Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana |
Well, hey there! Welcome to Roundup, Montana! If it's a nice day, we'll sit a spell on my porch and talk awhile. A poem captured my attention the other day. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget Falls drop by drop upon the heart, Until, in our own despair, Against our will, Comes wisdom Through the awful grace of God. Aeschylus What's on your mind today? |
The cold front has moved on, leaving ice behind. As cold fronts go, this wasn't too bad. There was one night the temperature dipped to -10°. Compare that to last year when it plunged to -40° for a low. I still walk, no matter the weather. As someone wrote, and I have this on my refrigerator: "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." I mean, come on. Get outside, walk in the fresh air. Germs hate cold. Plus your body needs to move. Yesterday I met with the new owner of the local newspaper. We chatted for a time. I signed a contract for my weekly column. Then she directed the conversation toward the fact that she is needing more help with the day-to-day operations. I sensed a feeling of her being overwhelmed by all the new chores she has taken on. So as we talked more, she asked my opinion on having someone in an office for one day a week. What should the pay be? Hourly or flat rate? What kind of duties, did I think these duties would be too much? Perhaps should that person work at home versus paying to get the currently vacant newspaper office up and running, and how much that would cost since she runs a tight operation. At the end of all this discussion, including asking about another contractor for the paper, would she be a good fit? Suddenly she says, "Norma, would you be willing to be that office person?" I agreed, since the flat rate for a day's work was fair, and I do have lots of time on my hands. But once I started thinking of this when I had time to process the whole conversation, I realized that the entire meeting was an interview. Or was it? I enjoy writing, I enjoy learning new things. And the idea of learning how to run a newspaper, well, that just sounds like an interesting venture. We did discuss the concept that printed news is perhaps dying. This newspaper has been in continuous operation since Roundup was established. So, since 1908 it has been the paper of record for Musselshell county. It is sad, but perhaps the day will come when it has to be stopped. But not right now. |
There's a cold front coming. It's going to get cold here tomorrow for a few days. But then again, it's January in Montana. It is okay to be cold. A few days in the single digits will do everyone good. Get the germs dead. Kill the bugs. But I know it's hard on those in the other parts of the world that aren't used to cold weather. So, button up. Turn on that heat. Break out the wool socks and hats and mittens. I think I've mentioned I have at least 5 winter coats. So now I'll morph into the -20° rated one. And my knee high Keen boots rated also to -20°. Snug and warm in those plus hat and mittens and wool sweater and lined pants. I've been attending the county commissioner meetings on Friday for a few weeks now. The three commissioners are a fun group of gentlemen. If there is nothing on the agenda, we chat about all sort of things. My pass into the meetings is my press pass. I gather info for the paper. But really I'm just there for the company and the free heat in the courthouse. It's heated with coal, so it's toasty warm. Today I listened to a conversation with the community health worker. Really a social worker the county has hired to help, especially in the schools. She is trying to get established, but having trouble getting all her 'ducks in a row' with the foundation funding her, getting an office established, and getting a county vehicle. Then I listened to another person who is helping with the funding of a long vacant property the county bought. It is a historic structure, 30,000 sq feet with immense potential. But it's been sitting empty for perhaps 40 years. So lots of rehab to be done. It has to have hazardous waste remediation then they want to sell it to a developer for a multi-use space. Retail and housing. Good idea, I hope it pans out. On Tuesday, I listened to an aide from the office of our district's House of Representatives to the US Congress. This young man was quite personable. But boy oh boy, he was a talker. I tried to distill what he said in the two hours he was there with the commissioners, and I am still working on it for the paper. During both these occasions I spoke up and gave my personal opinions. Perhaps I won't be allowed back in. But sometimes, you just have to state the obvious. Like, why isn't someone helping the healthcare worker get established? It's been 3 months. Don't let this certain developer get the project, he already has one in town he's been working on for 5+ year. And do you know about this in SE Montana? Tell your boss. |
We got even more snow lately. That is on top of what we got earlier in the week. The problem is when the snow melts during the day, then freezes overnight. All the streets and sidewalks become skating rinks. For whatever reason, the city doesn't plow the streets. The Main Street through town is plowed by the State. That is the only way it is clear. So everybody is mad at the city for that. Then the other day orange stickers appeared on vehicles parked on streets. The vehicles that hadn't moved in weeks, or months, or years got stickers. So now everyone is mad about that. It's a city ordinance. But no one likes rules if they have to pay when they break them. I know on my street there were multiple vehicles with warning stickers. A few got moved, and one I saw the owner curse and rip off the sticker. Whatever. I guess the rules don't apply to her, even though she is a schoolteacher. Hmm. I know I am glad we did get snow. It is moisture. Something that will help us come fire season next year. We understand all too well what wildfires can do. So I am watching the fires on CA and so sad for everyone. But those winds... Sometimes we get those dry 60-75 MPH red flag warning winds in the summer. Scary times. |
