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Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

Blog City image small Welcome to Talent Pond's Blog Harbor. The safe place for bloggers to connect. WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus

Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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July 23, 2013 at 11:02am
July 23, 2013 at 11:02am
The July 23, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Tell us about the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home.

I visited New York in 1992. I was among the 30,000 Baha'is who celebrated the one-hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of Baha'u'llah's Covenant.1 I spent spent four days in New York, November 23-26, celebrating with other Baha'is.

I saw New York at night, but I did not visit as a tourist because my days revolved around the events at Jacob Javits Center. I went to New York for only one reason and that was to commemorate the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and socialize with other Baha'is. I do not think I missed anything by not seeing the sights of New York and I believe I gained a lot from the experience.

I found ten videos on YouTube called "Music from 2nd Baha'i World Congress in NYC".2 These videos contain music as well as speeches from the Second Baha'i World Congress in 1992. I cannot embed all ten of them in this entry and even if I could I would not embed all of them because of the depth of the information contained. These are videos that a person needs to watch more then once to understand the way a Baha'i feel about his or her faith and the world. I chose the second video because it shows Baha'is from different parts of the world telling about their faith from individual perspectives.

Tears descend,
as I recall my experience
in 1992 in New York.

Each video I watch
carries my back to the joy
and love I felt those four days
in New York.

1  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%27%C3%AD_World_Congress
2  http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL180011B0979F048E

July 23, 2013 at 10:31am
July 23, 2013 at 10:31am
The July 23, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Do you believe immortality exists? What does it mean to be immortal? Does reincarnation exist?

Does immortality exist? Yes!

Does reincarnation exist? No!

What does it mean to be immortal? No one knows for sure until the soul and body divorce at death. At that time, the soul, clothed in the spiritual attributes acquired during its marriage to the body, will ascend into the spiritual world. The body will begin decomposing and return to the ground from which its original elements, its molecules and atoms, came from.

Sign of the Divine
After the death of the body
The soul reflects
Either the light of God
Or the darkness of ego's passions

Thought of the Day: "Thou hast asked Me concerning the nature of the soul. Know, verily, that the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unravel. It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of its Creator, the first to recognize His glory, to cleave to His truth, and to bow down in adoration before Him. If it be faithful to God, it will reflect His light, and will, eventually, return unto Him. If it fail, however, in its allegiance to its Creator, it will become a victim to self and passion, and will, in the end, sink in their depths." - Bahá'u'lláh, Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Pages 159-160 LXXXII: Thou hast asked Me concerning the…

July 22, 2013 at 11:20am
July 22, 2013 at 11:20am
The July 22, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
If you could trade places with someone for a week, who would it be?

Trading places,
exchanging the known for the unknown,
swapping one set of problems for another.

Do I really want to trade places with someone else? No, not if I have to change places with someone in the world today or in the past. Yes, if I could change places with someone in the future. By future I mean someone who live s100, 200, or 300 plus years from the present. I know that everyone has his or her own set of problems that, while they may be similar in some ways to my problems, are for the most part different and just as stressful.

Trading places with someone else would give me a different view of life. It would also help me to be more understanding of other people. I hope that would be the results, all though it could make me less understanding of them. One can never foretell what is going to happen when you trade places with anyone, you can imagine, but until you encounter the experience you do not know.

I am learning to like me,
learning to be comfortable in my body,
learning to know myself:
Would trading places with someone else
screw up the process
by teaching me about another person's fears
rather then my own?

Food for Thought: "Fear is a question. What are you afraid of and why? Our fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if we explore them." - Marilyn French
July 22, 2013 at 9:47am
July 22, 2013 at 9:47am
The July 22, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
What five websites do you visit often, and why?

The websites I visit most often are...

*Cool* http://www.writing.com/
*Delight* https://videos.aolnetworks.com/
*Bigsmile* http://reference.bahai.org/en/
*Laugh* http://socialspark.com/
*Smile* http://www.merriam-webster.com/

The reasons I visit these website...

