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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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June 27, 2013 at 3:06pm
June 27, 2013 at 3:06pm
The June 27, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Do you prefer showers or baths?

Do I prefer a shower or a bath? At this point it does not matter what I prefer because there is absolutely now way I can safely take a bath in this house. The tub, that is in the bathroom next to the master bedroom is one of those sunken tubs with steps descending into it. It can also be used as a shower or it could if the tiles were not coming off the west wall. The only option I have is a roll in shower, which is safe for anyone to use especially if you have a shower seat.

At my age, I think I prefer a shower because it is easier to get into and out of shower then it is a tub. There used to be a usable tub in this house, but when they redid the hall bathroom they put in the roll in shower. At the time we had a tub, I had difficulty getting Mom in and out of it, while I had problems getting out of the tub. As long as I have a shower chair, I prefer a shower. I might like a bath if I had a walk in bathtub.

With a bathtub,
it is getting up
that is the issue.

Will my knees give out
before my butt
is high enough to sit
on the side of the tub.

I don't have this problem
when I take a shower;
if I am afraid of falling,
I have a shower chair
and my butt
is always higher then the chair.


He: Sweet Hear, I'm going to take a shower!

She: Don't forget to bring it back when you're finished.

Thought of the Day: "I like to do weird things in the shower, like drink my coffee, brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It's good time management." - Michelle Williams

June 26, 2013 at 11:55am
June 26, 2013 at 11:55am
The June 26, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Describe a memory or encounter in which you considered your faith, religion, spirituality — or lack of — for the first time.

When did I consider my faith, religion, or spirituality for the first time? I remember three incidents from my childhood that involved me considering my religion. The first one occurred when I was very young, I am not sure how old I was at the time. I know it occurred while my parents were still married because I remember my father taking us to see his mother. We remained at Grandma Belva's house for at least a week. I know it was that long because we went to church with here on Sunday. I am not sure which Christian domination, Grandma Belva was a member of, I know it was not Southern Baptist.

Grandma, Mama, Daddy, my sister, my brother (I think this incident occurred before my youngest brother was born), and my self went to church. Mom holding a baby, my sister I was sitting on one side of my Dad and my sister on the, and Grandma next to which ever one of use was not sitting between Daddy and Mama. When Mom went to a church without childcare, she always sit close to the aisle. After the service started, some of the members began speaking in tongues, at the time I did not know what they were doing. I was fascinated by their actions, but it frightened my brother and Mom had to take the crying baby out of the church. I think this incident is what made me so intrigued by different religions.

The other two incident, if you can call it that, happened when I was older. My parents were were divorced when I had the dreams a few years apart. These dreams have remained part of my memory ever since they occurred. In the first dream, I saw Christ returning in the clouds. In the second dream, I was at my Grandma Mary's house when a neighbor girl came to the door. I answered the door and she said, "Come to the Baptist Mission on Sunday because Christ is returning." My response was, "No he's not because he already returned."

is knowing the sun has risen
even when clouds hide the dawn.

the light of God
shining through a prism,

the selfless
worship of the Creator.

Quote of the Day: “God has no religion.” - Mahatma Gandhi
June 25, 2013 at 9:35am
June 25, 2013 at 9:35am
The June 25, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
"You're braver than you believe." Do you believe this too? When was the last time you were brave?

At my age, getting up in the morning is an act of bravery. For the the past six or seven months, I have caught myself regularly sleeping in the fetal position. This position does alleviate the osteoarthritis in my knees. As a result, my knees do not want to unbend without pain (this is worse in the winter and early spring then in the summer) and the more difficulty it is to unbend my knees the less I want to get up. However, I have to get up anyway, so I just get my "brave on" and get up.

Sleeping in the fetal position!1
Is this a sign of my psychic regression?2
Am I trying to recover
the security I felt
in my mother's womb?

Do I believe the quote "You're braver then you believe." Yes, I think everyone one is braver then they believe; it is just that events in their lives do not forced them to confront their bravery. When event occur that forces a person to confront a challenge or fear most people rise to the occasion and find themselves acting braver then the thought they could act. This is part of human nature, this is an attribute that is innate in every human being.

gnaws at humanity's soul.

