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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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February 10, 2008 at 2:36pm
February 10, 2008 at 2:36pm
February 10, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 46 (F) Partly sunny.
Events of Note: Woke up with a head cold. Just like magic. Crud.
In the Nudes: Huckabee holds on. Fire in Camden Market, North London.

*Balloon2* In addition to a sudden head cold, I woke up to a visitation from the charming Hormone Fairy. Second visit in a month. Maybe my cycle is 'bicycling'?. Whatever, it isn't funny and I'm not in the least bit amused, thanks just the same. Head colds are not usually such a big performance, but for me, they can be a calamity. A regular head cold can land me in the hospital, because my respiratory system is so under-developed (I was born prematurely). Five years ago, I had a repeat bout of a respiratory illness (stemming from a head cold virus) that I'd originally had as a premature baby, which had me in hospital for four days, extremely unwell. Some people die from it.

*Balloon5* SNNNNNNNNNNORT. Uh, that wasn't me. Promise! *Laugh* Just trying to be phunny with a cold in my dose. Well, I'm off to do 12 loads of laundry. SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFF. Typical, I go to my daughter's first day of pre-school and I'M the one that lands the viral illness. Where's the justice in that?.
February 9, 2008 at 2:33pm
February 9, 2008 at 2:33pm
February 09, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 39 (F) Partly sunny.
Events of Note: Feeling much brighter and rejuvenated.
In the Nudes: My morning paper has a piss-poor world news section. Luckily, it's free.

*Balloon4* Amazing how nine hours of uninterupted sleep can change your whole outlook. Followed by a lazy morning by usual standards-except for throwing my husband's work clothes in the dryer. My husband is so impractical working in the restaurant in white, so we've changed 'back to black' (my bleach bottle thanks him, as does my Ivory soap). Have you seen the prices of a quality mens dress shirt lately?. The wrinkle-free kind?. Gads!.

*Balloon2* "Bean" had a great first day at pre-school, yesterday. She learned some new social skills, and got to run around outside for 75% of the time. Unfortunately, she wouldn't let anyone take her to the bathroom, except me. That's a concern. I hope that she will settle in and be happy. I know, I know, another over-anxious, paranoid mother...
February 8, 2008 at 8:21pm
February 8, 2008 at 8:21pm
February 08, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F) Sunny.
Events of Note: Congratulations to "Bean" on her FIRST day of pre-school!. Go Bean!
In the Nudes: Oh, I dunno...it's Friday.

*Balloon1* Remember how I said I was working from 8-10pm, last night. It actually turned out to be 8pm-1:30am, because I had to watch "Bean", because my husband (who had had all afternoon off) went to BED!. I made it through (goodness knows how), although I didn't clean the entire kitchen spotlessly (molasses is a stubborn bitch to get off a kitchen bench *Shock*) Then, "Bean" had her first day at preschool today from 9am-12:30pm. Needless to say, by this afternoon, I felt fair pooped, and it was all I could do to stay awake through reading Blogs, after I returned home. So, I called in a few 'favors' from my husband, like going to the Post Office on a Friday, and dealing with DMV paperwork.

*Balloon2* One of our old cats, a long-haired Siamese by the name of Mr. Spit Spot, has a mysterious lump on the top of one of his toes. He definitely doesn't like walking on it. So, I wrote an email to Dr. Tom in Nebraska, a family member of ours who's a vet, for some general, FREE advice, before we drop everything and take the moggie to the really expensive vet who charges $150 just to HANDLE the cat. Yanno, danger money *Laugh*
February 7, 2008 at 10:43pm
February 7, 2008 at 10:43pm
February 07, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 48 (F)
Events of Note: What it can mean to be living in "interesting" times.
In the Nudes: Rommney drops out, drips out, drains off...yeah, that's it.

*Balloon2* My brother works at an international airport in New Zealand, where, this morning, a plane landed following a "Mayday" call. Twenty-six minutes before the plane was due to land at that same airport, a woman passenger had 'attacked' two pilots and a passenger with a knife, and claimed that there were two bombs on board the plane. It was my brother's first day back at work, following a month's Summer holiday leave. The plane was flying from my original hometown (where my mother still resides) to a major city, where I was living before I moved to the U.S. Because it was flying from a small town, and not between two major cities, there was no security at all. Anyone can walk on to those planes. Carry-on baggage is not scanned, and there are no metal detectors screening passengers. The woman is now being held by police, and the plane is being searched. Passengers in the airport itself were told, "Get out, get out, get out". Those people in upstairs passenger lounges were moved downstairs and instructed to keep away from windows.

*Balloon5* I'm still pretty tired, considering that I had all of four hours sleep, last night. Went to bed at 2:00am. Tossed and turned and listened to my hoovering-sounding snoring husband. Got up at 6:30am. And, I have to work tonight from 8:00pm-10:00pm. That would be...now. So, Ill see you all later. Have a fun night.
February 7, 2008 at 3:53am
February 7, 2008 at 3:53am
...sometimes, life sucks lemons, and, no, you can't make lemonade and put out your freaking fancy lawn-chairs. I think I'm losing my mind, or what passes for it.

Aww, poo. *Sad*
February 6, 2008 at 8:51pm
February 6, 2008 at 8:51pm
February 06, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 49 (F) Partly sunny
Events of Note: State of change in our household. Will we 'survive'?.
In the Nudes: Super Tuesday Post-Mortems

*Balloon2* What a strange atmosphere in our household at the moment. My husband is still dreading going to work, due to underlying personality and ego trips on the part of the sushi bar staff-which, ultimately, is undermining the functioning of the whole restaurant. Meanwhile, for me, the fact that my desserts are actually managing to sell, and that both the owner and the kitchen staff are impressed by my efforts, seems to have a hint of irony for me. This week, the menu calls for Old Fashioned Gingerbread, and Lemon and Sour Cream Cake. While nasty, my gastro bug was over fairly fast, so I'm cleared for resuming my baking from tomorrow night, onwards.