*Cool* Writing.com to post poems and stories in my port. I also post to my blog and review.
*Delight* Be On for Publishers (aolnetworks.com) to check for videos to post to my off sight blog http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
*Bigsmile* Baha'i Reference Library to look up scriptures.
*Laugh* SocialSpark to check for lead and offers to post to http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
*Smile* Marriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus to check spelling or use the thesaurus when I am creating poems, stories or posts.

An After Thought

Please check http://poet999.blogspot.com/

Thought of the Day: "I don't know whether machine translation will eventually get good enough to allow us to browse people's websites in different languages so you can see how they live in different countries." - Tim Berners-Lee
July 21, 2013 at 9:48am
July 21, 2013 at 9:48am
The July 21, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Free Day. I chose the July 18, 2013 prompt Which of the four elements (fire, water, earth, air) best represents you?

Which element represents me?
Am I fire?
Am I water?
Am I earth?
Am I air?
Which element am I?

Could I be the fire
that gives life and destroys,
that cooks our food,
that burns our cities,
that turns the veils of dogma to ash?

Could I be the water
that creates and annihilates,
that quenches our thirst
that floods our lands?

Could I be the earth
that gave humanity birth,
that grows our crops,
that hides the bodies of our dead?

Could I be the air
that allows us to breath,
that is produced by our plants?

I am a molecule of snow,
a molecule of water
frozen by the breath of winter.

July 21, 2013 at 8:35am
July 21, 2013 at 8:35am
The July 21, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why.

My fingers don' t want to cooperate
they want to misspell the words that I know,
they want to land on the wrong keys or row,
so the only thing for me to do
is to take another sip of coffee
and let the caffeine
go to my fingers and toes.

The first thing that happened when I sit down at the keyboard on Sunday, July 14, was a case of the hiccups. I took several sips of coffee and they went away. I had another attack of the hiccups every day for the next six days and each attack stopped after I took a few sips of coffee. The same thing happened this morning, I do not know why I get the hiccups each morning or why taking sips of coffee alleviate them. I am happy that my iced coffee makes the hiccups go away because I dislike having the hiccups all day.

Then there is the issue of my fingers and the keyboard. I have noticed several time over the past few weeks that my finger do not cooperate when I am writing. Sometime they turn the letters around around in the word and sometimes they will skip a space. I am not sure whether the coffee helps or hinders this problem. I do not want to find out! If I stop drinking coffee because of this and the coffee is not causing the problem, then I have went through caffeine withdrawal without a valid reason. Besides if I cut out the caffeine I will have to deal with permanent case of the hiccups.

Maybe it's Murphy's Law3
manifesting itself
in my life
and making sure that I remember
that Murphy has a rule
for every event and possibility.

The prompts for this week were, as always, creative and thought provoking. The response I liked best "Janie's Got A Gun... was composed by Elle - on hiatus . I liked it because it gave the view of someone who was not born in American on the gun issue. I like hearing the views and opinions of people from other countries on the problems we face in this country because it broadens my outlook and gives me something to think about.

Thought of the Day: "I need to broaden my horizons." - Trevor Dunn

3  http://www.murphys-laws.com/murphy/murphy-laws.html

July 20, 2013 at 2:41pm
July 20, 2013 at 2:41pm
The July 19, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Are you a sports fan? Tell us about fandom. If you’re not, tell us why not

I never understood the reason for chasing a pigskin across the field,
All of the footballs I've ever seen aren't made of pig hide anyway.
To me they appear to be made out of some sort of oval semi-stiff plastic or rubber,
Which will put out a player's eye or give him a concussion if it hits him in the head,
All though, this is probably the reason football players wear helmets.

Then there is the other game of football,
The game with the round ball,
The game we American's call soccer,
I don't know if it makes anymore sense then American football,
But at least the ball is safer.

There is the ballgame with the hard round ball and bat,
Throwing the ball has to be a strain on the back
Not to mention hitting that little ball with that big wooden bat.

I can't hit a golf egg when I swing the club,
The egg doesn't break when the club strikes it,
So the club must be intended to hunt adult golfs.
I still haven't figured out how the golf chicks break out of the eggs,
I'm sure they must have strong egg teeth to free themselves
From those tough and unbreakable eggs.
Come to think about it
I've never seen an adult golf bird,
so they must be extinct.
That would explain the petrified golf eggs.

