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Rated: 18+ · Book · Food/Cooking · #952447
Journalism/ Hisstory 2005. BLOG revamp Mar '16 Book CLOSED


Address: Junebugs Central
Lamborghiniville, USA
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Oh yes, greetings darlings, all whom might swim surfable, world wide web.

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Freedom of speech is alive and well on ALL MY blogs --- JUNEBUGS STYLE!!!


Please: Just ignore chip on the shoulder writes. JUNEBUGS IS TEFFs First Bloggeroo< Viva, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE!

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31 DAYS/ 25 DAYS /wds/1031
March 1, 2009 at 5:29pm
Owned exclusively by 2008 DEC Winner in ==== Feb 20 Prompt from "Muses, are you a believer?" TITLE: MUSE OR NO MUSE? Written and produced by Ms Mary Moffett aka Q: Does one hold with muses? Are you a believer? Of what little one? Oh, does Teffster, steer us so right ... cotton to a muse being what now? What the hell is a muse? Shall OP alterego talk results in wishin please don't call up the house. Ya know? Should one set an extr... [Read more]
February 19, 2009 at 7:59pm
a member blog entity ... registered with Blogging in FEB for THURSDAY/ FEB 19 Prompt: relate a dream. Title: DREAM ON! Subtitle: TARADIDDLE By SOJOURN TO INVERNESS by Mary Moffett clocks in as a novel with six chapters which unfortunately* became stuck. No problemena aka snag in the operation, thass all. Sure, the prefab plot to reach kinda deviated toward a different direction. Due to ... what the hell was her name? The wildcat chick from East London, a ... [Read more]
February 18, 2009 at 8:43am
Proud member of Also writing in FEB for FEB 18 PROMPT: What walls would you take down (?) --- moreorless (not exact words) supplied by TALK ABOUT THE COTTAGE By (user:teffom} Moving home to Pennsylvania in 1997 from the Tarheel state of Coastal Carolina, walking into an old job situation from nearly five years prior, provides enough flexible income to rent a small cottage. Later, find out this four room cottage with it's sitting room kitchen combo, two tiny be... [Read more]
FEB 17 == agrandizement/ promo (wds/884)
February 17, 2009 at 9:59pm
First came Teffy Then came The Files Then came Junebugs Then came Ripperology Then came The Club. Today came ... home to ho hum boredom ... as home from work one comes reading a boring lousy prompt subject. Ah well ... FEB 17, 2009 Scruffy Duck enters a prompt re: "self harm" for RE: self harm. Taken by themselves the two words by definition can include much in the downturn annulls surrounding,... [Read more]
Modified Reality (wds/1186)
February 17, 2009 at 12:12am
is a member of Blogging in FEB for FEB 16 Prompt "Talk about Monsanto. Or GMO." from GMO TECHNOLOGY MAY GO STRAIGHT TO BLOODY HELL By On FREE SPEECH TV airs a film, titled: THE FUTURE OF FOOD from Lily Films by Deborah Koons and Catherine Butler. Watching this film at least five times by now, the audacity of Monsanto is still rather hard to swallow. The documentary highlights Monsanto Corp in Canada and India. Recommended viewing for gardeners, all ... [Read more]
LIZZIE BORDEN INNOCENT?/ Makeup/2/13/wds/595
March 1, 2009 at 4:17pm
plans a new blog intro ... soon, very soon. A happy-camper member of Where blogger members supply word counts for our posted/ blog entries. Blogging in FEB for FEB 15 PROMPT: "Learn one thing today and write about it" from Author's Note: the prompt bordering upon online research from this desk. Today's a catch up day around the house. The fact seedlings didn't rise from their snug dirt trays is most likely due to them not being started a... [Read more]
PARENTS & ART /wds/694
March 1, 2009 at 4:33pm
Member of: Blogging this month for FEB 13 PROMPT "How my mother met my father" from Goshers the following trip back in time goes way way back .. Well to be brief, my father's older brother, my Uncle Francis married my mother's older sister. However, neither of the two families lived more than three miles apart. And all of the foursome above remained close throughout their lives as later did my cousins and yours truly. Much time was spent back then swimming, ro... [Read more]
February 12, 2009 at 9:00pm
FEB 12 Prompt from TEFF "Do you type in the conventional way?" Title: KEYBOARDS ARE MADE FOR TYPING By: Keyboards are made for typing. And that's just what they do One of these days your keyboard Might BLOG right over you! Of course, the ditty above is lyrical if sung to the tune of THESE BOOT WERE MADE FOR WALKING by singer, Nancy Sinatra. However, typing and yours truly go as far back as swing bands, jitterbug, knee high socks & boots, American Bandstand-wi... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 4:09pm
