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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

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#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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August 25, 2015 at 1:58pm
August 25, 2015 at 1:58pm
Artist: Alkaline Trio
Album: Crimson
Song: Mercy Me
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30DBC: Bring your binoculars with you today on our hike, we are going to studying the osprey and red-tailed hawks today. It would be really helpful if you brought your sketch pads as well. The ranger service is trying to find out what is impacting the two large birds in this area. So our eyes are very important today. Your keen ability for details is important.
Tell us what you learned today?

Today I learned what an Osprey is. Ick, I don't like birds. They freak me out. I'm okay with owls just because they're kinda cool looking, but as far as normal birds that fly all crazy and poop on people. Yuck. They're so creepy with their beady eyes and beaks. I have no idea how people can own them as pets and let them fly around their head. No way. I think I might sit today out and try to brainstorm why the two large birds in the area are being impacted.

Let's see, I'm thinking it has to have something to do with the environment, right? There's probably too much pollution in the area. I know, instead of birdwatching today, I'll pick up trash that people have thrown out. Has anyone gone around picking up trash like that? I mean, not for community service, but just to clean up an area? I used to clean along my road as a kid because people would drive by and throw their trash out the window. People tend to do that on country roads because there's never anyone around to see them. That might be good use of an afternoon on our trip.

BCOF: What three topics do you read the most about? Are they the same three topics you think the most often about?
BLOG CITY: “A person can write the most beautiful, lyrical sentences (as James Patterson will be the first to tell you, he does not), but if the story doesn’t grab a reader by the throat, and—having grabbed on—hold her there, none of the rest may matter all that much.” Joyce Maynard in her article on Patterson --- in Observer

What kind of stories capture your imagination so you may keep on reading?

I'm just going to combine these two prompts because they work so well together. It's funny when that happens. I like to read about realistic things. I like things that can actually happen and do actually happen. That's why a lot of the sci-fi/fantasy stuff is so hard for me to get into. I need to be able to relate my life to the story, and I can't do that very well if the story is about something fake.

So, for my three topics that I read most about, I would say murder, love, and life. I have to say murder because I love horror stories and people usually get killed in them. I've been reading in the romance genre lately, which is kind of strange for me, but a lot of the poetry I read is about relationships too, so love definitely has to be on the list. The last one is super general because it's just 'life', but I read a lot of coming-of-age books and they basically are just about life. I think a lot about love and life, but I don't think about murder often, thankfully. *Laugh*

As far as the kind of stories that capture my attention, they're the ones that I can put myself into. I like being able to get emotionally involved in the story and the characters. If I can't do that, I won't be captivated by the story. I also like for things to move along quickly. If several pages are spent describing every single scene, I probably won't finish the story. Some scenes just don't require you to explain every last detail. It gets boring very quickly and I'll put the book down.

WTMR 1. What's your idea of the perfect holiday? Do you want to go where all the action and excitement is, or is relaxed and peaceful more your style?

I struggle to decide on vacation plans. Sometimes I think I want to go all out and travel for an adventure, but other times I want to just stay at home and write. I think writers have that struggle often, especially if they're somewhat outgoing like I am. I'll often think that it would be nice to be around people and go some place new, but then at the same time, I want to be alone writing or reading. It's like a personality crisis.

What I try to do when I have time off is a combination of the two. I might go to a concert and a party after, then the next day I'll stay home and be like a hermit. I guess I don't have a lot of time off though. When I'm not in school, I still have to work. I couldn't really get away with going on vacation for too long, although I am going for a week over Christmas break to see Kira's family because she hasn't seen them for a couple years now except for her parents. We already have the plane tickets and all that. The loss of income will just have to be accepted, as is life when you're an independent contractor.

A perfect holiday would be one where I could travel and both relax and do exciting things. Like, going to another country and having days where I could just hang out on the beach AND days where I could go do adventurous stuff too. I haven't been on a 'legit' vacation in so long. I mean, I've traveled, but traveling and vacationing are two very different things. One's a way of life, one's a break from life.

WTMR 2. How do you stay organised? What happens when you take on too many obligations?

I'm a fairly unorganized person. I mean, my house is clean and all that, but I'm not crazy tidy in my personal life. I have my school stuff just sort of around everywhere and I'm never quite sure when something's due or if I've done it yet or not. I sort of keep things organized in my head, but that turns into a mess pretty quickly. I guess I stay organized by checking things when I forget when I need them done by. If I keep forgetting to do something, I'll just make the time to do it the next time I do remember it. If I have a habit of forgetting something, I'll just keep forgetting it forever. I have to get it done right when I remember it.

I try not to overdo it with obligations, but I tend to anyway. It's hard not to with school and work because I have those things to do and they take up so much time, but then I also want to do other things just for fun and that's where I end up overextending myself. I get all of the things I need to get done finished and then I have no time leftover for the fun things I committed myself to.

On WDC, I try not to overextend myself at all. I know how annoying it is when you're relying on someone to do something and they can't fulfill their part because they've committed to more things than they can handle. When I'm in school, I don't promise to do much here because I know I don't have time for it. The only thing I do commit myself to while I'm in school is challenges that don't hurt anyone if I can't fully complete them. Like, I'll do an endurance challenge because it doesn't really matter if I don't do it.

WTMR 4. How is your writing perceived by the people in your 'real life'? Are you the next bestselling author in their eyes, is it a silly hobby, or somewhere in between?

The people in my real life don't talk about my writing much. I mean, my best friend knows that I write and he has read some of my poetry. He definitely digs it, but probably sees it as a side hobby, which it is. My brother has read some of my short stories and he thought they were alright, I think. Everyone around me knows that I write, they just don't know to what extent I write or what I write about.

I would guess that the people in my real life see my writing as a hobby, but I wouldn't think that they see it as a silly one. I mean, anything creative can't really be considered silly, or maybe it can, what do I know. My oldest brother paints and he's really good. I mean, he's really good at all art like that. As far as hobbies go, I think my family for sure sees him as more talented and therefore more serious in his hobby. He is very talented though, it's true.

I don't think I'd want people to see me as the next bestselling author though. That's way too much pressure and turns my hobby into a job, which is not something I've ever been interested in doing. Writing is my escape from reality, not my means to exist in it.

It's been a long day living with this
It's been a long time since I felt so sick
I took a long walk straight back home
I could've walked back to Chicago
August 22, 2015 at 6:35pm
August 22, 2015 at 6:35pm
Artist: Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks
Album: Wig Out at Jagbags
Song: Lariat
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Ah, it's my last weekend before school starts. *Cry* I'm so not ready for my break to be over. It feels like it was only a week long because I was out of town the first week and then grieving most of the time. I got all my books and my classes are open now. It's gonna be a tough semester, definitely my hardest courses yet. We'll see how it goes.

30DBC: Tomorrow, we are going to work on a Buffalo Ranch because storm damage was done to the Ranger Training Center and in exchange for our labor we are going to participate in a study with the rangers tagging the bison.

Work clothes, positive attitude... are you ready? What special ability do you bring to the table? Tell us about your contribution today.

Before I forget, ~Minja~ had the most votes for best costume during our camping costume contest! I sent her a nice fashion badge for her efforts! Thanks for your votes, everyone! Congrats, Minja!

