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Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally efforts for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge in July... now just a blog
The 30 Day Blogging Challenge ..... lets see how far I get... Pretty far it seems!

Winner (1st place) for the July 2013 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Second place for the September 2014 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
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January 8, 2016 at 9:16am
January 8, 2016 at 9:16am
30DBC - 7th Jan - Prompt: WDC is a home to many charitable groups and organizations geared toward helping other members. Take a quick look around WDC and tell us about one you're familiar with (maybe you even run a contest or activity that donates to one of these groups). On Saturday afternoon, I'll roll the Virtual Dice to select the winner out of all eligible entries to receive five raffle tickets for "Invalid Item ...where both you and your selected group each will have a chance at winning 10,000 Gift Points. Good luck, and thanks for spreading the word about groups your fellow challengers might not have been aware of!

Wow! That's a hell of a lot of words for a prompt. Geez... it's like a blog post all by itself.

*Up* Hmm I actually wrote that sentence last night. Had I have finished the post, I'd have been up to date, post wise. Then I could have fluttered around making comments aaaand ... hey presto, on course to be in the running to win (hahaha as if) 30DBC. However, day 7 is now late. The whole of the first week is late! Damn it!! That's quite a few points lost. Bah.
Oh, just to note Fivesixer , *ahem* the fact that I'm discussing making comments on others' blog posts, means there is no need to disqualify me. Deal? *Laugh* I'll have commented my ass off by this afternoon, promise. Not that I want an easy ride, but you got my back, right? *Rolling*

So, the prompt... again, I'm not sure how to answer this one. I'm certainly not aiming to win (or, even, be entered into) the virtual dice roll thingy. Why? Because I'm not actually going to just talk about ONE charitable group. I can't. If you know me, you'll probably understand why.

I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but I guess you could call me a bit of a WDC philanthropist. Yes, I come up with the most crazy ideas - Some work REALLY well, some kinda work, and some just flop. I've come to realise that the crazier the idea is, the more likely it is to work.
There are SO many amazing groups on here, most of which I haven't done anything for. But I will.

One of my biggest achievements on here, I think, is raising about 6million GPs in two days just by sending one email to 20 random people. That kinda blew my mind. Most of those GPs are yet to go where they are due to go. A lot paid for two Golden Hand Trophies for SM & SMs, 30 MBs for Phoebe and Jack, these little beauties:
Merit Badge in Story Kids Week
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new "Story Kids Week" merit badge for your group,  [Link To Item #1978046] ! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities. We appreciate it! -SMs and Merit Badge in aMAZing Jack
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new "aMAZing Jack" merit badge for your group,  [Link To Item #1978046] ! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities. We appreciate it! -SMs

The rest is due to be sent out as "Invalid Item prizes. Then the remainder is going to two charity groups. I thought for months about who they should go to... I've finally decided. Hopefully, If my maths is right (*FacePalm*) they are due to get a million each. But I'm not telling who they are *Heart*

My "Invalid Item gives out GPs every so often. But now I do this:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

The point is, I try and support everyone I can. Many people find a group and stick to just supporting them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, take it from me, it is probably a darn sight easier than what I do. But, I just like to spread the love *Heart*

While writing this, I've realised how much stuff I need to update and give out etc. Cheers for that.
Not only that, but I've been toying with one of my crazy game ideas for sometime now... I've kinda worked out how I can turn it from a good idea to a genius idea. This prompt helped with that. I SO want to get started now. But I really do need to update other stuff before starting on that. You'll love it though *Heart*
I also have amazing ideas for poetry corner too, for which this was made:
Merit Badge in Poetic Coffee Drinker
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new "Poetic Coffee Drinker" merit badge for your group,  [Link To Item #2045687] ! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities. We appreciate it! -SMs

I will also do some actual writing at some point *Headbang*

I probably haven't really answered today's prompt. But, meh, interpretation is key, right!?