Anxiety whispers,
scenarios of destruction,
to the human mind.

the bold air of faith,
march into the unknown,
and confront the terror of annihilation.

Quote of the Day: “Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?'
'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him.”
- George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

1  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fetal+position?show=0&t=1372169165
2  http://www.pathofthepsychic.com/PsychicArticles/PsychicRegression.htm

June 24, 2013 at 12:16pm
June 24, 2013 at 12:16pm
The June 24, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Which are more important in the world: writers and thinkers or scientists and inventors?

Warning about this post: If you think this post will offend you do not read any farther.

The answer to this question is not a choice of one or the other; at least, not if civilization is to advance and humanity discover its true potential. I think one of the problems with modern society is "either or" thinking, which implies that you can have one or the other but not both. This type of thinking is just bat guano3 because both "writers and thinkers" and "scientists and inventors" were necessary to humanity to advance beyond "hunting and gathering". Both factions are still necessary or humanity will never be able to colonize Mars or any other planet in the known universe.

It is batshit4 thinking
to believe that a bird can fly with only one wing,
that civilization can advance without both
"writers and thinkers"
and "scientists and inventors".

Without "writers and thinkers"
"scientists and inventors"
we would never look into
the heart of the atom
or deep space.

In order to progress civilization needs the wing that "scientists and inventors" provide, as well as the one provided "writers and thinkers". In fact, some of society's best inventors and scientists are also thinkers and writers. Take Albert Einstein instance, if he had not been thinking he would never have found the theory of general relativity. If Einstein had not been a writer he would never have been able to show the theory to other scientists. The same thing can be said for inventors who have to express their ideas so that other can see them.

Quote of the Day: “Writing is thinking on paper.” - William Zinsser

3  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guano
4  http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=batshit

June 23, 2013 at 9:18am
June 23, 2013 at 9:18am
It is Sunday, June 23, 2013, since there is no prompt listed for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum, I presume it is a free day.

I am on my second cup of fresh coffee. On Saturday, I warmed up leftover coffee in the microwave and on Monday I will warm up leftover coffee, but today I am drinking hot fresh coffee to begin a new week. Because it is summer, I am considering changing from hot coffee to iced coffee. Summer mornings in Las Vegas are cooler then the rest of day, but sometimes I find myself letting my coffee get cold or lukewarm. Sometimes this happens because I am focused on writing; however, most of the time it is because the hot coffee warms up my body to the point that I think the temperature in the house is higher then it is.

I keep the thermostat set at 83 degrees, a temperature my body can handle without too much discomfort or stress, all summer. This works fine as long as I do not drink any hot liquids, which warms my body up. If I go to iced coffee that will cool me down instead of warming me up. In fact, I think I will go into the kitchen and make myself a glass of iced coffee. I am back with my glass of iced coffee.

The iced coffee tastes all right, but it is not as strong as I like my coffee. I think the reason is that I used regular ice cubes instead of frozen coffee cubes. I will fill one or two of my ice cube trays with coffee and then in the morning use those for my iced coffee. When the hot coffee melts the cubes it will melt coffee ice cubes instead of water ice. That will make my iced coffee stronger without me having to figure out how many scoops of coffee to put in the coffee maker basket to make up for the dilution of the ice cubes. I also do not have to worry about the coffee in the carafe being too strange if my sister should come into Las Vegas.

I missed seeing the super moon on Saturday, but according to an article on EarthSky,5 the moon will look as full on Sunday as it did on Saturday. I checked moonrise time in Las Vegas, according to Timebie6 the full moon will rise about 8:20 pm. I am going to the Feast of Rahmat (Mercy) tonight, so I might get to see the super moon sometime this evening.

The full moon rises
and its exquisite beauty
takes my breathe away.

Quote of the Day: "For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us." - Richard H. Baker

5  http://earthsky.org/tonight/is-biggest-and-closest-full-moon-on-june-23-2013-a-s...
6  http://www.timebie.com/moon/las_vegas_united_states.php

June 22, 2013 at 10:42am
June 22, 2013 at 10:42am
The June 22, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Blog whatever you wish.

