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421 Public Reviews Given
425 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Mostly just bitchin'. If it's great writing I switch over to nit-picking but usually I'll find something to like. Please don't ask me to review poetry unless you're either James Fenton, Seamus Heaney or thick skinned as an elephant... I absolutely hate bad poetry. I'm the terror of the dactyls, I swat them with my hat. I'll have no truck with trochees, coz life's too short for that. Seriously I'm not qualified. I mean a metre is made up of feet? Like what?
I'm good at...
Nit picking. Spotting big fat slabs of exposition pretending to be dialogue. Fighting my way out of paper bags.
Least Favorite Genres
Anything that might be expected to rhyme or scan but doesn't.
Favorite Item Types
Personal preference is narrative fiction.
Public Reviews
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Review of Bones  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I thought this was great character driven writing. Exposition is nicely worked in.

However in the end I felt somewhat let down. Yes the death of a pet is tragic, but the creepy tension that had been so carefully established just seemed to fade away to disillusion. Maybe that's the point... Perhaps there's more? I think a powerful ending would be err... more powerful...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Apartment 15  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
A engaging short story executed with enviable simplicity. Dialogue is natural and the writing is clear. Didn't spot any mechanics errors.

Ending is a decent twist. The whole 'man of science' is a bit dated perhaps, but it's the sort of thing Poe did all the time, and it's done with a light touch.

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Review of SEASON ONE  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
First off I have to say I think the mechanics here are great. The writing is clear and all that.

However, I don't at all see that the narrative structure is compelling. We seem to have long sections of meeting interspersed with breaks to a smug scientist. Yes, it's kind of like Heinlein, but take that as you wish.

Let's assume we are vaguely in X-files territory with high tech craft that may involve stolen ufo tech pursued by shadowy military agencies... how would they do it? They'd start with a disturbing encounter scene (usually a cop car attends an incident in a pine forest at night de dum de da) then there might be a brief briefing and things would unfold through action on the ground.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (4.0)
This has elements that are very good. It reminded me of something of Kafka's. 'the Giant Mole' I think it was called. The Yah and Weh sequence I thought stood out.

Ultimately however I'm not sure I liked it. The start is rather slow and I felt I would have preferred it if it stuck to the core question as the the legitimacy of the journal. I didn't see what the material on quantum indeterminacy added to the narrative.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Interesting premise and a very distinct voice. Great names too.

On the downside, I believed Slearch was dead the first time, and by the fifth time it was becoming irritating. I didn't like the use of present tense. I felt maybe the ending wasn't as strong as the rest.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
I had some clarity issues here.

In para2 with only Brannon so far mentioned we have 'A few steps ahead of the droid, a uniformed thug named Varkon led her down the alley.'

Who does the her refer to? We have a female Droid here? I'd be interested to know the mechanics of that. Actually no. I wouldn't.

Hmm no that can't be it because later on we have 'Varkon coughed and scratched behind his ear.' At this point I wad0s confused and I gave up.

Also I believe 'Droid' is a trademark of Lucasfilm Inc and anyone using it in any major work is liable to wake up and find themselves unexpectefly battling the Empire.

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Review of Black Eagle  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is a substantial piece of work and effectively executed. Formatting and writing are clear and accessible.

I have to wonder though: was there any need to slow down the beginning with detailed profiles of the crew during a mission? They might have been better observed over a debrief.

Is Capt. severus interesting enough to warrant receiving character focus as much as he does?

None of the characters are very deeply drawn. There's good use of sound but not much visual description. Only smell I noticed was 'the smell of death'.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (3.5)
I guess this just isn't my thing.

The reader is plunged into a sea of metaphor with little anchoring.

Just taking one element, 'cold, white-blue shades of ice reached out through the crimson shadows - begging for sanity'

I mean aside from the duplication in telling me ice is cold, how does ice beg for sanity? It puts up cold wet paws perhaps?

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Nicely done. Good atmosphere and pacing. Perfect formatting makes for an easy clear read.

First paragraph succinctly establishes characters and stakes. After that the tension builds. Ending ok. It might possibly be regarded as a bit formulaic but heck this is a genre story after all.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
The story itself is fairly interesting.

Unfortunately it could do with attention regarding editing.

There's a certain number of spelling errors and missing punctuation.

Besides that 3 out of the first 6 dialogue lines start with 'well'. The first one also contains a sense that should be since I think.

Tense seems to flip between past and present.

The phrase 'our story starts' appearing in the halfway into the 2nd chapter of a novel made me smile.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (3.0)
I have to say I found this prose pretty difficult. Both the paras and the sentences I found overly long.

I'm not against long sentences, but they need to be good, careful sentences.

Take 'In the final cinematic scene between the two eternal archenemies, Robert Downing Jr's Sherlock Holmes engaged the nefarious James Moriarty (played by Jared Harris) in a climactic battle of logic and theory, hypothetically testing each other's strengths, weaknesses, and every factor that made them who they were.'

