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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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February 20, 2008 at 7:22pm
February 20, 2008 at 7:22pm
February 20, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 53 (F) Sunny
Events of Note: My FIL is in the hospital
In the Nudes: Obama wins more primaries, and McCain does it again!.

*Balloon1* My FIL is in the hospital-second hospital in less than a week, following post-surgery complications. Grandma, who's 96 and still living in her own home, driving, etc, called us this morning from Nebraska with that particular news. Since he hates having a fuss made of him, such an experience will be going down like a custard square with my FIL.

*Balloon2* After a long discussion last night, continuing into today, we are taking "Beanie" out of that particular pre-school, once her six week, pre-paid contract is up. There are issues of cleanliness and safety there that concern us...such a bummer.

*Balloon3* We're still all housebound with 'flu, but at least the upside is that we can keep to ourselves and not pass this dreaded bug on!.
February 19, 2008 at 1:17pm
February 19, 2008 at 1:17pm
February 19, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 45 (F) Rain
Events of Note: Clinic-ing today.
In the Nudes: Era ends as Castro quits.

*Balloon1* "Bean" seems bored stupid with nursery school. She very much wants to be independent and do her own thing.

*Balloon2* Been to the clinic once this morning, already-and due back there again in another 30 minutes. Whatever I have, has now become more serious, so we're counting on my Dr. actually doing something more than saying, "Well, we'll sit back and see what happens." Last night was particularly unpleasant, to the point where I was considering showing up at the local Emergency Room. But, I made it through that. So, we'll soon see, I suppose. My delightful husband has the day off to take care of me, which may prove to be a good thing.

*Balloon3* Sorry for the non-cheery entry. It's raining heavily and is foggy here today, too, which hardly inspires confidence.

See you later!. Thanks to all who've stopped by to so generously rate my blog *Smile*

EDIT: 2/19 Well, my infection still isn't serious enough for anti-biotic treatment, and I was told to come back in another week if my symptoms were still bothering me. In the meantime, I'm responsible for monitoring myself. This is called, "self-management"-which basically put the onus back on me if anything goes wrong.

Pre-school called, just after we left the clinic for the second time, to say that "Beanie" had been throwing up, and could we pick her up asap. Which we did, and she was the most dreadful color, listless and floppy. Once home, she improved markedly. She also said something about having hit her head while there, which is worrisome to me. We're planning on reviewing our daycare contract after our pre-paid six week contract expires. Not entirely happy, but we want to give this placement a chance.
February 18, 2008 at 7:23pm
February 18, 2008 at 7:23pm
February 18, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 47 (F) Cloudy and bleak.
Events of Note: Our entire household has the 'flu.
In the Nudes: Nancy Reagan is hospitalized.

*Balloon2* Our whole household is down with "that damn bug", including "Beanie". Now, she has a crackly cough fit to match all of her teeny, tiny peers perfectly. Tomorrow's pre-school session looks doubtful, but since every other freaking parent seems to send their sick little monsters to infect my daughter's midst, I'm considering being not in the least bit courteous on the subject. Apparently, the policy of also not sending staff to work at the school, while they are sick is instant baloney, too. Welcome to our world of communicable diseases, and community-acquired interferences.

*Balloon3* My symptoms managed to miraculously revive themselves late last night, so this is Round Two, and I feel like chucking (up or in) my tizzy towel...or my tacky tissue.

*Balloon3* Ooh, ooh, did you see it?. That sweet little light blue ribbon that Nada pinned upon my New Blog?. Delicious. Now, all I need is some ratings (please, please!), so I don't look and feel like a total dead-beat. *Laugh*
February 17, 2008 at 4:00pm
February 17, 2008 at 4:00pm
February 17, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 43 (F) Cloudy
Events of Note: Fending off "bugs" of all kinds
In the Nudes: U.S plan to shoot down 'rogue' sattellite

*Balloon1* First up-a few words about my 'flu virus-there's a(nother) new strain that's been circulating called "Brisbane". In addition, there is no treatment for flu viruses, other than anti-viral drugs, which are only effective if given in the earliest onset, and may only cut the period of illness by one or two days. Two weeks of illness isn't uncommon, so in another week, I'll be skulking back to the clinic. It also seems contrary that my clinic refuses to treat patients suffering from Upper Respiratory Infections with anti-biotics, with a preference given to other forms of immuno-supportive treatment and "conservative management". "Conservative management" is medical jargon for, 'sitting back, observing, and waiting for something acute to show up'. Gee, thanks. So, tell me why I'm not surprised?. When you have a lot of secondary complications like me, this seems like the easiest option from a clinical perspective.
Malaise is the most persistent symptom at the moment.