Right now, I have the house to myself! Woop *Delight* This is BIG. When you have surgery, you're never left alone! *Laugh* But now, I have approximately 4 hours to myself!! *BigSmile* So here's what's about to happen:

*Right* I'm going to post this
*Right* I'm going to post a quick update on my notebook
*Right* I'll then take a look at today's 30DBC prompt, then either:
         *FlowerY* I will write my response to said prompt & do all my commenting straight away, like a good girl. OR;
         *Ornament1V* I will leave that until a bit later, put some music on and do some journalling and reading.

Oh, what will it be... *Laugh* ...
January 7, 2016 at 1:48pm
January 7, 2016 at 1:48pm
30DBC - 6th Jan - Prompt: If your government offered to give you anything and everything you want in life in exchange for allowing them to perform experiments on you, would you do it? Why or why not?

I think I blogged myself out yesterday. Yes, yes, I only wrote two posts, but I've had surgery - you're not allowed to judge!
Annnd today... well, I have no idea where today has gone. It is 4:30pm and I honestly don't know what I've done. Apart from the following:
*Coffee* Drunk coffee (obviously)
*Coffee* Found some paperwork (it took two minutes)
*Coffee* Watched multiple episodes of Grey's Anatomy (my box set of choice at the moment)
*Coffee* Booked a week in Vegas for October... YES!!
*Coffee* Thought about this prompt...


Vegas Baby*Delight*


This prompt is slightly ridiculous and kinda impossible to answer.

You see, consider this... What if...

*PenV* What if I wanted to win an Olympic gold medal?
*PenB* The government wants to test my heart or muscles that stops me from training and/or competing... I'd never win.

*PenV* What if I wanted to be a heart surgeon? (granted this could never happen anyway *Laugh*
*PenB* They wanted to do tests that affected the stability of my hands... I'd kill people.

*PenV* What if I wanted to spend loads of money on charities
*PenB* Their tests took away my understanding of money and/or social awareness and ability to give a shit.

*PenV* What if I wanted to travel the world and take photos?
*PenB* Their tests affected my ability to see?

*PenV* What if I wanted to be a reader
*PenB* See above

*PenV* What if I wanted to get a PhD? Several PhDs...
*PenB* Their tests took away my cognitive ability?

As you can probably tell, I could go on and on about this. There is so much to consider here and, unless I know what the tests would be, I honestly can't answer this question.

January 6, 2016 at 1:18pm
January 6, 2016 at 1:18pm
30DBC - 5th Jan - Prompt: Facebook games: waste of time, occasionally necessary distraction, or borderline obsession? Why or why not? And have you or would you ever spend money on in-game purchases specific to the game itself?

*FacePalm* Oh good god *FacePalm*

Games! I'm highly competitive and I have an highly addictive personality. In a perfect world, I should NOT be allowed to play games, of any kind, ever. This is why, when I run games like Pointless on here, I really struggle not to help the teams out.

I don't really play Facebook games anymore (this doesn't mean I don't play games). Sometimes I get invites and have a quick go, but I don't tend to stick with them. However...

When I was studying for my first degree, I had to download something (I forget it's name) so I could block myself from certain website addresses for a specific number of hours at a time. If I hadn't, I probably would've never finished my dissertation. I'm pretty sure I also got my boyfriend, at the time, change my password every now and again, too.

I would love to say I've grown up and got over my shitty game obsession. However, that'd be a lie.

I've spent the last three weeks playing Cookie Collector 2... constantly. About a week ago, I thought I had hit the point of boredom, but it seems I didn't. Then Chris asked to have a go - I was trying to be nice to his soul by saying no. But the next thing I knew, the silly fool had downloaded it on to his own phone. Now he's hooked. Now we're both hooked. Hooked on a stupid, 100% pointless game.

So, yes, I'm a sucker for shitty pointless games - not necessarily Facebook shitty games - but I'm a sucker nonetheless.

