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Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana |
Well, hey there! Welcome to Roundup, Montana! If it's a nice day, we'll sit a spell on my porch and talk awhile. A poem captured my attention the other day. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget Falls drop by drop upon the heart, Until, in our own despair, Against our will, Comes wisdom Through the awful grace of God. Aeschylus What's on your mind today? |
I got the good 'end of winter not quite yet' creeping crud. Cough, congestion. I think this is related to feeling crappy last week. Possibly related to fainting last week. Everyone in town that I know is coughing. No one has the flu or Covid or RSV. No fever. Weird. So I've been taking cough syrup and mucus relief. You know what they say about a cold, treat it and it'll last a week. Don't treat it, it'll be gone in a week. But that is barring complications, so don't take this as medical advice. I went to the County Commissioner's meeting on Friday last, as I do now. Everyone in the courthouse, with few exceptions, was coughing. I hope I wasn't contagious. Oh well, if I was, bad on me. It's a nice spell of weather right now, 50's and 60's. Bright blue skies and the snow is virtually gone. The Musselshell County DES people, the fine men that monitor such things told the commissioners that the rapid snow melt yielded 1-3 inches of water. Nice. Good for the upcoming spring and inevitable dry summer we'll have. No major flooding, also good. I walked down by the river, running muddy and fast, but not over the banks. Ice floes on the river banks, but not crowded under two bridges as they usually are in flooding. Tomorrow I have to go talk to the hand specialist about my MRI done a few weeks ago. I have to see what the magic machine saw. Is it fixable, or do I just treat the symptoms? Do I throw more $$ at this, with recovery time, or just gut it out?? ROI is in the back of my mind. Especially if I am thinking of major dental work soon. My hand does hurt today, but I think it's a change in weather coming, windy tomorrow with another snow storm possible. I need to get back into the swing of things here on the site. Is anyone else being thrown into the doldrums with world events?? I seem to be. So I have to buck up and ignore and get back to writing. I really do. |
You know how I keep saying it's always something? Well yesterday I had a weird episode. I wake up at the usual time. I'm feeling a bit fuzzy around the edges. Not really myself. I'm sure many of you have had that same feeling. Sort of when you're coming down with a cold or coming out of being sick. Just not on 'top' of things. So I go downstairs to get something to eat and drink for breakfast. Then as I walk back upstairs I start to get this real strange dizzy lightheaded not-all-there feeling. So, time to head for the bed, I think. Next thing I know I wake up on the floor. I'd been out for maybe 5 or 10 minutes. WHAT??? I'd banged my knee, the one that was repaired, a good bit. Confused as can be. So I lay down for a time trying to figure this out. Was this a syncope? TIA? (fainting or mini-stroke) Hmm. Well, I knew somewhere we had a blood pressure cuff machine. So, sure enough, my B/P is elevated. Now my B/P usually runs low. Which in itself is not good. But the opposite end of the spectrum is also not good. Too high of a blood pressure is not good as we all know. So why did mine suddenly get so high?? I did go to church yesterday, and to an event last night to report for the paper. Seemed to be fine. The rest of the time I've been hydrating, eating small meals, and trying to not exert. I will call the clinic tomorrow and see if I can get an appointment. I've been taking my B/P and keeping note of the readings. Due diligence on my part. Egads. |
We are in the midst of a winter storm warning. So far, about two feet of snow is on the ground. The current snow added a few inches. But the roads once you get out of town are fine. In town, well, good luck. The little mail truck got stuck across the street from my house today. And he has chains on it. I went to Billings yesterday early for an MRI, so I popped into the dentist office to make an appointment for Thursday for my tooth extraction. Whoopee. Then I went to Albertson’s, bought a few things. Then with more time left, I went to Perkins for a quick lunch. Ha. I sat and sat. The waitress finally came and got my order. Then I sat and sat. She brought out said order. I ordered tomato soup and a sandwich. Whoops, it was not tomato soup. So I said, well just take back the soup, change it to tomato while I eat the sandwich. OH NO! That could not happen. So the plate sat while she puttered with other people. At this point, I am watching the clock on the wall. 45 minutes wasted, I am getting anxious about time. So I got up and left. I hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink, so I don’t feel guilty about dissing her. As I walk out, I see at least 5 people standing around waiting to pay, at least 5 more groups waiting to be seated. No one to help anyone. Yikes. Bad management I am thinking. So I headed down the road to a little deli we found a while back. In and out in 20 minutes. My MRI yesterday was fine. 1/2 hour lying on my stomach with my affected hand in a cradle-like thing. No problem. I've had many an MRI and I go into a zone, counting the magnets banging and booming. But it's a heck of a deal when your nose starts to itch and you cannot scratch it. Results in a few weeks. Made it back in one piece. Kept the Jeep in 4-wheel drive the entire time. It’s just nasty cold, though. And again today, nasty cold again. The high today is perhaps 10 degrees. Okay for walking a short distance, which I've done already. Then it's off in a bit to the city council meeting for the paper. There is an item on the agenda I want to hear. It might quell a rumor someone told me. Small town drama... |