*Balloon2* "Beanie" is slowly adjusting to her new preschool environment. When we went to pick her up, she was such a lonely, bereft looking little figure standing in the outdoor playground all by herself (all her little friends were inside napping)-that we instantly felt very crushed and so extremely guilty. We're now both wondering and pondering, "Why?" . Maybe this next week will be better.

*Balloon1* I'm more than a little behind in my WDC 'housekeeping', so if you've sent me a comment, THANKS!. I'm kind of running at about 65% at the moment.

Relax-it's Sunday!.
February 16, 2008 at 3:31pm
February 16, 2008 at 3:31pm
February 16, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 43 (F) Foggy
Events of Note: Feeling more unwell. How is this possible?.
In the Nudes: Nothing I find interesting. Besides, my head's pounding *Sick*

*Balloon2* Just when I would have really welcomed a good night's rest, I tossed and turned last night, coughed, coughed, tossed some more, was awake to see daybreak (such as it wasn't, with all of that murky coastal fog), and finally got to sleep around 7:30am. At 10:30am, the phone rang downstairs, and I just knew that meant my husband was preparing to go to work. Which was my cue to get dressed and take care of "Bean". I feel WORSE today, than on any other previous day since I contracted this 'childhood illness' bug. Plus, there's another Classic Banana Bread on the special menu for today, and I'd also like to bake one for us, too. A local wholesaler gave us a big bag of 'salad' bananas for FREE, which was pleasant-just means I gotta use them up quickly. "Bean" is watching "Cars" at the moment, but as soon as she's through, we're outside for our daily walk, and to play ball in the yard. That is, if I can catch my breath.

See you in the Reviews later :)
Happy Saturday!.
February 15, 2008 at 5:47pm
February 15, 2008 at 5:47pm
February 15, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 56 (F) Sunny
Events of Note: Someone threw a Writer's Brick through my cognitive window.
In the Nudes: Mugabe set for landmark elections against opponents.

*Balloon1* My thanks to both Scarlett and Nada for their Valentines!. My husband had a busy and frustrating night at the restaurant, last night-not that unusual, except that the restaurant did not take reservations for Valentines Day, and it's only a relatively small establishment. Some customers were disappointed at not being able to make last-moment Valentines Day dinner arrangements. Oh, well...

*Balloon2* I think that my Writer's Brick is back in my midst. Having said that, I used a lot of my (seriously) lagging energy from 7:30am-12:30pm today. I baked for the restaurant, did two loads of laundry, two loads of dishes (2 X rinsing, stacking and unloading), bathed, dressed, fed "Bean" and packed her off to school, cleaned and vacuumed downstairs, filled out school paperwork for "Bean" and did accounting. When I finally sat down to write, this afternoon, my mental screen went completely blank. I'm not taking any medications at the moment, either, that might otherwise impair my cognitive function. After a short while of contemplation, I suddenly remembered that it's Friday...which is an excuse to explain away most everything, but it's an excuse that I'm happily sticking with, for the moment.

*Balloon1* Another distraction has been that a girl whom I was at senior high school with, passed away recently, in hospice, from an aggressive form of cancer, at 35. Leaving behind a husband and two young children. What I find disturbing, is that no-one in my peer group has mentioned this at all-not a one. Is everyone so self-absorbed?. Which has me wondering if I simply feel too much.

*Balloon5* In complete contrast, I rather enjoyed the film, "Becoming Jane" which had interesting comparatives with, "Pride and Prejudice"-perhaps not surprisingly.

*Balloon6* Well, I'm off to re-charge my batteries a little bit, and do a spot of reading, if I can stay awake and work up the energy, that is.

Have a Honky and Dory Friday, everyone.
February 14, 2008 at 7:23pm
February 14, 2008 at 7:23pm
February 14, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 49 (F) Sunny
Events of Note: Cat-fights all the way around.
In the Nudes: Illinois University shooting. Good news: Tax rebate checks will be mailed out by Spring in the U.S.

*Balloon2* I'm writing in the third, today. Dedicated to Special Kay Cat fight. One cat dead, one cat upstairs nursing injuries. Another cat still sitting outside sulking, or was that 'skulking'?. Rainbowapple isn't best pleased with this wild-cat warfare. Rainbowapple's husband is even less charmed by having to bury a dead cat, between herding 'catty' staff at the restaurant.

*Balloon5* Bean's Valentines (at last count): 40 Rainbowapple's: 0 Hubby's:1. Rainbowapple is feeling serenely ambivalent and is being a virtual fence-sitter where all of this holiday hype and hyperbole is concerned. Rainbowapple's Mum sent her a really lovely, bright, raspberry red shirt just perfect for this non-holiday. Rainbowapple didn't realize how much she may resemble an overblown tomato wearing this shirt, but her nationalistic outlook will likely dictate otherwise, as the shirt was made in New Zealand!. Pictures to follow just as soon as Rainbowapple's husband remembers that Sony WhatchmacallitElectronicPictureTakingDeviceThingy.

