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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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June 7, 2013 at 12:57am
June 7, 2013 at 12:57am
The June 7, 2013 prompts for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum are
the image prompt which looks like some sort of toy or robotic floor cleaning product which is red, black, and silver.
The blog prompt: For which famous personality (president, celebrity, famous writer, etc) would you cook/ buy dinner for?
Be as creative as you want, they can be dead or alive personalities or even fictional. Don't forget to submit your guess of what you think the image is.

It is round, the same shape as the UFO I saw one night at Lake Blackwell. It was a long time ago when I saw the UFO. It was on a summer weekend, Grandpa had taken us (Grandma, my siblings, and myself) to the Lake. We were going water skiing and fishing. It was at night and I was supposed to be asleep on the couch at the front of the mobile home or trailer house (this was what we called it). Anyway, as I was saying, it was I was supposed to be asleep (not that I have ever slept well at night or any other time). Something woke me up from a semi-sound sleep, I looked out the window and saw the UFO.

Unlike the photo prompt (which sort of reminds me of a flying saucer or a UFO) the round object I saw was silver and bright. It flew, but not like any plane I had ever seen. The UFO made 90 degree turns and flew extremely fast. The image prompt is red, black, and silver; it appears to be going in circles, which reminds me of me. I feel as if I am going in circle, I can sympathize with the piece of robotic equipment that is the image prompt or I suspect is the image prompt.

My guess for the image prompt: I think it is one of the floor cleaning robots you see advertised on television. The type that is supposed to be able to go under furniture and usually causes house cats to react as if it was a mouse or some other prey item.

Who would I like to cook dinner for? Worf of course. I would fix my speciality - Spanish Rice. If I were going to take him out for dinner then we would go to a Mexican restaurant.

Cooking dinner
for an Unidentified Flying Object
or for an Unidentified Submerged Object;
offering food to an alien visitor
from an galaxy far away
or a star in our own galaxy
is an offer of friendship.

Quote of the Day: "You now face a new world, a world of change. We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy.... The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets." - U. S. GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR

June 6, 2013 at 11:12am
June 6, 2013 at 11:12am
The June 6, 2013 prompts for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum are
an image prompt showing a small child looking through a frosted glass door or window
and "What emotion is the most overwhelming when you experience it?"

Frosted Glass

The child looks through a frosted glass door into a room, into a world, that is concealing, revealing, and distorting. She can see movement, shapes, and shadows, but she cannot make out features. The child is on the outside looking into the room, so anyone looking at the child from the inside would see a distorted image revealing a face, with distorted shadows of facial features. It is like looking through a curtain separating dimensions. It is like looking through a glass darkly, seeing but not seeing. It is a simile and metaphor for the soul while it is attached to the physical body.

The Image is that of a young child (I think a girl) looking through the frosted glass of a window or door.

My Overwhelming Emotion

depression overwhelms me.

it sends me into a darkness
that is all consuming.

depression is a shadow
then the parsecs between galaxies.

it is unshed tears
into an unnamed terror.

To rise
out of the pit of depression,
I have to pray
and I have to write.

I pray and write simultaneously.

I pray
and then I write
or visa versa.

I write poetry.

I write short stories
or novels.

I write nonsense,
but I always write
because for me
there is no other exit
from depression.

Quote of the Day: "That terrible mood of depression of whether it's any good or not is what is known as The Artist's Reward." - Ernest Hemingway

June 5, 2013 at 12:30am
June 5, 2013 at 12:30am
The June 5, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
The 2nd image prompt.

As I look at the image, the memories of pets and other animals create a collage of emotions flooding my mind. I remember growing up in Oklahoma, with dogs, cats, and chickens. I remember my brothers finding a dead snake in a neighbors trash, they picked up the snake, carried it to our house on College Avenue, opened the screen door, and threw it in the front room. It was summer and there was a hole in the screen door close to the floor. When my brother's threw the snake into the house, the snake landed belly down, and it appeared that the creature had crawled into the house. Screaming my sister and I fled the house.