I'm not going to start on skeet hunting,
Well, I will write a few lines,
I can't understand how anyone expects to make a meal
Out of the round skeet birds
Because they break into a thousand pieces when the bullet hits them
And if you've ever taken a close look at one
They appear to be make out of some sort of clay
Rather then real flesh and bones;
I mean if could ever get one of those things in boiling water
You'd have a difficulty time cooking it.

As anyone can tell by reading this,
I am not a sports person.

July 20, 2013 at 11:52am
July 20, 2013 at 11:52am
The July 20, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Write a piece incorporating at least five song titles. Be sure to bold the titles so we can all see!

I was born on Christmas Eve
so maybe
that's why I crave
Hot Chocolate
on cold winter nights.

Winter is a sad time of year,
when dark clouds
make the day quite drear;
I believe that's why
in the spring and summer
I want to Sing In The Sunshine.

Spring is my favorite season
because it brings back memories
of me as as a child
going to Easter Services
accompanied by Grandma and Grandpa,
with me In My Easter Bonnet.

Summer brings the Fourth of July
and memories
of my mother singing
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy.

Fall brings memories
of Oklahoma
and the beautiful Autumn Leaves.

July 20, 2013 at 11:24am
July 20, 2013 at 11:24am
The July 20, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Have you ever been surfing? Describe the experience.

Searching for the remote control
brings back memories of my childhood
when channel surfing was difficulty
or impossible.

Back then
there was no remote control
to change television stations
during the commercial break.

Back then
I had to get up off the couch,
walk to the television,
and manually switch from one channel
to another;
it was too much trouble
to channel surf during the commercials.

I channel surf
(at least when I can find the remote control)
and web surf
without difficulty.

The only experience I have had with surfing in the water way being pulled behind a motor boat on a flat board that was called (at the time) a surf board. It was not a real surf board like those used in the ocean because it was pulled behind a boat and I held onto a handle attached to a rope that was attached to the boat. It was fun until I fell off and found my arm tangled in the rope. Oh well, so much for my surfing experience; at least I did not drown or fall into a nest of cottonmouth water moccasins.4 I think the stories about people falling off skis or surf boards into nest of water moccasins was an urban legend.

Thought of the Day: "I love the idea of something beautiful happening, and then it being abrasively cut into. Because in a way it's similar to switching channels or surfing the web; I like people getting lulled into something and then taking them somewhere else." - Reggie Watts

4  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agkistrodon_piscivorus

July 19, 2013 at 9:25am
July 19, 2013 at 9:25am
The July 19, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Take something you are frustrated with: The toilet seat left up again? The folks who seem to hold family reunions in the middle of the aisle at Wal-Mart?
Whatever it is, take the incident and write a humorous revenge piece. What are the ridiculous lengths you would go to?

You do not know me,
you have never met me,
but your actions frustrates
my drive through Las Vegas
on a rainy day.

You do not know,
you do not care
how your careless actions
affect this city's residents and tourist
during the monsoon season.

You do not realize
how your littering endangers
the lives
of those of us who have to drive
streets flooded streets
because your sixteen ounce drink cup
is stopping up
the "curbside storm drains"5
that divert rainwater into the sewer system
that prevent our streets flooding.

I am tired of having to
to turn my car around
so that I won't drown6
because your carelessly tossed
fast food bag
is clogging the storm drains.

Beware my wrath
as you would fear the ire
of a hundred year flood.

I would make the person caught tossing fast food bags and cup into the street perform community service. The community service would require the person to dress in a huge replica fast food bag and push a trash can painted to look like a drink cup. That person would walk from storm drain to storm drain and at each drain his or her would get down on his or her hands and knees to clean out the drain. The person would have to proclaim to everyone passing by "I was caught blocking up the storm drains with my lunch litter. I want to apologize to you for endangering your life because of my careless, thoughtless, and selfish actions."

Thought of the Day: "The trash and litter of nature disappears into the ground with the passing of each year, but man’s litter has more permanence." - John Steinbeck

5  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_drain
6  http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/water/tadd/tadd-intro.shtml

July 18, 2013 at 11:06am
July 18, 2013 at 11:06am
The July 18, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Gun control: What side are you on? Are you even on a side? State your position.

