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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

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#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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September 26, 2015 at 8:29pm
September 26, 2015 at 8:29pm
Artist: Black Sabbath
Album: Master of Reality
Song: Sweet Leaf
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30DBC: An eighth day has been added to the week, and you've been chosen to decide why. The only caveat is that whatever you decide must be done for at least eight of the extra 24 hours, and what you choose will become permanent for all of humanity until the end of time. What would you do, and why?

Hmm, that's an interesting question. I would love to have an extra day in the week. I'd spend pretty much all of it working and doing homework though, so it would just bleed into all the other days. *Laugh* I think at least 8 of the extra 24 hours should have to be spent on improving a skill or learning a new one. So, for a lot of us, eight hours of writing, editing, reading, or whatever. You could do anything. Eight hours of learning a new language, eight hours of working your communication skills, eight hours of learning a new instrument.

I think that would be awesome because then everyone would be multitalented after a while. Imagine a world where every single week people had to spend 8 hours working on a hobby, craft, or skill. I think it would be super interesting. I also think that would be a caveat I could live with for the rest of my life. I could spend the other 16 hours in the extra day doing whatever I needed or wanted to do, but I'd try to spend the eight hours learning new languages and writing. Maybe I'd use it to just do math and get extra, extra good at it.

I also like it because everyone can do it. You could really qualify anything as learning something new or honing your skills. Like maybe you want to spend the eight hours watching movies and start a movie blog full of movie reviews or something. I think we could actually make a lot more money this way and more money is always a plus in my book.

By the way, I'll probably maybe have more time after my accounting exam Monday night. So, until Tuesday, legit no time for anything. If this entry looks like it was written in five minutes, that's because it was. *Wink*

Straight people don't know, what you're about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
And soon the world will love you sweet leaf
September 25, 2015 at 10:58pm
September 25, 2015 at 10:58pm
Artist: The Weeknd
Album: Beauty Behind the Madness
Song: Earned It
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30DBC: On this day in 1492, the crew of the Pinta (one of Christopher Columbus' ships) mistakenly thought that they had spotted land. Your prompt: When has a trip of any sort not turned out as initially expected?

EEEEEEK. I don't have time to blog today and that makes me really sad because you all know how much I love blogging. Unfortunately, I have to write a paper tonight, take a test and finish my accounting homework, so fuck me. I was in school all day, then worked, now homework. *Rant* *Cry* Can we have fall break yet?

Okay... So, I've been on many a trip. I've never mistakenly thought that I saw land when I didn't though. I think they were sipping too much skooma or something. Maybe the scurvy was rotting their brains.

I did have a weird experience on a family trip with my family when I was younger. We were driving a rental car through the Arizona desert and we got lost in the middle of the night. There are huge stretches of road where there's literally nothing around and this was before we all had a GPS in our car. We were lost forever and everything looked the same. We started running low on gas and my ma was totally freaking out.

I remember one of my brothers made some dark joke about serial killers in the desert waiting for people to run out of gas or something, which is totally in line with their general sense of humor. *Rolleyes* But it freaked my ma out even more and she got all pissed off, it was pretty funny.

We finally found a small town and it had a little motel that we checked into at like 3 in the morning. When we woke up the next day, someone opened the curtains in the hotel room and there were mountains. We were all like, uhh, what the hell because we started out at the Painted Desert, which is not flat, but isn't like huge mountain ranges either.

So then we had this awkward moment where my ma and I went downstairs to the front desk and were like, "Uh, where are we?" And the woman said we were in Cortez. So we're like, "oh okay, Cortez, Arizona?" And the lady laughed and was like, "uh, no... Cortez, Colorado."

We had drove THREE AND A HALF hours in the wrong direction and ended up in the wrong state. *Laugh* We were meaning to go back to Phoenix and we just went in the exact opposite direction because I guess we got turned around somewhere. We had a good laugh about it and went out for breakfast and then I wrote Grandma a Colorado postcard telling her what happened. We still joke about when we get in the car with my parents. We'll just be going down the street and we'll be like, "Okay, make sure we don't end up in Missouri." *Earth*

So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
September 24, 2015 at 1:04pm
September 24, 2015 at 1:04pm
Artist: Fleetwood Mac
Album: Rumours
Song: Dreams
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30DBC: Have you ever had to politely thank someone for something you would've normally found to be unwanted or offensive? How would you handle a situation like that?

I think we all have situations where we try to be polite and grateful for things we don't want. The best is when someone gives you a living animal or plant as a gift and you're like, whyyyy are you giving me more responsibility? I got a Venus Fly Trap once for winning some school academic thing and I was like, this is disgusting, what am I doing with this?

Another popular gift is a betta fish. Their lifespan is only a couple years, but then you have to take care of this living creature for two years. I did not sign up for this. Never gift someone a living thing without their prior knowledge because it's so annoying. My parents were just telling me about how someone gifted them a cockatoo at their wedding reception and then they had this squawking bird in their house that they hated for months before they finally passed it off to my aunt who liked birds. Who the fuck gives someone a bird as a wedding gift??

