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Oh yes, greetings darlings, all whom might swim surfable, world wide web.

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Freedom of speech is alive and well on ALL MY blogs --- JUNEBUGS STYLE!!!


Please: Just ignore chip on the shoulder writes. JUNEBUGS IS TEFFs First Bloggeroo< Viva, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE!

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Do YOU Need a Good SLAP? (MAKEUP 11/8/Wd.Ct/1498)
November 29, 2008 at 4:05pm
-- Junebuggy Ranting --- OPENING DISCLAIMER: Herein lies nary one single reference to any one specific person. Title: DO YOU NEED A GOOD SLAP? SUBJECT: Below is an author-to-author hint. Particulars please do not use this without quoting me! Please look at the rules for journalism re: quotes, should this crest any NL. Author: The other day pause attacked my iffy-ness. This morning jumping into my June- Buggy, picking up the reigns here, dear readers. Poli... [Read more]
November 7, 2008 at 10:03am
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN OBAMA-BIDEN FAN As world view turns in our direction, while Pres O and VP Biden begin debriefings at the White House, we see an incredible amount of stamina evident in our new President-Elect. Imagine being in the same room with a devil. Oh, that awful gurj bu. Shame on him! No, don't look in his eyes. Pres O --- try wearing designer shades. I, for one, haven't seen the whole campaign flush during the last few months. Exposed only to one, sole tv chann... [Read more]
November 6, 2008 at 10:30am
Hey what's the haps where you are? Troop reduction slated for Iraq according to msnbc.com sources which is a very good sign. The outgoing, seated US prez will want to show signs of good faith to his people. Our wonderful population of voters will be riveted on the current administration's final hours now. THANK GOD, PRESIDENT OBAMA, THANK GOD, VICE PRESIDENT, JOE BIDEN. THANK GOD!!!! We are aware now of the graciousness, the willingness to be supportive of Sen. John ... [Read more]
November 2, 2008 at 8:41pm
... [Read more]
CAULDRON TIME! (Wd.Ct.= 1075)
November 1, 2008 at 2:03am
Oct 31, 2008 -- HALLOWEEN DAY As one may deduce on previous All Hallow's Eve by the year, occasionally there came a time in the author's daily occupation when very personal peeves become addressed re: Cauldron Time. One thing I do not like are reviews where the revver uses c&p and stabs at re-writing perfectly fine work. Another is bogus writing advice which is harmful and wrong in today's publishing, up-dated markets. About Cauldron Time --- a pause in the reality of... [Read more]
Author-to-Author Hint Category (WordCt=1295)
October 26, 2008 at 8:28am
Well, good morning JuneBug Readers. Sun Oct 26, is a seriously foul weather day along the mountain top, draped in cloud cover where colorful leaves swirl about hither and yon in high wind soaked by intense rain. Other author-to-author hints are also available on All part of where some current changes are afoot. These hints today are ones we all probably already get caught up in from time to time. Actually there are a few ways out of the sinking morass akin to overall wr... [Read more]
October 17, 2008 at 9:53pm
... [Read more]
October 17, 2008 at 10:11pm
Date:10/11/08 @ 7:36am From:Fiona T.Teffom (66) To:Fiona T.Teffom Hi! Got a letter this morning which makes my coffee taste bitter. A person has just told me Obama is tied to terrorists. The denial email thus declared how given this information he/she (we cant say) intends voting for McCain. Also, the correspondent believes global warming to be false. Adding kudos for Palin in that letter prompts this open letter. To all who are either like minded or simply believe everythin... [Read more]
AND BOBBY WROTE / Word Ct.= 704
October 12, 2008 at 8:18pm
... [Read more]
October 19, 2008 at 7:44pm
WHO ARE YOU? WHO WHO? WHO ARE YOU?? WHO WHO! NO BAIL OUT, tell congress, tell everyone Who are you! Who am I. Uh, hon, I'm a taxpayer and I do not believe the economy will fail after ups and downs on Wall Street occur daily for the past month! It is a hoax to say the economy is bust, that the nation will go into a "rather bad recession." It did when gas went up to $3. Then $4 per gal. ETC ETC Who are you? Use common sense, talk no bail out an... [Read more]
Throwing in the towel or (WdCt=886)
September 30, 2008 at 12:45am
Beware dog, Lamborghini in overdrive THROWING IN THE TOWEL OR YOU OWE ME! Look, just a title. The quest to be read as a blogger has become too strong. Imagine if you will one extrovert, filled with stewed tomatoes, late of Allentown, thank god whose main goal as an author becomes to be, yes to be ... A popular, much read blogger. Blog on, blog this, to blog or not to blog is the ultimate blogger's question. Blogging hits me in the mawning early. Blogging is ser... [Read more]
The Allentown Manse (Word Ct. = 1428)
September 24, 2008 at 7:42am
