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Rated: 18+ · Book · Food/Cooking · #952447
Journalism/ Hisstory 2005. BLOG revamp Mar '16 Book CLOSED


Address: Junebugs Central
Lamborghiniville, USA
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Oh yes, greetings darlings, all whom might swim surfable, world wide web.

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Freedom of speech is alive and well on ALL MY blogs --- JUNEBUGS STYLE!!!


Please: Just ignore chip on the shoulder writes. JUNEBUGS IS TEFFs First Bloggeroo< Viva, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE!

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FANDANGO crashes after meeting entry limits NEW YEARS EVE! FAREWELL FANDANGO!
I-NET & ONSITE VIEWS WELCOME! FANDANGOs final entry: "Invalid Entry

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March 17, 2016 at 8:51am
JAN 7 -- 2009 Prompt: "SAY NO TO NO" This prompt sounds silly, son. But it makes me think of living in the South where sunny skies burst to complete downpours in coastal Carolina. This is a place where everything one learnt about grammar, syntax, even spelling ... one left at the door of the restaurant in the early hours of dawn's soft light. Then one made biscuits aka Irish Scones. All spoke like this -- I aint never done it, not once, not never, noh noh noh not me. At th... [Read more]
JAN BLOG TOPICS/500Wds Makeup/1/4/wct/627
February 1, 2009 at 4:14pm
Since blogging surrounds the and soul of June Bugs Central, am making up missed Jan dates for By topic and date: Jan 1 -- The New Me In 2009 there just may be a new me. Not around the corner, only under consideration for April at the very first of opportunities which seem to have arisen since the summer of 2008. We have more than one empty restaurant or store in our small Keystone burg. We are viewing a small establishment next weekend. We have an Elm Street Clause her... [Read more]
3 TOPICS, EACH INTENSE/500Words/ Makeup/1/5/381wds
February 1, 2009 at 4:21pm
supplies the following prompt for today, Jan 26, 2009. These are not the exact words of the prompter in Concise version of prompt ... express thoughts on abortion, adoption and same sex marriages. These three topic are hot topics so intense in the effect that they fill non-fiction books, courtrooms, and hours and hours of television and radio time. Same Sex Marriage -- Legal in New Hampshire, Vermont. On the books as proposed to become legal in Massachusetts. Taken from le... [Read more]
COMFORT RE: ER PATIENCE/500Wds Makeup/1/6/263 wdct
February 1, 2009 at 4:32pm
Jan 25 Prompt in : "Waiting for hours in the ER --- how to make it more efficient/ and/ or comfortable on patients and families." from There is no easy clinch of survival for the emotions nor worries inside an ER waiting room. The patient is elsewhere, the family is under duress. Stress is the name of the game. In the meantime outside the hospital kids need care, jobs need excuses, cars need to run and be parked. Other family members must be appraised of recent goings on... [Read more]
Chores/ 500 Words a Day Makeup/1/7/378 wds
February 1, 2009 at 4:46pm
Jan 6 Prompt: Which are you? A multi-tasking or a switch tasking one? Prompt for Actually, what difference is there between these two degrees pertaining to getting specific chores or jobs accomplished? Perhaps, if me: switch tasks to another. Multi me: do various chores at the same time? Eh, must be up for personal interpretation supposedly. Oh, hell, I guess so. The only ones here besides yours truly are Mickey the Marauder, a tabby cat and Mc White, Whitey a large whit... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 4:01pm
Prompt for Jan 14 ... Are we living in an illusion? Prompt for Take the we --- unsure of how other folks are living by any means. Re: illusion. If we are talking as compared to the environment around us, the answer is always yes. Then most of us or even all are certainly living in an illusion. We probably do want to get up in the morning and also seek our beds at night hoping all is well with the state of our air quality. We will know if it is poor if there's been... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 5:02pm