Merit Badge in Fashion
[Click For More Info]

   Congratulations on WOWing your fellow campers during the  [Link To Item #30dbc]  camping costume contest!! *^*Heart*^*

Now, on to this 'positive attitude' business. There's no way I'm putting on work clothes and do physical labor on my last weekend off. Have you lost your mind, Lyn? Why in the world would I want to participate in a study about rangers tagging bison? No way! They're not even going to pay me for helping clean up after the storm? Like, they're going to allow me to watch them tag bison in exchange for hard work? No, I say. NO NO NO. Not doing it.

Instead, I say that we venture into a town somewhere and find a nice restaurant to eat at, maybe go to a movie, yeah? Come on, you know you want the air conditioning. Okay, okay, so I might be the worst camper ever, but seriously. Can we go spelunking? Can we go ziplining? I like going into caves a lot. I went into one when I was a kid and it got really narrow at the end so you had to pull yourself through on your stomach in order to fit and it was pitch black.

So, what am I going to bring to the table today? Um... I'll be eye candy. Psssssh.

BLOG CITY: Writing helps us map our interior world, part of laying our track is letting ourselves imagine what direction we might like to lay it in. This tool helps us get a sense of your emotional geography. If you didn't actually have to write it, what might be fun... a mystery, love story, a novel, songs, plays, or poetry? Tell us what and why?

A novel, definitely! I so badly want to write a novel with some mystery and a love story or something. I just don't have time, like at all. *Sad* I wanted to do NaNo this year. Then I remembered that I'm going to be in school full-time and working full-time during the month of November. I mean, I might still try it, just because it sounds so fun in theory, but I bet I would end up giving up after a few days because there's just no way I have that much time to write right now. I even have trouble keeping up with blogging because of real life obligations. It sucks, but that's life.

I'd like to write a fiction novel though and mix in hints of several different genres. If I did NaNo, I'd probably want to do the prep for it too though and that would be all of October and November. PLUS, I don't even have a story to tell. I don't know how people come up with novel-length ideas unless they're in the sci-fi/fantasy genre, just because there's so much that can be done with that. I can't write those genres though. I can barely even read them because they bore the everliving fuck out of me for some reason.

I like to read novels about things that could actually happen. I like coming-of-age stories and the like. Things with psychology and maybe just super gritty and dark because that's how life is, right? I just never have a long enough storyline to keep it going. Maybe you guys have some suggestions on that?

WTMR 5. Do you have a good luck charm? What is it? If not, have you ever found yourself doing something (like knocking on wood) regardless of whether you believe the superstition or not?

I have no idea if I'm superstitious or not. The reason is that sometimes I get 'weird' feelings or I feel like I need to do something superstitious, but I usually just ignore the feeling until it goes away.

I will say that I have a couple lucky things though. I get superstitious about that sort of thing. I have a sentimental attachment to things. I have a pencil that I use for all of my math tests and I've never gotten anything less than an A with it, so now I feel like I have to use it when I'm doing math. It's actually an awesome pencil though. It's heavy and made of metal, but it's super sleek and thin. I just refill it with lead when it runs out and bring a spare eraser because that one's been worn down for like a year.

I dunno. I don't think I do it because I think the pencil is lucky or anything. I do the same thing with jewelry, like bracelets or necklaces. I'll keep them and wear them forever. I have a black rope necklace that I've had for a couple years and I've worn it almost 100% of the time since I got it. It's probably just a habit or comfort thing. It's nice to always have the same thing on or with you. It's like a stability thing or whatever. Plus, little gifts like that are important to me because they remind me of the person who gave them to me, so I'll wear it or keep it with me forever. I'm super sentimental like that.

As far as knocking on wood... yeah, I think I've done that once or twice, mostly because someone said it and I just instinctively did it because it was said. It's weird because I never think to say it, but if I hear someone else say it, I have to knock on wood in response. *Pthb*

WTMR 6. I believe that everyone has a role in their family. Someone is the leader. Someone is the emotional mediator. What is your role in your family? Feel free to share the roles of other family members too, as you see them.

I definitely believe this too. Families do have specific roles for their members, whether necessary or not. I think sometimes someone's role can become sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy too. Like, someone tells you that you are this way and you just become that way on accident. I think that happens with the kids in a family a lot. Like, "this is my successful kid and this is my troublemaker", ya know.

So... anyone care to guess which one I am in my family?? *Laugh* My oldest brother is the leader, super successful and adventurous. It's hard to beat the kid who's in law school. When we meet people they're always like, "OHHH, is this the soon-to-be lawyer?" I don't mind. Less attention on me = better for me.

Then there's the middle brother and he's the family mediator. He's like suuuuper family-oriented. He's always like the middle-man between fighting family members. He's a super good listener, easy to talk to, good with advice, etc...

And then there's me. I'd say I'm the wild card. Being the youngest, everyone already treats me like I need help, and then on top of that, I'm super emotional and causing trouble half the time. So, I think I'm sorta like the helpless kid of the family, which the youngest kid is set up to be anyway.

Anyway, I think we all fill our roles fairly well. It's no one's intention to make everyone have a role either. That's just sort of how life works. If you have a group of people, some are going to fall into specific roles. I mean, we even do it in the WDC community. Some are outward leaders. Some are the backbone of the community who participate in everything. Some do things behind the scenes that keep things going without expectation of recognition. Some keep to themselves or smaller cliques because that's what they're comfortable with. Some are super friendly and talk to everyone. We all fill roles in life whether we intend to or not.

We lived on Tennyson and venison and The Grateful Dead
It was Mudhoney summer, Torch of Mystics, Double bummer
August 20, 2015 at 4:26pm
August 20, 2015 at 4:26pm
Artist: The 1975
Album: The 1975
Song: Sex
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30DBC: Who would have guessed how much fun people would have creating their unique costumes, I radioed the ranger service and let them know we are staying one more night here. So you have more time to prepare your costumes and your stories for the fire ... I know I saw a couple really scary creations, one that could easily be mistaken for a sasquatch aka skeason . Thank you, Charlie for the idea *Bigsmile*

Now, I know they are grown adults but Charlie ~ and Cinn went to gather what they needed for their costumes and it has been over 8 hours since they've been seen. What do you think... leave them to their own devices, contact the rangers, or should we form a search party?

And I don't want to alarm anyone but the ranger service did say there are brush fires north of us, so we need to be aware of what is happening around us and take every precaution with our campfire. Has anyone seen a wildfire before?

I was in a plane one time flying out west and there were wildfires below. Someone pointed out the window and said 'fire' and we turned to see a ton of smoke and stuff. My brother thought the wing was on fire for a second because we were sitting in wing seats and he totally freaked out. This was pre-9/11 when you were allowed to freak out on a plane without it being a huge deal. *Laugh* It's really weird to see a wildfire overhead like that though. It looked like everything below us was on fire. It was kind of cool to see, I guess, but only from above.

As far as Ky and I go, gone for 8 hours and we're already considered lost? We probably just found a cool spot to hang out and talk about poetry or music. Maybe we fell asleep looking for stuff or one of us snuck some vodka out and we passed out drunk. But, hey, I'd get lost with her any day. Sometimes you need to just wander off in life and get lost.

So, who won the costume contest, Lyn's a Witchy Woman ? Gimme a name so I can reward them!

BLOG CITY: "When love is given, love should be returned, anger gives no life." Hawaiian Proverbs Do you agree?

Proverbs are weird because they always sound so nice in theory. It's like something that someone tells you is how it should be, but it's never actually how life works. I mean, ideally, if you give love it should be returned to you and vice verse. If you get love, you should return it. But what about unrequited love? Because that totally happens where you're not interested and if you just give love back, you'll be leading the person on. The proverbs never take these things into consideration.