I am not sure what I want to blog about, but I have to write something if for no other reason then I started this about 8:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time and it is now about 10:15 AM. If I do not make some sort of entry then I have to delete what I started and I have decided that is not an option.

It has been an interesting morning, maybe interesting is not the right word. Anyway, I went out to pick up the newspaper and found it crawling with little tiny ants that appeared to be reddish black. At least, that is how the looked to me. I pounded the paper on the ground, hoping to dislodge some of them, but the little buggers were tenacious and refused to leave the paper. I removed the rubber band, threw it into the trashcan, and then proceeded to pound the paper on the ground again. I took the paper in the house and laid it on a stand in the entrance hall. I went into the kitchen, warmed me up a mug of coffee, and returned to the computer.

As I was typing, I felt something crawling on me. It was one of those damned little ants. I killed the little bugger and continued typing. After I finished the poem I was working on, I went into the kitchen and made me a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast. I know I should have better balanced breakfast, but I am by myself and I have difficulty fixing a balanced breakfast for just one person. After the grilled cheese was done, I warmed up another mug of coffee and went into the living room to read my paper. Since I left the anty paper in the hall, I placed my food on the coffee table and went back for my newspaper. Apparently, the ants had crawled out of the newspaper because I was able to read it and eat my breakfast without fighting ants for it.

 Birthday Wish  (E)
I can't afford to pay the cost of singing Happy Birthday!
#1939624 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

Thought of the Day: “God can see a black ant walk on a black stone in a black night” - Arab Proverb
June 21, 2013 at 8:54am
June 21, 2013 at 8:54am
The June 21, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Can people change? (did you change; views, philosophies,routines,countries etc)

Yes, people can change. Human beings can change because they have freewill and the ability to realize that doing the something over and over the same way and expecting different results is insanity.7 Once a person realizes the need to change and accepts the aspects of their live they have to change then the person, no matter how difficult it is, will change.

I am a caterpillar
becoming a butterfly.

Besides continually changing my clothes (there is a story behind this statement), I have changed my religion, place of residence, the city, and state I inhabit. I have also changed the way I drink my coffee from cream and sugar to black. In fact, I am in the process of change at this moment. I am in the process of changing some bad habits that I feel brings down the quality of my life.

I am a butterfly
in the process of metamorphosis.

Now to explain why I have the need to change my clothes more often the most people. My mother told me that when I was small child, she changed my clothes, as well as the clothes of my siblings, every time we got dirty. I suspect that made more laundry for Mom to do, but she wanted to sent clean children out into the world; it apparently did not matter if we got our clothes dirty while we were outside because she changed our clothes when we returned to the house. Mom's continually changing our clothes instilled into us the idea that we had to change our clothes numerous times each day.

Thought of the Day: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein

7  Paraphrasing either Dr. Phil or Albert Einstein

June 20, 2013 at 8:13am
June 20, 2013 at 8:13am
The June 20, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Are you a complainer or one of those people who doesn't let anyone know you're annoyed?

To complain or not to complain
That is the question
Is it better for the stomach
To speak up
To proclaim your annoyances to the world
To rant
To rave
To shout displeasure from the rooftops
To write letters to editors broadcasting your anger
Or to keep frustrations bottled inside
While you grumble mentally
Or mumble under your breath
Or sulk in a corner

The first thing I need to do is apologize to Shakespeare: "I am sorry, Mr. Shakespeare, I know you wrote 'To be, or not to be, that is the question:'8

Am I a complainer or do I keep my annoyances bottle up inside? I used to keep my annoyances and grips bottled up inside. I no longer do that because it is not healthy. I do no complain to people or broadcast my displeasure from the rooftops, but I do not keep them bottled up inside me. I write letters about them in my offline journal Writing My Spiritual Journal. I am not sure that complaining to other human beings does any good except piss them off and cause them to want to stick their interfering noses in my business. I do not mind people help when I ask for it, I just do not like it when people think they are helping by sticking their noses in my business when I do not ask for it. When the only thing I did was make the mistake of complaining to them about something that I could have handled myself if they had given me a chance or I had been smart enough to keep my big mouth shut about the problem. To prevent this I write my frustrations, annoyances, and paranoia out in an offline journal in the form of letters to dead people.