Have I paid real money for shitty pointless games? *FacePalm* What do you reckon?
January 6, 2016 at 11:51am
January 6, 2016 at 11:51am
30DBC - 4th Jan - Prompt: Many people like to use the start of a new year as the springboard for making healthy changes in their diets. If you're one of those people, what's your go-to healthy snack...something simple, or something a little different? Feel free to include a recipe, or just offer encouragement for anyone trying out a healthier lifestyle.

Gahh - I really wanted to catch up yesterday. That was the plan - I was going to write all the blog entries and make all the necessary comments on other blogs. Oh I ought to say - Never done 30DBC with me before? I do it to win... especially when I'm off work while it's on. Apart from last time - I only lasted three days.
I'm not saying I will win. Probably not since I'm three days behind. But, people, I bring my game to (almost) every post.
Anyway, yesterday I slept for 18 out of 24 hours. For the other 6 hours... Well, lets just say a bucket was my friend! I don't know why, but I wasn't well. I thought it may the pain/anti spasm drugs I'm on. But given that I'm hard core when it comes to these, I very much doubted it. I've now worked out that it is the fucking blood thinning injections they are forcing me to have every day for the next six weeks. SIX WEEKS! Ugh do fuck off. I was right - I looked up the side effects. And, yes, the evil little spikey things are not only making my stomach look like a multi-colour pin cushion, but they are making me feel ill. I don't even know why I need the bastarding things.

So, yeah... New Year = Healthy springboard?


In fact, I'm lying on the corner of my new sofa (I love my new sofa!) and on the rest of the sofa can by found two tubes of Pringles, a packet of McCoy's crisps, a bottle of full fat coke and a giant tub of Jelly Babies. To be fair, I will probably only drink the Coke, the rest will probably just be put away. Chris has just bought it all for me to replace the ones I bought but were eaten by him, my mum and best friend while I was sleeping off my surgery. Rude little food scavengers.

Hmm, that's not healthy either.

Ooo ooo ooo I know. I've just bought new electric cigarettes. I've bought several different ones in the past, but these ones seem to be the best to use so far. This might not be anything to do with food or 100% healthy (since they contain nicotine) BUT I will use them... I'm excited to use them... SO this is as healthy as it gets right now in my little world. *ahem* all I need to do is "get rid" of the 60 real cigarettes I have left! *Rolling*

Well, it's 4:50pm and I am still awake! *Delight* Next post coming up...
January 4, 2016 at 12:26pm
January 4, 2016 at 12:26pm
30DBC - 3rd Jan - prompt: On New Year's Day, police seized various weapons from someone outside of a national sporting event. How many weapons do you need to enjoy a sporting any event with your friends and family?

Below are a few of the 4587 reasons why I genuinely do not understand this prompt:

*BulletV* I'm British, maybe this is an American thing? Or, maybe, a rest of the world thing?
         *Bulletb* Britain doesn't really do weapons
*BulletV* I've just taken morphine. Perhaps that has made me dumb... this, I admit is entirely possible.
*BulletV* I'm not sure why I'd take a weapon to an event in the first place
         *Bulletb* Often I carry a fork in my handbag (I like food) does this count as a weapon? I'm sure it could do a bit of damage if I really tried
*BulletV* How many? Well, none. If my blog post had just consisted of the word "none", would I have received full points? I don't get that.
*BulletV* Although, I guess it depends what event it is - that isn't specified so that confuses me. Am I going on a fox hunt, or to a swimming competition?


Ultimately, my answer is...

January 4, 2016 at 9:21am
January 4, 2016 at 9:21am
30DBC - 2nd Jan - Prompt: Saturday Emily 's 21st birthday, and the 30DBC wouldn't be what it is now without her leadership. In lieu of the traditional Creation Saturday prompt, what is your best birthday memory?
And wish Emily a happy birthday too...she checks in on us every once in awhile *Wink*.