I do agree that anger doesn't benefit us. I think the only time anger works in our favor is when someone pisses us off and we do something awesome in response trying to prove them wrong. Right? Like, "ah, you could never do X" and then you do X and you're like, "HA, I did X." Or whatever.

Anger is exhausting and I don't recommend it to anyone. Obviously, we can't really help it if we get upset by certain things. If I could control one emotion completely, it would be anger. It can just get you into such a bad spot with people because they think you're overreacting or they get pissed at you in return. It definitely hurts relationships a lot if you carry anger.

WTMR 2. Where do you consider to be home? Is it the place you live now? The place you grew up? Where your heart longs to visit? Where is home?

I don't have an attachment to the word 'home' which is probably both a good and bad thing. On one hand, I can consider any place home and adapt well to changing homes. On the other hand, I have no specific place of true comfort where I long to be during bad times. Wherever I lay my head that night is home. Even though I have an apartment, if I stay at Jordan's house or my parents' house one night, that does become 'home' for the night. If I'm staying with Jordan and we're out doing whatever, I'll be like, "Are you ready to go home?" and I mean his home, obviously, but it also feels like my home at the time.

I love so far from where I was raised that it definitely doesn't feel like home to me. It seems like a weird memory or a different lifetime entirely. I have no attachment to where I grew up. I have no family there or anything. I can't imagine going back at this point because it would just be too weird, like nostalgia overload. Sometimes I think about it though and it's sort of like a map in my mind. Where everyone lived and school and church. I can see it all in my mind, but it just feels like a dream I had.

I think you have to learn how to adapt to new homes in life. Most people don't live in the same spot forever. You have to be willing to keep an open mind and realize that home is what you make it. If you feel like a place isn't long-term or worthy, you'll never feel at home there. If home is in your head, the backseat of a car or a cheap hotel room can easily become home.

WTMR 3. Tell us about an issue or weakness that you have worked on or resolved. Maybe you were terrible with homework at school, but now you always meet deadlines. Maybe you always had trouble getting up in the morning but now bounce out of bed. Maybe you never ate your vegetables but now you do! Share something about yourself that you've improved over the years.

I haven't completely overcome this, but I haven't gotten better at talking to people in confrontational situations. When I was younger, I literally refused to confront another person about anything. I would let these weird relationships and situations go on for years just to avoid the potential fight or argument. I still hate it when people are mad at me. I can barely take it if someone I care about is pissed off at me and I'll do almost anything in the moment to make them forgive me. I guess that part hasn't changed much.

What has changed though is my willingness to get angry with someone else. Well, not so much to get angry but to show them that I disagree with something. It took me forever to realize that I'm allowed to say that something is NOT okay and is not acceptable. It seems like something that would just be common sense, but for me, it wasn't. I was always taught to respect people and it made me extremely mousy and quiet. Not shy, just quiet. As in, I would think of things and have opinions, but I wouldn't tell anyone because I didn't want them to get mad at me or hurt their feelings.

I'm different than that now though. If someone does something to me and I disagree with it, I'll just tell them. I'm not great at the tact part yet because it usually comes out super blunt and then I have to apologize later for being tactless, but it feels good to at least just say it that way we both know where we stand on the issue. Who knew saying, "No, wait, that's fucked up" would feel so good?

WTMR 4. Tell us about a teacher who has stayed in your memory, for good reasons or bad. Even better, tell us about one teacher you have good memories of, and one that you have bad memories of.

I had mostly bad teachers growing up, to be honest. The schools I went to were very small and had little regulation so a lot of fucked up things would happen and the staff would just shrug and move on with their day like it wasn't a big deal. If you did complain and your parents talked to the school, they would just throw a bunch of religious crap in their face and you'd somehow end up getting in trouble with your parents too.

One of the worst teachers I had was in second grade. She was this mean, batty old woman with tight grey curls. We were all like 8 years old and she went totally crazy and started beating the crap out of this kid with a wooden paddle that had holes drilled in it for aerodynamic. It was scary as fuck, I almost pissed my pants and she wasn't even after me. I had gotten hit by that teacher too, earlier in the school year. I think all of us had at one point or another.

I told my ma about it that night, how crazy this teacher had gone on this kid and she just said that I needed to mind my own business and stay out of trouble. She said that as long as I stayed out of trouble, I wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that, so I just tried to stay outta this teacher's line of sight for the rest of the school year, which is not how things could be. If I didn't understand something, I'd just be quiet because I was afraid she'd get pissed at me or something.

I had an okay public school teacher one time. He was my 7th grade history teacher. All the other kids hated him cause he was kinda hard, but I couldn't believe the way they acted in his class, so I just felt bad for him. They wouldn't pay any attention at all and they'd talk the whole time he was talking until he'd inevitably lose his temper and start screaming at them. He was probably too old to handle all that anyway, but we got along really well. I was interested in the stuff he was teaching and I'd talk to him after class and he'd ask if I read certain books and tell me which ones were good. So I'd read Jack London books, Mark Twain, and I read Hatchet too. It was a fun school year.

You've got your tongue pierced anyway
You in your high tops any day
You in your skinny jeans anyway
You and your fit friends anyway
I'd take them all out any day
August 18, 2015 at 9:56pm
August 18, 2015 at 9:56pm
Artist: Tiësto
Album: A Town Called Paradise
Song: Wasted
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This shall be short.

30DBC: We will be staying put at Indian Creek for another day so we can do some exploring and our tender butts can rest from the ride before we continue on. Today it will be in the high fifties, perfect hiking weather. We are off to Sheepeaters Cliff. There are excellent examples of basalt for those who have an interest in geology. For those who are interested in native wildlife, marmots are native to this area. It is a great hiking experience for all levels, nothing strenuous today.


This video will show you what we will studying today on our adventure, lots of great photo opportunities.

When men and women tell tales around evening campfire, a sure sign of success is when the audience says then what...

Here's your opportunity for a then what moment....

Ohh, Sheepeaters Cliff looks super awesome. I like watching videos like this that give you a little bit of history without being super boring to watch. I like going to museums and listening to the headphones while they talk about the stuff that you're look at.

Well... then what? I think we should have a costume contest. ~Minja~ may beat us all because she has experience with making her own costumes for stuff like this, but I'm still willing to give it a go. Pretty please, Lyn's a Witchy Woman , can we have a costume contest party?

I think we should have on where we have to dress up using only materials that you can find in nature. Doesn't that sound fun? I may or may not be trying to see everyone half naked. *Laugh*

We should totally do this and then have like a campfire where we dance around the fire and OHH we should do like a horror movie costume contest and tell ghost stories or something? The winner should get a prize of some sort. You wanna? Eh? Lyn? You wanna?

BLOG CITY: How do you begin each day? What is the best way for anyone to begin each day? View this from any angle that you wish.

I think days should start in the calmest way possible. Having to wake up to a blaring alarm is just not the way to do it. Of course, if you have to wake up early, that's your only real choice. I'm going to have to do it this school year, which sucks. I have a class at 8 in the morning, which means I'll have to get up super early in order to drive to the school on time.

Ideally, I like to just sleep in and let my body wake upon is own naturally. I don't sleep more than most people do anyway. If I sleep until 10, I won't go to sleep until like three the next morning. My family thinks that if you sleep passed like 7 or 8 in the morning that you don't get anything done, but that's not the case. I get things done at midnight while they're sleeping. I've tried to explain this a lot. *Laugh*

I also like to take a shower first thing in the morning because it just feels good to be clean, I guess. Really, waking up in general is a good sign usually. However it happens, I'm generally okay with it.