I am not a complainer
Past experience has taught me
To keep my big mouth shut
Unless I am disport
Unless I really need or want help

Thought of the Day: “Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” ― Lou Holtz

8  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_be,_or_not_to_be

June 19, 2013 at 11:15pm
June 19, 2013 at 11:15pm
This afternoon, at 4:00 PM, I attended my grief counseling meeting. There were about 9 or 10 people at the meeting. We talked about how we were doing since our loved ones passed on, any epiphanies we had experienced, and participated in a writing exercise. We each took three sheets of paper from small telephone pads, on the first sheet of paper each person wrote "I know", on the second sheet "I feel", and on the third "I think". After writing our responses or thoughts on the papers we read them one by one.

I Know
I am a poet

I feel
Happy for a change

I think
I will succeed in earning
enough gift points for a moth's premium membership
on writing.com

As I was listening to the others speak, I remember something that happened when I was reviewing this past weekend. One of the items I reviewed was about boarder terriers. The description given was that they were scruffy looking dogs. When I read the description, I remember something my mother told me about a dog she had when she was a child. The name of the dog was Scruffy and Mom describe the dog as looking sort of scruffy. I began to wonder if my mother's first dog was a boarder terrier. I doubt that Mom knew Scruffy's breed because the dog was a gift from one of the neighbors. When Mom told me about the dog, she said the dog followed her everywhere. She also said that the dog would not let a stranger get near her.

I wish there was a picture of Mom's dog, but I doubt one exists. I know that form now on I will always think of Scruffy as a boarder terrier, so it really does not matter whether Scruffy was a boarder terrier or not. It is strange what memories surface when reading and reviewing. I know that from now on I will keep note on any memories I discover when reading and reviewing.

June 19, 2013 at 10:01am
June 19, 2013 at 10:01am
The June 19, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Write a review of your life — or the life of someone close to you — as if it were a movie or a book.

I have heard that at death, when the soul and body are separated, the individual sees his or her life replayed so that the person knows the places where his or her choices either made a difference or could have made a difference. I sometimes wonder if the life review is like watching a movie, with the person crying because of the choice or laughing at his or her ridiculous antics. I wonder if when my mother died, one week after Thanksgiving in 2012, if her soul saw a review of her life immediately after Death's Door opened. Did my mother see her life replayed before or after she stepped through the Gates of Paradise?

My soul grows
With each decision
I make

A review of life suggest listing both the good and bad about a person, so I am not sure I am qualified to give a review of my mother's life. I am not even sure I am qualified to give a review of my own life. There are some actions that a person instinctively knows are bad, but you ignore the feeling in your gut or the little voice in the back of your mind shouting "No!" Other actions are ambiguous and could have either good or bad results, with these actions the only thing you can say if the results are bad is "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Then there are the actions that are obviously good, that a person knows should be taken, but are sometime skipped. I have participated in all three of these scenarios in my 66 years on Earth. There are some decision I made in my youth that I do not know whether the actions or the results were good or bad and I probably will not know until my soul leaves my body. I expect to have numerous surprises when I view the final replay of my life.

Taking responsibility
For my life
And the education
of my soul

Snow was responsible despite the fact that she disliked making decisions. She accepted the responsibility for herself and the mistakes she made. She confronted the difficulties in her life with both faith and sometimes with doubt. She moved forward, hoping she would age gracefully and wisely. She smiled, she laughed, she cried, etc. She attempted to perfect her poetry because it was a way to worship God and give thanks for the poetic talent.