Yo! Emily! Happy Birthday *Delight* for two days ago

Well, that's half of the prompt accounted for. This post is obviously two days late. However, I'm not entirely sure it should be classed as late since it is very rare that I wish anyone a happy birthday on the actual day. Just saying.

Yesterday, my plan was to write my entries for all the prompts so far, then today I'd be up to date. But, I wrote one (poorly) and this happened --> *Sleeping**FacePalm* - so that plan went out the window.
Today, I've got to this point *StarfishB* aaaaand *Sleeping* ... I slept reasonably well last night, so I thought i'd be okay... clearly not. it is 11:30 and I need a nap. BALLS>

I shall return *Yawn*


Right, it's 1:53pm and I'm kinda back. I'm still not feeling all that well, but I'll give this a go.

Since it was Emily's 21st, I figure I'll talk about my own 21st birthday - even though it depresses me that it was nearly ten years ago! eeesh... I feel old.

The day I turned 21 was the first day I was asked for ID so I could buy cigarettes and alcohol. I laughed because I'd been buying both since I was 14 years old. It took the world seven years to catch up with me. Man! I had to leave the shop to hunt for my driving licence.

Anyway, I decided to go out and be ridiculous that night. My friends and I got dressed up in posh dresses... We searched everywhere, but I think I ended up wearing one of my bridesmaid dresses, that looked a little like this:

But, honestly? That was a little normal for where we were going. So we topped our dresses off with extremely over the top costume jewelry, like so:

To be fair, we looked pretty random. Well, that's me being polite... we looked hideous. But after a few drinks, it didn't really matter *Laugh*

All dressed up, we went to a pub, watched some live music and got kinda drunk. From there we went to a local gay club night (so much more fun than regular club nights) named after long-term Eastenders (UK soap) character Dot Cotton...

It was lots of fun! Although, my friend did manage to tip curry sauce ALL over my dress! Niiiiice!


Woooop I did it! I stayed awake!

January 3, 2016 at 10:38am
January 3, 2016 at 10:38am
30DBC - 1st Jan - Prompt: On this day in 2007, Binney & Smith Company became Crayola LLC under its parent company Hallmark. What crayon color are you?

'Sup blogging buddies! I'm currently having a moment of lucidity (to be explained), so I thought I'd come and attempt to re-enter the blogging sphere. I am, however, due to take some more drugs... as in NOW... so my lucidity may not last. I'll not apologise since it is highly likely that my drug addled brain may be more entertaining than my normal brain *Laugh*

So, yeah... I had surgery on Wednesday (30th Dec). It was okay to start with because they put a nerve block in so I couldn't feel my foot. That was nice. Then 24hours later, it wore off and hell began! I then had to start taking tons of drugs. For two days, my eyes would NOT stay open... I was awake but my eyes were shut. Incredibly annoying when I opened them and realised I was in a door way, or getting a drink out off the fridge, or worse... trying to use the toilet! *Rolling*. Thankfully, I seem to be able open my eyes today. wooo *Delight*

Anyway, on to the prompt, before I collapse....

I must say, that this is a slightly odd prompt for the first day of a brand new year. Crayons. Strange.

I don't think crayons are really my thing. I love pens.... pens are my friends. In fact, Chris got me a pack of 24 Sharpies for Christmas and I was very happy. But when it comes to crayons, I'm neither here nor there! *Laugh* ... In fact, when they break, I just find myself getting into a rage. So, perhaps it is best I avoid them!

Being forced to choose a colour crayon to be is a little unfair... I'm going to go for my usual type of decision... Wait for it....

A colour for every mood, of course!