For Today, Feb 12, 2009's prompt --- create a list of ten (your) best people. Title: JUNEBUGS RANT & THE LIST OF TEN By Mary Moffett 1. JFK 2. Bill Clinton for keeping this country at peace for eight years willingly. 3. Jerry Seinfeld for making me laugh with each new show, with every single rerun. GO JERRY, your approach to the television sitcom is classic! 4. Paul Newman -- for his impeccable acting ability, his awareness of the plight of the infirm and needy with... [Read more]
February 10, 2009 at 1:09pm
requests FEB 10's prompt identify a list of ten people (known or from history) who in one's estimation are disliked by the blogger. This hook sentence is a brief sum of the prompt/direction available @ Today -- Research is also encouraged. Title: INFAMOUS BAKER'S DOZEN By: Author's note: Enter here with full knowledge that these opinions are shared by others, not my original premise and allowed full recourse of the First Amendment carrying due process/ ... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 4:51pm
LIZ NEVER TOUCHED THAT AX! By Fall River, Massachusetts FEB 14, 1893 Diary of Josephine Mullen St. Valentine's Day 1893 MY BEST FRIEND in the whole word, the beautiful maiden, Miss Lizzie Borden languishes inside county lock up again tonight. Outside, the moon in the sky's shedding light across my pillow. So I lit a candle to write upon the maple sidebar. Being above stairs I can look below at silver lawns surrounding my canvas tent. Where, flowers which ar... [Read more]
GWB Cracks the Liberty BELL(500 Words Makeup/2/7/wds/819
February 8, 2009 at 3:59pm
supplies FEB 8's Prompt: "What does freedom mean to you? How do you express your freedom? Do you consider yourself free?" For: Title: GWB Cracks the Liberty Bell Once More By: The tease above perhaps lies dormant in the prompt as IF the USA is a utopia in the Northern hemisphere located in North America where all US citizens are surrealistically considered free, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Granted, while new immigrants to our shores may long for bett... [Read more]
Whatya Mean Out of Hand? (wds/1095)
February 8, 2009 at 10:43am
FEB 7 Prompt "When life gets out of hand what do you do to relax and regain composure?" from For BLOG Contest: Title: Whatya Mean Out of Hand? By: (Good question, Caressa.) Subtitle: An Author's Story This winter my quaint parody of the famous movie: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES fabulously was chosen and featured in a http://www.writing.com Short Story Newsletter. This turn of events came out of the blue actually quite a surprise to yours truly. Communicatio... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 5:39pm
JUNEBUGS BLOG participating in: Feb 6 Prompt from yours truly, TEFF --- "A person hand delivers a valentine. To whom and why." HEARTS FOR LIZ BORDEN By Inside an antique secretary, freestanding just barley upon three legs, decoupaged drawers bearing large photos of pink rambling roses slashed with asparagus fern, a cracked roll-top missing five slats, all cunningly represented in cedar, we discovered an ancient folded envelope. The scent of the crime ever being solv... [Read more]
February in Vermont //wds/161
March 1, 2009 at 5:48pm
FEb 5 prompt from Enilorac. In effect: Write a story, start with one word, then double each sentence's word count. John? Yes, dear. I need you, darling. Frieda, I'm fed up with your ridiculous clinging. John, this isn't the time for staunchness, luv, since an eminent N'Easter is on the way. John sets down his tumbler of Jameson, glances out his second floor window where bilious clouds seredipitously march across the horizon to his right, aware h... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 5:57pm
Writing for FEB 4 prompt for: Prompt: If you had one week prior to the world being destroyed --- how would you spend it? Honestly. So no need to worry about finances or lack therof since this is bordering on fiction. Thus give my self a hefty bank account. Book a flight to Europe for myself and family. Visit Scotland: see the Royal Mile and Loch Ness. Next up --- London, see all the sights. Then onto gaye Paris, where I shall eat three large delicious meals per day, and sight-se... [Read more]
CATS /wds/268
March 1, 2009 at 6:04pm