Thought of the Day: "It is enjoined upon every one of you to engage in some form of occupation, such as crafts, trades and the like. We have graciously exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship unto God, the True One. Ponder ye in your hearts the grace and the blessings of God and render thanks unto Him at eventide and at dawn. Waste not your time in idleness and sloth. Occupy yourselves with that which profiteth yourselves and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon the day-star of wisdom and utterance shineth resplendent. " - Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, page 27, The Twelfth Glad Tidings

June 18, 2013 at 9:07am
June 18, 2013 at 9:07am
The June 18, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
How short would your life have to be before you would have to start living differently today?

Before I get down to the nitty-gritty
of responding to this prompt,
I put the coffee onto brew
and read some of yesterday's
A to Z poems.

I am smiling because of reading some of the A to Z poems from yesterday. I have said a prayer for assistance. I have coffee in one of my "Marie Callender's 50 Years 1948-1998" anniversary mugs and take a sip at short random intervals. I am ready to respond to today's prompt.

"How short would your life have to be before you would have to start living differently today?" Change, growth, or transformation is a slow and daily struggle between soul and insistent self. The human soul wants to do those things that will develop the spiritual attributes which will cloth it in the world of the spirit and assist its ascent through all the worlds of God. The insistent self (sometimes referred to as ego) wants to do what will make the body happy in the material realm. This is a constant struggle, a daily battle from the moment of birth until the second of death when body and soul are separated. Sometimes the knowledge of imminent physical death encourages sudden change in favor of the soul and sometimes it has the opposite affect.

Physical life is short. The time from conception to the death of an individual human is only a few decades or perhaps one century, but no more and often times less. In that short span of time, a human being is born, grows up, learns a trade, procreates, and develop spiritual attributes that clothe the soul during its immortally and its adventures in the spiritual realm. That is a lot to accomplish in a few decades or a century especially if a person has to focus on food, shelter, and clothing for him or herself as well as any offspring.

It is our encounters with death that bring home to individual human beings precisely how short life is on the material sphere. These encounters scar the shit out of most human beings, which cause some people to reevaluate their past and change for the better. However, these encounters can cause other individuals to move in the opposite direction and change for the worst. It is also possible that these encounters will have no affect on the individual and in this case there is no sudden change or transformation.

How short would my life have to be before I would have to start living differently today? I hope that each day brings a little difference in my life. I hope that I make each today better then yesterday and each tomorrow better then today. I know that sometimes I fail in this and fall into a well of depression, but the only thing I can do when this happens is say a prayer for forgiveness and try again.

Quote of the Day: “Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown
June 17, 2013 at 9:36am
June 17, 2013 at 9:36am
The June 17, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum
Write an A-Z poem. It has 26 lines first line starts with A next with B then C you get the idea.
Doesn't have to rhyme, no syllable count or anything. Have Fun and Happy Blogging!

After several attempts at writing this poem,
Beating my head against the proverbial brick wall while
Composing lines that trail off into silence and
Dedicating hours staring at the blinking cursor. I
Experienced an epiphany!
Faced with creative constipation, I decided to
Get out of my chair and wash the dishes
Hoping that would get my creative juices flowing.
It did not work! My creative
Juices are still blocked and unable to flow.
Knowing this, I decided to write
Lines that may or may not make sense.
My motivation at this moment has
Nothing to do with inspiration. My
Only reason for writing this
Poem is to respond to the prompt.
Questionable motive or straightforward
Response to writer's block?
Stubborn, bullheaded perseverance on my part
To complete these lines before midnight.
Understanding the catalyst helps me achieve
Victory and encourages me to
Write or should I say forces me to attempt
Xtreme spellings of words to finish the poem.
Yielding to writer's block is not acceptable, but
Zero tolerance of writer's block is appropriate.

June 15, 2013 at 9:37am
June 15, 2013 at 9:37am
The June 15, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum
What historical time period would you live in that you have not previously lived in? (i.e. if you've lived in the 70's you can't say you'd like to live then)

It's Saturday and, as usual, I have a thought provoking prompt to consider and write about. This is going to take a bit of thought and random comments or writing because I don't think I've ever seriously considered living in another time period. I was born in 1946, so I have lived through some interesting and stressful time periods. There were times in my life when I wished I was born in less stressful times or on another planet, but those were just fleeting fantasies. I believe that I was born in this time in history for a reason, other then as the result of a moment of passion in my parents marriage. I'm not sure of the reason I was born, but I'm sure there was a reason for my birth.