I like us better when we're wasted
It makes it easier to fake it
The only time we really talk
Is when our clothes are coming off
I like us better when we're wasted
August 15, 2015 at 8:18pm
August 15, 2015 at 8:18pm
Artist: Sam Smith
Album: In The Lonely Hour
Song: Stay With Me
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30DBC: Tomorrow, we are going to the museum of the Park Ranger, a bookstore, Norris Geyser Basin and Steamboat Geyser on horseback, those that would rather ride in the wagon can because there will be several going. I suggest your cameras and comfy clothes. We will be having a bag lunch prepared for us by the lodge, If we have time we will be checking out Artist Paint Pots, too! What did you like best?

The dog days of summer got the nickname because of Sirius, the dog star which rose and fell with the sun during the hottest days. What nickname do you have for the hottest day? Is there a nickname native to where you live? What activities do you avoid during this time?

OOOh, look at us go. Visiting museums and parks. Sounds like fun. I think our favorite part would be the bookstore, right? We are writers after all. Everyone just hand your books to Fivesixer . Let's make him carry them all in a backpack or something because books are heavy. Is writingbyjazzy back to camping yet? We both said we were going to come back today.

I have no special word for super hot days as far as I know. I don't know. Cinn and Lyn's a Witchy Woman , was there a special word for this back home? The only thing I remember is everyone saying, "Hot enough for you?" on super hot days. I definitely don't hear people say that around here, especially not with the frequency I used to hear it, or maybe I just don't really talk to people that much anymore because I'm always inside working by myself. *Laugh*

I love summer though. I've got no hate for it. I mean, of course I avoid things, like walking around outside too much or working outside. If it's super hot, I'll just drink a bunch of water and stay hydrated if I do have to go outside. Hot days are good for swimming though. I didn't do it at all this summer, although I guess there is still time. It's pretty hot here now. Last summer I went swimming a bunch and got somewhat tan. Right now, I look like a ghost. I guess that's what full-time work and summer classes will get ya. Damn!

BLOG CITY: What is the hardest part about learning a new skill? Do you enjoy a challenge or do you like things to come easily?

The most difficult part of learning a new skill is sticking with it in the beginning. When you're not really good at something, it's easy to lose the motivation to keep doing it. I think that's why so many people start new hobbies but never really go anywhere with them. I know I do it from time to time. I just lose interest because I suck at it and then I stop doing it and assume that I never had real interest in the first place. Because if you had real interest, you'd stick with it, right?

I do enjoy challenges, but not something that feels impossible. Things that are little more challenging are more rewarding too, in my experience. If something is too hard, it starts to seem pointless to do it. If it's too easy, you don't fully appreciate it. I would say somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot, as is usually the case.

BCOF: Do you think our society has gotten too politically correct? Is there even such a thing as being too politically correct? Share your opinions on this topic.

I'm answering my own prompt because fuck it and also, who doesn't want to talk about political correctness? I think that in the last fifteen years political correctness has gotten soooo out of control, like what the fuck?? *Laugh* I really feel like it went from one extreme to the other in the last ten years or so, even just since I was a teenager.

At first it was good stuff, like don't use the words 'retarded', 'fag', or the phrase 'that's gay'. But then I think they ran out of rational things and it was like the whole country got castrated all at once. Everyone is so afraid to be honest with themselves and everyone else and it drives me up the wall. I'll say something that's not even offensive and someone else will be like, "That's actually not a politically correct term anymore. The new term is X." Give me a fucking break.

I'll give you a perfect example. I was talking with two of my friends about the Bill Cosby scandal and I said something like, "I can't believe all these victims that have come forward." And one of the girls said, "Actually, they are sexual abuse survivors- not victims. That term is offensive." WHAAAAT. How the fuck is 'victim' an offensive term? They were victims! I"m not saying that they're like forever victims now, but what the hell? Another example is when you're describing someone and you say, "Yeah, he was a black guy, maybe 6 feet tall." and people look all uncomfortable and say, "You mean African American..." Um, no, I don't. I mean the guy was black. He was a black guy. And I'm a white guy. Who the fuck cares? Why am I a white dude and he has to be called an 'African American'? That sounds more offensive to me.

Don't even get me started about all the stuff they've tried to do with changing old books to make them more politically correct by taking out the n-word or any other offensive language. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written in 1884. The language isn't going to be the same as current times and that was the whole point of the book. It's literally an anti-racist book. Why try to rewrite history?

Here are some more examples of political correctness gone too far  . I'm not even religious, but I don't get offended when people say "Merry Christmas" during the holidays or "God bless you" when I sneeze. People need to get the fuck over themselves. You're not that special. No one needs to cater to you because you feel like you're a minority of some sort. Everyone is a minority in some aspect of their life. You deal with it the best you can and move on. It's not everyone else's responsibility to deal with your self-esteem issues. If you're really THAT sensitive, you should invest in therapy.

No one has to like you. People should be allowed to say that they don't like me because I have long hair or because I smoke or because I'm poor or whatever. People should be allowed to disagree with me. People shouldn't lose their jobs, friends, or respect because their opinion is different than someone else's. Just like with everything else in life, don't be an intentional dickhole and you'll be fine, or you should be.

And I'll leave you with these quotes on the matter:

“You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs any more," said Yo-less. "It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.” -Terry Pratchet

““Don't ever call me mad, Mycroft. I'm not mad. I'm just ... well, differently moraled, that's all.” -Jasper Fforde

And most importantly...

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WTMR 1. We all have different definitions of family and what it means to us. Share who makes up your family and what family means to you.

To me, family doesn't have to be blood related. I think a lot of people see their friends as family... I know I do with at least a few of them. To me, the difference between family and any other type of relationship is that family love is unconditional. I mean, my brothers could do just about anything and I would still love them. I might not agree with them, but I'd still care about their well-being.

I'm that way with some of my friends too. Even if they do something really bad, I somehow find a way to forgive them, just because I don't want to lose the relationship. You have to learn when to burn a bridge and when to rebuild it. With family, I'll try to rebuild it every time. It sucks because some people do take advantage of that. They sort of do whatever they want because they know that there's no way I can be mad at them for long. That rarely happens though... it just sucks when it does.

My family consists of my parents, my two brothers and my grandparents. That's my immediate family. Then I also have Kira and Jordan, who are closer to me than anyone probably, and they're my family by choice. Family by choice can be even stronger than family by chance. After that comes my WDC family. There are people here that I care about to a great extent. I don't really need to list them. They know who they are.

WTMR 3. If you could go back and give advice to your sixteen year old self, what would it be?

Oh god, 16 years old. That was like THE year for me. That was the year I dropped out of school, got kicked out of my house, moved to the city... I was in need of some serious advice at the time, though I wouldn't listen to anyone. My grandparents told me to just do what I had to do, so that's what I did. I learned super quickly to roll with the punches that life delivers ever so frequently and I didn't always make the best choices, but I made the choices I felt needed to be made at the time.

If I could tell my sixteen year old self something, I would tell myself to take care of myself better. I wish I could go back and warn myself that just because you don't care about something or feel it at the time doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy or OK to do. I would tell myself that sometimes things take years to resurface and they can really fuck with your health, both physically and mentally, later on.