Another popular one is that itchy wool sweater that you're bound to get for Christmas at some point in your life and you have to just grit your teeth and try it out and say, "Oh yes, Great Aunt Sally, I love it so much. The gigantic reindeer sewn on the front is an especially nice feature." The whole time your skin is eating itself just to get away from the gaudiness of it all. You take the sweater off as soon as the gifter leaves and you've got like, fucking hives, because your skin would rather die than touch the fabric for a moment longer. *Laugh*

WTMR 6. I came across this quote recently and it resonated with me immediately "When thinking about life remember this: no amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety an change the future." How much time do you spend thinking about the past: if only, what might have been, if I had just made one different decision how different would my life be right now? Or how much time do you spend worrying about the future and things that haven't and may not even happen yet? The quote was a great reminder that both of those actions take away from the joy of today. Tell us how this quote resonates with you. If it doesn't, share with us a quote that does resonate with you and why.

I completely understand this quote because I absolutely live in the past and future too much. Anyone who knows me would say that my mind isn't present. I have a lot of trouble paying attention to the moment because I'm either worried about how the future is about to turn out or I'm reminiscing about how this present moment went last time. *Laugh* I'm just a super thoughtful person. People like to call me a worry wart, but I don't like that because it sounds derogatory and negative. I like to just say that I'm mindful. I'm a hyperconscious person. I like to feel things and think of things.

Unfortunately, this quote doesn't really resonate with me. I know that people say we shouldn't dwell on the past or the future because we throw away the present. I disagree. I would say that I actually experience everything three times. Once when I think about it in the future, once when I experience it in the moment, and once when I think back on it as the past.

The good news is that I'm a quote whore and I've got a few about past, future, present that might work well for this prompt. Here are some of my favorites:

*Checkg* “The past is never dead. It's not even past.” ~ William Faulkner

*Checkv* “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” ~ Oscar Wilde

*Checkr* “All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist.” ~ Kurt Vonnegut

*Checkgr* "Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart." ~ Haruki Murakami

So, with that, I think you can sort of get a feel for where I stand on the past, present, future debate. I truly don't think it's healthy to try to forget your past. I love the Oscar Wilde quote because it's so true. I really think that a lot of people try to put on this sainty facade and I just know it's bullshit underneath. You experience it a lot in the church where you meet this soft-spoken middle age man who couldn't hurt a fly and the whole time you're just thinking, 'what a fucking phony', and then you find out later that he was a phony and used to beat his wife and kids or some shit like that.

Not to pick on religion or anything. That's just been my experience, so that quote has always stood out to me. No one is perfect and wholesome and pure to the extent that some people portray themselves to be. When I see someone acting like it, I just want to call them on their shit because I know there's a splintered staircase or a dark alley in their past, and they know it too, but they won't admit it because: the past is the past!

No, the past isn't the past. I mean, it is the past by definition, but it isn't the past in a way that means it never happened. I think people mix that up when they're like, "Ah, well, it already happened! I can't change it!" It's true that you can't change the past, but you can make it better for the future, but not if you completely put blinders on and live that 'past is the past' mantra.

Even if you forget your past, other people don't. It's still there whether you want it to be or not. That's why I think it's important to embrace your past, present and future all at once. These aren't black and white time frames to me. Sometimes the lines blur.

WTMR 7. Create your own top ten list. Get creative and have fun!

Well... I was just doing quotes about time and the last time I made a list, it was a music list. So... now I'm going to do ten of my favorite song lyrics, because, why not? I have to do something.

1. From "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac:  
Now here you go again, you say
You want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had

Well, first of all, who doesn't like Fleetwood Mac? *Music2* I love these lyrics because I agree with them so much. I do believe that people need to 'play the way they feel it' or do what they feel like they need to do. At the same time, you have to be aware that the people around you are also going to play the way they feel it and that might mean things turn out poorly for you. Kira always tells me that she won't ever try to change me. If I become something she doesn't want, she'll just leave. I know that sounds like a horrible thing for spouses to share with each other, but I respect that so much. Don't try to change the people around you. It will either not work OR if it does, they'll just resent you for it. If someone isn't what you want anymore, move along. That's the way love should be, in my opinion.

2. From "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd:  
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying.

I've been listening to Pink Floyd since I was like 8 years old. One day when I was a teenager, I finally 'got' the lyrics to this song.

3. From "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" by Bob Dylan:  
I'm not saying you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don’t mind
You just kind of wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right.

And the award for most passive-aggressive lyrics ever goes to... I mean, seriously, vicious...