Today we had quite the weather. Oh I know, there is always 'weather'. Well here today we had first off, high winds. Sounded like my roof was going to blow off. Then came some rain - wind-driven. The next time I looked outside, about 5 minutes later, giant snowflakes were being tossed about - again, wind-driven. Gradually all that commotion settled down, and it was just a gentle 20 MPH breeze. At this point, I felt confident enough to take a walk and do some errands. Then once I got home it started all over again. Wind and snow. Lucky for everyone, this all happened when it got to above freezing here in town. Out of town, another story I'm sure. I did get to see the ortho doctor about my hand the other day. He is still not sure why I have pain in one particular spot. And this is the spot on the side of my left hand where I am sure the hand hit the sidewalk. It just hurts all the time. I try to put on glove or mittens, yikes. So anyway, after some discussion, his current theory is that perhaps some arthritis is setting in. He offered a cortisone shot in that area. Ever had one? I've had several in my hip. The damaged hip from a car accident over 10 years ago really bothered me for a time. So about every 6 months I'd get a cortisone shot there. I remember they were uncomfortable to get. It hasn't gotten any better with time. He did numb the area with a spray to help, and that wasn't a whole lot of fun. Then the injection right in the side of my hand. Again - yikes! Hurts not too bad but enough to be glad it's over. I have to give it 2-3 weeks before the medicine has effect. So I guess it's a tradeoff - a little pain for a great deal of gain. These injections can last 6-12 months. Steroids are wonderful, but you cannot overdo them. It just jumpstarts your immune system to help with the pain/inflammation in the area injected. And the ones used for pain control are NOT the type used by athletes/body builders. We are glad for many things, most of all the moisture that all the snow and rain bring. And for modern medicine that can help when you are hurting. |
Snow and lots of it! Finally, a decent amount of snow on the ground. And no, we're not talking feet here. We're talking inches. Perhaps 3? But for this part of Montana that is a nice storm. Winter storm warning til 11:00 PM tomorrow. The ski areas west of here got dumped on. So, Big Sky south of Bozeman got feet of snow. They are rejoicing. But then, if you have to make millions of dollars in three months, I guess you get a bit giddy when it snows a bunch. Then you pray people can drive to you. I spent a fun few hours today with the county commissioners. I was trying to gather some information for the newspaper. I got a few tidbits, but mainly just had a good time talking to the shepherds of the county. They have a lot going on right now. Lots of projects, lots of moving parts. But we mainly talked about history, books, anything but what they usually deal with. It was a day they have blocked out for a public meeting. No one was begging for their attention, so we just chatted. I just got through with a big knitting project. I had ordered some knitting kits last year right before I fell and broke my hand. That broke my heart to see that yarn sitting around. So about two months ago, I started one of the projects and finally finished it last night. It was a bugger. It's not perfect, but good enough. A vest in a complicated pattern that I worked on each night, a few rows at a time. It was probably good exercise for a hand that was all crippled up, and still gives me fits. So now on to the next, easier project. It's going to be a long winter, so I need to keep busy. Writing, reading, knitting, talking to friends. |
It finally is snowing in my part of Montana. The western part of the state got lots of snow, good for the ski areas. But we got rain all day yesterday. Now this morning the snow is moving in. This is the first real snow of the season. And pretty late in coming. You know how they send pictures from years ago to you on Facebook? Well, I've been getting some from 5 - 6 years ago. Lots of snow. We are just in a dry spell, it seems. I officially resigned from the Chamber duties the other day. I printed out the responses to the survey for the Christmas event. All the paperwork is in the hands of the clerk. Whew. Glad to be done with that stressor. Then last night I sent the survey results to the event organizer. So the Chamber has the results, the organizer has the results. And they are not all wonderful. Perhaps I mentioned there was one that's a little snarky. Now it's up to the powers that be to deal with that, or not. I saw yesterday that the fireworks stand is up and running. Great. Fireworks tomorrow night for sure. But at least it's only a night, perhaps two to deal with the constant bombing. Not like the 4th of July where it's two weeks of insanity. So I think I will just sit here and look out my window at the snow falling gently. I have nowhere to go, so I don't have to worry about driving. But then I grew up in NE Ohio in the snow belt. It's the other people I worry about. No wind to blow the snow about, just a nice white blanket. Lovely. |
I pray everyone had a good Christmas, if you celebrate that holiday. Let's see, mine was uneventful. We didn't exchange gifts. No big deal. My gift is the too-expensive eye drops coming tomorrow. Yikes. My husband? He didn't get anything from me. He doesn't really need anything. So, there is that. We got one present from my husband's son's family. They send an ornament every year with the children's pictures on it. Fine. But since we don't even put up a tree, it just goes in the decoration box. Someday someone will have to decide what to do with all that stuff. I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning and doing computer work. Then I took a nice walk in the sun. Still no snow here. Weird. My husband went to a friend's house for the day. So I guess the holiday was a non-event for us. Every year, it just gets worse and worse for me. I think next year I'll take a trip South to sun. Perhaps a beach. That might be nice. Eye drops made from my own blood serum - promised tomorrow by FedEx. We'll see. Pun unintended but funny none the less. |
