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Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Oh well done. I enjoyed this new take on the old fairytale of Jack and the Beanstalk.
It was a shame that there was no castle, golden goose or giant though. How disappointing it was to find only Sad Sally who needed to be rescued.
I loved Jack and the Beanstalk when I was very small except when it was on as a pantomime and the giant stuck his massive head out of the castle window. I had to be taken outside, I was screaming so much!
Good luck in the contest.
Review of Inhabitable  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi there, I’m reviewing this story for, ‘I write 2021’.
Thanks for sharing this tongue in cheek piece. It illustrates quite nicely what an alien race would consider about our Earth. Certainly they find it an unsuitable place to invade and make their own. We have pretty well made a bit of a mess of it, that’s for sure.
I liked the story very much. The only comment I have is the lack of punctuation.
I have made a few suggestions, as seen below.
Cheers Sue.

“Have we reached?” The commander of the ship turned his gaze to the navigator, whose screen was lit with bright red dots.
“Look out of the window on your right, sir. The planet will come up shortly.”
Alute, commander of the ship which was sent out to search for a habitable planet, looked out to see a blue planet come into view.
"Let's hope we find this one habitable for our species," He commented hopefully, rising from his seat and walking up to the window.
"The initial studies were positive, sir, and it already has life on it, probably intelligent life, according to our collected data.”
"Send a probe and collect samples of air and water. Let’s see what we have here," Alute instructed, continuing to gaze out of the window.

"Sir, the results of the probe are available on your screen.”
Alute, moved to the screen and gazed at the various parameters of the analysis of water and air of the blue planet.
"I don't like this place. Every part of the planet is polluted, not one nook has been left unpolluted.” Alute's disappointment was clear from his voice.
"Maybe we can purify it, sir," one of the crew suggested, hoping that they could end their search.
"No. We don't have the time and resources to purify something that has been so badly maintained. Lets go to the option we had searched for." Alute sat back in his chair moving his gaze away from the blue planet.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there, I’m reviewing this free verse poem as a fellow member of the I write 2021 group.
This was quite a challenge for you to include so many words into a poem. As I am certainly no poet, or even claim to be anyone in a position to comment, it certainly was a great effort. Well done.
I liked the idea of such an insignificant little bird as a sparrow, having dreams of grandeur, imagining itself as a the majestic eagle.
Cheers Sue
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi my name is Sue. Please remember these are just one person’s opinions. I hope you find something here useful and if not discard the rest with good cheer.

*TagO*What I liked best
I love the who,e story, it had me hooked from the get go. Of course as it’s entered in Twisted Tales I half expected the twist. However it was expertly done.

*TagO*Opening paragraph.
The start of the story is great. It immediately shows what’s going on in the story. It sets the place and time. A schoolyard bully taking out his own insecurities on a perceived weaker boy.

Steven and Allen. Two boys of the same age in the same grade. Allen was the one who seemingly is the weaker, being picked on by the school bully Steven. From the outset the reader wishes bad things would happen to Steven, a nasty , viscious piece of work. Of course as everyone knows bullies are usually frightened creatures, covering up their weaknesses by taking them out on perceived weaker beings.

*TagO*Parting comments.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. Good luck with the Twisted Tales Contest.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

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for entry "Traveling Teddy [355]
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Ahhhh! What else can I say? A beautiful story KĂ„re Enga in Montana told with feelings, empathy and wistfulness.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
Cheers Sue

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Review of Elvis  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I loved this poem. Thank you so much for sharing, it brightened up an otherwise drab old day. I loved the segue between verses three and four, very cleverly done.
The last verse made me laugh when the person realises he’s a little tipsy.
Good job.

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Review of Way Down We Go  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi, T. J. I loved this story. It sustained the darkness throughout, from the beginning to the demise of Pat the Cat. It seems Mrs Nelson had been asking around the city for someone to carry out her killing before eventually finding her mercenary.
Her demise probably wasn’t the swift clean ending she’d envisaged. A frenzied knife attack surely wouldn’t have been her choice.
I’m not really convinced Mr Slate would have had the time and opportunity to get to the airport, carrying a sawn off shotgun and rigged up a booby trap?
However it would have been a sort of justice for the beating he experienced.
Great story, well written.
Cheers Sue

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, welcome to WdC. Thanks for sharing this lovely poem about your dad. It is charming, delightful and emotional. It is written from the view point of a child who adores his dad. Sees him as an all powerful being. Then he realises as we all do that no one is perfect. But he still loves his dad, poached eggs and corned beef hash. I loved reading it and look forward to reading more in the future.
Cheers Sue

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi my name is Sue. Please remember these are just one person’s opinions. I hope you find something here useful and if not discard the rest with good cheer.