I remember a blond cocker spaniel named Patsy. I don't know if she was an American cocker spaniel or an English cocker spaniel. I remember she had two litters of puppies. The first litter were mixed breeds, but the second litter (all though I'm not sure one puppy can be referred to as a litter) resulted from breeding her with another cocker spaniel. Skiezieks (I don't know how to spell the name, so that's as close as I can get) was black and he became my grandparents dog. Grandpa cut a hole in the side of the garage so that he had a warm place to sleep at night.

I remember riding an elephant. I don't remember where I rode the elephant, I know it wasn't in Blackwell. At least, I don't think it was in Blackwell unless a circus came to town with and elephant ride. I think I would have remembered a circus, so I must have road the elephant at a zoo. However, I don't remember going to a zoo and riding an elephant. I know I rode an elephant at one point in my childhood, but I don't remember where I road the elephant.

Abstract memories of dogs,
of cats,
of elephants,
of snakes,
of chickens,
and of other animals.

What other animals did I encounter as a child? There was the creature (I think it was a mole) that my brothers found in my grandparents garden. I remember them carrying it in a bucket. I remember it had huge teeth and huge front claws. I'm sure it was a mole because it had weak eyes in the daylight and I don't know what else it could have been.

Abstract memories from my childhood;
animals that played a part of my growing up years.

Another animal that I encountered was a skunk? There was a female skunk who had a litter under my grandparents house. We didn't know she was there until she encountered a cat or some other creature near her babies. She protected her babies and let the entire house know she had taken up residence under the house.

My guess at the image prompt is that it is some type of dog.
June 4, 2013 at 9:46am
June 4, 2013 at 9:46am
The June 4, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
1st image prompt- What do you see in this image?

In the pool's distorted mirror,
whose reflection do I see;
is it an animal
or is it me?

The pool's wave action deforms the image
that stares up at me
and I cannot determine
if it is an illusion
or reality.

Is this a fantasy smiling at me
from the water's depth
or is this misshapen apparition
my animal nature,
my ego,
or my lower self
laughing at my soul
as it attempts to manifest
spiritual abilities
on the plane of matter.

I think the image is the reflection of a chipmunk (perhaps a cartoon chipmunk) in a pool or a lake.
June 3, 2013 at 10:20am
June 3, 2013 at 10:20am
The June 3, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Tell us about someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life?

First, let me state that don't think random encounters that have an impact on a person are random. If an encounter has an impact on a person it was meant to happen, which means that God or fate or whatever you want to attribute the event to had a reason for arranging the encounter. Second, for the past six to twelve months most of my random encounters have occurred in the grocery store or in the parking lot of a grocery store. This doesn't limit the impact these "random" encounters have on me, but they do confirm what I already believe about random encounters.

For instance, the grocery store where I usually shop just completed a rearrangement of their product. The only parts of the store that didn't get moved to opposite ends of the building was t he deli department, the fresh produce department, and the meat department. The eggs and butter (or what passes for butter in this day) are no longer with the milk and other dairy products. Before they moved almost every item around I could find what I wanted without too much walking and looking for the things I commonly purchase. Now I have to rely on random encounters with people who have purchase the item I am looking to buy.

Before I went to the store this morning, I had already decided on the items I wanted to purchase. I need some personal item, a filter for my water pitcher, and non-diet soda. I bought the personal items first because I knew they were three or four aisles away from the soda and other non-refrigerated canned drinks. I picked up the personal items and then picked up some cherry Dr. Pepper. Since I was on the same side of the store as the eggs, I remembered I need eggs so I bought the eggs and went to find the pitcher filter. In the aisle where the filter was located I encounter a man carrying a single banana (I think he was buying his lunch), the banana looked good, so I went to the produce section to pick out some bananas.

By the time I left the grocery store I had more then what I went in to get. After I got the bananas, I decided I needed some meat frozen meat patties and frozen potatoes to go with the eggs for breakfast. The only thing I didn't purchase was bread because there is a place I can pick up a free loaf of day old bread, which is usually a more expensive and better brand then I would purchase in the grocery store. Anyway that covers the chance encounter that impacted me today, I'll probably have more intriguing random encounters if and when I go anywhere else this week.