I think everyone who purchases a gun of any type should go through a through background check. A background check will help keep the guns out of the hands of some crazies, but it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals or all crazies. I doubt there is a way to keep guns out of the hands of everyone who should not have them.

*Coffeebl* *Coffeebl* *Coffeebl*

This prompt has brought back memories of my childhood. I am thinking about a Christmas morning, when my siblings and I woke up to open Christmas presents. We went into the living room and waited for Mom or Grandma and Grandpa (depending on where we had stayed Christmas Eve) to come into the room so that Mom or Grandpa could hand us presents to open. On this Christmas, Santa had brought my brothers the six shooters and toy holsters they requested in their letters, while my sister and I got dolls of some type.

It was a common practice back then to give boys toy guns as Christmas or birthday presents. The younger boys got toy six shooters, cowboy guns, or water guns, while the older boys got be-be guns (all right, be-be guns do not fall in the toy category, but I am writing about the mind set of the nineteen forties and fifties). At that time it was considered a part of growing up for boys to get a toy guns and for girls to get toy dolls.

*Coffeebl* *Coffeebl* *Coffeebl*

Owning a dangerous weapon
requires a responsible adult:
How many adults today
are that responsible?

Thought of the Day: “They must accept responsibility, recognizing that responsibility is not the same as culpability.” - Stephen King, Guns
July 17, 2013 at 10:25am
July 17, 2013 at 10:25am
The July 17, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Describe an odd or unusual writing habit or ritual you or someone you know has.

Before beginning writing
I say a prayer for Aid and assistance,
And then I make sure that my spring and summer coffee
Has enough ice in the glass
To keep it iced
Or my fall and winter coffee is hot.

I sometimes set a timer
For five, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes
And then I write
As if I am a ship in a hurricane
Or a house in a tornado.

These may seem like wile and weird writing rituals, but I suspect they are rather tame when compare to some of those listed in the article Strange Writing Rituals.7 The only one of those rituals I have tried is number three and I can attest to the fact that drink coffee works when encouraging writing. All thought, I prefer to spice my coffee up with hot coco mix in the winter and ice in the summer.

For the past couple of weeks or few week, I am not sure when this depression and distraction issue began, I have had difficulty focusing on writing. I have switched from hot coffee to iced coffee, with coffee ice cubes. I have drink my coffee out of tall and short glasses. I still have problems focusing and I know that the coffee is not the basis of the issue. I am research writing rituals to see if there is something I can add to the rituals I already practice. I found some thought provoking rituals in 8 Strange Rituals of Productive Writers,8 which may or may not help. While there is one I will not practice some of them sound like they would goose my muse.

It just dawned on me that I have another ritual, which I did not consider a ritual until I realized that it helps me concentrate. When I do online research I focus easier on writing after I complete the research. It does not mater whether I am looking up an article for "ritual" ideas or an appropriate quote of the day once I accomplish the research goal my focus returns for a little while and I can write.

Writing is excruciating,
but not writing the story you have withing
is the worst agony
in the universe.

So pick the weird
or the odd ritual that helps you write
and write the story within.

Thought of the Day: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou

7  http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/seven-strange-writing-rituals
8  http://www.copyblogger.com/writing-rituals/

July 16, 2013 at 9:41pm
July 16, 2013 at 9:41pm
The July 16, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
"Review" a old piece of yours from your port that you haven't looked at in a while. Has your writing style changed? What have you learned since you wrote that piece? (Be sure to link to it so we know which item you are talking about.)

I wrote "Invalid Item on August 2, 2005 and modified it on December 13, 2010. I did not keep a copy of the original, so I do not know how I modified the story. This story is flat and needs more action. There is also redundancy, which is a issues I still deal with even after eight years.

I think my writing has changed a little bit, but I do not think it change as much as I world like. I believe the reason for that is lack or practice in writing stories. I write more poems then stories, so my poems have improved more then my stories. I need to focus on stories because I know I have several syntax and grammar issues..

Maybe I will write a new story about Flicker.

Thought of the Day: "You fail only if you stop writing." - Ray Bradbury
July 15, 2013 at 9:00am
July 15, 2013 at 9:00am
The July 15, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Is there a date in the year that holds some particular significance to you? Tell us the story!