October 11, 2015 at 3:16am
October 11, 2015 at 3:16am
1. A hat
2. Wall decoration
3. Bin
4. Fold it up & use as a purse
5. Potpourri bowl
6. Block up holes + fill with sand = doorstop
7. Cut up & use as gift tags
8. Pen tub
9. Spare change bowl
10. Crisp bowl at parties
11. Put in plastic lining = dog food bowl
12. Put in plastic lining = cat food bowl
13. Put in plastic lining = emergency toilet
14. Names out of a hat, hat
15. Fill with writing prompts + draw when needed = writing prompt holder
16. Post-it note storage
17. Key holder
18. Decorate & you have a new hat
19. Spare button storage
20. Ribbon storage
21. Earring display – hook earrings in the straw holes
22. Place cardboard dividers = scrap paper organiser
23. Place cardboard dividers = magazine cuttings organiser
24. Garlic bread display dish
25. Drawer organiser
26. Fit clock hands & battery = a clock
27. Paint orange = Sweet bowl for Halloween
28. Wire storage
29. Fuel for a fire
30. Cut up and use as bookmarks
31. A gift!
32. A child’s dress
33. Cut the rims off and make a Frisbee
34. Ashtray
35. Jelly mould
36. Money pot for a busker
37. For flower arrangements
38. For a candy cane display
39. To practice target shooting with tennis balls
40. Basket for berry picking
41. Base for a fruit hamper
42. “Swear jar”
43. To use in games like “pin the hat on the annoying child” (currently in development)
44. Fly swat
45. A fan
46. Pasta strainer
47. Cover your face for a daytime nap
48. Sit on it to avoid getting dirty
49. Flag a passing motorist
50. Flag down a taxi
51. Cheer at a parade or sporting event
52. Tie to the car antenna for easy spotting
53. For magic tricks
54. A flag for capture the flag
55. Cut into a place mat
56. Cover exposed food
57. Coffee filter or tea strainer
58. Tie to a tree to guide you back out of a Forest
59. Tip box by a till
60. Waft away bad odours
61. Use as a sign (i.e. with an arrow painted on it)
62. A prompt for a poem
63. For recycling
64. As a sick bucket
65. A piece in a giant game of checkers
66. A piece in a giant game of chess
67. A piece in a giant game of drafts
68. A piece in a giant game of monopoly
69. Providing a privacy screen
70. As a shield
71. Cut into a bookmark
72. A lampshade
73. Dog cone thing
74. As a plant pot
75. As a spider detainment centre
76. As a football net
77. As a giant egg cup
78. As a yoghurt pot
79. As a picnic basket
80. As a mouse trap
81. As a carry basket for a cat
82. As a weather vein
83. As a cake stand
84. As a crab pot
85. Ukulele tidy for parties
86. Olympic pool for your flea circus
87. Paint it orange - traffic cone
88. Basket of a hot air balloon for dolls
89. As a measure for corn
90. As a disposable campfire
91. As a cage
92. As a prison for recidivist beetles
93. As a pommel horse
94. As a mini beer keg
95. As a keyring
96. As a speed bump
97. As a giant bottle top
98. As a straw holder
99. As a fisherman's net
100. A prompt for a list
September 7, 2015 at 9:29pm
September 7, 2015 at 9:29pm
September 30 DBC. Day Six: This week, a county clerk in Kentucky was jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Because her position is that of an elected official, she can't be fired from her job. She believes that same-sex marriage is against her religion. What do you think? Should she be required to issue these licenses? Can she legally be held accountable for this?

Oohhh damn it!! Now I'm frustrated! *Headbang* You've gone and changed Sunday News again! *shakes fist*

If you've done the 30DBC with me before, you'll know that I don't really DO news! Last time I did this, Sunday News was something like, "pick a news story & talk about it"... yeahhhh, no! I struggled a lot with this.
Anyway, as I'm trying to catch up on all my entries (nearly there, woop), I realised earlier that Sunday News wasn't too far away. Yet, instead of my usual despair I thought, "no, its cool. I've just got back from the US, where I watched a lot of news - I've got this! Plus, I'll talk about US news, which lots of people here will know about."

I had something. I actually had something.

But NO!