Thought of the Day: "The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun." - Christopher McCandless
June 2, 2013 at 9:51am
June 2, 2013 at 9:51am
It's Sunday. It's a Free Day so there is no specific prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum. I'm having difficulty concentrating this morning because my mind keeps wandering hither and yon. I don't like being unfocused in the morning. I don't like being unfocused anytime of day or night, but being unfocused in the morning is worse then any other time of day. Despite the fact that I'm unfocused, I'm going to attempt to make a coherent or semi-coherent entry; however, I'm not going to use the timer because I'm unfocused and it's Sunday.

Jamál the day of Beauty.

That's a good start, I have no idea where the poem is going, but I'll figure it out. I'm on my second cup of coffee and timing my writing between sips. I'm considering going for my third cup as soon as I take another sip or two. Last week was an interesting week. Last week was a productive week (when it comes to writing). Last week was an inspiring week. Yesterday I learned that "Memorial Day Ceremonies the poem I entered in the May "HONORING OUR VETERANS won an Awardicon and I receive a Military Merit Badge.

Merit Badge in Military
[Click For More Info]

 Grand Prize Winner in the Honoring Our Veterans Contest May 2013

I was flabbergasted. That's a word my mother and grandmother used when something surprised, amazed, or astounded them. I haven't thought about that word in years. Perhaps a wandering mind isn't always a bad thing, a bit irritating when I can't focus on finishing a poem, but not necessarily a bad thing. I'm on my third cup of coffee and my focus is coming back little by little. Another cup of coffee and something to eat could help, at least I hope one or the other helps because I have two stories I have to finish for a Wednesday and a Thursday deadline.

My focus is back and my mind has stopped wandering. Thinking about this situation, I realize that an unfocused wandering mind happens at random intervals. It's something that makes me who I am. I doubt it's anything to worry about as long as it doesn't happen too often. I'm not planning to drive the car today, I'm safe at home where an unfocused mind can do little harm to anyone else except me. I have a cell phone I can use in an emergency, so I guess I'm safe enough for the time being.

Thought of the Day: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

June 1, 2013 at 1:12am
June 1, 2013 at 1:12am
The June 1, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Make a list of things that make you happy. Then make a list of things that annoy you or make you unhappy.

Happiness is a state of mind
and not a list of things.

Things are components of happiness,
but not happiness itself.

What makes me happy? Hearing a bird singing when I pick up my newspaper. A hot cup of coffee as I read the paper. Any prayer in my Baha'i Prayer Book. Reviewing on writing.com. Chocolate of any kind, but especially dark chocolate. Writing a poem or a story. Almost anything can make me happy if I have the right attitude.

What makes me unhappy? I can make myself unhappy by listening to my own depressing and negative thoughts. I can make myself unhappy by focusing on my physical problems. Almost anything can make me unhappy if I have the wrong attitude.

Thought of the Day: "Happiness consists of two kinds; physical and spiritual. The physical happiness is limited; its utmost duration is one day, one month, one year. It hath no result. Spiritual happiness is eternal and unfathomable. This kind of happiness appeareth in one’s soul with the love of God and suffereth one to attain to the virtues and perfections of the world of humanity. Therefore, endeavor as much as thou art able in order to illumine the lamp of thy heart by the light of love." - ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas, Pages 673-674
May 31, 2013 at 2:47pm
May 31, 2013 at 2:47pm
Soon June is going to be breaking out all over. I need to make a plan for June, not a schedule which I have difficulty keeping, but a plan so that I don't end up staying up until 11:00 or 11:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time on June 29 attempting to earn enough Gift Points to purchase another one-month premium membership. I can't stay up that late and get up at 4:00 AM to take medication. I have to either changes the medication time to 5:00 or 6:00 AM, which means I can't have anything to eat or drink until 6:00 or 7:00 AM.