So update on the tooth trouble - it seems that I cannot have a new root canal done. There is a break in the tooth root. That tooth needs to be pulled. What??? Now the specialist I went to see was especially nice. Nicest dentist ever. He comes in and says, "I have bad news for you." Oh mercy, I think. I'm already on edge about all the procedure to be done. "I cannot help you today. I am SO sorry. This is bad news for you. Not the news you want to hear." Then he proceeds to tell me, and show me the 3-D picture, the x-ray, of what is happening. "Yes, I could do the repair, but the infection will come back. You will pay for all that work and it will last for perhaps a year. Why would you do that?" So we discussed options, and really the only option, besides leaving a gap, would be to get an implant. And boy would that be an ordeal. And that would take over a year to achieve. Plus big bucks. SOOO, call to my regular dentist to get the tooth pulled resulted in "We'll have to discuss this, and call you back. You may have to go to a specialist." Whatever... In the meantime. It's been snowing. Big time. We have about a foot of snow on the ground. A big storm coming, they say. Great! I love a good snow storm. It's good for the ground moisture. Good for the dry season ahead. But here's the kicker, I have to go to Billings tomorrow for an MRI on my hand. The hand I broke over a year ago, that is still giving me trouble. that had surgery, then that injection, still giving me pain. So the last option is an MRI to check the joint in that area. Who knew there's a small joint right at the side of your hand? And if those bones are just the least little bit off center, it can cause pain. So I really don't want to miss this appointment. But, if there is a foot of snow on the roads, well...we'll see what happens today and tonight. Beyond all this drama. people in town are all up in arms about a few different developments. A big water project has been in the works for years. The water in our town is ugly. It's full of iron, manganese, and lots of other minerals that eat up pipes and appliances. It smells bad and is a rusty color. We have multiple filters and drink reverse osmosis water in our home. Most people buy bottled water. Well, there is a big project that is almost completed to Roundup. Multi-year and federally funded. Now it's on pause due to the federal funding freeze. Great. Construction companies are on hold, people out of work. People in town mad. Then there is a restaurant building in town that is being shuttered. It's in the flood plain. So it got bought out by a FEMA grant. Now everyone is mad that it is being torn down. They're concerned about a big decorative iron horse that is on a pole that is historic. What is happening to it? And what about the summer flea market on that space? It already has been flooded out once or twice, The business has been failing, the owner hasn't paid his taxes in years. Take the money and run. I find out a lot about controversies when I sit in on the county commissioner's meetings each week for the newspaper. It's like being a fly on the wall. You find out all the politics and juicy gossip. |
Another day, another challenge. This time I have a toothache. Now this has been getting worse for a few days, so I called the dentist this morning. I didn't want things to progress over the weekend. Seems a tooth I had worked on at least 20 years ago is now going south on me. There is a cap on it. The inner part of the remaining tooth is showing signs of decay, hence the pain. The one anchor of the cap is broken, per the X-ray. So now I have to go to ANOTHER provider and have the entire tooth redone. Cap off, root canal redone. And take antibiotic for a week to help with the pain. Great. And I see a few too many $$$$. I cannot get in until next Wednesday. Okay, but then I got miffed about that. I was planning to go to the SE Montana tourism meeting which happens on that same day. And stay overnight in Glendive - 3 hours east of me. Bugger...That plan got changed in a hurry. Tooth trumped trip. Oh - and it's still snowing here. Another winter storm watch for tonight. Yippee!!!! On a different note, I sat down with our new county attorney the other day. I wanted to interview him for the paper. I've interacted with this man several times at the refuse committee meetings and the county commissioner meetings. We've also met up at a few city council meetings. Just a nice person who happens to be originally from Ohio, as am I. Ben came in September to Roundup to take the place of the other county attorney who became the 14th Judicial District judge. Ben's still finding his way in the community and is trying hard to do what is right. I cannot even imagine the battles of an attorney in our current world. I liked one thought he had: " 'primacy of place in your mind’. It’s a promise you make to yourself that, no matter what, you’re not going to lie, you’re not going to steal, you’re not going to kill or take drugs. You draw that line. and realize those rules are easy to follow, easy to remember". |
We got a good deal of snow over 2 days. Probably 4-5 inches here in town. And with the snow, cold temperatures. Single digits for highs and below zero for nighttime lows. Today it was nice, sunny and bright. I walked about the two days of snow, no problem. And again today, no problem. Glad for those who shoveled their walks. But if they didn't, I just walked in the street. Sad news yesterday for me. A friend I know, from Ohio like me, and goes to my church, died in his sleep. Now, this man had fallen years ago from a construction site, he was a steelworker. Multiple injuries he recovered from, although in pain most of the time. Great person, married to a wonderful woman. They moved here a few years ago from California- bought land. Have a great house, lots of pampered animals. Horses, cows, chickens, llamas, goats, you name it. Well, according to his wife, he fell and hit his head on concrete earlier in the day. But, no complaint of headache, no complaint of anything. He went to bed as usual. She woke in the morning to find him dead beside her. Sad, but then as I thought about it, he is okay. No more pain. Just slipped away. I think the fall and hitting his head did it. Probably suffered a brain bleed. The pain is his family left behind. His wife, adult children and grandchildren. A death as sudden and as unexpected as this is shocking. So I guess the lesson is you never know when you will breathe your last. Could be today, tonight, or tomorrow. Or it could be decades from now. Take care. |
Today is Groundhog Day. And right now it is snowing. Plus the temperature is dropping. It is supposed to be about 2 degrees for a high tomorrow with the temperature dipping below zero tomorrow night. But it is winter. So right on schedule! Click on the picture to read a message from Florida.