4. From "Handsome Devil" by The Smiths:  
All the streets are crammed with things
Eager to be held
I know what hands are for
And I'd like to help myself
You ask me the time
But I sense something more
And I would like to give you
What I think you're asking for
You handsome devil

Just... yeah. I don't think I need to explain why I like this one. *Inlove2*

5. From "Fascination Street" by The Cure:  
So just pull on your face, just pull on your feet
And let's hit opening time, down on Fascination Street
So pull on your hair, pull on your pout
Cut the conversation, just open your mouth

I can't have the Smiths without the Cure. They just go hand-in-hand in my head and I'm not exactly sure why or if it's that way for other people or not.

6. From "Master and Servant" by Depeche Mode:  
It's a lot like life
This play between the sheets
With you on top and me underneath
Forget all about equality

Eeeeek. Depeche Mode. So many good songs and memories. I will always love this band. *Heart* A lot of their lyrics are like the ones in this song, sort of a power play, domination thing. I dig it.

7. From "Bone Machine" by the Pixies:  
You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me.

Mhm. *Laugh*

8. From "Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs  
I've got a dislocated disc and a racked up back
I'm allergic to flowers and bugs
And when the bombshell hits, I get epileptic fits
And I'm addicted to a thousand drugs

From "When I'm Gone" by Phil Ochs  
And I won't feel the flowing of the time when I'm gone
All the pleasures of love will not be mine when I'm gone
My pen won't pour a lyric line when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here

Siiiiiigh. So, yes, Cinn has converted me. If you want to hear about Phil Ochs' best lyrics, ask her. These are two of my favorite verses from two of my favorite songs by him that I've heard. I couldn't even pick between the two! "Draft Dodger Rag" is just catchy as fuck and I listen to it all the time. The lyrics are hilarious. "When I'm Gone" is in there because I love everything about the song. You could pull any verse out and it would be awesome.

9. From "Moonlight Mile" by The Rolling Stones:  
When the wind blows and the rain feels cold
with a head full of snow.
In the window there's a face you know
Don't the nights pass slow?

It breaks my heart when people don't like the Stones. I don't know if they've only heard the super popular stuff and didn't dig it or what, but my brain cannot compute not liking a song like "Moonlight Mile" or "Rocks Off" or "Sister Morphine". When someone says they don't like the Stones, my brain is just like, I don't even know what that sentence means. What do you mean you don't like the Stones? That's like not liking Floyd or Zeppelin. It's just... weird behavior. I just want to hold them down and make them listen to Sticky Fingers or Exile On Main St. all the way through because I refuse to believe that they don't like the band. *Laugh*

As you can see, I'm a passionate Rolling Stones fan, but I grew up on them, so what can I say?

10. From "Going to California" by Led Zeppelin:  
The sea was red and the sky was grey
I wondered how tomorrow, could ever follow today

I agree with Jack White in that I flat out don't trust anyone who doesn't like Led Zeppelin. I also think it's amazing that this song is from their fourth studio album and Robert Plant was still only 23 when it was released. Like, what the fuck.

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know, you'll know
September 23, 2015 at 2:28pm
September 23, 2015 at 2:28pm
Artist: Alice In Chains
Song: Heaven Beside You
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30DBC: Have you ever lost yourself in the world of clouds or stars or in any other natural phenomenon? If yes, what did you see? Some random shapes, or some guiding strength?

I'm not super sure where I want to go with this prompt. Back home we'd do a lot of stargazing, just because there wasn't much else to do. We'd go onto the roof of a building or a house and just hang out, drink, talk, and watch the sky. That's the sort of thing you do in a dead end town because there's not a single other thing to do. I mean, I guess you could just go to sleep or watch TV, but those aren't very social activities. *Laugh*

As far as actually losing myself in the clouds or stars though, I'm not sure if I've ever done that one. Sometimes people say they can see stuff in the clouds or something. They're like, "Ahh, look, it's a sailboat! *Boat2*" and I'm always like, what the hell, where? I never see it so I'm probably not very imaginative or creative in that aspect.

I think it's sort of like people say with ghosts. They're always like, "well, if you don't believe in them they won't appear to you." That sort of sounds like a copout to me though. I mean, it's either there or it's not. I can be a little analytical with that stuff though. A lot of my family members believe in spirits and ghosts and demons and that sort of thing, because, religion. I just sort of nod my head and say 'hmm' or 'huh' when they talk about it like I'm thinking really hard, but I'm actually usually just thinking about what I need to do at work or something.

Sometimes I wish I could get into that sort of thing because it seems like it would be interesting. I dunno. It seems like it would be a fun escape from reality to think that your house is haunted or something. You know? Like, to be like, "Oh shit, I just wanna stay at work forever because there's a fucking horror movie in my attic!" *Ghost* Can you tell it's getting close to Halloween? *Heart*

BLOG CITY: When was the last time you wrote something by hand?

It's so sad, but the only thing I write by hand anymore is notes for school. I wrote four pages of notes during my accounting lecture on Monday and that was the last thing I wrote by hand. I keep a journal by hand, but I rarely write in it anymore. The next time I'll write by hand is during math class on Friday morning. It's just so much easier to type things out. I would even do my notes on my computer but the formatting is tricky when you're doing math-related things. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the layouting and I'd end up missing something.