I have to take the thyroid tablet on an empty stomach and I can't have anything except water for one hour after wards. If I stay up until 11:30 then I have difficulty getting up at 4:00 AM the next morning. If I hear the alarm (I use my cell phone alarm) I just push the doze button or I turn the alarm off in my sleep. I hate to say this because I hate to admit getting old, but I'm just getting too old to stay up late and get up early. Whoever said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man/woman healthy, wealthy, and wise", obviously never lived past fifty.

Part of the problem, is that when I lay my head down on my pillow no matter how sleepy I feel when I lay down, the minute my head touches the pillow I'm wide awake. I've tried not having coffee after 5:00 PM and I've tried hot milk before bed. Nothing works. Maybe I ought to try a different approach because I don't want to ask my doctor for sleeping pills. I take enough medication as it is and I don't need to take anymore.

Perhaps the problem is that I can't quiet my mind. When I lay down my mind, no matter how sleepy I maybe, wants to flit from one thing to another. It's like a monarch butterfly flitting from milkweed to milkweed, it doesn't want to stop thinking. I think about all sorts of things. I think about silly things. This doesn't happen all the time because once in a while I can lay down and not think about anything. The problem with my mind not wanting to shut down the thoughts has been worse since November 29, 2012, so perhaps Mom's death has something to do with my difficulty sleeping.

Those times when I do fall asleep then I wake up every hour or so. I only have to look at my cell phone once to check the time. The first time I wake up, I check the time after that it isn't necessary because I know that I will wake up every hour either on the hour or on the half-hour depending on when I went to sleep the first time. I need a plan for June, one that will help me sleep and accomplish the important stuff.

Sleep is a pleasant thought
a joyous celebration
an insomniac's expectation.

Thought of the Day: “Oh God, midnight’s not bad, you wake and go back to sleep, one or two’s not bad, you toss but sleep again. Five or six in the morning, there’s hope, for dawn’s just under the horizon. But three, now, Christ, three A.M.! Doctors say the body’s at low tide then. The soul is out. The blood moves slow. You’re the nearest to dead you’ll ever be save dying. Sleep is a patch of death, but three in the morn, full wide-eyed staring, is living death! You dream with your eyes open. God, if you had strength to rouse up, you’d slaughter your half-dreams with buckshot! But no, you lie pinned to a deep well-bottom that’s burned dry. The moon rolls by to look at you down there, with its idiot face. It’s a long way back to sunset, a far way on to dawn, so you summon all the fool things of your life, the stupid lovely things done with people known so very well who are now so very dead – And wasn’t it true, had he read somewhere, more people in hospitals die at 3 A.M. than at any other time...” - Ray Bradbury, Something Wicked This Way Comes
May 31, 2013 at 9:21am
May 31, 2013 at 9:21am
The May 31, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Imagine you had an opportunity to sit down with God. What 5 questions would you ask Him?

It's Friday, May 31, about 7:28 AM Pacific Daylight time. I'm sitting in front of my computer, randomly sipping from a cup of leftover coffee which I warmed over in the microwave, and listening to my coffee maker brew a fresh carafe of coffee. Between sips of coffee, I stare at the prompt attempting to decide which five questions I would ask. I'm not sure that there are any questions I could ask God that I can't find the answers to in the Sacred Scriptures of the Baha'i Faith (revealed by Bahá’u’lláh or The Báb) and in the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá or Shoghi Effendi.

If I ask God a question,
what answer would I receive?
Pray for guidance
and go to the scriptures.

When I was younger, I had thousands of questions I wanted to ask God. Today, however, I have no questions that I can't find answers to. If I have a question, then I can write it down, find the online Baha'i Reference Library, or look in one of the books in my Baha'i library. It takes some searching and some work, but I can find the answer to any question I have. Therefore, there are no questions I would ask God if I had a chance to sit down and talk to the Divine Creator.

an attribute of God;
Masá’il a month in the Baha'i calender,
Questions nineteen days
beginning on December 12
and ending on December 30.

the month of my birth;
I was born at
eleven minutes before midnight
on December 24,
which make my birthday Masá’il 14
because Masá’il 14 begins at sunset on December 24
and ends at sunset on December 25.