Jan 23, 2009 Writing today for Jan 24 Prompt: "Who has inspired you most and why." At first thought this was a trick question. Then wanted to answer by decade. Then figured most of my life Mother Earth or E. inspires me the most. When morning crests our incredible, neighboring Blue Mountain Range in this lovely, cold as ice, frigid landscape dawn spreads like glowing lava across branches, trees and the white snowy earth beneath our feet. Gloaming knocks on our back do... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 5:10pm
JAN 22, 2009 --- Oh Hello, Bloggers! Waiting for THE DAILY SHOW so might as well blog on. Believe it, Ms Teffy (That's ME!) adores contest hosting/ judging/ rewarding/ creating/ going with the flow before, during and after her contests. In the middle of pleasant scruples/ reading poems and stories @ continue to follow last year's chronological order to close this one for entries. Thing is EHACS re-opens and stays open all year. Today copyrighted the o... [Read more]
IMAGINATION IS KEY! /500Wds/Makeup/1/9/Wds.243
February 1, 2009 at 5:37pm
Making a fuss of making a fuss clocks in as blogging or making a fuss. Perhaps prompt city. Take a world or state of imagination only ... a-yeaha ... if plotting's your main fuss this is kinda not imagination only in a daily world. Yet, pulling in readers from a vortex, a world far away ... aka Junebugs Central ... Miss Teffy's home blog. So one day find me and Little Girl walking along a snowy precipice ... icicles crashing from forest trees ... Miss Mary? I just ... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 5:49pm
Uh, oh, mmmm .. now exactly where is the best blog challenge going? Hmm? Where, when, what are the haps? How's it blogging on? And are you in, are you on, are you down? Answer == PROMPT: JAN 20 - CHANGE as pertains to Pres. Obama's Inauguration Day. Start with the music. Notice TEN Inaugural Balls spread across Washington, DC. Conclude: Wow! By evenings end, these folks really know how to throw a celebration. Notice: Pres. O hoping to bring the vote to his neighbo... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 5:56pm
From: From Jan 19 Prompt: "Enumerate five excuses for (missing) work." 1. Weather conditions in the North -- in the Winter -- Snow! Heavy snow, snow & ice on the roads, snow and ice on the cars, snow & ice on the sidewalks --- Most folks stretch this one a bit. If in the country, claims come forth for worse as in true icy conditions/ no snow plows in sight on hilltops. 2. Illness, temporary like flu, colds. Generally arthritis is flagged as they expect one in anywa... [Read more]
APOLOGY TIME / Wds. 1602
February 1, 2009 at 6:07pm
... [Read more]
RINGING OUT! (Wd Ct 1183)
January 2, 2009 at 6:39pm
Title: RINGING OUT! FINAL ENTRY COMPETING IN THE THIRTY ONE DAY BLOG CHALLENGE, as well all the Dec entries below. New Year's Eve Prompt -- Dec. 31 ... "The obstacle is the path" Zen quote Thinking free free at last* due to daily deadline dedication one finds during the blog contest which lasts an entire month. Sure, one gets up early, puts on the lights, fixes coffee while the fry pan holds an omelet --- all conditioned to support the writing challenge... [Read more]
2BLOG 'R NOT 2FLOG (Wd Ct 629}
January 2, 2009 at 7:05pm
E-mail message SUBJECT: 2BLOG OR NOT 2FLOG! DEC 31 From to the world at large! Welcome to Junebugs Central, dear esteemed guests. Of Junebugs appreciated, welcome readers: Thank you, Long Island, we'll talk. (See comment section: DEC 28/29 below.) Prompt for DEC 31 also from Miss Fiona. "OFFER a Challengers' take on the experience of blogging for 31 full days, mention prompt scene and include whatever you like." You didn't? You did?... [Read more]
TOO FAR by Half (Wd Ct 1054)
January 2, 2009 at 7:11pm
