My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about a girl and tree that grow up together.
I enjoyed the reverence for nature that resonated throughout the poem.
This is free form poem. There is no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read.
I liked: "I often times rested on the cool, soft, grassy bed," It's a nice, easy description that I can imagine, and it puts me in the moment. The poem is visually stimulating as it paints a picture of an easy friendship between the growing tree and young girl.
The opening teases the reader and keeps them reading. The title fits the poem. It's a very sweet poem with several positive notes including finding inspiration and respect for nature. Nice expression.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about how to use an instruction manual.
This was highly entertaining and comical!
This is free form poem. There is no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read.
I liked: "Sticky fly paper stuck, In her hair and wrapped around her fists" What a visual! Can I can only imagine fly paper stuck in one's hair - it must have been wild. This is someone who didn't read the instruction manual well and it makes the reader chuckle at the visual. Who hasn't read an instruction well?
The opening interests the reader and keeps them reading, wanting to find out what will happen. The title is hilarious fit for the poem. Nice comedy.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about how to get rid of your refrigerator the right way.
Great advice! It's well said and very succinct. Honestly, it's got to a be a challenge writing about getting rid of a refrigerator so this is pretty good.
This is free form poem. There is no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read.
I liked: "Neglecting to do such a step, Has resulted in several deaths" This is a honest, in-your-face, what's going to happen and it evokes negative emotions so you better think twice before leaving your frig on the curb.
The opening interest the reader. The title fits the poem well. Honest and straight forward. It's not easy coming up with a poem about this topic, so well done!
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem that takes a look at George Orwell's book, "1984."
I liked how the heavy font subtly reinforced the theme of the poem and that was the losing of free will.
This is free form poem. There is an AABBCC rythme scheme in each stanza.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read and has a nice flow when read out loud. It lulls you in much like 1984's television....
I liked: "Instead he is tortured and brainwashed until Big Brother has won by breaking his will." This description is direct and to the point. Our hero is tortured until his free will is broken. There's a heavy handedness to the tone and inflection of lines and embodies a 'hopelessness' that strikes harsh emotional chords. Well done.
The opening lures the reader in, much like the television in 1984 and keeps them reading. I like how the poem echoes the theme of the book with it's moody, heavy presentation. The title fits the poem well. Harsh expression well done.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about soothing hurts and finding hope.
I loved the message - that even though things may be looking down, never underestimate the power of a hug.
This is free form poem. There is no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font.
This was really heart to choose, but I went with this description: "Eventually, the sands castle and the hurt becomes a heart full of pearls." I really took the analogy of the beach, with sand castles (things that can easily fall apart if the waves get to them) and the pearls (hugs) to heart. It's a beautiful analogy and tugs on the heartstrings. The word play is subtle, yet poignant.
The opening engages the reader, and keeps them reading. The title is reflective of the poem. Poignant and hopeful.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about being caught in the rain while fishing.
I enjoyed the emotions that the poem evoked. It paints an in the moment in the picture, but the emotions range from being hesitant, to really enjoying the moment.
This is free form poem. There's an AABB rythme scheme with a repeating phrase in the last line of the stanza.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read and has a nice flow when read out loud. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font and make it easy on the eyes to read at WDC.
I liked: "My staying there became my goal, Lifting my soul, lifting my soul." The power of the moment captures our fisherman and he's determined to stay, not necessarily to fish, but to feel the moment.
The opening engages the reader, and keeps them reading, wanting to find out what happens next. The title fits the poem well. The poem tells a nice story with simmering emotion underneath the visual. Well done!
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A really sweet collection of Valentine Puppies.
I liked the whimsical vibe of the cnotes. Very artistic.
The cnote collection has a lot of choices. The messages are simple and endearing and depending on the note, the message can be given any time of the year.
I thought the price point was a tad on the high side but affordable. The collection says 'love' in in a heartwarming, whimsical way.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The introduction uses a graphic which helps to set the tone/mood of the collection.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
Cupid ain't cheap and love ain't free.
WHAT I LIKED/AKA CUPID SLAM aka GOOD, BAD, or UGLY: (you want ugly here)
SLAM: GOOD. I imagine flying overhead looking for a love sick fool with a lot of money.
This is a free form poem with an ABAB rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font and make it easier to read.
While kinda' bad, Cupid's slam could have been worse. That said, the poem has a point there are some money grubbers out there and Cupid don't care. The title does the poem proud.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
A long winded articulate diatribe of the havoc cupid brings.