Food for Thought: "Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable." - C. S. Lewis
May 30, 2013 at 12:14pm
May 30, 2013 at 12:14pm
The May 30, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
My neighbor has a bumper sticker that reads: "Remember Who You Wanted To Be." On the first day, (yesterday) write about how you saw your life turning out from the perspective of your younger self. Where were you going to live? What job were you going to have? Etc. On the second day, (today) write about how your life actually ended up turning out from the perspective of your older self. (Feel free to project into the future.) Did you grow up to be who you always wanted to be as a child?

I didn't become what I wanted to be as a child, but it isn't a big deal. As a writer, I can always write a story about becoming what I wanted to be as a child. I'm posting this right now because I'm working a project and I just finished writing a story called "Mathew's Monsters [18+]. I can't think of anything else to write in this entry. I'm going to post it and perhaps give an update tomorrow.
May 30, 2013 at 12:10pm
May 30, 2013 at 12:10pm
The May 30, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
What is something you succeeded in that you were sure you were going to fail?

I'm beginning this about 9:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time on Thursday, May 30, 2013. I'm not sure when I will get this posted because I'm attempting to accomplish something I'm not sure I'm going to succeed at accomplishing, but since things like that have never stopped me I'm going to continue. I hope I get this posted on today, but I'm going to post it whenever I complete this project.

I'm not sure I'm going to get this posted before midnight because I'm still working on the project. I had to stop working on one project to complete a story. The story is completed and posted. The name of the story is "Mathew's Monsters [18+]. Now all I have to do is complete the project I'm not sure I will accomplish, but here goes.

I know I can succeed despite myself or is it in spite of myself. Well whichever it is I can do it. There was a while I thought that I couldn't do it, that I wouldn't make it before 9:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time which is 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight Time. I did it! I managed to earn enough Gift Point for another 1-month premium membership.
May 29, 2013 at 10:38am
May 29, 2013 at 10:38am
The May 29, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
My neighbor has a bumper sticker that reads: "Remember Who You Wanted To Be." On the first day, (today) write about how you saw your life turning out from the perspective of your younger self. Where were you going to live? What job were you going to have? Etc. On the second day, (tomorrow) write about how your life actually ended up turning out from the perspective of your older self. (Feel free to project into the future.) Did you grow up to be who you always wanted to be as a child?

Part One of the Serial Experience complements the "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum prompt which I've already responded and posted in "When I Grow Up. As I said in that entry, I wanted to be married with 2.5 children. What I didn't say in that entry was that I wanted to live in a house without a white picket fence because I dislike picket fences. I also wanted to have a dog and a cat because when I was growing up we had a dog and a cat. However, God or fate (depending on your spiritual path) had other things in mind for me.

I had a child, which I gave up for adoption; at this point in my life I'm happy with my decision and I may go into why I'm happy with that decision in a later entry. I'm not unhappy because I never married and I'm not happy about it. It is a part of my life history and, apart from going back in time to change my life history, it is in the past and even if I had the chance I probably wouldn't go back in time to change anything. Eventually a person learns to live with past decisions and life history because it is in the past and it is a part of the present person. Life goes on one day at a time and worry about the past does nothing except cause bitterness and regret which lead to depression.

I remember who I wanted to be
and thank God that isn't me;
each day I attempt to fulfill my destiny,
each day I ask God: "What do you want me to be?"

Food for Thought: “For each one of us, there is only one thing necessary: to fulfill our own destiny, according to God's will, to be what God wants us to be.” - Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island
May 29, 2013 at 9:11am
May 29, 2013 at 9:11am
The May 29, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
List all of the things you wanted to be when you grew up.