*TagO*What I liked best
What I liked best was how you managed to write such a complex story using the story suggestion. It was a great idea. You must have quite the devious mind! Well done for making it sound almost plausible.

*TagO*Opening paragraph.
The opening paragraph introduces us to one of the strong women characters. It also gives the reader an insight to the mystery about to unfold, when Bea receives the obscure text message.

There are two main characters. Bea and Eileen. Both around the same age I’d imagined and both career women. The differences between them were that Bea seemed more of a go getter, more confident perhaps. Whilst Eileen came across as being a little more vulnerable and a bad judge of character according to her choice of friends. Tiffany and Ed are examples of the people who she is attracted to or was taken advantage of by.

*TagO*Grammar and spelling.
I tried to come up with suggestions for you to improve this first draft. I hate criticising people’s stories but as part of this contest this is what we’re asked to do. Well not criticise so much as to suggest ways to make the finished item as snappy and sharp as possible. These are what I came up with.
I printed the story out to review it. I’ve found I can see ways of improvement better when I read stories on paper. One of the things which stood out to me were the length of the sentences. I feel shortening many of the sentences would make the story sharper.

Example Bea sat in the kitchen that evening drinking coffee, determined she would take a holiday from work for a bit as the headache stung behind her eyes, she obviously wasn’t well and she had been seriously overdoing it recently, working twelve-hour days, mostly on the computer, that surely can’t be good for me, she thought. That sentence could be shorter.
As these thoughts permeated her mind, a severe pain shot through Bea’s head, the coffee cup dropped to the floor, shattering. Her face turned grey and her eyes seemed to lose themselves, appearing to be looking elsewhere. Bea was walking with great pace down a street she didn’t recognise, it was beginning to get dark, it felt as if there was a point to where she was going but Bea had no idea where that was. It was cold, a coat tapped against her shins along with something cold. What was going on? Whatever it was she couldn’t stop, she just had to keep walking. Then she appeared to arrive at her destination while she was still trying to figure out what the coat was all about and what the cold part of the coat was which kept brushing her leg? She had stopped across the street from Jocelyn’s Publishing House, she knew it well, had some dealings with them from time to time, but why was she here now, it was late, although she knew people would still be working. She began walking again, she was seeing it as if through a body cam, but one set over her eyes, she didn’t seem to look down, just ahead at where she was going. She walked through the door, there were six people still working, getting a book ready for publication. In this paragraph the word she is written 15 times and four sentences start with ‘she.’ I myself fall into this same trap. Maybe by a little restructuring you could get rid of a few she’s

I found perhaps there were too many adverbs, ly, words, that when I removed them, didn’t detract too much from the story. It seemed to make the sentences seem sharper. However that is definitely up to you to decide.

It would be easier for the reader if you left a bigger space when you change characters. ( well for this reader, anyway!)

There was one spelling error I found. Dependent, not dependant. Always put a comma before someone’s name, and in dialogue a punctuation mark should go before the closing quote mark.

*TagO*Parting comments.

I loved the story. It was clever, plausible and kept this reader interested and keen to reach the finale. Well done in the contest.

Cheers Sue

Frog in a Hanging Basket

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stir Crazy  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi my name is Sue. Please remember these are just one person’s opinions. I hope you find something here useful and if not discard the rest with good cheer.

*TagO*What I liked best
I loved the uniqueness of the story. You took the premise of the lone spaceman going gradually stir crazy and ran with it. You gave the story a twist of humour which made reading it a pleasure.

*TagO*Opening paragraph.
You introduce the main character straight away. By describing his bland meal, we, the reader, are realising how drab and boring his life is and that he has run out of all staples and anything enjoyable to eat.

