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Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.5)

Overall: Nice poem, but it did not feel passionate, as the content implies.

Positive Notes: You obviously took the time to consider all the ways you are affected in the relationship.

Suggestions: Using the "show mode" as compared to the "tell mode" would have made a big difference.

Errors/typos: {/bAn example of the "show mode" is this: "There is an emptiness in my heart when you are not near" as compared to I feel sad when you are not near. OR "At the sight of you, I can feel the beat of my heart increase so much that I am afraid it will burst with my love for you." OR "When you hold me it's like when the clouds cradle the moon in their soft embrace."

1. I feel at peace when [I] am with you
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you are a well-writing article. I have, to date, 16 books on Amazon, and in the case of some of them, I think your ideas may help me draw more attention to them. One book, in particular, "Stranded: And They Are Not Leaving," especially needs more TLC. It is one of only two sci-fi books I wrote. The rest are books on counseling and Christian based themes. The book I mentioned above, was different in many ways. I woke up on a Sunday morning, and instead of preparing for church, I got on my computer and started typing. I finished 32 chapters in one week. Of course, it took me a long time of editing, and editing, and editing, to finish it. But, once I did publish it, it was kind of like letting the air out of a balloon. It did not get the attention I expected or wanted. I have sent, included, attached, and inserted, descriptions, outlines, remarks, and comments anywhere and everywhere hoping to get people to go and check out the book. Like all authors, I think my book is simply amazing and should be made into a movie. I think I will try doing things a bit different. I am going to give your idea a go. Won't hurt anything, and It may make some difference. Thank you for your article.
Review of flowers  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked the poem, but there were some typos that distracted from the sheer pleasure of it. I made some corrections and suggestions. Also, I added some color to recommend and encourage you to use color.

Flowers are known as beautiful things, a gesture of love on Valentine's Day.
They symbolize everything positive, nothing negative whatsoever.
Flowers = love.
Love is known as a beautiful thing as well, smiles, intimate contact, marriage, all supposed to be happy.
But anyone who has been through love knows it's not all happy, there are tears, hatred, yelling, fighting, etc.
Love has its bad side.
Everything has its bad side.
Just like flowers.
Some of them have thorns.
Just like you.
You are beautiful, you smile and laugh at school or at work, and you never seem down, until you get home to your empty apartment.
In dead silence, you walk through the door and look around the room, and you feel alone.
You are beautiful just like a flower, but you also have thorns.
That's okay.
I do too.
Review of Bipolar 2  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)

Overall: I quite enjoyed the piece. It is illuminating about a subject many find puzzling. As a counselor, I, at times, deal with clients who struggle with this in their lives.

Positive Notes: The writing was well done. Making it prose helps it be more attractive to some people to read who would not normally be drawn to this subject.

Suggestions: Keep up the good work.

Errors/typos: {/bNone

Review of English is Easy  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem was quite easily sound
And the arguments made were quite round.
And, though no errors were found
I found not a bit nor a mound.
The great points in it did abound
and I give it the value of many a pound.
Thank you for writing so basic and ground.
I enjoyed enough to wish you a crown.
Review of Illegal Alien  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)

Overall: LOL!! Wait, I'm trying not to fall off my chair. Really funny. I wish I had written this.

Positive Notes: Funny, well written, and visually clear.

Suggestions: Keep up the good work!

Errors/typos: {/bCouldn't find any.

Those damned aliens are always showing up where they're not wanted, right! LOL
Review of Happy Plants  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.5)

Overall: Lots of information without being verbose.

Positive Notes: Very well detailed and explained. I learned things about caring for plants I would otherwise not have if I had not read this essay.


1. A large chunk breaks off into you mouth [your mouth]
.2. Seeing bright green leaves every morning when I wake up always brings a grin to my face. There is a certain presence that all living things emanate, even plants, that makes me feel like I have some company, a few leafy companions to greet me when I come home. [I recommend a paragraph break after "face." and before "There" and making these two separate paragraphs.
3. I would recommend the same for a paragraph break before "When I used to go camping as a child"
Review of In the moment  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall: Good but it needs work.

Positive Notes: Thought provoking idea.

Suggestions: Besides the following corrections, I suggest centering and color to add emphasis to your poems.

A moment just like any,
it can be a good one
or a bad one we'll live with.

No matter we must go on,
just as we've been taught
to go on with our lives.

We cannot dwell on the past
our decision has been made,
there's no point to keep on thinking of a moment.

Sometimes a moment
becomes the memory that helps you
through a rough patch.

A moment can be so sweet
it makes us weak and we may cry
for the times when there was ease.

But a moment just like that
becomes a memory
which we can hold close or have distant.

Review of Christmas  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.5)

Overall: Enjoyable and merry

Positive Notes: Nice use of your words to express merriment.

Suggestions: saviors should be Savior's

Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.5)

Overall: As areading material, it was not necessarily highly interesting.