A long time ago in a state faraway, I wanted to be married with children, but that's what almost every girl I knew wanted to be. Oh, some of them wanted to be nurses until they got married; however, after they found a man and got married they planned to quit their jobs and raise a family. For most of the girls I went to school with the a family was a father, a mother, and 2.5 children. I knew better because my family consisted of Mom, four children, and sometimes my Grandparents; that didn't change my idea of "What I want to be when I grow up" because I wanted the husband, the 2.5 children, and staying home taking care of them.

That isn't what I got and at 66 I'm glad because I'm not sure what I would have done with the .5 child. All right, so I'm attempting to be humorous, I'm revealing my weird and getting weirder sense of humor. Today I'm happy that I never got the dream of married with children especially after watching the sitcom of the same name because I don't think I could have put up with the husband or the children. I could have gotten along with the dog because I get along with most dogs and cats.

What I wanted to be
when I grew up
isn't what God wanted me to be.

Today I do my best to obey God's will,
sometimes I have difficulty
because I'm a human being with free will
and I'm stubborn boarding on bullheaded
so sometimes obedience is difficult,
but I'm working on that.

Thought of the Day: “Most people don't grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging.” - Maya Angelou
May 28, 2013 at 10:31am
May 28, 2013 at 10:31am
The May 28, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
What have you lost?

What have I lost? I've lost a lot of things and people during my life. Some I have mourned, others forgotten, and some I wish I could forget. Lose is a part of life and it comes at unexpected times. If I listed everything I remember I lost during my life then I would never finish this entry. The only reason I'm writing this entry right now is that I need a break from reviewing.

I can review a lot of items in one day, but I need to take a break every so often. I know when I need a break because I find myself losing the ability to focus on anything over 1,000 words. After I wrote that last sentence, I realized I forgot to pick up today's paper so I had to stop writing, go outside, and get the newspaper. I know I'm not losing my memory or at least I hope I'm not. For that past three or four days I haven't picked the paper up until after 8:00 AM; I seem to momentarily forget I take a daily newspaper.

What have I lost?
Not my sense of direction
because I never had on.

What have I lost?
Not my sense of humor
it's just gotten weirder.

What have I lost?
Not my sense of wonder
because every time
I hear bird sing
it takes my breath away.

Food for Thought: "Not all who wander are lost." - J. R. R. Tolkien
May 28, 2013 at 8:53am
May 28, 2013 at 8:53am
The May 28, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Tell us about something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail (and tell us why you haven’t tried it yet).

There is no guarantee of success,
There is no guarantee of failure,
The only thing a person can do
Is keep the demons of depression and doubt
At bay long enough
To push through the darkness of uncertainty
And enter the light of accomplishment.

What would I attempt if I were guaranteed not to fail? There are a few things I have no intention of attempting because I don't see any sense in doting them, but I don't think there is anything that I wouldn't attempt no matter what the guarantee of success or failure. There are a few things I would like to do and can't do at this time because of my financial situation, which I suspect is probably a consideration for a lot of people.

For the next three days, I am attempting to earn enough GPs to purchase a one-month premium membership. Therefore, between writing assignments, I'm reviewing, I don't know if I will succeed in this endeavor or fail, but I'm going to continue because it is the struggle for success that counts. All right, in this case success may be a bit more important then the struggle to continue, but without the struggle there is no success.

No matter what my negative thoughts and doubts suggest, I have to keep on keeping on. If I stop then I know I am going to fail, but if I keep going there is a chance of success. In the process I will learn something about myself. I know I'll have to take a few minutes to find me something to eat, but today I may open a can of applesauce and eat that for breakfast. I have a chocolate cake I made on Sunday, but after yesterday I'm not eating the cake for breakfast. In fact, I'm not eating the cake without having something besides coffee in my stomach.

Thought of the Day: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill
May 27, 2013 at 10:40am
May 27, 2013 at 10:40am
The May 27, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Are you the type of person who arrives early, right on time, or fashionably late to an event?