Oddly enough, if anyone typing on this blog does not use the for bold the hugest letters come out of the sky and squat here for a spell which also requires tons of time consuming edits. Oh, bother said Pooh. THE ALLENTOWN MANSE Anyways thought about the lost Allentown twin for hours on end today. Seriously do remember almost every inch of that house. Twice I did the woodwork which dated back to the 1920's and was still in it's original shape or so folks said. Especiall... [Read more]
VAMPIRE GENRE ADVICE: Don't (Make Up 9/2 Wd.Ct 1671)
September 22, 2008 at 11:29pm
<> <> <> <> <> <> <> RE: VAMPIRE GENRE -- Don't Take It Personally by short-storyist, Mary Moffett aka As you can see from the Intro for this Blog, Miss Teffy (That's ME!) is also writing for Okay kids, here's the deal .. Monday, this morning -- Sept 22, I wrote the vocab edition for Words of the Days. The word is vampire. The research was intense both Saturday and Sunday past. Sure, I ge... [Read more]
ON VAMPIRES (wd. ct == 898)
September 22, 2008 at 8:45pm
Stored and storied for: and Editor for VAMPIRE MAIN ENTRY: VAMPIRE PRONUNCIATION: vam' pire/ vam rhymes with ram --- pire/ rhymes with fire FUNCTION: noun or adjective Adj use as followes: vampire fangs, vampire lore, vampire kiss, vampire bite INFLECTED FORMS: Alternate spelling -- vampyre vampirism/ vamp/ vampiric The word vampire often includes the entire species as mankind includes all Homosapiens. E.g. vampire traditions. However, va... [Read more]
September 21, 2008 at 9:35am
Editor for TESTACEOUS PRONUNCIATION: tes ta' shes -- short e tes as in Tess, long a FUNCTION -- ADJECTIVE NO INFLECTIONS DEFINITION: 1. Of, like, or from shells 2. Having a hard shell 3. Of the color of unglazed earthenware: light reddish brown Of beetles: Agabetes acuducus -- Larvae: color head testaceous with ocelli black ETYMOLOGY: L= Latin testa /shell L also testaceus == brick/ shell / tile THICK AS A BRICK by Mary Moffett aka ... [Read more]
CHANGE SYN./ SWITCH (Word Count= 2114)
September 19, 2008 at 1:29pm
OH CHANGES! BRING ON INNOVATION, PUH -- LEEZE! Original title:CHANGES -- OH CHANGES! Belonging to http://www.ficiton4sale.highpowersites.com Well hello there. How are You today? Here at Junebugs Central we'll be spending the day spiffing up the new office located this day, Sept 19, 2008 inside a sub oceanic cave. Yes we're splunkers this morning on a grand oceanic roll where abrupt revampings are afloat. To be more on target toward notions of riding the bloggers... [Read more]
Living the High Life/ Milking the Cow (WdCt=866)
September 17, 2008 at 9:39pm
Oh heavens to Betsy. Uh, lost her. Hey come back here will you please. BETTY! I'm begging you, don't do this marathon race thing of yours. PLEASE!!! Holsteins can really cover some hilly ground. They resemble helicopters ascending the simplest of tall rocky bluffs. Betsy, God Bless America is faster than a speeding bullet. Now, I'm standing in a field of Goldenrod with an empty pail. All I needed was a touch of milk in my morning java. Go figure. In a sense we really... [Read more]
WORLDS APART (Word Count = 1172)
September 15, 2008 at 11:25pm
WORLDS APART Subtitle: Depression by Any other Name ... by Mary Moffett aka Leave home for a few days come home to your friendly news alert sources kinda going ape shit. To what do your refer, Miss Teff? Ah, ding- dong. By close of the final bell on Wall Street today, the infamous Dow closed below a 300 point loss. However, sources say it may have been lower with possible below point averages of a 500 point overall collapse. Shucks. Staggering to the sink, grab... [Read more]
Sneaking in for a peek (WdCt=1021)
September 10, 2008 at 10:40pm
There's a timer running to see whether or not since this is a new post --- how long it takes for a view to appear in the owner's view count. Just between you and me, so much business must be taken care of this week, writing of this one blog is not a priority. Junebugs has a new home. The question is: Shall a link be provided to connect to what became this groovy, fun, creative, entertaining, very original blog? Since the initial post one, blog #1 of 2005? Maybe yes, ... [Read more]
Sept 6, Saturday (Word Count = 1335)
September 7, 2008 at 7:53pm
SEPTEMBER 6 -- SATURDAY <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Hey kids! Grumpy ALERT! Perhaps, chagrin by any other name .... Speaking of Saturday .. there's so much to do in My writing career the list somehow took on a life of its own. AT: THE END of August, wrote, edited, re-re-edited, finished, polished & submitted THE KILLING SPREE OF BUTZY SIMONE to Suspense Magazine. Gee, hope to see this online the next ti... [Read more]
September 9, 2008 at 7:04am
OH, Morning Said Pooh Golly gee willickers, Sept already YET ... the neighborhood's off to a pretty good start this month over at my house. The mail came so I paid the bills. Then the lawn guys came. So, I tried to position border flower baskets along the Rubekia out of the way, then lift the Artemesia with a rake to keep it away from empowering, debilitating mower blades. The grass is so short a grasshopper is higher not standing on his hind legs. Instead, laying on his bel... [Read more]
GUSTAV HIT (Word Count 701)
September 5, 2008 at 10:51am
... [Read more]

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