I plan on doing some writing by hand when I do NaNo and NaNo prep though. I think there's a certain creativity in writing with your hand because what you're writing gets processed in your mind differently. I like to use different colors and kinds of pens while I'm writing because it keeps my ideas separate and clean looking. I'm ready to start NaNo prep in a week. I think it'll be fun to have a little project going, not that I don't like blogging and all that. *Pthb*

WTMR 5. Recent studies have proven that colouring, shares the same health benefits as meditation. It is also highly recommended for those with Anxiety, Depression, ADD/ADHD and for general relaxation and stress management. In fact the Bestseller lists right now have a number of Adult colouring books on them (not the x-rated kind although there are those too!). What do you think of this latest craze? Have you or will you try it?

I think this is awesome! Coloring is so much fun. People should never stop just because they're above a certain age. I agree that it's a big stress reliever too. I had to color for a project in my speech class a couple weeks ago and it was so relaxing, I couldn't even call it homework. *Laugh* I've never seen an adult coloring book before, but I looked them up on Amazon. It looks like they have super intricate, ornate designs, which could be fun for sure. See, here's an example   of a page in an adult coloring book.

They look fun, but at the same time, this could go south so quickly. Like, if I accidentally made something asymmetric... I would get so stressed out. *Rant* See what I mean? Like if you were doing all the tiny circles the same color and then you accidentally fucked up? Yikes, an OCD nightmare.

Are there any that aren't super intricate like this? Like, an adult coloring book so it's more difficult than a giant barbie or puppy, but not so detailed that it would be stressful? See, I can get stressed about almost anything. *Bigsmile* I dunno but this one   is so fucking cool. I might actually print this one out and color it. *Laugh*

Coloring is something I used to do with my grandmother a lot. She always kept herself busy. She would do crossword puzzles, color, do jigsaw puzzles. Just small things you can do with your hands while still holding a conversation or watching television. I think I got that from her because I'm never only doing one thing at a time. I'm always doing multiple things, like right now, I'm watching a movie, writing this entry, and talking to Minja. After this, I'll be doing accounting homework, watching a movie, talking to Minja, and probably commenting on some blog entries. It's just how I roll.

So there's problems in your life
That's fucked up
And I'm not blind
I'm just see-through, faded
Super jaded
And out of my mind

September 22, 2015 at 12:53pm
September 22, 2015 at 12:53pm
Artist: The Shins
Album: Port of Morrow
Song: Simple Song
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30DBC: The Pope will be making a trip to the US very soon, and some citizens will be displaced due to his travel safety regimen. Has anything like this happened to you before, being stuck in traffic so a famous person could get by?

It's so funny that this prompt would ever come up, but I actually have had this happen to me before. To set up the scene, when I was first living in Houston, I was like 18 or 19 and Kira had this friend named Isaac who I basically hung around with all the time, or he hung around with me all the time. I'm not sure. It was funny though because I'm fairly sure that his purpose was to keep me in line, sent by Kira, of course... but he was worse than I was, so it just did not work. *Laugh* Maybe you can read something about him... Yeah, here: "Invalid Entry

At one point, Isaac and I were going somewhere and he was driving. We were on a bridge and the traffic was hella backed up and they had cops there and those orange cones set up and they split the lanes up so everyone had to go down to one lane going each way. We were stopped there forever in the middle of this bridge, so I got out to have a smoke and I saw that there was like a stretch limo hummer thing coming down the wrong way on the bridge. It looked like this  .

I got back in the car and told Isaac about it and he slapped the steering wheel and screamed, "God dammit! If this is George Bush, I'm going to drive this car off this bridge!"

It was hilarious that his initial reaction was to think it was probably Bush, because we were in Texas, and that if so, he should do a murder-suicide immediately. *Laugh* *Laugh*

We never did find out who was actually inside the Hummer limo because the windows were so tinted and they just let traffic continue as normal after it passed. It still took forever to get off the bridge though. I kept thinking that someone who was afraid of bridges would be totally freaking out. The funniest part was that Isaac just ran with the Bush thing and he'd be like, "Remember that time we got stopped on that bridge so Bush could get through?" And I'd be like, "Yeah..." *Meh*

BLOG CITY: “When one does not complain … one pays for outward calm with an almost unbearable inner struggle.” Charlotte Brontë
Do you agree with Charlotte Brontë? In what ways do you think venting works?

Yes, I definitely agree with this quote. I don't think keeping things bottled up is a good idea. I've been told that I'm too emotional, and I definitely agree with that, although I haven't been lately. Since Grandma died, I haven't really felt much of anything. In situations where I'd normally be freaking out or just feeling anything, I... don't. Before that though, I've always worn my emotions on my face and people can tell when I'm pissed off, upset, happy, etc...