In my 66 years on earth, I have been through the arrival gauntlet. I have arrived at meetings or appointments early, right on time, fashionably late and unfashionably late. I have come to the conclusion that, when I know where I am going, slightly early or on time is a good idea. If I arrive at a doctor's appointment on time then I may have to wait longer then I like, so I shoot for arriving early. At other meetings, especially when I have been to the location and know the parking lot, I attempt right on time or early. I do my best to avoid fashionably late because I like to have a parking place withing reasonable walking distance of the meeting location.

In Las Vegas, I have to consider the traffic situation on the streets that I travel. The streets to avoid at rush hour are Tropicana and Sahara. Charleston is a toss up depending on whether I am going to an East Charleston or a West Charleston location. The heavies traffic at rush hour on Charleston goes west toward Rainbow, which is the direction I travel when going to the Baha'i Center or to a nineteen day Feast. Therefore, when going to either Feast or a Holy Day celebration I start early enough so that I do not get upset when dealing with the rush hour traffic.

I have similar problems with Maryland Parkway, Eastern, and Boulder Highway. The problems with these three streets is that rush hour traffic is just as heavy going south as it is going north. Therefore, I have to plan my trips to take into account the traffic and my mood. Sometimes the traffic situation does not irritate me and sometimes it pisses me off. Since I do not like to arrive at appointments or meetings pissed off, I have to consider my mood and the traffic to determine how early I have to begin my journey.

Food for Thought

“A sip of wine, a cigarette,
And then it’s time to go.
I tidied up the kitchenette;
I tuned the old banjo.
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam.
They’re saving me a seat.”

- Leonard Cohen
May 27, 2013 at 9:33am
May 27, 2013 at 9:33am
The May 27, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
You like being female/male because....

I like being female because I have never wanted to be anything else but a woman. As a child, I dream of growing up, finding a man, getting married, and having children. I have always wanted to be female, even in my fantasies I am female. I cannot visualize being anything else except a woman.

This prompt started me thinking about what I like and do not like about being female. I realize that, despite the fact that there are some thing about femalehood that is difficult and taxing, I would not want to be a male. I like men and think some of them are marvelous, but I would not want to be a man. I cannot imagine myself being a man.

I am a capable woman. I can change a flat tire if I have the proper equipment in the trunk. I do not like changing tires, which is probable why I am a member of AAA. I can put gas in my own car; another think I have decided that I do not like to do, so I go to a full service gas station most of the time. I can and have been known to add oil to my car when needed. The only fluid I will not add is transmission fluid, I will not add it because I have watched service station attendants add that fluid and have decided I do not want to go to all the trouble of adding; which is another reason I go to full service gas stations.

I like being a female,
I dislike the idea of being a male,
I was born a female,
I feel like a female,
I do not want to be anything else
except a female.

Thought of the Day: "Strength comes from every hurdle we have to jump, every corner we have to turn & every obstacle that stands in our way... We are Woman, Strong Today & Tomorrow." - Nishan Panwar
May 26, 2013 at 10:32am
May 26, 2013 at 10:32am
The May 26, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why.

The prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Today's a free day with no prompt, so blog on whatever your heart desires, and have an awesome day!

It's the beginning of the last week in May 2013, a time in history that will never repeat. I contemplate the proceeding week, so that I can write my Sunday review. What have I written during the week of May 19 to May 25, 2013? I wrote the poem "The Dance of Life, I made several entries in "Snow Melt and "The Snowflake Chronicles. I also made two entries in "Dreams of Snow and one entry in "Snow Scribbles. I read some intriguing and thought provoking entries in other blogs. The entries I liked the most in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS were "Invalid Entry and "The Potion"  . I also read some interesting entries in "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum, but I can't decide which one I like best; this is another manifestation of the issue I have with making up my mind. I'll have to work on this issues to determine specifically what causes it.

My plans for the upcoming week consists of drying the load of laundry I have in the washer, baking a chocolate cake in the microwave oven, baking the rest of the cornbread mix so that I can eat it with the can of chili I received in my senior food allotment for May, and, of course washing the dishes. I have other things to do around the house; however, I'm not going to list them in this entry. I have writing a short story to write for the "Invalid Item, which has to be about a vampire. The inspiration for this story can be found in "Invalid Post"  . I will make blog entries and write other things this week.