The first sentence could read a bit better, I think. John ate his processed protein slurry like he had every day for he had lost count of how long. Perhaps write John hate his processed protein slurry. He’d lost count of how long it had been since his dehydrated food ran out
He grew his own nutrient slurries from the cultures the base had in stock

In the second paragraph, you wrote John began to suit up. Perhaps suited up sounds better?.re-patched}

4th paragraph: it was really beginning to wear him down. maybe: it was wearing him down.
Just a suggestion to differentiate the voices of the “hallucinations” they could be written in italics.

19th paragraph: There was a glass front door like what John remembered.. This sentence could be better.

20th paragraph: How long had it been.? missing question mark.

The spaceman, John, is the main character. The others are to all intents and purposes, figments of his imagination. I enjoyed the way you brought these other characters into the story, especially his mother. Seeing her would certainly send him over the edge and would be enough to convince him of his madness.

*TagO*Grammar and spelling. I couldn’t find much in the way of spelling mistakes or grammar except for a dearth of commas. Maybe run it through a grammar check?

*TagO*Parting comments.

You did a fantastic, imaginative job with the story idea. I loved reading and really enjoyed the last sentence. Well done.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Forest Friends  
Review by Sumojo
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you so much for the lovely invitation to your party. I’d love to come. Just let me know the time and place. Going shopping now for a new dress.
Cheers Sue
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I’m reviewing this poem as part of ‘I write 2021’
Thanks for giving me a wry smile as I read this.
I have just spent the best part of an hour (that I’ll never get back,) trying to write a poem for this same contest. I’m afraid poetry writing doesn’t come easy to me. That is why when I see a poem I like, it gives me pleasure and a sense of admiration for people such as yourself who make it look easy. Well done. I wish you well in the contest.
Cheers Sue

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of It's All I Wanted  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi my name is Sue. Please remember these are just one person’s opinions. I hope you find something here useful and if not discard the rest with good cheer.

*TagO*What I liked best
I loved the idea of someone realising what it was they needed. Not simply needed but longed for enough to get in their car and actually go and find it.

*TagO*Opening paragraph.

I loved the title. That was what drew me in to read the story. The protagonist awoke on the eve of her birthday with a sudden desire to drive to the coast. To a place she’d only read about but somehow it meant home to her. This story speaks of childhood longings, an urge to return to the place of our birth. Perhaps that’s why birds and turtles return to their place of nesting, even if it means travelling thousands of miles. I loved the idea that yearning was within a human being too.

One character only, enough for this solo odyssey. She appears to be a woman who had done what everyone else needed her to do and has then decided it was her time, her day and her journey.

*TagO*Grammar and spelling.
There were just a few things. Austin and the surrounding area wasn't so bad when I was a kid. It should read weren’t so bad
In the second paragraph the fourth sentence, But everything shut down, everyone was scared. I was pushed into a life I couldn't take any more of sounded a little confusing to me. Perhaps consider omitting? The words hardworking should be one word.

*TagO*Parting comments.

A lovely little story. It was inspiring. We all must feel like getting into our cars and simply driving to a place where in our imagination is a place called home.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of MA, DON'T CRY  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you so much for sharing these heartfelt words. It reminds me of all the brave young men the world has lost through warfare.
My grandson is in the Australian Army. He works on helicopters and follows where ever they get posted. He is only 23 years old and I pray he stays safe.
No matter what era you may have written this poem in, things never change. Young men leave their families to go to fight for their countries, but it’s always for their mothers they say their final farewells.
Lovely words.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Promises  
Review by Sumojo
Rated: E | (4.0)
These are lovely sentiments. This poem would make a perfect wedding vow.
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I'm reviewing this story as a fellow contestant on I write 2021.
The beginning of this story pulled me in and I stayed. I really enjoyed reading it, wanting to know what was really going on. I must admit I’m still not really sure.
The whole time was surreal. Did Ruby really have a medical episode? I thought maybe she was having an aneurysm or something similar.
Anyway I don’t suppose it really matters as Henry too was experiencing the same event in his dreams.
The reader needs to suspend belief and go along with the premise that these two lovers were meant to be together and it took a certain state of being for it to happen.
Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you do well in the contest.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with Merit Badges for Fun  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
ruwth This is a powerful story. I was hooked from the first verse as the girl left her familiar surroundings to a place where she felt out of her depth.
Unable to trust even the policeman, she refused to leave the relative safety of her vehicle. The story continues in the same vein as she becomes more wary of the folks she meets on the nightmare journey.
Eventually, as we all must sooner or later, she was forced to trust someone. Even though that someone was the epitome of untrustworthiness. This poem has a happy ending. Maybe the experience showed the girl one can never judge. We simply need to trust that someone is watching over us in times of great need.
Thank you so much for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shiver  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I’m reviewing this untitled story as part of I write 2020.