Now back to the prompt: What historical time period would I live in? The Roaring Twenties sound interesting and just as stressful as the time I came into the world. I'm sure I wouldn't want to live during the dust bowl because that would just aggravate my dust allergies. I know I wouldn't want to live in a time before indoor plumbing and flush toilets because I'm sure I would be unable to eat breakfast after emptying and cleaning my chamber pot; I would have to have a chamber pot because there would be no way I would traipse to an outhouse in the middle of the night.

Since I have to chose an historical period, I would chose any time period after 1840 because up until that time the only indoor toilets existed in hotels or the homes of the wealthy.9 I chose the Roaring Twenties because most people probably had indoor toilets and I like the dances that were popular. I could do without the bathtub gin (or was this during another time period); however, know they had coffee and other good tasting nonalcoholic drinks. I think I could live happily and in relative safety during the Roaring Twenties.

As I said, I believe an individual is born at a specific time in history for a reason; therefore, since I was born in the late forties and survived into the twenty-first century I need to be focused on what I can do at this time in history. I need to look at whether or not I'm making someone's life better or worse? Do I live the way I'm supposed to live? Do I make today better then yesterday? These are the questions I need to answer in my personal life because this is the day, the time period of history, I was meant to live in.

Thought of the Day: "A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." - Mahatma Gandhi

9  http://inventors.about.com/od/pstartinventions/a/Plumbing_3.htm

June 14, 2013 at 8:46am
June 14, 2013 at 8:46am
The June 14, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
"I wish I could .... "(please fill in the rest)

I wish I could fly like an angel,
with my white wing glistening in the sun;
I wish I could breathe like an angel,
who can create oxygen in their own lungs,
I would ascend into to interstellar space
and chase a few commits for fun.

I wish I could dance like a leprechaun,
creating gold with my unique Irish jig
I would scatter the gold across the planet
so that no one knew where it came from.

I wish I could ...
brings back a memory from my childhood
of seeing the first star in the sky
and my mother ...
or was it my grandmother ...
teaching me this magical rhyme:
"Star light, Star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight..."

I wish I could sow like Betsy Ross,
I would create a flag for the Earth
that reflected the beauty of the planet
and encouraged humanity's unity.

I wish I could write all my thoughts
without using mechanically means,
I would write all my poems in the clouds
so that the birds could recite them for humanity.

Thought of the Day: "Poetry has been to me its own exceeding great reward; it has given me the habit of wishing to discover the good and beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
June 13, 2013 at 9:12am
June 13, 2013 at 9:12am
The June 13, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Describe your ideal dress: what clothing/outift do you feel best expresses who you are?

I am neither a fashionista nor a clothes horse. I am just an ordinary woman in her late 60s who likes to cover her naked body when she walks in front of a window, curtained and/or uncurtained, or leaves the house. I will admit to wearing short-shorts and mini skirts in my younger days, but since I was unable to balance on spiked heels I gave up the idea of wearing either garment. I mean mini skirts and short-shorts look a lot better with spiked heels then with comfortable shoes. However, after a recent national news article, I am considering purchasing spiked heels the next time I find a pair at a garage sale. I intend to keep them in the car for protection.

What kind of clothing do I prefer? I prefer long skirts or dress because they hid my ugly legs and other bodily inperfections that come with the affect of gravity on an aging body. I used to prefer black or dark colored clothes because I thought they suited me better then bright colors. I have found that dark colors encourage depression; therefor, I am changing my color choices to reds and light or bright toned purples because they seem to discourage depression. I will also consider wearing yellows, greens, and any other bright color. I do not wear white close to my face because it makes me look like a denizen of the undead.