I'd also tell myself to be wary of why people are doing the things that they do. Like, people do things for a reason. If someone is hanging around with you and they're way older, there's a reason for that. If someone doesn't seem like they'd normally be your friend and they're being super friendly, there's a reason behind it. These things don't apply so much in adulthood. There's not much of a mental difference between a 26 and 39 year old, but a 16 year old and 29 year old don't have the same mental development. I'd tell myself all the signs to look out for with people, but you learn them pretty quickly.

Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look, gain some self control
And deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt
August 12, 2015 at 5:14pm
August 12, 2015 at 5:14pm
Artist: Twenty One Pilots
Album: Vessel
Song: Migraine
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30DBC: Woohoo, Mother Nature must have been a card player at one point... it's 55 degrees Fahrenheit 13 degrees Celsius. The fire feels good... and the spade game between ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy and Lyn's a Witchy Woman against Charlie ~ and Cinn is close. Everyone is placing bets... Conversation around the fire…what is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen happen during the summer? Why was it so weird? What might other people have thought about what you saw?
In the morning, we are off to see Mud Volcanoes at Lake Village and Bridge Bay. We'll be setting up camp there, need volunteers to fish for trout in the river there. If anyone is interested there is a fishing contest going on, prizes are 1000.00 for the largest catch of the day.

Psssssssssh. Surely you guys don't wanna go toe to toe with the dream team. Cinn and I can't lose anything we're doing together. You'd be fools to place your bets anywhere else. *Pthb* *Wink*

I don't know about the weirdest thing I saw during the summer, but I did see something kind of funny during the 4th of July one year. We had all of my cousins over and we were hanging out. I was probably about 12, so my cousin would have just turned 12 a few days before. Anyway, he was running around with one of those sprinklers that shoot out sparks. He was waving it all around and he caught the fringe of his shirt on fire. I don't think he saw it at first because it was in the back, so I was trying to tell him he was on fire, but I was also laughing really hard because he was dancing around with this sprinkler and I was also probably a bit drunk.

I think if other people saw that, they probably would have started freaking out and telling him to stop, drop, and roll or something. *Laugh* He was okay, by the way. He just took the shirt off and there was no damage done, except to the shirt a little bit, I guess, but it already had a ton of holes in it with fringe hanging off. At least we don't have fireworks while we're camping so we don't have to worry about anyone catching fire, unless they try to jump over the fire. *cough*Fivesixer *cough*

I am definitely not fishing. I know Cinn isn't going to fish. So, we're both out. Maybe Princess Megan Rose 22 Years , ~Minja~ , and Cheddah will go fishing for us? How about Apondia ? I'm just trying to distance myself and Ky as much as possible from fishing, because, ew. *Sick*

BCOF: "Blogging Circle of Friends is celebrating 1000 days today. Write a poem, short story or something about how to celebrate a 1000 anniversary.

Happy thousandth anniversary, BCOF! Wow, that's a long time. *Shock* Lots and lots of prompts, huh? I have no idea how you even begin to celebrate a 1000th anniversary. We don't really have anniversaries in life that are that long. I mean, no one is married for a thousand or even a hundred years. We don't live for a thousand years. I'd say a thousand day anniversary should be celebrated as one of the few times you're going to celebrate 1000 days of something. Don't you?

Who brought the drinks? *drink5* Every good celebration needs a drink, or five. *Bigsmile* Here's to a thousand more blogging days for BCOF!

BLOG CITY: She Shed or Man Cave? What would it look like? What would you keep in there?

OOOH, a she shed? I've never heard this term before, but I already know I want one. Does it have glitter and furry pink director's chairs everywhere? Seriously, what would a she shed have in it? Would it just have the same things as a man cave except it would be only girls allowed?

I'm not sure. To be honest, I've never understood the concept of a man cave. Don't you want to hang out with your family and your spouse? If I needed a separate room to get away from mine, I'd probably just get a divorce. I mean, we all need our space or whatever, but to have an entire room dedicated to hiding from your loved ones just feels gluttonous and strange to me. Why not turn it into a genderless space where you both can go together and play video games or watch movies? If one of you needs space, you can go in there or go take a walk or something. It might just be because we have so little space in our apartment, but I feel like I'd never take an entire room for myself.

Buuuuut, if I did... it would be pink and glittery.

WTMR 4. WDC's 15th Birthday is around the corner. Share with us the impact that WDC has had on your personally and on your writing.

WDC has been really good for me in general. It has improved my writing process a lot. I love being able to discuss writing with people who actually understand it. I mean, you can show a loved one your writing all you want, but if they aren't into that art form, they're just going to say, "Oh, that's nice..." It's awesome to have a place to come discuss poetry or whatever other type of writing you're into.

I've also had a really good time getting to know people. It's sort of hard for me to exist in an area, whether online or in real life, without making friends and I think WDC is a perfect example of that for me. I have a lot of friends here. There are a lot of people I feel close to and comfortable with, and I love that our mutual love for writing is what brings us all together.

The biggest improvement I've seen is in my poetry writing process. It just comes so much more naturally to me and it only takes me a few minutes to write something decent. That's something I never could have imagined happening. I have a ton of respect and love for the other writers here. I think it's a fun place to spend my days and it never feels like a waste of time. It's just sort of a background, peripheral part of my life. I dig it.

WTMR 5. What was your favourite age and why?

I soo much miss being 16-19. Those were definitely my favorite ages. I was out of my parents house. I had been liberated and I felt free for the first time in my life. I was wild. Oh god, I was so wild and carefree. I had, like, absolutely zero responsibility. Those three years just completely bleed together for me. When I think of them, I can't remember if something happened when I was 16 or if it happened when I was 19. It was a lot of fun.

The good thing about that time period is that you're old enough to take care of yourself, but young enough that you don't really have to take responsibility for anything. I mean, if you do something stupid, you can't just be like, "Well, fuck, I'm 17... give me a break." and people totally do. It isn't that way now. I can't be like, "Ah, I'm 23, shit happens." Like, people don't accept "I'm only 23" as a valid excuse nearly as much as "I'm only 16!"

In case you can't tell, I had being an adult. I hate having to pay taxes, remember bills, go to school, get loans, fight with insurance companies. I miss just bouncing around from place to place and working the bare minimum to get by with a little bit of food. I hate being in debt and forever having to worry about money and working and grades. Just, blaaaah. I wanna be 18 forever.

I've got a migraine
And my pain will range from up, down, and sideways
Thank God it's Friday cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays
Cause Sundays are my suicide days
August 11, 2015 at 5:02pm
August 11, 2015 at 5:02pm
Artist: Twenty One Pilots
Album: Vessel
Song: Semi-Automatic
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I'm trying to blog to stay awake, which is a new one for me. It's nice to not be in school, but I've been sleeping like shit and then I'm tired the entire next day. I haven't really accomplished anything except getting my loans for the fall semester. I start up again in less than two weeks. Then I'll realllly be complaining. Just wait and see.

I'm sort of getting cabin fever being in the house though. I definitely need to get out and do something, so I'll work on that after I finish this entry.

30DBC: We are supposed to pull up camp and move onto Lake Village and Bridge Bay today but we have an several injured campers Princess Megan Rose 22 Years , BlueMoon and we have a missing teenager Dragon is hiding .

Instead of moving on we are going to work with the authorities to find Miss Dragon in the morning. This evening to keep our mind off all that is happening around us we are going to have a card playing night around a roaring fire. (There was a camper killed by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone, the bear was captured so we are safe so long as we use camp safety) Those of you that would like time to write home, there is a postal pickup service, plus I was told Xanterra Parks & Resorts has an internet hub and phone center if you want to use it for a fee. Please take a buddy, no wandering alone.