How can I chose just one,
when some dates have memories of fun
while others bring tears to my eyes?

Is there a date in the year that holds particular significance to me? After looking back over the past year, I have to say that November 29 is that date. On November 29, 2012, my mother died. The interesting thing about this is that November 29 was also Grandpa Frank's birthday. My mother died on the date her father was born. I suspect Mom's soul chose that date to release it hold on her body because of its significance to her.

Birth dates and death dates
are the significant days of our lives,
the dates that indicate change.

Mom was an only child. Mom was born on April 19, 1921 on a farm in Oklahoma. She was a premature baby and the doctor did not expect her to live. Her father refused to accept the prognosis and did everything he could to keep his only daughter alive. Mom survived, she had one miscarriage and gave birth to four children. While she did not pass the Newland name to her offspring, she did pass the Newland genes. The stubborn, bullheaded, refuse to give up genes that determined her survival and the survival of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

The two most significant dates
in the life of any human being
is the date of birth and the date of death.

Thought of the Day: “Birth and death are not two different states, but they are different aspects of the same state.” - Mahatma Gandhi
July 14, 2013 at 8:15am
July 14, 2013 at 8:15am
The July 14, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Blog. Tell us about your week. What was your favorite blog entry of the week, and most importantly, why?

How was my week? I guess my week went all right. I wrote two poems "Military Service and "Rainy Day Decisions, which I submitted to contests on writing.com. I attempted to write a Saturday Review on one of my offsite blogs and ended up writing a poem about not being able to remember my accomplishments. I think the problem was lack of focus rather then memory, but it could be worry. I came to the conclusions that I need to do something different this week.

Worry and focus
both part of the same issue:
High anxiety?

Last week, I could sit down and write poems without difficulty, but when it came to reading blog entries it became more difficult as the days pasts. I also had problems composing blog entries, which may be the reason I am not satisfied with any of the entries I made during the week. I am not satisfied with the blog entries to Poet 999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff,9 Poet 999: A Butterfly Emerges from Her Cocoon,10 and "Snow Melt. In fact, the only writing I did last week that I am even half-way satisfied with are the poems and some of the entries in my off line journal.

unfocused anxiety:
Is it OCD?

There were two blog entries I remember making an impression on me this past week. The first one was on Monday, it was "Invalid Entry by Moody Blue: Needs an Upgrade , I think the reason I enjoyed it so much is the tootsie rolls. I have not eaten a tootsie roll since I received my false teeth and I think it is because of fear. I am afraid I cannot chew then the way I did when I had my natural teeth. The second on Friday, "Invalid Entry by ~ Aqua ~ . I liked this entry because of the word Lackadaisical, which was a word my grandmother always used. Her favorite saying, when she thought we should be doing something beside sitting in front of the television, was "Don't be so lackadaisical." This usually got us up and out of the house.

worry and anxiety:
A new week begins!

What do I do different this week? I am not sure, but I will do at least one thing different. I will keep a list so that I can write about it in my Sunday Review entry for July 21, 2013. I will keep a list because if I do not write it down it slips my mind.

Action conquers fear
by refocusing the mind:
Prayer and action.

Thought of the Day: "The first duty of man is to conquer fear; he must get rid of it, he cannot act till then." - Thomas Carlyle

9  http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
10  http://poet999.blogspot.com/

July 13, 2013 at 5:05pm
July 13, 2013 at 5:05pm
The July 13, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Finish this sentence: “When I look in the mirror, I . . . “

When I look in the mirror, I see a smiling face looking back at me.
I see the wrinkles of a age and sadness engraved upon that countenance.
I see the line of joy and happiness etched into my features.

When I look in the mirror, I see a stranger looking back at me.
I do not remember the aged face or the gray hair I see.
I always thought of myself as young with dark brown hair.

When I look in the mirror, I see wisdom looking back at me.
When did I because wise and old or is that old and wise.
I see time in the laugh and frown lines.

When I look in the mirror, I see me as I am today.
I see weariness waiting to settle in
And take me for a nap.

When I look in the mirror, I see time's transformation.
I see the effects of gravity on my body
And the effects of faith's tests on my soul.