I think that when you bottle things up, it eats away at your mind and your body. I don't think it's healthy to not tell people how you feel about things, especially the people who are close to you. Everyone needs to have someone that they can just let loose with and say how they really feel. Sometimes it seems like it would be nice to be able to just hide my feelings, but if you're a naturally outward person with your emotions, it's kind of hard to stuff them back inside.

WTMR 1. One of the hardest things to do for many people is to "sell yourself". Whether it be for a job interview, the about me portion of your author website, or just having to talk about/introduce yourself in front of a group. In today's blog entry tell us about what makes you unique and sets you apart from the crowd.

To me, it doesn't seem like setting yourself apart from the crowd should be too difficult. In an interview, it's all about confidence and connecting with the interviewer. I never say things in an interview that make it seem like I couldn't easily do the job, whatever it may be. I also try to find something to connect with the interviewer about. If they're drinking from a Packers mug, guess what my favorite football team is? *Wink* If I see a picture on their desk from a vacation to NYC, guess what I suddenly know a lot about? "Hey, did you check out Delmonico's while you were in NYC?" America's first restaurant and all that...

I know a little bit about everything, so it's fairly easy to bullshit my way through life. I just did my introduction speech for my public speaking class and got bonus points for my speech. I talked about a ton of different things that are unique to me. A lot of people just say, "My name is X. I'm Y years old. My major is Z. *Yawn* That stuff is boring. I did math and read poetry during my introductory speech. Can't forget that. *Wink*

Everyone is interesting though. It just depends on how much they're willing to let you see that. A lot of people are shy or just don't care, so they've got no problem with being like everyone else around them. They don't want to stand out, ya know? Then there are others who go over the top with trying to stand out and just end up getting on everyone's nerves. As with everything in life, you have to find a good balance.

WTMR 3. Now that summer/winter is coming to a close and fall/spring is days away share your best memories from the season and your hopes for the season ahead.

Nooo, I refuse to believe that summer is coming to an end. I love the warm weather and the end of summer means the beginning of winter, as far as I'm concerned. I do love fall. It would be my favorite seasons if it didn't precede winter. I just can't stand the cold and snow and ice and grayness for months on end. The fall is amazing though with cool breezes, Halloween, and leaves changing colors. It's the most beautiful season by far here in the Midwest.

My best memories of summer this year was going to outside concerts/festivals, hanging out with Kira and Jordan, and going to my summer classes. I got an A in finite math and psych, which was awesome. It was a good summer overall. It was a lot better than last summer when I was using and sick all the time, getting into fights, and messing my life up. I think this year has been a really good turn around for me.

Going into autumn, I'm most looking forward to Halloween and the nice weather before winter comes. I do everything I can to appreciate fall while it's here because it goes away so quickly. If you don't pay attention, it'll pass you right by. My hopes for the season are to get A's in all of the courses I'm taking right now and to complete NaNo. It's my first time trying NaNo and I think it'll be really tough with school and work needing to be completed at the same time. NaNo prep starts in 8 days and I'm really not sure if I'm ready for it, but, I guess we'll see...

Love's such a delicate thing that we do
With nothing to prove
Which I never knew
September 21, 2015 at 11:49am
September 21, 2015 at 11:49am
Artist: Slowdive
Album: Souvlaki
Song: Dagger
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30DBC: Tell us about a certain memory that is triggered whenever you hear a specific song. Was the song actually playing at that moment, or is it something in the lyrics or the music itself that jogs your memory?

Sup ya'll? I love this 30DBC prompt so fucking much. The second I saw it, I knew the song I'd go with and that's the one that's at the top of today's entry, "Dagger" by Slowdive. This is one of my favorite and least favorite songs all at once. Least favorite, you ask? Yeah, they exist. You know that song that kicks you when you're down? It always seems to be playing at the worst possible time, or maybe the best possible time, to really fuck you up.

If it didn't make me sound crazy, I'd say that this song haunts me. It's my 'passenger seat' song, as I call it. It always turns up at night when I'm staring out the passenger window and there's always some sort of negative air in the car. I don't think this song ever turns up on a 'good mood' night. It knows better than that.

I do have specific memories attached to it too. You can read one such memory here: "Invalid Entry. I wouldn't really call them bad memories that are attached to this song, but definitely not good ones either. They're just sort of the resigned kind that make you feel a little bit empty inside.

This song reminds me of being in bed at night, just staring at the ceiling and losing track of time. In fact, this whole album reminds me of that. I think I could probably listen to it on repeat forever, and I sort of have over the years. Slowdive and Ride are two amazing bands that you can just stare at a wall and listen to for hours and think of absolutely nothing. Really, you should try it sometime.

I have connections to music because my mind automatically links songs up to memories, whether the song was playing at the time or the lyrics just remind me of something. There's a song for every memory and a memory for every song.