Share with us your card game experiences, what games do you play?

Enlighten us on your thoughts about our missing Miss Dragon.

And finally since we are here for another day how about some good old baked beans in a hole and hot dogs. See the video so you know what I mean about in the hole.

Has anyone done this before with their families? Volunteers?

Share with us what you chose to do while we stayed another night in Grant Village.

Man, I miss one thing and everything just goes to shit. How did everyone get injured? *Shock* Don't worry about missing teenagers. Teenagers go missing all the time. She's probably just out having a good time with some other campers she found. If I was a teenager, I for sure wouldn't stick with the group, especially if I saw a cute girl walk by. I bet she's partying like a madman and is wandering around somewhere with a lampshade on her head. *Idea*

I love playing cards! I've already decided that Cinn and I could have an epic game of gin rummy because we both claim to be awesome at it. I like playing poker, even though I'm not very good at it. My brothers play a lot and they can always call my bluffs. I guess they just know my facial expressions too well. I'm not good at hiding when I'm excited either. *Laugh* I'll play pretty much any card game though. Grandma and I used to play War a lot. That game can go on forever, but we'd just talk and half pay attention to the game. I remember us both quitting more than once because we were just passing low cards back and forth. It's like Monopoly on steroids in the time sense.

I've never made beans in a hole. Um, I don't volunteer because I'm almost positive I would somehow mess it up or burn myself. So... who were our chefs? Don't worry, I'll volunteer them. I know Fivesixer was cooking at one point. I'll leave it to him and ~ Aqua ~ . Thanks for volunteering, guys! You're awesome. *Heart*

BLOG CITY: Several creative people, such as artists and authors, claim that relaxing and ‘doing nothing’ can be extremely beneficial for the creative process to follow. Do you believe this could work, I mean doing absolutely nothing? Has this been true for you, if ever?

I agree with this so much. I tend to overthink things and then I end up ruining the organic creativity that should go along with it. I used to spend way too long trying to write a poem, like hours on working and reworking it. Now I just push through and write it all at once. Most of my first drafts take no more than ten minutes to write at this point. A lot of times I'll immediately go back, reread and rewrite it to work with flow issues and that sort of thing, but still, the entire time put into a poem is usually less than fifteen minutes.

That's like, an amazing improvement from taking two hours to write one poem. I could write like a million in that amount of time now. When I want to write something and I'm having an issue thinking of where I should start, I just completely stop the writing process. I'll lay down and think for a while or even just go about doing something else and see what comes to me as I go about my day.

So, to answer the question, yes! This has worked for me in the past and I would recommend for people to do it when they start getting frustrated during the writing process. There are times when you need to force and times when you need to just chill out. You have to find the balance that works best for you.

WTMR 6. Tell us how you spent your weekend

I spent most of the weekend working. I'm in the process of trying to catch up as much as possible from time I missed while I was out of town and for the funeral. I'm still not caught up, but I had a productive night on Friday, I think. Then I worked most of the day Saturday and Saturday night I worked too. I had Jordan over after that though and he spent the night.

I took Sunday off because I wanted the break from work, even though I didn't really need it and probably shouldn't have. I spent the day with Kira and then I went to a party and Jordan's house Sunday night. I got back home around midnight or 12:30. I wasn't really vibing it all that much because I've sort of stopped going to the house parties in the last seven or eight months. Since whenever school started, I've mostly been hanging out at home and having people come here instead of going out to see them.

It was a fairly boring, ordinary weekend I guess. I didn't really do anything special. It was nice to just be able to chill out though because I was so busy the week before and my sleep schedule got all messed up. I didn't sleep for a couple days in a row because we were traveling and in the hospital and then we had to drive home. Kira was falling asleep while she was driving, so she pulled over and I drove most of the way home. It was a five hour drive. I started falling asleep too though, so I woke her up after a few hours and had her drive the last 45 minutes or so. A chill weekend was definitely in order.

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside
August 9, 2015 at 2:45pm
August 9, 2015 at 2:45pm
Artist: Senses Fail
Album: Still Searching
Song: Calling All Cars
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Today's kind of a rough day. I don't know why. Some days are totally fine and others just feel terrible. So, this is one of the latter ones. I have a ton of trouble getting myself out of bed and then I'll get up for a drink and a shower and then go straight back to the bedroom and just lay there. It's like, yeah... I dunno. Um, anyway, I need to do the "Invalid Item prompts that I missed last week, so I'll go ahead and do them today, I guess.

30DBC: Since your guide indulged last night with the boys *Facepalm* and danced till dawn... Today, we are going to go float tubing on the Lewis River. Have you ever done this activity before? What should you do before you get on the tube to protect the river and its inhabitants from the chemicals normally we wear? Do you think there are any risks involved?

I've never gone float tubing, but I've gone inner tubing. I think that might be something similar. Is float tubing for fishing though? It has the two sides on it, right? Of course we have to think about protecting the environment when it's Lyn's prompt. *Pthb* I guess we should take a shower first, right? So that we don't have chemicals on us? What we need to worry about is protecting ourselves from nature. We'll definitely want a ton of sunscreen.

I was out on a lake once all day without sunscreen and I got soo sunburned. I had blisters on my shoulders and face. I thought it would scar for sure, but it didn't. I do have freckles though from that one sunburn. I haven't gotten it that bad since because I always make sure that I wear sunscreen when I go outside now. That's how a stay super pale. *Pthb*

There are a lot of snakes in the water. I don't know how risky it is, but it could have a potential risk factor. Really though, the sun is the riskiest thing of all. It's like, obviously necessary, but also causes skin cancer, so it's a love/hate relationship. It's crazy to think that something so far away can burn your skin like that. I'm afraid of the sun. *Sun* .. in case you can't tell.

WTMR 1. Tell us about a time you took a risk and did something outside of your comfort zone.

I think the last thing I did that was out of my comfort zone was "30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED last month. I had never written anything based off of prompts, so it was weird to do it every day for a month. It was sort of on a whim that I joined because I thought about helping judge instead. I don't think Cinn will let me get away with entering something she runs again instead of helping her out with it. *Laugh*
Anyway, it seemed to work out pretty well. I didn't love all of the poems I wrote, but I thought most of them were at least okay and there were some that I really liked. I'll probably have Ky help me clean some up and add them to my poetry folder at some point. It looks a little bare with only have 15 or 16 poems in it, especially because I've written like 130 poems in the last four months. It makes it look like I've only written 15 in a year and a half.

I'm thinking about doing the Musicology Anthology thing. I think we have until the end of October to do it. I don't know what album I would do though and I think it has to be short stories instead of poetry. I'm late with my first entry for the 52 week story contest thing. Every time I try to write something based on the image, it turns into a poem or prose at the very least. I guess that's how you can tell what type of writing suits you best. If every time you start writing a story, it turns into a poem, you might be poetically leaning.

WTMR 2. Tell us your favourite family memory.

I have a lot of good family memories. For all the bad ones I have, I'm sure I have an equally good one. I've been thinking about memories a lot the last week with grandma passing because everyone was talking about you know time that they spent with her and just fun memories they had. All of my memories with her are good and I feel pretty lucky to have so many of them.

