, and then they come….”GET UP! YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!”
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