BLOG CITY: The most important thing in your life.
Has it changed over time or has it stayed the same? If you so wish, tell us what it is.

I think the most important thing in life to me is to make my own decisions. I don't want to look back at my life and feel like there are things I wanted to do but didn't do because someone told me that it wasn't what I should do or wanted to do. It reminds me of that Bob Dylan lyric: "You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you." I don't want to not experience my life and I think everything I do is based on that.

I think it stays the same over time too. It's important to make your own decisions so that you can't blame other people for the way your life turns out. I hear it so much from people. They blame their kids or their spouse because they couldn't do the things they want to do in life. I think that's bullshit. You have to take responsibility for the choices you make in life and the only way to do that is to be the one who makes your choices. The only choice I'll ever regret is one that I let someone else make for me.

She whispers while I'm sleeping
I love you when you smile
I didn't really lose you
I just lost it for a while
September 20, 2015 at 8:09pm
September 20, 2015 at 8:09pm
Artist: Rilo Kiley
Album: The Execution of All Things
Song: Paint's Peeling
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30DBC: This week in Texas, a fourteen-year-old Muslim boy was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school   ...his teachers mistook the item for a bomb. Was this the right move, or did the teachers in question blow this situation too far out of proportion? Are we now erring on the side of too much caution?

Oh, is it my time to piss people off already? *Looks at homemade clock bomb* *Smirk*

I think we err on the side of too much caution in multiple facets here in the U.S. People typically don't even wait for further information. They hear, "Whaaaaat? Muslim kid arrested for a homemade clock? That's horrible and racist!" They're picturing something like this   in their mind and they're like, how does that look like a bomb!?

The fact is, the teachers would have been fucking stupid to not check it out a little closer because it did look like what most people think a bomb looks like. It looks similar to a hollywood-style action movie bomb, and that's why the initial concern arose. Because it looked like this  , there was some concern. Now, I can look at that and know right away that it's not a bomb. I mean, where are the explosives?

The issue here is not that the teachers were alarmed when they initially saw it. The issue is that they refused to accept that it wasn't a bomb even after examining it and talking to the student. It's ridiculous to expect teachers to not even look at something like this that a student brings in because they are sort of responsible for many children's lives. If it did turn out to be some sort of explosive, then everyone would be up in arms about how the teachers don't pay enough attention to what's going on in their own classrooms. We can't have it both ways.

If they really did believe it was a bomb, the school should have been evacuated and a bomb squad should have been called out to inspect it. The fact that the police actually came out and arrested him is just silly and embarrassing. They shouldn't have done all of that when they clearly knew that it wasn't a bomb at that point. I guess they thought it was a bomb hoax or something of the sort, but yeah, pretty ridiculous. I just don't think people should be bitching at the school staff for being like, what the fuck is this?

And, not to be a dick or anything, but the homemade clock was literally just an alarm clock taken apart and put it inside of this pencil case. I know that because I made a clock when I was 14 for my woodworking class. Here is a photograph   showing all the parts of alarm clock that he took apart.   The red strip at the top is the display from the original alarm clock as well. I'm not trying to say that he's not a smart kid or anything like that, but I think our president surely has better things to worry about than some kid who literally used a screwdriver to take the parts out of an alarm clock, put them in a pencil case, and then went to school with it. That 'homemade clock' would never even function as a clock.

Again, I'm not saying this to be a dick. I'm just saying it because the second I saw him being called some kind of super genius, I was like, whoa, hold the fuck up. This is an example of the way our society is though. Seriously, think about it.

A kid brings a 'homemade clock' to school and the staff and police completely lose their fucking heads over it and go way overboard. Then we, as a society, hear about it and WE lose our fucking heads about what an Einstein the kid and how horrible the staff and police are before we even know anything about it. We've got tech companies and even the fucking president like, "god damn, son, you're a straight up engineer and I just want to be like everyone calm the fuck down. We're all way overboard in most of these news stories, in my opinion. It's like overdose on both sides. I can hardly stand to care or read about them, to be frank.

The paint's peeling off the streets again
And I'll drive and close my eyes in michigan
And I feel nothing, not brave
It's a hard day for breathing again
September 19, 2015 at 11:38pm
September 19, 2015 at 11:38pm
Artist: Bloodhound Gang
Song: The Bad Touch
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30DBC: On this day in 1709, the creator of the first dictionary of the English language, Samuel Johnson, was born in England. Have some fun...make up a couple of words and their meanings.

Oops, I'm late with this prompt. Suffice to say I was busy enough to forget about taking my medication, so blogging definitely wasn't on my radar. Forgive me, 30DBC gods, for I have sinned.

I'm not big on making up words, but I do have a couple that I can think of off the top of my head that I used a lot. One of them is ridicadak- ri dic a dak. Just means ridiculous, I guess. We have a friend named Dakota, but we call her Dak. She's super dramatic and always losing her shit, so we'd always be like, "You're being ridic, Dak." Ya know, because everyone says 'ridic' instead of 'ridiculous', right? Ridiculous is just far too long.