With my parents and brothers, I have good memories of camping, which is ironic because it's camping month in "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. We used to rent a cabin for like a week or two every summer and we'd go stay in it without any electricity. It sounds like a nightmare now, but it was fun at the time. When I was younger, I didn't worry so much about general cleanliness and creature comforts. Years of the city life have turned me into a city kid, but before, I was a country kid and ran around barefoot outside playing with bugs and miscellaneous gross things I'd never do now.

I think most people are like that though. Like, I was never bothered by temperature as a kid. Whether it was 90 degrees or negative 9, I would be outside running around in it. Now it has to be between like 60 and 80 or I start bitching about it. Times change, I guess.

WTMR 3. What made you laugh this week?

Hmm, I don't think there was very much laughing this week, to be honest. Like, hardly any at all. There is ONE video that never fails to make me laugh though. And it's this one...

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Hehehe. This video is soo funny. I always picture my math professors doing this during class. "And one more?? Add one more?!" *Laugh* I've watched I think all of the Kid Snippets. They're super funny, but the math one is the one that gets me every time. The first time I saw it, I laughed so much I cried. Then I showed everyone at dinner because I was with my family at the time. They all laughed about it, but were definitely also kind of like, "Oh my godddd, Charlie, calm down."

I always like that when something's so funny to you that others have to try to tell you to calm down. What's even funnier is, like, why calm down? It's not like anything bad is going to happen if you're laughing too hard for too long. It's funny in general to try to calm someone down because they're laughing too much.

WTMR 6. Write a review about the most recent movie you watched. What you would you have done differently if it was your movie. A recast maybe, different location or does the writer in you want to revise the script?

Let's see... I'm trying to think of what movies I've seen recently. Oh wait, I saw Gone Girl again last week. That movie is just so good. I should have read the book first, but I never did, even though it's been on the shelf forever waiting to get picked up.

I'm not a huge Ben Affleck fan. I like his brother, Casey, a lot more than him. I don't know what it is about Ben Affleck, but it's really hard for me to take him seriously. I don't know if it's because he did that horrible movie, Gigli with Jenny from the Block or what. Like, that movie was serious. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. It was so bad that it wasn't even funny.

But, despite that, this movie was really good. I could even buy his role in it just fine. The main actress, Rosamund Pike, was fucking ace in this. Like, I was afraid of her by the end of it. The only actor I would change in it is her psycho ex played by the guy from How I Met Your Mother. What's his name? The blonde guy... Neil Patrick Harris. Yeah. I would definitely change that role because every time I see of him, I can only think of HIMYM. I don't think his acting skills are rank or anything. I just can't see him as any other character.

Other than that, this is like super high up on my movies list in recent years. I also love David Fincher as a director. He has directed some of my favorite movies and his style is just so dark, gritty and perfect to me. I really enjoy his movies a lot. I would for sure recommend this one.

WTMR 7. Write about one of your many "Firsts". Your first love, date, car, time in a library ... the choice is yours!

I don't know who my first love was. It probably sounds weird, but I really don't. You think you care a lot about someone, but then it turns out that you don't at all. All of the people I thought I cared about in my youth, it turns out that I didn't. I was super naive and easily manipulated when I was a kid. It was easy for someone to convince me that they were the best thing ever and I'd always take the bait.

I definitely grew out of that at some point and realized that I didn't care about anyone but myself, and that was nice, because then I could just tell everyone to piss off and I did that for a few years. Now I've sort of gone full circle where I can't get rid of someone once I've decided that I care about them. They could pretty much do anything and I'd still be like, 'ah, well, I love you, so I'll deal with it' or whatever.

I'm just a loving kind of person. I either hate someone or I love them. It's a really weird thing. I also sometimes love someone and then hate them and then love them again within like an hour. It's like, if someone does something bad, I forget the good things they did. And if someone does something good, I forget the bad things they did. It's annoying.

I'm sorry but I think I failed to mention
That I lied at my very first confession
What did you expect from me?

August 8, 2015 at 1:50pm
August 8, 2015 at 1:50pm
Artist: Motion City Soundtrack
Album: Commit This To Memory
Song: Everything Is Alright
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Third day blogging in a row? Look at me go... Remember when I used to blog every day? That was awesome. Hopefully this will get me back into it more though. It feels weird not being in school. It's like I don't know what to do with myself, especially during this whole grieving thing, which I'm not very good at. My main method is to not think about it and distract myself whenever I do, which I know isn't the best thing to do because that shit always comes up later. But, hey, if it comes up way later, I'll deal with it then. This does explain the super hangover I have though. It doesn't matter much. The headache will be gone by the time I need to work.

30DBC: Have you played horseshoes before? Competed?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoes The link explains how it is done.

Did you know that there is a camping version that does not require lugging the back yard equipment? What do you think was used?

Do you enjoy playing group games? What is your favorite?

We are having a square dance this evening, bring your dancing shoes.... and dozy do, spin your partner ... ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy can I get you to call the steps for the youngsters... so they can learn square dancing?

I actually have played horseshoes before. My grandparents had it set up next to the clothesline and we'd play a lot during the summer. It's not a super attention-consuming game either. You can sort of talk and just hang out while you play. I don't remember any of us being particularly good or bad at it. It was just something we sort of did to keep our hands busy.

If there was a camping version, you could definitely use a beer bottle and maybe a wishbone stick. That would probably work, although a stick would be considerably lighter. I guess you could use a rock and just see who got closest? I'm not sure. I've never played a camping version, but I'm sure you could find something in nature that would work alright as the horseshoe.

I like playing cards, like poker and gin rummy. Usually if I do a group game, it involves a deck of cards. Of course, that might not be so good for camping because they'd probably fly all over the place from the wind, but at least we're in the lodge right now. It's fun to play hide and seek outside though, because there's like a million places to hide. We used to do it at night when I was younger and I'd always almost piss my pants when someone found me. *Laugh*

Whatever, let's just play the version of horseshoes where I intentionally miss so I can take a shot. *Wink* Being drunk for sure will help with the dancing part too. Sober dancing is just awk.

BLOG CITY: Constance Hale says "We are born with a natural delight in the music of language. Language is an adventure, a mysterious one. "

However, Ezra Pound says, " A writer must spend as much time developing our craft as a musician does practicing scales. It does not come naturally, it is a learned craft similar to musicians, sports players or dancers."

Do you agree or disagree with Constance Hale? Do you agree or disagree with Ezra Pound?

I think it's sort of a combination of the two, but I definitely lean more to agreeing with Ezra Pound. No matter how much natural talent you have, you have to practice to reach your maximum potential. It's kind of like how some people are naturally good at math, but that doesn't mean that someone who doesn't naturally 'get' math can't learn how to do it. Natural talent is always going to help you. Someone who is naturally good at writing is always going to be better than someone who doesn't have a natural tongue for it, but if the naturalist never practices the talent, the unnaturalist could easily get better. I don't care if that's not a word. I'm using it.

I guess I sort of agree with both of them in a way and I also disagree with both of them. I think everything in life is about balance. If you can live in the grey, you're all good. If things seem black an white, you're being to close-minded or maybe just too dramatic.

I like Ezra Pound's version more because it just seems a lot more down to earth to me. Like, I would never say, "Oh wow, this beautiful natural talent I was born with that no one else could ever experience unless they were also naturally born with it!" *Rolleyes* Bitch, please.

WTMR 7. Create a list of favorites. Favourite blog posts from your entire blogging history, favourite foods, favourite authors, favourite books, whatever you like. Be as creative as you want.