*Music1* Ch-ch-ch-changeeeeeeesss *Music1*

Seriously, why must you forsake meeee? I mean, yes I know about this story, I was in the US last week, duh! So, yes, I could write about this news story... if I wanted to. I don't. In fact, even if this was the story I was going to write about anyway, I would no longer write about it. It's the principle of the thing! *Laugh*

*Whistle* So, where do we go from here?

US news is odd, I have to say. So detailed and dramatic! A single news story can be discussed for hours it seems.
Also, why is everything "breaking news"? One night, I was awake quite a lot in the night (shock), so I was drifting in and out of CNN. There was a lot of attention on the manhunt for the guys that killed that cop (what happened with that?). I woke up after a hour snooze and heard, "we have some breaking news on the manhunt," - Ok, I thought, they've found something... I listened.... It was the SAME stuff they'd been saying for the last six hours. That isn't breaking news! That is just news! *Laugh*

Also, something happened that would have made British TV viewers go mad. Chris and I had the TV on while were were getting ready to go out one day, when we heard "we interrupt this program to bring you a special news report." ... In Britain, this only happens when something BIG happens, like the Queen dying (she's never died). Mind you, I think the last time it happened was when Michael Jackson died... although I guess it was kinda a big deal.
So, naturally, Chris and I stopped in our tracks and thought, "shit, what's happened? A major insident or something... has the Queen died?"
Oh, no, no, no...

"The Pope has had an audience with the media..."

Whaaaaat? That's it? Seriously? Now, I know the Pope is kinda a big deal. But, come on, the fact that he has talked to the media is NOT news. Well, by that I mean it isn't news enough to stop TV programs across the entire country. He didn't die, he just had a bloody chat! As I said, if British TV had been stopped for that, pitchforks would have been dragged out of cupboards within a matter of seconds.

There you go, I'm refusing to talk about the news any further. Yet, this rant was inspired by the prompt. Therefore, I should not be penalised! *Ha* Elle - on hiatus would be proud! *Rolling*

Quote of the day: Sometimes negative news does come out, but it is often exaggerated and manipulated to spread scandal. Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia: which is a sin that taints all men and women, that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects. ~~ Pope Francis
September 6, 2015 at 10:48pm
September 6, 2015 at 10:48pm
September 30 DBC. Day Five: I'm gonna make this easy on you today...write whatever you'd like! But...each sentence must contain at least one emoticon (and after this week you've got so many more to choose from). I won't put a minimum line count on this...it's harder than it looks.

Ooo ooo because I'm a day late with this, I get to use *WDC* in a sentence! Yes*ExclaimW* *HappyCry*

*Thinker* See, this prompt is a tricky one*ExclaimB* Are we supposed to use emoticons to replace words, such as I am on *WDC*? Or can they just come anywhere in a sentence*QuestionR*

Humm, at the moment I don't have anything to *Type* anyway. I'll come back to this *Ha*


Yep, you see, this here post has been open in my browser for about 22 hours now *Clock* And, yet, I still got nothing for ya *FacePalm*

*Box* *PointLeft* See this box? It's crammed full of nothing*ExclaimP* Enjoy *Ha*

I have been BEING creative, though *Palette* That counts for Creative Saturday, right*QuestionV*

I've discovered Decoupage *Idea* Or Decopatch, if you want *Smirk* It is the perfect art if you just wanna chuck some scraps of paper on something and say, "oo look, pretty" *Painting* Therefore, perfect for meeee *Rolling*
I'm currently making gift boxes for my best friend's birthday presents *GiftT* She better bloody like the boxes more than the contents*Exclaim* I am COVERED in fucking glue *Paste*


Parting thought *Thinker*

Kinda relates to a post I wrote earlier, and something Dragon is hiding said to me *Smirk2*

*QuestionP* How do "Invalid Item and the words "Hours,it would have taken me hours" relate to each other? *Ha*

Ohhhh hold on, I might have just got it *Headbang* *Rolling* ... Ahh feel free to discuss anyway *Smirk2* *People*

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