There are some great visuals in this story. I could imagine the two friends peering through the bushes at the haunted house, their excitement tinged with fear. The story also has a little comedy in it when she teases her friend with the words: "Er ...Ghosts don't eat dinner, idiot“
Thanks for sharing this flash fiction. I hope it did well.
Review by Sumojo
Rated: E | (5.0)
KĂ„re Enga in Montana thanks for giving these words one last outing. I liked the second verse....forgotten bones and meat! Wow. 😼 I suppose that’s true. Sad but true. đŸ˜©
Review of I Am Jellyfish  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Hi Jellyfish, I sought out someone who’s anniversary is the 14th September, the same as mine. It seems as if you’ve been here much longer than my two years. However it doesn’t matter how long one has been a member, it doesn’t take long to become entranced. This piece made me laugh out loud as I too am addicted to WdC. It reminded me of myself trying to explain, to anyone, what I do most days. The place where I go to. My dopamine fix.
I loved the dialogue between you and the other character, and how cool was it to be able to dismiss the voice‘s opinion as immaterial, not real? It was just someone you made up.
Like you say, there are so many other things we addicts should be doing, instead of writing, reviewing, reading or just hanging out here in WdC sphere. But nowhere near as much fun.
Thank you so much for sharing this amusing piece of dialogue, I loved it.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I Write In 2020  
for entry "Moral Weakness
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi Carly, I just finished reviewing Jeff’s musical piece and just as I went back to, I Write, I saw you’d beaten me to it!
So here goes. It’s really tricky for me to do a meaningful review on a piece of only 24 syllables. I was surprised to find the second meaning, that of failing to act...
I had only heard of supine as lying down. However you have used the word correctly in context. I suppose we should all be more vocal and protest more in the face of racial injustice. However it can’t be done in 24 syllables.
Well done for trying ipwithin these parameters.
Cheers Sue
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The aspirations of young people, boys as well as girls, hopefully are changing since this song was released. I know it’s only five years ago, but the groundswell of public opinion against the abuse of young women is growing. Schools have a big role to play in this regard, they’re teaching girls, they can be anything they want to be. They are teaching our young men that women aren’t there for their sexual gratification.
I’m pleased you differentiated between the young woman who simply wants to find a man to support her financially for the rest of her life, and that young woman who wants to be the best role model for her children, who wants to teach them right from wrong and to make a comfortable home in which to grow up safely.
I haven’t listened to the words of the song in question, but the title says it all, doesn’t it?
Powerful men will always have their trophy wives, and there will always be the women to take on that role. They are in the minority though. It takes work to stay looking the part of the “loving wife” often to a man decades older. Hours spent at the beauty parlour. What a waste of a life.
Thanks for raising this subject, I hope your daughter makes you proud.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Supine  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
OMG it’s so difficult to make a worthy review on something that’s just 24 syllables. I sighed and thought, well I’ll have to check it out or I’ll miss my chance to double up. Anyway, Jeff, I’m pleased I did because it made me smile, even chuckle when I read the last line. Thanks for sharing. Well done.
for entry "~ No More Smores ~
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Oh my, this was a disaster trip, wasn’t it. Thank you so much for sharing. I did smile, although I’m sure you weren’t finding much to smile about. The best thing about experiences such as these, they make great fodder for a writer!
I do hope things improved somewhat and at least a little fun was had by all.
Review of The Hole  
Review by Sumojo
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, Odessa Molinari I’m reading this story as a fellow ‘I Write 2020’ member.
Well, for such a short story it certainly conjured up a great visual for me. I can almost see everyone standing around the mysterious hole as first the cat, and then the police sergeant, disappear. You may have written it for the dialogue only contest? If so it’s a great entry.
Thanks for sharing this funny piece.
Cheers Sue

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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