Does that makes sense? I can't tell. Is it clear? No. The first clause has RDJ as subject but then it has an enormous relative (possibly adjectival) sub-clause tacked on where RDJ and JH are both subjects.

I was left really unsure what the piece is trying to say.

The first para suggests the theme is something to do with Sherlock Holmes or possibly logic vs theory but we finish on the perils of poor communication.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Book  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I found Deal an uninteresting character whom I had no desire to know more about. The writing is somewhat distant and I guess that's part of it.

Some of the language lost me.
'All at once, they darted from the trees and dashed across the steamy meadow having reasoned enough troops for battle.'

reasoned they had enough troops perhaps?

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Review of The Flawed Gods  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
The first section seems to lack any meaningful anchoring beyond we're in a field. The somewhat abstract discussion doesn't do much to illuminate character or create a compelling reason to read on.
After that we get into some antagonism between the POV and some other folk the identity of whom was lost on me.

'Did I wait too long? Is it too late?'
Err yes. It is.

I had to agree with the POV 'There was no motivation to continue except for my guilt'.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Nice bit of world building accomplished with aplomb.
Unfortunately I just didn't get the ending. Why would the captain of this spaceship from another star system be under any obligation to prove anything to residents of an alien planet by means of 'images to prove it'? Once they are ly away how would it even be an issue?

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is pretty good but I think you're right the ending isn't exactly right.

In my opinion, the issue is the beginning: to suggest that the ghost is this otherwise unseen Gibson Crumb is an unnecessary distraction.

One possible approach: Have Corky show Harlan the figure and question who it could be. Have Harlan rack his brains because there is something strangely familiar about it. Then possibly have Curly suggest it's Gibson...

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Review of I am a Ninja!  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Amusing and the dialogue is pretty good but for me the ending doesn't work. I don't mean to be mean but these are not ninjas but ninjnas. If it wasn't the ending I could let it go but the ending, the final closure thingy is surely critical (I know I am).
Also it's a bit talking heads.

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Review of The Road  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting, evocative and well written.
However I felt some confusion. There seemed every reason to assume the 'big man' and the 'boss' referred to the same person yet I wasn't sure. Also the man who appears to be the 'boss' refers to meeting the 'boss today'. I was lost.

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Review of The First Lord  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The scene with the dwarf is quite funny and reminiscent of the Monty python holy Grail bridge scene, and the plot was interesting enough for me to get to the end.
There were some nice turns of phrase but overall I thought the language was often sloppy and could have benefited from more work.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (4.0)
A perfect save the cat if there ever was one. Great opening paragraph. Action is gripping and the characters are nicely drawn. I think we probably all know someone who'd sink the ship to save a kitten.
I didn't get the ending. It seemed a little flat. Some wry observation to illuminate character or tie the end to the beginning...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Reading  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (3.5)
An amusing idea. I'm not sure if it might not be better to reveal the poverty is a child immediately, otherwise there would seem to be a danger of the reader thinking the pov is a loser at which point ones loses them. It would have to be a big har fir people to stand in. This literal minded reader might notice that. At the beginning the boy says 'a jar' but he doesn't need his mother to fix that. Surely she should say it's 'ajar' boy. One word. Oh! I thought there must have been a space missing...

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Man's Best Friend  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
An affective piece of writing which quickly and clearly communicates a poignant situation.
I wondered about the formatting as verse, but I guess it's a valid stylistic choice. Also the lack of punctuation. Surely 'could she do this again' is a question? Still, various great writers have eschewed punctuation... One typos I think, surely there's a T in snatched?

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Review of Eyes of Mist  
for entry "1 - Peaceful Days
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Starts off pretty rough and unimmersive. Five or six paragraphs of prologue about a 'soldier'. Why not name him? 'He pushed back some of the attackers with his blade.' is pretty remote writing.
Some grammar errors 'were she grew up' should be 'where...' many fragments. Personally I lost track of character motivation in the middle.

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Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (3.5)
This has an interesting voice reminiscent of a folktale. For me, it brought to mind Dr Seuss's 'Thigwit the Big Hearted Moose'. Unfortunately, while the writing was mostly fine, even for a tale of this sort, I thought the ending was unsatisfactorily weak.

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Review of The Diagnosis  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Who could resist the initial hook? 'it’s not every day you get to meet the man who will murder you.' A tiny drop of brilliance!
What follows is professional and well executed. Unfortunately the final twist is rather predictable but the journey to get there is enjoyable enough.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Toressa  
Review by RobMcGee
Rated: E | (4.0)
I admit i don't know how to review this (120 words but Verse 1=4, 3=6 so less). it scans ok and rhymes. Given a good tune i expect it could do great. I can say no more especially as I wanna keep this under 250 to save the author GP...

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