*Balloon3* Frosting on the Valentine sugar cookie, is that Rainbowapple's husband has to work tonight, from 6:00pm onwards. Rainbowapple will be simply glad to be able to post this entry without unforseen interuptions, cats, cookies, or any other interuptive device.

Rainbowapple says farewell for today, and goodnight.
February 13, 2008 at 4:24pm
February 13, 2008 at 4:24pm
February 13, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F) Sunny and Breezy
Events of Note: I'm a flu floozie
In the Nudes: Aftermath of Kevin Rudd's apology to the, "Lost Generation" in Aust.

*Balloon3* I have the 'flu. Complicated by my URI (or vice versa). Either way, I'm exhausted. I'm not the Lone Ranger where that's concerned. Lot of bugs around.

*Balloon2* Yesterday, when my husband went to pick up "Beanie" from daycare, Bean's teacher observed that "Bean" isn't much for following their rules. (N.B: this is a nursery school that states it isn't big on 'structure'). Some rules are inevitable, but in fairness to "Bean"-this is a little girl who has had no previous group play experience, and she is still only two years and seven months old. Further, many of the kids in her group are aged three and four. Moreover, this was only her second session. I'll be the first to admit that she hasn't had a whole heap of structure in her home environment up until now, because, first and foremost, she's our kid, and my kid isn't going to be a child forever, and anyway, whatever happened to kids just being allowed to be kids?. [sorry, I'm ranting here]. Am I being overly defensive?. Probably. But, if there's something my mother taught me, it's that you have to advocate for, and encourage your child in everything to do with education. Be involved. Pay attention. Keep interested. Remain active and vigilant. And, by goodness, I'm gonna do that!.

*Balloon3* Cough medicines and many otc cold remedies are a waste of money, and most aren't worth the label printed on their bottles. Colds and flu's are big business-try around $70 million a year in this country alone. Toss those medicine cupboards, and try some actual nutrition. My diet at the moment isn't much to do with anything except for daily chicken soup, and blended fresh fruit. That...and breakfast. I'd never eaten a waffle in my life until last year in Wyoming or somewhere like that. One stinking waffle was an hour's wait!.

Geez, I'm a whinger, whiner today. Think I'll go back to my couch...

EDIT: Went back to my couch-not much of an improvement.
February 12, 2008 at 1:18pm
February 12, 2008 at 1:18pm
February 12, 2008

Whether the Weather be: 43 (F) Cloudy
Events of Note: If you can guess what the naughty s word is, congrats-you're likely right.
In the Nudes: Please-no politics. Let's just let the nominees bob for apples instead?.

*Balloon3* Think I've set myself a new personal record (and no, it's not a PB-personal best). My lungs have never filled up with nasties quite this fast and furiously before. It's become an upper respiratory infection, pure and simple. My dilemma is that I feel like going to bed, but even sitting up and being reasonably still is so uncomfortable. The house is quiet and eerie without "Beanie" here, this morning. She's at pre-school. She was/is so good about "Goodbyes". Truthfully, I don't think she even noticed that we'd left. My baby!. A baby no more!.

*Balloon1* So, whatdoIdowiththreehoursofBeanfreetime?. Get a life?.
February 11, 2008 at 6:56pm
February 11, 2008 at 6:56pm
February 11, 2008.

Whether the Weather Be: 50 (F) Partly sunny.
Events of Note: Murphy comes in various flavors. Today's flavor is Menthol/Lemon Hunny.
In the Nudes: East Timor's president is attacked.

*Balloon1* Sometimes, it's easy to forget that I am actually moderately educated, and am therefore in a minority. When I say that, I mean it in a non-snobbish way. Last night, I was considering more graduate study (am I MAD?. lol). A Graduate Diploma in Ethics. Until I looked at the programme description, and saw that I've already completed all of the prescribed papers back when I was an under-graduate *Shock* In addition, I have enough pre-requisites, bar two papers, for another Master's degree. Then again, "Masters" is a dirty word in my vocabulary at the moment.

*Balloon2* "Bean" is back off to nursery school again, tomorrow. Hopefully, she won't need me to sit with her. Besides, I have a gravelly head-cold, and what kid wants that as a take-home gift token?. So far (touch-wood) my cold itself is okay. It's my cough that's more worrisome. Either way, no restaurant work, this week *Sad* Sat thucks.

*Balloon3* Time to get all of my little housekeeping duckies lined up in a row.

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