Anyway, it just morphed into 'ridicadak' because "you're being ridic, Dak" is pretty much guaranteed to do that. We also have 'dakadil' from her name. Like, daffodil. Dunno, just a cute nickname.

It's funny to me that I use so much slang, but I don't invent any for myself. There are just so many words in the world. I don't even know a lot of them as it is. My vocabulary is fairly limited. I don't think I'll really be making up words any time soon unless I find something that doesn't already have a name. Maybe I'll invent something someday and it'll need naming, or maybe I won't. I probably won't.

30DBC: Write about a time where the end of something has led to the beginning of something else.

The end of everything leads to the beginning of something else. You know how they say that when one door closes another opens? It's true, and if the other door doesn't open, sometimes you just have to kick a hole in the wall.

Nothing ends for me without something else beginning. There's never just... a lack of something for me. Any problem solved is another started because somehow, whichever method I used to solve the problem ends up being an even bigger problem than the initial one. This is just the way I am though. I don't think I'll ever just wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep... or whatever it is that people do. I want to be like that, I'm just not. I'm attracted to all the wrong things in life. I'll take every path that winds through the overgrown part of the woods. I don't do it intentionally, it's just in my personality.

I have a trouble with settling in life, in that, I can't do it. Nothing is ever enough for me. I want more of everything. When things seem good, I have to ruin them almost like some obsession with fucking things up. If something seems too simple for me, I'll complicate it.

I like the things that make me feel... anything. I'd rather be horrified, outraged, disgusted, humiliated...

I'd rather be anything than nothing at all.

Love, the kind you clean up
With a mop and bucket
Like the lost catacombs of Egypt
Only God knows where we stuck it
September 17, 2015 at 12:23pm
September 17, 2015 at 12:23pm
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Album: Pretty Hate Machine
Song: Sin
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30DBC: How'd it get this late so early?

I have to ask myself this question every day. You ever think it's one in the afternoon and then it turns out to be like 5:30, and you're like, holy fuck- I'm missing several hours from my day. Certain things make time slip by, like writing a paper or something and then it's suddenly three hours later. Aw, shit.

There's never enough time in the day. I'm still working on stuff at two in the morning while I'm laying in bed and thinking, god damn, I only need a couple more hours. Always just a couple more hours to do this or that. I hate going to sleep too. It's not like, a fun time of the day for someone who can't sleep. It means laying in the dark and staring at the ceiling with your mind racing until your brain finally relents and you pass out. Lately I've been waking up at five in the morning and just laying there for a couple hours until I fall back asleep.

Days kind of slip by though and late becomes early and early becomes late. It all gets intertwined and fucked up after a while to the point where I'm not sure if something happened today or yesterday or last week. Not working Monday through Friday, not working normal times, these things make days leak into each other. It's September. I don't even know where summer went. I didn't experience it.

WTMR 4. What is the kindest thing you have ever done for someone you have never met in person? Why did you do it?

I'm not a kind person in that I don't do kind things for people. I don't do unkind things either, as far as I'm concerned. I just try to stay out of people's way. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is just leave people the fuck alone and I'm fairly good at that, I think. I'm a good listener. You don't always have to give people advice on what to do. Sometimes they're just talking and venting. Everyone thinks they have the answer or that they're required to attempt to form some sort of solution. It's nice to just listen sometimes.

I might not make a lot of people's lives better, but I probably don't make them worse, and I think that's enough. Even on WDC, I try to take the time to listen to people and understand where they're coming from when they're talking. I might not initially understand someone's perspective, but I'll attempt to form some kind of common ground. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but at least it's an attempt which is a lot more than a lot of people give.

So, I guess to answer the question, the nicest thing I do regularly for people that I don't know is listen to them when they need someone to talk to without judging or giving shitty advice. And then also leaving them alone when they clearly need to be left alone. I think that's all you can do when you don't know someone in person, or maybe even when you do.

WTMR 5. What is your fondest memory from your childhood? What made it so special to you?

I have a lot of fond memories of my childhood. One of the best is sitting on the porch and looking up at the sky when there's no light pollution and you can see all the stars. There's nothing in this world that can humble you as much as stargazing can. You already feel insignificant, it just puts it in perspective for you. I did this a lot growing up, with my brothers and my grandparents.

I think that's what I miss most about back home too. Or well, I know that's what I miss most about back home. You can't see any stars where I live. I haven't seen stars in years. I sometimes forget that they even exist. Sometimes you get a view of the moon, and that's nice, but the light pollution really ruins a night sky. It would be cool if night was just pitch black and you could see everything you're meant to see, or maybe meant not to see, living in a city.

There's definitely a simplicity in small towns that I miss, but I'm afraid of them now, the way I was afraid of huge cities growing up. I thought I'd get lost or randomly stabbed as soon as I stepped within the city limits. Now I'm afraid a bunch of rednecks will decide that I'm a faggot and kill me with a tire iron or something like that. Shows how perspectives change throughout life.