Positive Notes: It was great you tried to give both sides coverage.

Suggestions: It needed more facts and evidence for each argument.

Errors/typos: {/bNone, but I have questions:

1. "It has been proven that the brain is not fully functional until about ten in the morning." By whom?
2. "It is a known fact that the body is not as functional when it is tired than when it is fully rested and energized." Known to whom?
3. "In addition to not getting the recommended hours of sleep, staying up late has many negative health effects. By staying up late into the night, many sleeping disorders can occur, and it has also been known to cause insomnia." You really only included one thing as evidence.
4. Was there any evidence that students did better on classes later on in the day, as compared to earlier?
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)

Overall: Well, it is just sweet, isn't it?

Positive Notes: Good rhythm and pattern to the word usage. I like the repetition of the phrase "when I miss you."

Suggestions: For effect, I suggest choosing a color for the fonts, and centering it,

Errors/typos: {/b None.
Review of Leap of Faith  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.5)

Overall: I get a strong sense of determination from your poem.

Positive Notes: I felt a pattern, a heartbeat of sorts to the way you used your language. Very enjoyable.

Suggestions: Only one correction that I think is needed.

Errors/typos: {/b
You said, "Her heart and soul were forged in the deepest hottest fire."
It should say, "Her heart and soul were forged in the deepest, hottest, fire."
Review of I Remember  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall: A moving rendition, definately in the manner inspired.

Positive Notes: The use of language was poignant and powerful.

Suggestions: Attention to grammar is necessary. I included examples below.


1. "bent down to great me" should be, "greet"
2. "I stayed in that strange, damp smelly and noisy house." This should be, "I stayed in that strange, damp, smelly, and noisy house."
3. "feeling lonely, scared and just " should be, "feeling lonely, scared, and just "
4. "head 'for stealing.' He said." should be, head "for stealing," he said.
5. "Paul's head bounce of every stair," should be, "Paul's head bounce off every stair,"
6. "and rand down her legs." should be, "and ran down her legs."
Review of The dark wolf  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.5)

Overall: A great attempt at projecting power through words.

Positive Notes: I enjoyed how you used your words descriptively.

Suggestions: A couple of typos need attention.


I looked at you and you were nothing
Your soul was gone and you had turned pale
I looked into your eyes that had turned so dark
Your energy was terrifying
I ran away from you because you scared me
And maybe you are dangerous
I don’t know what was real or not with you
My best and worst memories of you are how you looked at me at different times
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (2.5)

Overall: Marcelino, my good man, I applaud your effort to write in the style of the epistles from the Bible.

Positive Notes: The general pattern and style of writing were attractive.

Negative Notes: It needs much work regarding grammar. You have many run-on sentences, typos, and errors.

Errors/typos: Here is just one example:

You wrote: "Greetings to my fellow brethren, who, by God’s grace, endures all of the tempests and the jolts in the lands all the years."

In and of itself, this sentence makes no practical sense. There should be no comma between "who" and "by." And, the word "endures" should be "endure." What are "jolts in the lands?"
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (2.5)

Overall: The story has potential.

Positive Notes: The story has potential, but the grammatical errors distract. It needs a little bit more "fleshing" out.

Suggestions: It needs a lot of attention, grammar-wise. (see below) Also, focus on "showing" and not "telling" as you describe things.


1. "ended at the caf She had been living" should be "ended at the cafe. She had been living"
2. "what seemed like forever she was" should be "what seemed like forever, she was"
3. " wanted to travel. Now she" should be " wanted to travel, and now she"
4. "But being the sensible" should be "But, being the sensible"
5. "a little extra money just in case." should be "a little extra money, just in case."
6. "to make some new friends too." should have a return inserted to separate it from the next paragraph.

And this was just the first paragraph.

Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.5)

Overall:Uh, well, let's see ... So how was his desire to remain at home and help his parents with the churning forever met?

Positive Notes: The story was simple and the plot relatively obvious. This is another take on an old and too often used plot.

Negative Notes:The concept was not carefully thought out. Plus, much of it was told in the "telling" mode, as compared to the "showing" mode.

Errors/Typos:You said, "He hummed and he hawed." The correct quote is, "hemmed and hawed."

Review of TRAPPED  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.0)

Overall: The story feels rushed. Like you did it in a hurry and threw it onto your portfolio. Also, try separating the paragraphs or indenting the start of the paragraphs.

Positive Notes:

Negative Notes: There many parts which could use some TLC and careful attention, grammar-wise. I have included an example below. Also, you should consider writing in the "show" mode as compared to the "tell" mode. This means to describe the characters feelings and actions in a way that those things tell us what going on instead of just telling us what going on.

Errors/typos: Example of the above:

1. "The morning was very cold, the sun was rising, its colour beautifully reflected behind the mountains. Winter was giving was to spring. Some trees had recovered from the cold winter season. Fresh green leaves were developing their branches. Brand new grass was emerging from the ground. Spring had finally arrived after an ice cold winter."