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The cold front has moved on, leaving ice behind. As cold fronts go, this wasn't too bad. There was one night the temperature dipped to -10°. Compare that to last year when it plunged to -40° for a low. I still walk, no matter the weather. As someone wrote, and I have this on my refrigerator: "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing." I mean, come on. Get outside, walk in the fresh air. Germs hate cold. Plus your body needs to move. Yesterday I met with the new owner of the local newspaper. We chatted for a time. I signed a contract for my weekly column. Then she directed the conversation toward the fact that she is needing more help with the day-to-day operations. I sensed a feeling of her being overwhelmed by all the new chores she has taken on. So as we talked more, she asked my opinion on having someone in an office for one day a week. What should the pay be? Hourly or flat rate? What kind of duties, did I think these duties would be too much? Perhaps should that person work at home versus paying to get the currently vacant newspaper office up and running, and how much that would cost since she runs a tight operation. At the end of all this discussion, including asking about another contractor for the paper, would she be a good fit? Suddenly she says, "Norma, would you be willing to be that office person?" I agreed, since the flat rate for a day's work was fair, and I do have lots of time on my hands. But once I started thinking of this when I had time to process the whole conversation, I realized that the entire meeting was an interview. Or was it? I enjoy writing, I enjoy learning new things. And the idea of learning how to run a newspaper, well, that just sounds like an interesting venture. We did discuss the concept that printed news is perhaps dying. This newspaper has been in continuous operation since Roundup was established. So, since 1908 it has been the paper of record for Musselshell county. It is sad, but perhaps the day will come when it has to be stopped. But not right now. |
There's a cold front coming. It's going to get cold here tomorrow for a few days. But then again, it's January in Montana. It is okay to be cold. A few days in the single digits will do everyone good. Get the germs dead. Kill the bugs. But I know it's hard on those in the other parts of the world that aren't used to cold weather. So, button up. Turn on that heat. Break out the wool socks and hats and mittens. I think I've mentioned I have at least 5 winter coats. So now I'll morph into the -20° rated one. And my knee high Keen boots rated also to -20°. Snug and warm in those plus hat and mittens and wool sweater and lined pants. I've been attending the county commissioner meetings on Friday for a few weeks now. The three commissioners are a fun group of gentlemen. If there is nothing on the agenda, we chat about all sort of things. My pass into the meetings is my press pass. I gather info for the paper. But really I'm just there for the company and the free heat in the courthouse. It's heated with coal, so it's toasty warm. Today I listened to a conversation with the community health worker. Really a social worker the county has hired to help, especially in the schools. She is trying to get established, but having trouble getting all her 'ducks in a row' with the foundation funding her, getting an office established, and getting a county vehicle. Then I listened to another person who is helping with the funding of a long vacant property the county bought. It is a historic structure, 30,000 sq feet with immense potential. But it's been sitting empty for perhaps 40 years. So lots of rehab to be done. It has to have hazardous waste remediation then they want to sell it to a developer for a multi-use space. Retail and housing. Good idea, I hope it pans out. On Tuesday, I listened to an aide from the office of our district's House of Representatives to the US Congress. This young man was quite personable. But boy oh boy, he was a talker. I tried to distill what he said in the two hours he was there with the commissioners, and I am still working on it for the paper. During both these occasions I spoke up and gave my personal opinions. Perhaps I won't be allowed back in. But sometimes, you just have to state the obvious. Like, why isn't someone helping the healthcare worker get established? It's been 3 months. Don't let this certain developer get the project, he already has one in town he's been working on for 5+ year. And do you know about this in SE Montana? Tell your boss. |
We got even more snow lately. That is on top of what we got earlier in the week. The problem is when the snow melts during the day, then freezes overnight. All the streets and sidewalks become skating rinks. For whatever reason, the city doesn't plow the streets. The Main Street through town is plowed by the State. That is the only way it is clear. So everybody is mad at the city for that. Then the other day orange stickers appeared on vehicles parked on streets. The vehicles that hadn't moved in weeks, or months, or years got stickers. So now everyone is mad about that. It's a city ordinance. But no one likes rules if they have to pay when they break them. I know on my street there were multiple vehicles with warning stickers. A few got moved, and one I saw the owner curse and rip off the sticker. Whatever. I guess the rules don't apply to her, even though she is a schoolteacher. Hmm. I know I am glad we did get snow. It is moisture. Something that will help us come fire season next year. We understand all too well what wildfires can do. So I am watching the fires on CA and so sad for everyone. But those winds... Sometimes we get those dry 60-75 MPH red flag warning winds in the summer. Scary times. |