WHAT I LIKED/AKA CUPID SLAM aka GOOD, BAD, or UGLY: (you want ugly here)
SLAM: BAD. It's a pretty well worded persuasive argument of cupid's ruin. He crashes lovers, he laughs as the world burns, and he runs from the wreckage.
This is a free form poem that doesn't have a rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font and make it easier to read.
While kinda' bad, Cupid's slam could have been worse. That said, wow, this is some intentionally bad yet articulate poetry which is no easy feat. The title is okay for the poem.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
Cupid hooked up Jupiter and Venus? Oy!
WHAT I LIKED/AKA CUPID SLAM aka GOOD, BAD, or UGLY: (you want ugly here)
SLAM: GOOD. Cupid is the worst and if you can picture it "cupider."
What a visual - Jupiter and Venus and the jeans pool.
This is a free form poem that doesn't have a rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes.
Cupid's slam could have been worse. That said, wow, this is some intentionally bad poetry which is no easy feat. The title is okay for the poem.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
I suppose Cupid had something to do with Cinders and Prince Charming's breakup? Maybe a bad arrow.
SLAM: GOOD. Cupid lucked out. There's no mention of him in this tale of love gone bad, however this line implies Cupid was up to no good: "The misogynist made the marriage stink."
This is a free form poem that doesn't have a rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes.
Well, I can see Cupid as a misogynist, but the slam could have been uglier. That said, this poem really hits the bullseyes for really bad poetry. It's not easy to do really bad poetry and this one nailed it. If anything, I was just looking for a wee bit more of a slam regarding Cupid.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
Cupid should give it up and let the ppl do arranged marriages.
SLAM: BAD. Cupid is deranged.
This is a free form poem with an ABAB rythme scheme in the 1st two stanzas and there are more rythmes in the additional paragraphs. The slam had a nice flow when read outloud.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font and make the slam easier to read.
While bad, Cupid's slam could have been worse. The slam makes a great case for arranged marriages.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
Thank you for entering the Bard's Hall Cupid Slam Contest for FEB 2025. Since this is a unique contest, here is what I'm looking for:
Must slam that beastly little arrow-flinger, CUPID! Must be Poetry Only, any form or free verse -- doesn't matter so long as it's just plain AWFUL! Line Count up to 60 or fewer. Place line count at the bottom of the poem. This poetry entry MUST be written for this contest, February 2025! If it's a leftover slam from another time and place it will be disqualified. Remember that "bad poetry" doesn't mean just misspellings. We are looking for the really creative kind of "bad" that makes us cringe and groan over its terribleness!
A ONE-STAR RATING is the ultimate goal, here. We will award the "best" one-starred poems as the winners.
And now... onto the review....
There's a lot to blame Cupid for: cheap love, broken hearts, obsession, divorces, love gone wrong. Let's face it, he's a lil troublemaker.
SLAM: BAD. Cupid is that mostly naked perverted cherub.
I liked the repetition of "Blame Cupid."
This is a free form poem that doesn't have a rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font.
While intentionally bad, it could be worse.
Reviewed by StephB for the Bard's Hall FEB 2025 Contest. Line count was listed in accordance with the contest rules.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A heartlfelt poem about the emotional meaning of friendship.
The author uses a good economy of words to communicate powerful emotion. The poem has a nice positive, uplifting voice.
This is free form poem. There is an interesting rythmym to the poem with a ME, ME, REST, ME on each stanza. What I liked about this is that you don't notice the scheme, at least I didn't, until I took a harder look.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read and has a nice flow when read out loud.
I liked: "Then came a soft song, a whisper to the fear in me." There's a lot of good strong emotion here. The song is one of hope that tugs at the fear. Nice expression in this description of how emotions can really play with us.
The opening engages the reader and keeps them reading. The title fits the poem, and adds a depth to the body of work as the name of the friend is never really revealed - and that too adds another depth, as the name of the friend is Karen. We all have an idea what a Karen is, a not so nice person, but here the poem shakes up that norm - or does it? Lots of food for thought in this succinct expression. Well done.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem dedicated to friendship and WDC keyboard warriors.
I loved the warmhearted tone of poem. I felt like I was true comrade in arms with the author here at WDC.
This is free form poem. With an AABBCC rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read and has a nice flow when read out loud. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font and colorize the poem.
I liked: "The keystrokes echo hopes and aspirations we hold dear," For me, the line speaks to the power of the words, especially here on WDC and how we can touch people in a positive way. WDC is about community, and at the core I think the community does share the same sentiment. The emotional vibe of the description is uplifting.
The opening engages the reader, and keeps them reading. The title fits the poem well. Nice expression.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
In the 1950's a family goes to an amusement park, but something you don't expect happens to the narrator when they go on the swings.