If you ask me to make a list, you know it's going to be a music list, right? I'm going to try to make it interesting. I'm going to do a playlist of being thirteen. *Laugh* Let's see.. what year was that.. 2004? 2005? Well, mostly 2005 really because I'm born at the end of the year. Okay, so lets see... Oh god, this was 10 years ago. That's fucking nuts.

That's So 2005

*Bulletv* "Overdue" by The Get Up Kids.   You're a few years overdue/I spent them waiting here for you. I know Fivesixer loves this band. It's weird because a lot of the music I was listening to at this time came out way before. I was just getting into forming my own taste in music. My brothers listened to rap and my parents listened to classic rock. I needed to form my own musical taste rather than just taking on theirs.

*Bulletv* "There's No 'I' In Team" by Taking Back Sunday.   The jealousy that became me thinking/that you always had it way too easy. Another Norb and I band. *Laugh* Taking Back Sunday was one of the first bands that I clung to when I started exploring music for myself. I loved them so much and still do. Almost everything I listened to at that time and for the next couple years branched from this band.

*Bulletv* "Woe" by Say Anything.   And this girl who I met/Whose pride makes her hard to forget/She took pity on me- horizontally. This was another good one. I listened to this album for like a whole year. Even their more recent stuff is pretty good, I mean compared to what most bands are coming out with now. Definitely no shame in this one.

*Bulletv* "Work" by Jimmy Eat World.   The love we make is give and it's take/I'm game to play along. Uhhh, so does anyone remember this band? I seriously never hear anyone talk about them, but they were so popular with like "Sweetness" and "The Middle". I swear, everyone listened to them. Anyway, I was totally into them in middle school.

*Bulletv* "Blood Red Summer" by Coheed and Cambria.   When the answer that you want/is in the question that you state/come what may. Oh goddddd, this band. I loved this band so much. I loved that they did concept albums. I loved the lead singer's voice and hair. I loved that it was sort of heavy and technical while still being catchy. Oh, they're coming out with a new album finally, I think. I feel like I heard something about it from someone.

I guess that's good enough for now. I could seriously go on for like three hours about music at any given time. *Music2* I still love all these bands too, by the way. I don't think you ever stop liking the music that you listened to at pivotal times in your life. It's just that music is important to me and those times were important to me, so I love all the music I listened to then. *Thumbsup*

I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes
Talking with strangers, waiting in line..
I'm through with these pills that make me sit still
"Are you feeling fine?"
Yes, I feel just fine

August 7, 2015 at 7:10pm
August 7, 2015 at 7:10pm
Artist: twenty one pilots
Album: Blurryface
Song: The Judge
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Wazzzzzzzup.   Today is get back to work day. Worst part of being self-employed is no bereavement days. It's just sorta like, oh, you make less money now. I'm cool with it. I'll try to do what I can in the week I have left. Okayyy, so what are we doing today...

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30DBC: It's 43 degrees Fahrenheit... 6 degrees Celsius this morning...brrrr! The fire went out over night. so breaking up camp this morning won't be hard. We are going to Cody Lodging for the weekend. Yes, hot showers and real beds for two nights. Don't try to talk me into more, it won't work. We are re-stocking supplies, so if you need something now is the time to grab it.

Today, we are going on a horseback adventure... hope you are up to a good ride, we are going exploring the area. Let us know what you discover and what appeals to you here besides the luxury of a comfy bed and a shower.

Oh, I get to go to a lodge the day after I arrive? Lucky me! In all seriousness, I need like two showers a day. I usually take a shower in the morning and then I take one again at night before I go to bed. I think I'd be the worst camper now 'cause I hate dirtiness. I'd probably get water in my shoes and wanna go home within the first half hour. *Laugh*

Buuuuut, for the sake of blogging...

Yay, beds and showers!! The funny part is... I don't even like hotels. Like, I won't sleep on a hotel bed because the sheets are gross. I have to bring my own pillow and sheets. I'd rather sleep in the backseat of my car because I know what goes on in cheap hotel rooms. At least the backseat of my car is clean.

Okay, okay, back on track. Horseback riding? I feel like someone was just talking to me about horses. Who was it? it might have been ~Minja~ . Anyway, where did we start this camping trip? I thought we were in Maine? Are we moving around the country throughout the trip?

I think it would be cool to discover a cave. As long as there wasn't a wild Sharkhorse in there, I'd be good. Did we go spelunking last year? I feel like we did. When are we gonna have a party? We had one like every other day before. Let's have a party! Pleeeeease, Lyn's a Witchy Woman ? Did I miss one already?

BLOG CITY: Tell us about something you heard as a child that didn't sound right but now, as an adult, you know to be true.

Most of the fun facts I heard as a kid were about animals. I have no idea why, but I'd always hear fast facts about animals during my childhood. They were mostly about insects too. Like, only female mosquitoes bite and honey bees die after stinging. Some of the things I heard about bugs as a kid are true, but some of them aren't. I remember always hearing that we swallow like 8 spiders per year on average, but that turned out to be a total myth. Or that daddy long legs are the most venomous spiders, but their mouths are too big to bite you. That's totally false. I remember always watching my cat when I was younger because I thought he'd die if he ate one.

I think most of them are false though. They're little tidbits that you hear on the playground and you just take them for truth and then you grow up and you're like, wait a minute, that's bullshit! *Laugh*

WTMR 1. Share some of your views on religion and spirituality.

Religion is a really weird thing for me. It was hard going to the funeral and being back in the church and hearing all the prayers and verses. I could finish them after hearing the first two words, even after all the time. I think it makes death easier if you are religious because you can think that the person is on the 'other side' and is happy and rejoicing with other dead relatives and friends.

If you're not religious, it just feels empty. Like the person is just gone and it's just blackness. It's just nothing. But you can't make yourself believe something that you don't believe. Even if you really want to believe it, it just doesn't work that way. And once you don't believe it, it's impossible to go back to it and believe it again. It all just ends up sounding absurd.

I think religion can really help people during hard times. It can help them rationalize and deal with things. It can help them explain things that happen in life and help them move on. At the same time though, people also use religion to make themselves feel better than others during good times, which is annoying. Of course, not every religious person is like that. Someone's religious preference doesn't make any difference to me in terms of what I think of them. I just think it's a complicated thing and you're a terrible person if you use your religion to put yourself on a pedestal.

WTMR 4. Describe yourself as a writer. Give us the brief - what do you write, what's your writing style, any items published, writing goals, etc.

I don't know who I am as a writer. It's a chaotic and confusing process for me. I definitely tend to lean toward all things dark. If I try to write something that's inspirational and optimistic, it ends up sounding like I'm being a sarcastic douche bag.

I like poetry. I like dark, gritty, messy poetry. I'm all about free verse. I don't like form poetry unless it's really, really, really well done- and it rarely is. Sometimes it's cutesy and clever, but it very rarely has a strong impact on me in a personal or emotional way. It does happen, but it's rare.

I don't have any published items and I've never attempted to get anything published. My writing is a hobby. I'm a full-time student and worker and I have other interests career-wise. It's not one of my goals to be published at this point. Plus, with self-publishing, it's super easy to be technically published. I know this girl that self-published an erotica and sells it on Amazon. It's 3 pages long and totally awful. Like, not even a complete story or anything. I have no idea. Buuut... the point is, she's technically published.

Maybe someday I'll be into publishing, but it is not this day.

When the leader of the bad guys sang
Something soft and soaked in pain
I heard the echo from his secret hideaway

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