So I did the blood draw as the first step for the eye drops. And indeed - 11 tubes of blood. Now I am a hard stick for any type of blood draw. It usually takes a small needle, a butterfly is what it's called. So, after being poked at least 7 times, and after about an hour, the lady finally got the 11 tubes of blood. Gracious. I remember once, ages ago now, I went somewhere to sell my plasma. This was during a time when things were bad, money was tight, and you could make a few good bucks a few times a month doing the plasma thing. The people took one look at my veins and said, no dice. They could 'get the blood out but not back in' or something to that effect. Darn. Then there was a time when I had surgery but was severely anemic. I had to have a blood transfusion. At least 4 units of blood. My hemoglobin was down around 6 - normal is 13 to 14. I ended up with phlebitis in my arm. Which is an inflammation of the veins, not a fun thing. So the other day I told this young lady doing this blood draw that I did have blood, she did find some, I just don't want to let it go. But she did have some tricks up her sleeve - so if I have to do this all over again in 6 months, I know what to expect. She did give me some feedback from others that have had these drops made, and it was all good. So I'm encouraged by that. The company called me the next day so they did receive my blood. I paid the fee, and should receive the drops next Friday. Not the 48 hours promised, but because of the holiday, not too bad I guess. I pray they work and improve my sight and my eyes. Strange protocol. Ain't science wonderful... |
A week to go - then Christmas. But the most exciting part for me is the yearly march back to more daylight! The holiday times are a non-event. I don't have family or a big celebration any more. I don't even cook or exchange presents anymore. I did get a little something for a friend as she gave me a gift. After 50 some years of nothing from anyone, well, it is over for me. I just hunker down and spend this dark time working my little jobs in town. I write for the paper, I am secretary for the refuse committee. These two jobs give me some spending money, just a bit. And keep my brain engaged. Yesterday I went, again, to the eye doctor. He is very concerned about my eye health. Seems my dry eye problem is serious. Okay, well, we decided on a unique treatment plan. Now I have never heard of this before. I go tomorrow to have my blood drawn. At least 11 vials, per the company doing this. The blood will then be sent to a compounding company that will extract the serum from my blood. They will then make a dry eye formula for me. It will be 60% fluid, preservative free, and 40% my own blood serum. Seems this has success in helping with the dry eye problem. Autologous serum. Huh. Who knew this existed. The other alternative is something using the tissue from harvested placentas. Yep - this is a treatment. Something about taking that tissue, making them into discs that are placed on your eye. Your eye is bandaged for a time. The drawback is the treatment is painful, or can be. And only one eye at a time can be done. Um, sounds creepy to me. So, the price for both are about equal. And pricey. But if they somehow conquer this problem. they are worth it. And the one I chose is not covered by insurance. The placenta one, perhaps. There is a drug, but it costs $28K. Not even considering that. My eye doctor states this is perhaps neurotrophic in nature. So when I looked up this, dry eye can be caused by a traumatic brain injury. I think my brain surgeries can qualify for that definition. Terrific. But ultimately if you don't treat the problem, you can have serious problems with your eyes. And since I don't want to lose my sight, I am jumping on this treatment. So, Merry Christmas to me! Eye drops 4xday made from my own blood. What a strange and unusual gift! |
Well the blasted Christmas stroll is over. The leader of the event was every bit as annoying as I feared she would be. She touts herself as this big marketing genius- yet there was little to no regular exposure of the event beyond some Facebook posts. Our population here in town is leaning toward the elderly, those who are reluctant to fully embrace all the new technologies. Granted, some do. But some are not so quick to go first to Facebook, TikTok, X and all the other mumbo jumbo hocus hocus out there. But the leader of the event does ALL her marketing in that world. Hmm. She spoke down and disparagingly to vendors, promised paper maps (which were never ever produced), held on to monies paid to her for vendor spaces for weeks, and just generally was a burr in the sides of many good hearted people. And, oh, by the way, she is Roundup's Celebrity. WHAT? I never heard of her until she took the reins for this. Ah well. Enough. I am done. Except for an opinion poll I published for the vendors. And boy did that make Miss Celebrity mad. Probably because she didn't do it first. But you know, strike when the iron is hot, as they say. The poll went out the hours after the event finished. And I have some quite enlightening comments. Beyond that annoying piece of my life, all else is quiet. And thank you for that. I did go to a SouthEast Montana Tourism event yesterday. I always enjoy those meetings. It was bittersweet as the director is moving to Minnesota. After 8 years at the helm, she is moving on. Darn. She was a good director. But I am sure we will get a good replacement. The Billings Chamber of Commerce is our sponsor and is already interviewing. But change is hard. Christmas is a hard time for me, and many others. The days are dark, the nights are long. There is no family nearby. I always struggle this time of year. I have been using my sunlight lamp each morning, and taking extra Vitamin D. But still, dark days make for a dark mood. SAD hits me hard. But a few more weeks and all will change with the winter solstice when we start adding sunlight again. |