There is a lyrical quality to the writing which held my attention. I was curious if it was because of a prompt, but the link was "invalid item."
This is told in the 1st person by an unnamed narrator. Past tense is used in the story.
The opening paragraph draws you right into the story using a conversational tone of voice.
Our narrator appears to be just an ordinary an kid enjoying the swings - until they don't.
I was right in the moment with the narrator. There's a solid beginning, a solid middle which amps the emotional investment, but the ending felt a little rushed and maybe that's what happens you end something so abruptly, there's that feeling of something left unfinished, though, it's pretty much finished.
I did not notice and spelling/punctuation mistakes. Good use of WDC ML to increase the font for the eyes.
The title is simple and fits the story. There appears to be a word count and the author uses a good economy of words to communicate the story in a very concise manner.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about a giant whale that finds a boat.
I loved the adventure of the poem. I felt like I was a fly on the wall in the boat.
This is free form poem. There was no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read and tells a good story. Nice use of WDC ML to increase the font and make it easy on the eyes.
I liked: "Then he slammed the hammer down on the water, and with a thunderous roar, freezing sprays rained down." This is an incredible visual which puts the reader right in the boat. It's easy to picture the hammer coming down. I can hear the massive splash and feel the water on the skin. That's 3 out of senses in one motion. Well done!
The opening quietly draws the reader and then puts them in the middle of the action with little notice. Well done! The title fits the poem well.
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A graphic depiction of a firestorm that consumes a community.
This is a very visual poem that is easy to picture as you read it. It's a topical poem as a firestorm as such just destroyed the west side of Los Angeles. It's a bit of a different poem, more dark, more intense, more in your face. In that regard, it really displays a darker, more emotional range and depth.
This is a dinggedichedt style of poetry. I am not familiar with it, but the explanation is in a dropnote which is very helpful for the reader. There is no apparent rythme scheme.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to visualize.
I liked: "Raining down from on high, Red specks scattered on roofs as infected." Vivid and harsh, it puts the reader on the outer perimeter of the firestorm and makes them feel uncomfortable watching the destruction.
The opening puts the reader in the moment, and keeps them there, much like a crowd that stops by and watches a building burn. The title fits the poem well. Vivid expression that makes the heart pound. Well done!
contest. This is a poetry contest which solicits old or new items of poetry which have an awardicon or don't.
I loved how easy going and welcoming the introduction is. This contest is a great opportunity for members to share their poetry and get feedback. There's a nice conversational tone in the Introduction that lures a budding poet to take part.
The rules are clearly listed and easy to understand.
No judges are listed, so I'm assuming the Forum host is the judge.
Prizes are clearly listed. If anything, I might suggest creating a separate BITEM where previous winners are listed. I think it helps in establishing a proven history with the contest.
I thought the contest was very active and there were ten entries for February so far.
With an open prompt, there's a lot of room for variety to include styles and themes.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. I liked the use of the graphic in the Introduction as it helps to set a nice tone for the contest. Good use of WDC ML as well.
I think it's a great contest and I would encourage more community members to enter. My suggestion would be to plug it a bit more - maybe on the newsfeed, and WDC plug page. I'll definitely give it a monthly plug on the Bee Hive. The awardicon is well earned!
My review is based on professional editing points. It is meant to be honest, encouraging, and respectful in accordance with WDC guidelines.
A poem about the start of a camping trip and the excitement it brings.
I was never a big camper growing up, but when my boys did Boy scouts, we started to go camping as a family and honestly, it brought out a wonder in all of us - just being in nature and slowing down a bit. This poem captured those family feelings and moments perfectly!
This is free form poem. There is no apparent rythme scheme. There is a prompt which is not to include the following: favorite, home, house, island, and vacation and the author does a great job with the prompt. In that regard, but not using those words, it's made the poem stronger.
I did not spot any spelling/punctuation mistakes. The poem is easy to read. If anything, I might suggest using WDC ML to increase the font to make it easier to read.
I liked: "The thunderous roar of waterfalls, quiets and soothes my inner turmoil." There's two opposite things going on here, the roar of the waterfalls and how it soothes the soul. Oftentimes, just nature's uncertainty, tamed, will tap into a person's emotions with that sense of awe and wonder and have that effect. This description really gives the poem depth.
The opening engages the reader, putting them in the moment, and keeps them reading. The title fits the poem well. A poem like this, really says a lot with its honest, easy voice and it's ability to connect to those who have gone camping and appreciated the great outdoors. Nice, heartfelt expression.
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