When I look in the mirror, I see illusion and reality.
The reality if the physical manifestation of the years since my birth.
The illusion is the way I think I should look.

When I look in the mirror, I...
Do I see something I need to change?
Do I think a thought I need to change?

Thought of the Day: "For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." - Steve Jobs
July 13, 2013 at 10:24am
July 13, 2013 at 10:24am
The July 13, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
What are ten of your favorite words (whether they be your favorite because they are fun to say, fun to spell, fun to remind other people how to spell, have significant meaning, or some other reason)? List them at the top of your entry, then use them all in a short memory of an experience you had as a child. (Be sure to bold the words so I can see them *Wink*)

For me, the significance of these words are in the memories they bring to mind and the stories that go along with them.

*Balloonb* Happy *Balloong* Prayer *Balloono* Glory *Balloonp* Bagpipes *Balloonr* Grace
*Balloons* Roses *Balloonv* Rainbow *Balloony* Blue *Balloonbl* Yellow *Balloongo* Snow

When did I first hear bagpipes playing Amazing Grace? I cannot pinpoint the specific memory because it was either a record that my Grandparents Newland owned or it was a movie. I am more inclined to believe it was a record because the only image I have that goes along with the memory of the song is of Grandpa Frank sitting in a recliner or an easy chair drinking a cup of coffee. Whenever the memory was made, I cannot hear the pipes playing Amazing Grace without wanting to cry.

What is my first memory of prayer? The image that comes to mind is my mother sitting on the edge of my bed while I said a prayer she and Grandma Mary had taught me. I know that there are several versions of this prayer, but the one I learned is this four line versions.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.11

I associate the word happy with the color yellow. I think that is because of my Easter memories and a little yellow dress, at least I think the dress was yellow and the stuffed duck was was pink or some version of pink or red. Anyway I allows associate yellow with that dress and the word happy.

Photo of myself as child.

I like the word glory because it always reminds me of my second favorite hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic. This is the first song I remember singing in a Southern Baptist Church service in Blackwell, Oklahoma. I know that I sang other hymns before and after this song, but this is the song I always remember. I think I remember it because of the first verse "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord".12 Why this particular hymn and line fastened into my memory, I have no idea. Perhaps it was an Eastern Sunday service which I attended with my Parents and Grandparents. I do have a few memories of church services I attended with my entire family.

I stood in my grandparents' living room, looking out the window and watching the gray clouds gather across the blue sky. When the clouds had completely covered the sky, it began to snow. I watch as the snow struck the ground, melting at first but finally cleaning to the brown grass and the lilac bush in the front yard. The falling snow mesmerized me, as I waited for bedtime to arrive. Finally, it was time to go to sleep so I lay down on the roll-away bed and closed my eyes. The next morning when I looked out the window, a blanket of white covered the front yard, the rode, and the airport field across from the house.

It was a spring morning, my siblings and I had spent the night at our grandparents. It had rained the night before and there were still some clouds floating across the blue. I went outside to watch the clouds and as I looked up I saw a rainbow arching across the sky. At that moment, Grandma Mary came outside carrying a raincoat and rain boots, she helped me put them on and then she gave me a hug.

I never think of roses in the singular because every memory I have is of bouquets. I attended a funeral with my grandparents, I do not remember whose funeral, but I remember the flowers. There were multiple bouquets of red roses, the aroma permeated the chapel where the casket of the deceased sit on a stage. After the service was over, we walked past the casket and viewed the remains of the deceased.

11  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Now_I_Lay_Me_Down_to_Sleep
12  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Battle_Hymn_of_the_Republic

July 12, 2013 at 12:26pm
July 12, 2013 at 12:26pm
The July 12, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
Tell us about the last time you had a real, deep, crying-from-laughing belly laugh.

Does "Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone" apply to the "deep crying-from-laughing belly laugh"? I'm writing nonsense while I'm trying to remember the last time I laughed that deeply. I know it's been a while, but I can't remember the last time I laughed like that. I can't remember the last time I laughed a deep peeing-from-laughing laugh or a coughing-from -laughing laugh.