*Balloon3* Two media 'junkie' observations: While I was away from WDC, a young bloke by the name of Heath Ledger, suddenly fell of his perch. His demise competed fairly heavily within the "quasi-vulturistic" media, with the spectacular demise of Ms Britney Spears. When will we stop elevating these human beings to such an extent, that they either feel that they have to live up to this hype (unwelcomed or otherwise), or anesthetize themselves, so that they can continue to live as basic, functioning, rational human beings?. If any examination is to be made, it should be on that of the endless line of bloodsuckers surrounding these meteroric 'stars', and the wares that these quacks are peddling, in the hopes of profits, tabloid gossip material and gob-smacking self-interested profit. If there wasn't a demand for it, the whole industry would disappear like a thief in the night. Then again, some Americans are equally famous for taking a pill for anything that ails them, and everything else that might. Hence, the huge pharmaceutical industry. Little wonder that more Americans are hospitalized for medical complications of the abuse of over-the-counter drugs, than just about any other single cause. Closely followed by bad side effects from prescription drugs.

*Balloon1* On another note, if I hear anyone else saying that they're voting for Hills because they want to have the first woman president....BULL-COOKIES!. What shallow perceptions. What about the "issues"?. Oh, the political is the personal, as that infamous phrase goes. Perhaps folks have gotten so desperate to get rid of the "Current Occupant" that the perception is that, "Any change is better than what we have at the moment." Be careful what you wish for.

*Balloon4* Ahhh, that's much better!.
February 5, 2008 at 4:28pm
February 5, 2008 at 4:28pm
February 5, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 46 (F) Sunny
Events of Note: See how long my "E" rating survived?. Totally wicked, dude.
In the Nudes: "Super Tuesday" 'showdown' begins.

*Balloon2* Well, that goody-two-shoes E Rating died itself a natural demise. Not surprising. Considering that I feel as fragile as a newborn kitty today, I doubt that I'll be writing anything remotely naughty or noxious. I had a basic errand to run this morning, that I failed to even crawl out of bed for. I've now progressed to lazing on the downstairs couch, which isn't that much of an improvement.

*Balloon1* In other news-my desserts that I made as a 'trial' menu item early last week sold in the restaurant!. More on that later. *Smile*
February 4, 2008 at 4:26pm
February 4, 2008 at 4:26pm
February 4, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 46 (F) Sunny
Events of Note: Ugh-recovering from the weekend (see below)
In the News: Exploding chicken shop in Australia.

*Balloon2* Well, so much for a social weekend-seems as if Murphy managed to cross the ditch from Scarlett's direction and grace us with...all manner of challenges. It all began on Friday, when I noticed that the forecast for the weekend included wind chill, DRENCHING rain, snow and hail. Shortly afterwards, my brother-in-law forwarded an email saying that our kayaking and yachting activities planned for Sunday were canceled because of the weather being, "the left side of blicky". He was driving up Friday from SF, and renting a charming little holiday house close to Trinidad beach. Which was where all the family planned to gather together for the weekend to celebrate his burpday.

*Balloon2* So, Saturday, a bit of a typhoon blew in. When my two BILs showed up to pick "Bean" and me up, rain was definitely drenching. Six inches of water on our street, and zero visibility. Wind was howling and screeching, tree branches everywhere. We hunkered down at the sushi bar for a bit, savoring hot food dishes, before ordering $100 worth of sushi-to-go and headed out to Trinidad. Weather was evil.

*Balloon3* Husband was suddenly, alarmingly quite ill on Saturday night-a combination of mild hypothermia and exhaustion-and eating Lemon Meringue Pie on an empty tummy. Eew. *Sick* Poor man. Rotten timing.

*Balloon4* I got absolutely NO sleep at the holiday house on Saturday night because Miss "Bean" had her tiny elbow rammed into my every, possible tender spot. Husband was sleeping alone as there wasn't room for me in competition with his "sick bucket".

*Balloon3* One bright highlight was the haul of clothes that my BIL gave us (he works for an internationally well known clothing company). I got three lovely jackets and two shirts. Actually much-needed because I still have terrible trouble finding nice (non-old-woman) clothing that actually fits me (nicely). My husband had the biggest haul-two pairs of pants and 20 different shirts!. Shirt anyone?. *Laugh*

Hmm-which all leaves me wondering just how long I can keep up my "E" rating?.

Edit: Turns out that my husband may have a stomach virus, which I'm now enjoying. Oh, kewl. Or, was that, hurl?. *Sick* Blech.
February 2, 2008 at 12:27am
February 2, 2008 at 12:27am
February 01, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 41 (F) Cloudy
Events of Note: Welcome to my second blog, such as it be.
In the News: Bombings in Baghdad.

*Balloon2* Here I am, after somewhat of a self-imposed exile from WDC, refreshed, rested, relaxed, relational, inspired, gassed up...maybe even a little...irrational. Actually, it was a remarkable change absenting myself from my daily web-logging for a while, to take in additional olfactory and sensory experiences. My challenge from the mysterious Ms 'M', (should I choose to accept it) is to write within an "E" content restriction. That's where sensibility and refinement comes in (Warning: I ain't no lady!).

*Balloon1* As a companion to my weekly blog articles under the guise of, "On the Face Of It", there will now be an additional folder of the same name in my port.

*Balloon3* Anyway, point is, this is a new blog, new beginning, even if it's the same old me, and I can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (or something like that). As for the rest-those are the remains of my day. *Laugh*

Today's Moral Thought: Whatever happened to the principle of, "First Do No Harm"?.

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