I dress for comfort
If I have a pair of spiked heels
They are not for me to wear
I have them for protection

I dress for comfort
Long dresses and skirts
That hide the ravages
Of age and gravity

I dress for comfort
I want bright colors
To enhance a positive mood

Thought of the Day: "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." - Coco Chanel
June 12, 2013 at 8:38am
June 12, 2013 at 8:38am
The June 12, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum
What do you suppose you might be doing at this exact moment if the internet had never been invented?

I am 66 years old, I was born and raised in a world without the Internet. My parents and grandparents were born and raised in a world without the Internet. If the Internet had never been invented, I could easily find something else to do. If the the Internet had never been invented, I would not miss it because I would not have experienced the aggravation and joy of surfing, blogging, or anything else I do online. If the Internet had never been invented I would not know what I was missing.

What would I be doing if the Internet had never been invented? I would not have my Master's degree because I earned that online. I would never have known that I am addicted to Spider, Pyramid, or Mahjong solitaire. I would not have encountered writing.com and seriously developed my writing skills. I am not sure what I would be doing, but it would probably have something to do with food service or restaurant work, neither of which I enjoy or am particularly accomplished at. In order to wait tables a person needs to be able to carry a plate or a tray from the kitchen to the dinning room without their hands shaking or dropping the plate or the food.

In a world without the internet
there would be no e-mail
so the only way dysfunctional families
could safely communicate
would be through lawyers and the court system.

In a world without the internet
the only viruses
passed from nation to nation
would be through person to person contact.

In a world without the internet
we would not be see
the beauty of another country
without a personal visit.

In a world without the internet
we would not hear
a multitude of opinions
to give us a broader view of reality.

Quote of the Day: “The internet is just a world passing notes around a classroom.” - Jon Stewart

June 11, 2013 at 10:23am
June 11, 2013 at 10:23am
The June 11, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Who is your hero?

I cannot chose just one hero
because the history of my faith has thousands.

There are
the men,
the women,
and the children
who refused to recant their faith
when faced with
and death.

There are those
who left behind
their comfortable homes,
the country of their birth,
and their extended families
to spread the glorious
and unifying message
of Baha'u'llah.

Who are my heroes?
My heroes go back to 1844
when the Bab
declared His mission
to the first of the Letters of the Living.

My heroes extend through 1863
when Baha'u'llah
publicly proclaimed his mission
in the Garden of Ridvan.

My heroes live today
in prisons in Iran
and elsewhere
because of their faith
in Baha'u'llah.

My heroes are those
who chose the path of faith
even though
it leads to death and degradation.

Quote of the Day: “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” ― Brodi Ashton, Everneath
June 10, 2013 at 8:30am
June 10, 2013 at 8:30am
The June 10, 2013 prompts for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum are
What would you like to be different about BCOF, if anything? If you don't want anything to be different, what's your favourite part?

** Image ID #1937689 Unavailable **

A shadow puppet dances
Behind a white sheet
Frozen at a moment in time
It resembles an elk
During rutting season
Antlers ready to defend his harem
So that he can pass his genetic code
To future generations

*Bird* *Cat* *Chicken* *Dog1*

Shadows of reality
Shades of immortality
Humanity views existence
"...though a glass, darkly,..."10
Through a fractured prism
That distorts and separates
The light of divine unity

*Cat2* *Crab* *Dog2* *Horse*

What would I like to be different about BCOF, if anything? I would like to see some prompts that refers to the different aspects of humor. I would also like to see a gratitude prompt once in a while.

If I don't want anything to be different, what's my favourite part? My favorite part of BCOF are the people and the responses to the prompts. I also enjoy the image prompts.

*Paw* *Duck* *Pawprints* *Seahorse*

Today is Maurice Sendak's 85th birthday. Mr. Sendak was born in Brooklyn, New York City, NY on June 10, 1928 and died in Danbury, CT on May 8, 2012. One of the books he wrote and illustrated is Where the Wild Things Are which was first published in 1963.

Thought of the Day: "I stress character, character, character." - Maurice Sendak

10  1 Corinthians 13:12

June 9, 2013 at 10:50am
June 9, 2013 at 10:50am
Sunday, June 9, 2013 is a free day so there is no prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum.