Previously for 2008's coldest month, our entire mo of DEC Junebugs submits blog entries during Earl's Todays prompt from Atlanta rez, SuperMike, a talented author, fictionist, short-storyist in his own blog writes serves up the warmth of anti-romance. Thus picture reasons for turbulent conclusions for romance genre without a spark of romance, Sparky. So ex as boyfriend in the closet? Sorry, too kinky. Sorry. Singing ... "There's a fatman in the bathtub. ... [Read more]
January 2, 2009 at 7:18pm
HOMELESS REVIEWER is a blog entry in: The 31 Day Journal Challenge DEC 28 Prompt: crazy candle cares cowboy Previously on Junebugs several blogs refer to GreenTie, a homeless cad with a reviewing addiction. When he stops by Fi's place in the Keystone State, she'll either send a sandwich out the mail slot for him or give him a cot in the cellar. Knock knock! Who is it? GreenTree. Who? GreenTree. Cut me a break, Teff, it's cold out here. Hold on! Teff,... [Read more]
Causes of an Unjust War? (Wd Ct 542)
January 2, 2009 at 7:26pm
Writing for: 31 DAY JOURNAL WRITING CHALLENGE DEC 27 Prompt: "Place yourself in the shoes of someone who has a disability and write about something they THINK they cannot do but after trying and trying they find they are able to do." Correct me, if I'm wrong, but I'm not alone in thinking the seated pres of the US has a credibility disability. This month in two different interviews, both before a camera entourage, which sends the fella into almost gid... [Read more]
January 2, 2009 at 7:38pm
Entry for Dec 26 Prompt --- Interact with yourself at a younger age. Okay, Teff, how's it going this morning? Oh, not too bad. There's a silver stop watch swinging over your head, are you relaxed? Um, think so. Do you have a boring life, Teff? It's Miss Teff, and no. So, you're the laid back type? You put me on this couch, so whatdya expect? Can it, sparky. Are you a good speller? I'm better than I was in 1999 when I started writing seri... [Read more]
CHRISTMAS DAY (MAKE UP 12/24 == 214 wds)
January 3, 2009 at 9:21am
Prompt for Dec 25 --- Tell how the holiday is celebrated and with whom. Santa's gone, elves no longer under foot. DeCampo came and kidnapped the children, saying they should stay with their siblings at her house for Christmas Day, today. She means to keep them together all week. An icicle just fell of the roof. The sound it made hitting the porch steps is deafening. There are shattered pieces of ice slivers everywhere. Tops of the trees bear the look of a winter wonderland... [Read more]
January 2, 2009 at 7:50pm
... [Read more]
January 3, 2009 at 9:14am
From: Writing this month for: Dec 23 Prompt: Favorite Christmas Imagine if you will in a world far away, where cold weather strikes and strikes hard ... a little girl named Dagmar answers the door to find low and behold sixteen elves in all manner of disarray. Little green hats, little red coats, faces akin to rotten apples, they ask for one thing and one thing only --- room at the Inn aka Teffom Estates. Oh, boy. Junebugs Central is home to a publication. Two of ... [Read more]
January 3, 2009 at 9:33am
Prompt: DEC 22 -- List five goals or more for future 1. Quit hitting the cap lock, then forgetting to release while typing IN ALL CAPS. 2. Order the Ferry-Morse Seed Display. These probably will sell at the flea market or from the front porch. Yes, costly but it's almost Jan. when folks start seed indoors. 3. Continue to be the great apologizer whenever you stick your foot in it. 4. FINISH the lousy "my own, my very own, website." You've got the set-up, kid... [Read more]
January 3, 2009 at 9:50am
Prompt -- Two facts & sources pertaining to Global Warming & the North Pole According to Mike Serreze of the US National Snow & Ice Data Center Headline --- "THE NORTH POLE IS NOW AN ISLAND!" from: http://www.techcurse.com Sept. 2008 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Global Warming 101 -- Headline: North Pole Could Be Ice Free This Summer "Each winter's freeze, therefore, results in a thinner pack that this summer could melt altogether then effe... [Read more]

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