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Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1517585
A treatise based on 2 Acrositcs. A Sanctity of Life write.
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This treatise is the result of a visit to church 1-18-09, and a song that became the root for the acrostic Worthy Is The Lamb, on 1-19-09 the second acrostic was gelled into the first.

Thankful for the Blogger of the Week nod for 5-31/6-6 from the B.C.O.F.
First time and inspiring to continue blogging on a regular basis.
July 26, 2015 - August 1, 2015
Thank you Lord for the gift of writing.

November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015

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Thankful for Blogger of the Week not for week of 12/25-31/16; especially since or wedding anniversary is on 12/25. Amen and amen.

Blogger of the week 5-14/20. B.C.O.F.rs united!
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April 24, 2020 at 5:17am
April 24, 2020 at 5:17am
Alan Jackson sings Just As I Am.
It's on YouTube.
Lately I've been listening to him on the way home from work.
You can hear in his voice that he's not singing some words. He's speaking to His Lord and Savior using the gift of song. There is a genuine awe and respect for the he calls Lord.

Just as I am Lord, using the gift of writing to honor Your holy name. I will daily watch and see You at work in this world created by Your very hands. Seeking Your way to walk through the perilous times in which we live.

Just as I am Lord.
In the throws of coughing and wheezing, I will remember that You promise us to be there through it all.

Just as I am dear Lord. Knowing that Your blood was shed for me. I can but say thank You and ask that You will lead me Rhonda Cope and our families out of the Covid19 outbreak unscathed and closer to You our Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Beloved will you find your talent and use it to His glory in the coming days, weeks days and months. Just as you are, willing to honor Him in your special ways.
April 23, 2020 at 3:31am
April 23, 2020 at 3:31am
Do not despair,
God has said He is there.
The heavens and the earth He did create,
No pestilence or virus shall overtake.

There may be shaking, rocking and reeling.
But upon this promise we can rely.
The Lord stands and knows our feelings,
He is there carrying us through what has gone awry.

He has counted every hair on your head.
God knows when you're awake and when you are abed.
The "stay at home" call was no surprise to the Great I Am.
A time to reflect on what really matters, it's Him!

The Creator, the Savior, the Promise keeper, the Omnipotent One. The harvest reaper.
The One who shed His life upon the cross,
Is the one who will heal our lands and restore our hope that is blocked by COVID19, for a time beloved.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

Father God I lay at Your feet the petition to stamp out COVID19 in Your perfect timing.
I lay the praise and honor You are due, and rest in the assurance that You hear and will answer our heart felt prayers to You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Do Not Despair
By Steve Cope
April 22, 2020 at 9:33am
April 22, 2020 at 9:33am
Listen to the wind rustling the leaves.
Feel the sun warming your knees.
Look into the heavens, and see the birds at play.
By this time your mind has taken a rest, and you can feel God's grace and peace your anxiety slay.

Pick up a busy leaf rolling by and remember days of summer ease.
Watch the ants busily gathering this thing and that.
Know that He is leading their ways, just as He is in the midst of your time of need and the purring of your favorite cat.

By this time your mind has returned to the reality that is this present day situation.
The difference is that your are now grounded in His assurance that He will not abandon our wounded nation.

There will be troubles, trials, tribulations, and seemingly great losses. But in the midst of it all let's remember that God is for us and His great LOVE supercedes even the threat of this Carona virus.
February 20, 2020 at 12:55pm
February 20, 2020 at 12:55pm
Tell us a mysterious story. Or write a review of your favorite mystery book or movie.

Mystery of mysteries when you make a call.
You're expecting the interaction to go as planned.
Several days later you find it's a catastrophe after all.
That one call you made appears to have double landed.
Everything you thought was going to happen did not.
Revealed in the paper work you find It's doubled by a lot.
In the long run your account is overdrawn!
Everything looks bleak and out of reach, in the netherworld of cyber banking.
Still the mystery continues, and the calls are blowing up your cell phone.