It is a free day, so I can write about anything that strikes my fancy. There are four holiday coming up in the next two weeks that spark my muse's curiosity. Three of them I already knew about, while one of them I discovered when I searched for June holidays.

June 14 - Flag Day

I watched a black and white rerun to the Lawrence Welk show last night, which was originally filmed close to Flag Day in June 19??, On the show one of the performers read a poem by Walter Taylor Field title Flag of the Free.11

June 16 - Father's Day

I decided to look up some family history and found a photo of my father's headstone. I wrote this poem "Visiting my Father's grave online and submitted the poem to the "HONORING OUR VETERANS contest.

June 18 - International Picnic Day

I never heard of International Picnic Day12 before, but that does not mean that the celebration is new. It probably did not spark my interest before today. There are several online sources explaining International Picnic Day and how to celebrate.13

June 21 - Summer Solstice

Summer Solistice is the official first day of summer; however, summer with its triple digit temperatures has already begun in Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, the unofficial first day of summer is June 1 when we usually get triple digit temperatures along with high heat warnings.

*Balloonb* *Balloong* *Balloono* *Balloonp* *Balloonr*

My ponderings in poetic form
May result from silent meditation
About future possibilities
Or from reading lines of sacred scripture

My ponderings in poetic form
May result from silent contemplation
About online research I have done
Or from dreams haunting random moments of sleep

*Balloons* *Balloonv* *Balloony* *Balloonbl* *Balloongo*

I write letters to dead people,
letters to those who have passed beyond earth's strife.

I write letters to dead people,
because in my late fifties I came to realize
that life and death
are part of my soul's education.

I write letters to dead people,
to prevent this crazy world I live in
from driving me completely insane.

I write letters to dead people,
because letters are poems
in the form of prose.

I write letters to dead people,
to express the joy,
the pain,
and the wonder
of daily existence.

Thought of the Day: "Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary." - Khalil Gibran

11  http://www.yankeedoodles.net/flagofthefree.htm
12  http://www.mahalo.com/international-picnic-day/
13  http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2012/06/18/international-picnic-day/

June 8, 2013 at 8:54am
June 8, 2013 at 8:54am
The June 8, 2013 prompts for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Image prompt: tri-colored (white, blue, and red) object as seen through frosted glass, which appears to be some sort of food item.
Blog prompt: Cussing. What's your take on it?

The picture reminds me of cotton candy and a snow cone viewed through a frosted glass window. It reminds me of cotton candy because it resembles cotton candy. It reminds me of a snow cone because it is tri-colored with white at the top, blue in the middle, and red at the bottom. I suppose, if the picture was taken in the United States, it could be patriotic cotton candy.

Cotton Candy and Snow Cone Memories

Sweet threads of sugar
consumed at the Kay County State Fair
as I held Grandpa Frank's hand.

Mama or Grandma Mary
bought me a snow cone masterpiece:
red and blue flavors
encircling tiny white ice crystals
at the Kay County State Fair.

What do I think of cussing? I believe that there is a time and a place for cussing. It is appropriate to cuss when a piano falls from a window and hits you on the head or when you drop an anvil on your foot. Both of these incidents happen quite frequently in cartoon, which causes the character to cuss. True cartoon characters normally do not cuss in English or any other known human language. Cartoon characters have their own unique cussing language, which any human being over the age of two or three months can understand.

There are other times when it is appropriate to cuss. I think it is alright for a person to cuss when the driver in the car ahead or on either side is attempting to put on makeup and talk on a cell phone at the same time. It is also appropriate to cuss when the driver in the car behind is sharing a joint with his or her passengers. I do not mind cussing under appropriate conditions.

I dislike cussing when every other word out of an individual's mouth is a cuss word. When I hear an individual doing this I have an urge to purchase the person a pocket dictionary so that he or she can increase his or her vocabulary.

Thought of the Day: "Cursing is invoking the assistance of a spirit to help you inflict suffering. Swearing on the other hand, is invoking, only the witness of a spirit to an statement you wish to make." - John Ruskin

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