I remember the last time I laughed because it was yesterday. I try to laugh everyday. Sometimes I succeed at daily laughter and sometimes I fail. I laugh at inappropriate stuff and at weird stuff. Therefore the last time I laughed a crying-from-laughter laugh had to be at either something weird or inappropriate. I have an extremely odd and weird sense of humor. To demonstrate my odd sense of humor, I find parts of the following funny.

Now that I've had time to think and listen to the silence in the house, I can take a guess at the last time I had a "deep crying-from-laughing belly laugh". I think this type of laugh included a cat. It could have included a bird as well, but I am sure it included a cat.

July 12, 2013 at 11:15am
July 12, 2013 at 11:15am
The July 12, 2013 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is
Write a humorous listing for your eBay auction. Include the history of the item you are selling and why you are getting rid of it.

This K & E Slide Rule is the perfect piece of technology for those who want to simplify their life by going into the Alaskan wilderness or the forest of the Rocky Mountains. With this beautiful "ivorite slide rule" without the use of modern technology, which will be useless if and when the country's fragile power grid goes down. Do not be caught without a slide rule when constructing your bear proof or zombie proof shelter.

This is a picture of a slide rule

This exquisite piece of technology, created sometime between 1943 and 1947, is still in perfect working order. The advantage to this piece of equipment is that it does not require electricity of any type to operate. This slide rule come with a leather carrying case that fits snugly in a person's front shirt pocket. Also included is a slide rule instruction manual, for those who are not sure how to use this technology, and the original box.

Instructions on using slide rule

The bidding for this item begins at 50.00 USD13 or 65.00 EUR14. Shipping and handling will be added to the final price of this item and for the buyer who has no patience over night shipping or next day air is available.

The Story Behind the Slide Rule

For those of you who are wondering how I, a non-math person, acquired this historic piece of precomputer mathematics technology; the answer is simple. I bought it at a garage sale, actually it was a porch sale because the woman who sold it to me did not have a garage. It was one of those days when I was garage saling, looking for something, but I did not know what. I found it and my gut or my intuition ordered me to purchase the item. I am one of those people who believes that you will pay for ignoring the orders of your gut. You may not pay today or tomorrow, but eventually a price is demanded for ignoring your guts.

I have enjoyed this slide rule for several years now. I dust the box off at least once a month and I take the slide rule out to admire it beauty and functional form. I have selfishly enjoyed this item long enough. I think it is time for someone else to have the pleasure of admiring the exquisite beauty of this marvelous technological item.

Thought of the Day: “I was impressed by the scene in Apollo 13 where the astronauts request confirmation of their calculations and several people at Mission Control dive for their slide rules. For several months after that, my standard response to statements like "We must implement multi-processor object-oriented Java-based client-server technologies immediately!" was "You know, FORTRAN and slide rules put men on the moon and got them back safely multiple times."
Tended to shut them up, at least for a moment.”
- Matt Roberts

13  United States Dollars
14  Euros

July 11, 2013 at 11:55pm
July 11, 2013 at 11:55pm
The July 11, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum is
would you like to be able to converse with animals?

"If I could talk to the animals", wasn't there a song like that popular several years ago? Didn't Doctor Dolittle talk to the animals? I'm sure I saw the movie, but the only thing I can remember is a guy talking to a bunch of animals. I think the animals were in a zoo or a circus and I don't know if they answered Doctor Dolittle.

Would I like to be able to converse with animals? I do talk to the animals, they don't answer me back, but I talk to them anyway. As for holding a conversation with them, that might be fun. I suspect that a conversation with a cat or a dog would make more sense then a conversation with some humans. At least, the cat and the dog would answer back when I shouted hi to them.

*Cat* *Dog1* *Cat2* *Dog2*

Good morning, Mister Cat,
Would you like me to buy you a hat?
Or would you rather chase a rat?

*Cat* *Dog1* *Cat2* *Dog2*

Talk to the animals,
Say hello to each creature that you meet
But don't let any other human beings hear you greet
The animals because
They will look at you weird.

*Cat* *Dog1* *Cat2* *Dog2*

Food for Thought:
“If you talk to the animals they will talk with you
and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them
you will not know them, and what you do not know
you will fear. What one fears one destroys.”

- Dan George

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