WTMR 6. What was your nickname as a child? who gave it to you? Was it a source of pride or embarrassment?

I hated my name when I was younger. I asked my grandparents to call me anything except my name. I didn't care what name, just anything. I have that terrible combination where my full name sounds like a stuffy Darwinian geologist and the shortened version sounds like a toddler. There are others in between, I guess... A horrifying Chuckie doll or a sleazy name like Chaz, which just doesn't do it for me. I think I must have known a Chaz at one point who was greasy or something because I correlate it that way.

I've gotten a bit better with my name, even in recent years. I don't really care too much anymore what someone calls me. I prefer Charlie, generally don't like Charles, but intent totally makes it. Like, a lot of the people around me know that I hate Charles, so they use it when they're either trying to fuck with me or when they're pissed off at me. Sooo, I don't know if I'll ever dig the name, really.

There have been some really awful names in recent years, so now mine seems better. At least it's a strong name. It's not a name that anyone be like, 'holy fuck, what?' about. I hate the trend of misspelling names for the unique factor and I hate spelling words backwards to make a first name, like Nevaeh... heaven backwards. Sorry if any of you know a Nevaeh... it's a shit name.

I'm just an effigy to be disgraced, to be defaced
Your need for me has been replaced
And if I can't have everything well then just give me a taste
September 16, 2015 at 1:11pm
September 16, 2015 at 1:11pm
Artist: Sunny Day Real Estate
Album: How It Feels To Be Something On
Song: Pillars
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30DBC: From a humorous perspective, what is the worst thing parents can do to their children?

Ahhh, this is such a hard question because the 'humorous' part is tripping me up. I can think of a million terrible things that parents do to their kids, but of course they aren't funny. Although there was this one time...

You know those child leashes?  . They're exactly what they sound like... like a dog leash except for a small child so that they won't wander off and get lost or anything.

One time I was in a grocery store with my grandmother and this woman had her little boy on one of those leashes. He was probably 2 or 3 years old. Anyway, she kept yanking on the leashes and pulling him to the floor if he tried to walk away. He started screaming and she started dragging him across the floor by the leash.

I thought Gram was gonna slap a ho. She made the biggest scene in the middle of the store and just really went at this woman for doing that to her kid and telling her that the ground was dirty and all this stuff. *Laugh* It was hilariously awesome to see this older woman just rip into this mother and lecture her the way only a grandmother can. So, because of that experience, I'd say dragging your kid across the supermarket floor on a child leash is up there on my list of worst things parents can do to their kids.

OH! And being embarrassing on Facebook. That's at once the best and worst thing a parent can do to their child. I mean, there's nothing better than a parent airing dirty laundry about their kid through social media, right? It's such a new thing too, like I'm only 23 and even I'm too old to have had that experience really.

12 Painfully Embarrassing Parents On Facebook   Hahha. I'm still laughing at the first one.

BCOF: Would you rather have more time in a day or an extra day of the week? Why or Why Not?

I'd really rather have extra time in a day over the full extra day. An extra 3.42 hours in a day would really help out so much. That's an hour extra work, an hour extra study, and an hour extra sleep with time to spare. I would love that. With the extra day, I'd probably not even notice that there was more time because the days all blend together. I never even know what day it is. The other day in class, I thought it was still August. Time just goes, goes, goes.

I want extra time. I want time for myself. I want to be able to do fun things without having to pay for them later. I don't want to study anymore, don't wanna work anymore. Just want to lay in bed and do nothing all day. I'm gonna do it one of these days. I'm gonna wake up and just stay in bed and stare at the wall allllll day. I can't wait.

WTMR: 3. What is your favorite contest on WDC and why?

I'm super partial to "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, not just because it's run by my boy, Fivesixer , but also because it's just awesome fun every time. The prompts are unique and it's kinda fun to go head-to-head with other bloggers. Plus, it runs every other month so it's easy to jump into it then jump out for a couple months and then jump back in.

The "30 Day Image Prompt Contest - CLOSED was a lot of fun too. I've only done it once, but I was surprised to find that I was able to write poetry based off of image prompts. That's not something I do ever and I definitely don't do it well when it comes to writing short stories, but poetry just always comes more naturally to me.

I don't really enter a lot of contests on the site. It's so hard for me to write for a specific prompt and then there are all the rules to follow like line limits in poetry and minimum word counts in short stories, both of which I'm terrible at meeting. I love line breaks and my short stories end up being short short. There are a lot of awesome contests on the site though. I'm just not really a contest enterer unless it fits my style of writing and doesn't have a lot of rules. I also can't keep my shit below GC-rated. I have no idea why. I don't even try anymore.

But I was always one to play the fool, girl
Though the rules were somewhat dark to me
And I know that we could fall in there
For a time and then unfall again

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