Prompt for "Little Animals" From At my place live two cats and me. Whitey is all White and has thick hair with pink on the tips of his ears. He takes to napping often as he's up in years. But he plays with Mickey. Mickey is a tabby and a good size for his one year and six months age. They fuss in play fights, sleep side by side and eat like wild horses. I feed them canned food about every other day, daily water and dry cat food bought at the Dollar Store in la... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 6:15pm
FEBRUARY 2, 2009 blogging during Today's Prompt (FEB 2) List three ideas toward world peace. From fellow Blog Challenger: (This call to arms type prompt -- probably means well or is looking for options for a planet we all so well. Allright, immediately go to msn.com search with the following question: "How many wars are in progress worldwide?" Result: 1, 670, 000 hits. Not to fear .. reading down page one with fifteen search results, observe some sit... [Read more]
March 1, 2009 at 6:24pm
PROMPT from for FRUGAL IS AS FRUGAL DOES ... by Frugality in this day and age, aka our trying times, is a way of life for a population now smitten with higher prices which are most likely not to plunge. Realizing, of course, that BLOG Challengers clock into http://www.writing.com from around the world. Actions and warnings by those-in-the-know in Aug, 2007 and later in the Fall of 2008 --- the financial catastrophe which so-called experts dub the US likeliness to encoun... [Read more]
BLOG FEST /Wd Ct/477
January 31, 2009 at 7:02pm
JAN 31 Prompt -- "Can you name a few things you like about ? Why, yes I can. The communication on the Blog forum and via blog comments with other bloggers. And their utmost courtesy. The fact challengers supply prompts is high on the plus side list. The fact has increased views almost every single day. Although, some serious writing is on hold this past month, and I felt a major break time required a bit of a breather, I came back to the Challenge because I missed it. ... [Read more]
MOST POST /WdCt. 471)
February 1, 2009 at 2:34pm
This blogger from the one and only June Bugs Central is also a member of JAN 30 PROMPT from For: "What is the most important thing to you." Notice today's prompt reads 'things' Family is first on my list, especially my daughter who manages peacefully, diplomatically to pull me out of awkward situations, usually of my own making. Call her a thing and we'd take umbrage. Next, with me, it's always all about the writing. Nope, not tangible en... [Read more]
Wiki Wiki or Britani Britani/WdCt 815
February 1, 2009 at 2:50pm
Writing since Mar 2007 for: and Prompt for Jan 29, 2009 "Discuss difference between Wikipedia and encyclopedias." From Mary Moffett aka Lucky for me PBS ran a special about Wikipedia this week. The owners/ creators of the fifth largest website on the Internet, Wikipedia, were interviewed, spoke out about their baby getting off the ground. As well people around the world praised Wikipedia as an online source. Especially due to the fact Wikipedia carries almost ev... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 3:16pm
Jan 28 prompt from designated prompter a new member of Name folks (alive or not) whom you would like to meet. Not C T's exact words. OKay, stand back, pulling up my sleeves here. Paul Newman, my favorite actor from his first movie to his last movie. Robert Redford, Ben Affleck, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Sparks, Steven King, Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams. Also would love to converse with Alice Hoffman, Anne Tyler, Whoopi Goldberg, Ann Rice ... President... [Read more]
February 1, 2009 at 3:23pm
Jan 27 prompt --- tell about a novel you may intend to write etc (not exact prompt words) I can't tell the truth here. If I did, google will pick this up take it to the world and I am thus left up the creek without a paddle. I started four unfinished novels, abandoned one, finished one. Without a care in the world I took a short story and tried to make it into a novel. Then this one had no end ... so nearly five starts, please recall only one finished. One of the novels abov... [Read more]
JAN COMPLETE! 12,13,15-18/WdCt/1546-Makeup/1/2
February 1, 2009 at 3:31pm
Prompts from bloggers in Also writing for post Feb 1, 2009 when word counts will be noted. JAN 12 Prompt: (Tell) of an interesting person you met. Well back in about 1977, I met & interviewed Musician, Guitarist, Singer George Thoroughgood on his birthday. George was all the rage then playing pubs, quickly rising on the Philly music scene. Enter, Maxine, a good friend of ours ... whose boyfriend, Bobby took to George's new sound, a cross between country & rock & ... [Read more]

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