MYSTERIES are all too often based upon reality and this a true story of this authors attempt to pay a partial amount on a bill only to find out the full amount due was initiated anyway. Shame shame shame on both the place that did this and me for having faith that they would only do the authorized about. Thanks for the mysterious prompt BCOF.
Copenator out!

by Steve
December 13, 2019 at 3:15pm
December 13, 2019 at 3:15pm
When I was young and full of rage, Irish temper don't you know, I was drawn to a nearby church. Almost always it was when my internal rage was about to explode.
When I would enter it's doors I would feel a sense of calm coming over me. I would sit in a pew, yeah you know those long pews of old, and just breathe.
This was long before I met Rhonda. The process of rage building up and me visiting this church was a "sanctuary" the Lord provided for me even before I knew Him as Savior and Lord.
Beloved a church is more than a building. It is where the Lord ministers to people, even before you know Him as Lord and Savior.
Have you ever had this feeling that you needed to enter a church? What was going on in your life at the time? How did you feel after you entered the building?

By Steve Cope
December 4, 2019 at 10:37am
December 4, 2019 at 10:37am
When the world is weighing you down,
Like you gained 100 pounds.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus and pray,
Give me strength and guidance this day.

Don't let the bills, the bills, the bills outweigh,
The faith you have in the Lord to lead the way.
It's not always easy to lay it at the feet of the Lamb,
Cause we feel like it's our burden to bear. That's a sham!

The Lord said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
That is His promise, His gospel, His truth to me and you.
Oh the weight this world does press down upon us.
Oh the comfort and joy we can take in knowing He loves us!

Oh the Weight!
by Steve Cope
October 26, 2019 at 5:15am
October 26, 2019 at 5:15am
Alzheimers takes the individual away.
Leaving a struggle to regain ones thoughts, routines, life.
Zooming through the brain this insidious disease attacks.
Help us find an end to this.
Everyday more are taken from us.
In some cases it takes years to succumb to this disease.
Minds becoming prisons that locks the individual away.
Every stride made in research brings us closer to the first survivor.
Restore hope and as we walk for the first survivor,
Share from your heart, your pocket book, your blood sweat and tears to bring down this disease known as ALZHEIMERS.

By Steve Cope
Copenators Crew
June 29, 2019 at 4:21am
June 29, 2019 at 4:21am
Can you hear the wind blowing through the trees,
Can you feel the wind brushing past your cheek.
Can you listen to the birds chirping their thanksgiving,
Aware that the Lord is their provider and oh so giving.
June 16, 2019 at 3:54am
June 16, 2019 at 3:54am
DAY 2400: J une 15, 2019
Prompt: Write about "Me Time".

Wow "me time".
For me my ideal time would be able to write with ease and express gratitude to the Lord for the gift He gave me all those years ago.

Me time is rare and that's the truth.
Even as I write this I am alone because Rhonda is in the hospital.

Therefore I'm up and trying to keep our dog sane with the issue of fleas that is going on this summer.
It's clear to me that we are in a spiritual battle and at every turn we are still praising the Lord because He is truly the Great I Am.
More often than not, when I have time, I will drop in here and write a note, a reply to a blogger prompt or just read a story from someone else to keep the creative juices flowing.
Every year here in the WdC is an honor and privilege that I still want to do more of because here is my home as far as writing goes.

Me Time is important but with the responsibilities of life on every given day we have to balance it between our loved ones, our area of personal interaction with other people (work etc) and our closest family members.

You here in the WdC are a part of my Me Time and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Copenator out!
Congrats on day 2400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 25, 2019 at 4:18am
May 25, 2019 at 4:18am
Write about your favorite piece of furniture in your home? What makes it so special to you? Was it a gift? A hand me down from another family member or friend?

My recliner. Got it a few years ago from Finger Hut and still love sitting in it.

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