A rewrite with some TLC could be this way "The morning sky was painted with blue and white streaks from one end to the other, as the clouds floated above a shivering earth. The glow of the sun was only one thing that indicated winter was nearing its end. Along with that, the leaves on the trees were beginning to gain their brown and green hues of spring, as the ground peek out behind melting patches of snow."

I hope this is helpful.
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.5)

Overall: The story is nice. The plot was obvious. Your followthrough worked well.

The one main thing I think would have made the story better would have been to tell it in the "showing, and not telling" mode. For example,

You wrote: "I woke up to my dad knocking on my door, letting me know that it was time for me to wake up."

Maybe it could have been: My eyes snapped open due to the sound of knocking at the door. My dad's voice called out to me to "wake up," but it was the voice in my head that said, "time to get up."

I hope I was helpful.
Review of Misbelief  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.5)
I enjoyed the story, but a couple of parts threw me. One example is where Faye argues that she is "I’m stupid and fat and I look ugly." This was not as believable as other parts. I can see that she would be shy and not completely believe that she was "beautiful," but the way you portrayed her at first gave me the impression that she was happier. That would not be true of someone who thinks they are ugly.

On the other hand, James seemed a selfish man, who wants to satisfy his own needs. He proves that by abandoning the twins, to go on date in a field with someone he just met. What's up with that?

The bold letters make the reading a tough one. I would have gone with a more readable font.
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (3.0)

Overall: I got the impression that English is not your first language. Nevertheless, some of the words you chose were odd.

Positive Notes: Your message came across just fine.

Negative Notes: The use of awkward language threw the poem for me.

Errors/typos: Below is one example of what I am saying.

"his mere existence would mean world to me"
That would be better if it said, "his mere existence would mean the world to me"
Review of Depression  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Dear BQ,

As a counselor of thirty years, I can understand the darkness and futility expressed in this piece. You have done an adequate job of expressing something, even many persons who have suffered from depression for many years, have trouble explaining to themselves.

As the author of 16 books, I found some problems with the piece. I recommend using Grammarly to help with many of the normal issues writers have.

I believe you could greatly improve your piece with just a careful rereading, with an eye to spot inconsistencies and rough areas. I included some which may help you review the piece yourself and find more.

1. "prevailing over skies of hope" The blank space serves no obvious purpose.
2. "clock beside my bed, It's 3:45 am" you do not capitalize a word after a comma, unless it is a name or title, for the most part.
3. "Talk about this issue with them and show Sympathy." Capitalizing "sympathy" in this case was wrong.
4. "Every hope vanishing, every dream shattering, cloak-like hands surrounding, each stretch ravaging any desire to live as I anticipated it to be my end with all hopes gone and desire to be alive vanquished by evil." That it too much to throw into one sentence. You could probably make two sentences of of that such as this: Every hope vanishing, every dream shattering, cloak-like hands surrounding, each stretch ravaging any desire to live. I anticipated it to be my end, with all hopes gone and desire to be alive vanquished by evil.
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall: I liked it. I enjoyed the way you did the wordplay.

Positive Notes: I think your intended use of the word patterns worked. You could probably have continued that a bit further.

Negative Notes: Some grammatical problems which could have been found with a simple use of Grammarly.

Errors/typos: I rewrote your piece as an example of some of the corrections which may help improve it.

Up Beat, quick feet, downbeat, lose seat, Upturn, burnt lantern.

These words all have meaning In the things we do in everyday life.

We as humans are too quick on our feet to realize that we are too upbeat about issues that we can't control.
The truth is that we beat down each other just to see them lose their spirit, so we can take it over for our own.
So, by doing so, we start to lose our seat of reality.
We upturn the policies set in place to help us, and if we do want it soon, it will be like a burnt lantern with NO light to protect us from the evil within us.
We are too upbeat to move the quick ten feet it takes to get to a new higher calling, that is out there for us to take.
We start to get downbeat when it starts to defeat us, that's when we start to lose our seat of sanity.
We lose hope, we start to upturn everything to not have to be like that burnt lantern.
So stop and take a breath, don't be so upbeat or quick to your feet.
Play to your own downbeat, that way you don't lose your seat.
So don't upturn the world and become a burnt out lantern in a sea of memories.
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (2.5)

Overall: I did not understand it. It seemed disjointed.

Positive Notes: Nice pattern to your usage of sentence structure.

Negative Notes: I did not understand it.

Errors/typos: None.
Review of Waiting  
Review by PastorJuan
Rated: E | (5.0)

Overall: Humorous and enjoyable. I'm 66 years old and this sounded even older. Sort of like a "Kodak Moment." I think it gives away your age, or you just have an "old" spirit. Thanks for writing this.

Positive Notes: I could "see" the story as you told it. Excellent ability of description.

Negative Notes: None.

Errors/typos: None.
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