It's the last week in May 2013, it's a week full of activities, surprises, and (considering the way the weather has been across the country) possible disasters. I don't know everything that is going to happen during the coming week and I'm not sure I would want to know. The one thing I do know is that I have to keep writing even if I have to sit at the computer at midnight with a cup of coffee to keep me away. I know that I have to accomplish my word count goal. I know that I have to limit my writing sessions to fifteen minutes even if I have to save my work in the middle of the story when my time is up. I have to write for only fifteen minutes because if I write longer I have difficulty getting out of the chair. I also know that this entry has taken more then fifteen minutes to compose and that's alright because it's the beginning of a new week. I'm allowed to exceed my set writing time once a week even if I have difficulty getting out of the chair after I post this entry.

It's the beginning of a new week!
Is it a new beginning or is it a new chapter?
Life moves forward
and each person decides
how to rise from the disasters
of yesterday.

Thought of the Day: “No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” - C. JoyBell C.

May 25, 2013 at 12:40pm
May 25, 2013 at 12:40pm
The May 25, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
We all have read Harry Potter and other magical books. This prompt is about creating a magic of your own. Create a spell including the words, the wand motion, the ingredients needed to make it, and what the effects are when cast/drunk/etc.

Into a copper kettle pour
Rainwater from a supercell thunder storm
Then place the hair from a mountain lion
The whisker of a huge black rat
The legs of a gigantic female red legged tarantula
Now write your phobia on the skin of an anaconda and place it into the kettle
Bring the contents to a boil
Now pour the liquid into a pure white porcelain cup
Add a drop of coffee with a sliver of sweet dark chocolate

Now repeat this rhyme while standing in the middle of an empty field or parking lot during a thunder and lightning storm.
"The fear that was within me
Flies to the distant reaches of the galaxy.

Next take a deep breath and then drink the potion in on gulp. The person following these instructions precisely will be able to face his or her phobia without fear or trepidation for a full thirty days.

WARNING: If this potion is used for three consecutive months the person will become allergic to the potion, break out in an ugly itchy red rash, and become afraid of his or her own shadow. This person believes that he is she is allergic to his or her shadow instead of the potion. The effect will last for ninety days, but will reoccur each time the potion is used for the next three years.

Food for Thought

“Lucy: Do you think you have Pantophobia, Charlie Brown?
Charlie: I don't know, what is pantophobia?
Lucy: The fear of Everything.
Charlie: THAT"S IT!!”
- Charles M. Schulz
May 25, 2013 at 1:24am
May 25, 2013 at 1:24am
The May 25, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
What are you most/least looking forward to about summer?

I don't like the triple digit temperatures of summer in Las Vegas. I don't enjoy getting out during the day in summer, but that's when I have to go to the doctor and take care of business. I can go to the grocery store at night and purchase gasoline at night; however, everything else I have to do during the day. The only exception to this is a picnic in the park.

Las Vegas has several parks with beautiful shade trees. I like to go to the park during the day and read or write poetry. I can take my lunch and sit at a table or under a tree. The parks are cool, beautiful, and a good place to spend a summer afternoon. Another good place is at a movie. I haven't been to a movie in a long time, so perhaps I'll go to a movie this summer.

This summer I have to find new thing to enjoy. I have to find activities I enjoy doing by myself because this is the first summer without Mom. I think I need to find a new restaurant because most of the restaurants I go to have memories of Mom. All thought, perhaps I don't need to find new restaurants; maybe the reason I enjoy going to a restaurant is because of the memories.

return with the food
a country fried steak
or a stack of hot cakes.

and food go together
create a pleasant experience.

What foods bring back
pleasant memories?
Ice cream,
mashed potatoes
with gravy,
and fried chicken
under a shade tree
in the park.

Thought of the Day: "Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it." - Russell Baker

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