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Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
This really touched me, Sophy wishes WDC Happy 24! . You expressed well the feelings we get when we reminisce about what life has been with a parent and what life later becomes. It brought back my first memories walking with my mom, and some of the last ones. A you write, I definitely liked it better when my mom was guiding me.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
It certainly appears that you followed the prompts. And in doing so, you created quite an interesting story.

I tried both knitting and crocheting and mastered neither one. I knitted a pair of slippers and crocheted one Granny square. I do understand, though, how a splintered needle would not be kind to the yarn.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of My Garden  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Loved your flash fiction and the idea of naming parts of a garden for past love interests. What a fascinating idea. It wouldn't work for me though, because I have not mastered the ability to keep plants alive. I suppose that I might name a few cacti after my past experiences. But then I would have to decide which ones had the worst spines.

Thanks for sharing.



Review of "A"  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow. That's a lot of words beginning with the letter A. And what a creative exercise. Amazing. Awesome. Ambitious. Astounding. Admirable. Astute. Acuminous.
Adorable. Adroit.
Adventuresome. Advocative.
Affable. Adonic. And affirmative.

Well done.

Thanks for sharing.



Review of Which is Easier?  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
For people who have not read Isaac Asimov's thoughts about writing books for children and adults, you did a good job of summarizing his thoughts and adding your own.

I've also heard the pros and cons of writing for each group, as well as the differences between writing poetry and prose.

Perhaps it comes down to the first advice I had about writing. Write what you love. Share your passion. That's how I ended up at our local newspaper years ago. I wrote letters to the editor and guest columns. And then I got offered a job. I started as editorial assistant and ended up as community news editor.

Thanks for sharing.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thanks for the reminder. My dad and hubby's dad both had Parkinson's, and my dad also had Alzheimer's. The most frustrations for them came at the beginning, when they were first diagnosed.

My dad, for instance, had lucid periods where he was quite embarrassing that he sometimes saw cars running up and down the walls, horse heads in the windows, and little children behind the living room chairs. During those lucid moments, we assured him that we loved him even when he was "being silly". (His words.)

Since you worked as a caregiver for 5+ years, I imagine that you have much more that you could tell.

Thanks for sharing.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Fantastic! I loved your title and your description. Indeed, words do have power. And yours were certainly Lyrically Delicious. *Smile* *Smile* *Smile*

You have to know that your title reminds one of the cereal commercial talking about "magically deliicious".

As I read your poem aloud, the rhythm was great and your rhymes as well.

Thanks for sharing.


Review of Boogie Knight  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
Thanks for sharing your "not-so-dirty limerick". It's interesting that you used that as your description. I once had a friend who loved to write limericks, but he discovered that they were read less often than his other poems. Someone finally told him that some folks might be worried that a limerick would have words or topics that they didn't care to read. Weird, huh?

I enjoyed reading your blog of heart aloud.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
That was fun to read aloud. R's definitely are one of the most popular letters. Just ask The Wheel of Fortune people. *Smile*

Your poem almost has a Dr Seuss-ish flare to it. Maybe that was because of the lines takking about somewhere and nowhere or over and under.

Thanks for sharing this whimsical piece.

Review of English is Easy  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a fun poem! Yes, it's I before e except after....and all of the other exceptions. I remember back in the 90s, a guy told me that Americans are delusional if we think that learning English is difficult.

We had a bit of a discussion about how with other languages, you have to know if a door or window is masculine or feminine. I agreed with him. Then he reminded me that while we might say "my name is", other languages might say "I am called". I agreed again. Then I handed him a list with the words you used in your poem and he sighed. But he still insisted that English was easy to learn.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
That is some interesting writing. The title drew me in. Who doesn't love a Mogwai?

As I read through your synopsis of what happened with Mogwai and Gremlins, I wondered if you were really summarizing a movie or were you talking about something else?

This part actually reminded me of politicians that we have allowed to run wild. That was probably because of the current events. *Smile*

They are only doing what gremlins do, of course
They were created by your mistakes
They were created by your carelessness
They were created by your laziness and a prideful heart
Asking for things you could not even understand how to care for
Asking for something that you weren't even willing to fully learn how to love and respect

Thanks for sharing.

Review of Time for Tea  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thanks for sharing a bit of whimsy with us. I don't know many people who enjoy a cup of good tea. As a coffee drinker myself, I have tended to gravitate towards other coffee drinkers. Isn't that a bit bizarre?

I do like to venture into the store aisle now and then to see how many varieties of tea that they are now selling.

Coffees are perhaps not as varied. Sure, we can choose dark, medium or light roast. But there are few flavored coffees. I do have one that I adore, that I first discovered when I lived in FL. it's orange coffee and when it's brewing in the coffee maker, the whole house ends up smelling like both coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice. Yummy. But if I want flavors, I choose different creams for my coffee - from peppermint mocha to English toffee. More yumminess. *Smile*

Let's get back to your poem. I loved it. As I read it aloud (because all poetry should be read aloud) I felt like your poem gave me a good morning hug.

Review of A Cherished Brood  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
As usual, when your poem appeared after I clicked the "Read and Review" button, I was overjoyed.

As usual, I enjoyed reading your work of heart aloud. I found no glaring errors in your rhymes, your rhythm or even your spelling. Instead, I felt comforted as I'd I was once again reading the works of a treasured author or a local friend.

Thanks for sharing your talents and your faith.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm so sorry for your loss. My hubby lost his first wife in 1980. We married in 2005. Although we've now been married longer than they were, he still misses everything about her. And I understand. What we have done is to create things different than what they experienced together.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, JACE . I hit the "Read and Review" button and there you were being a closet pessimist.

As usual, you expressed yourself well. I found no errors in spelling or grammar.

I tried a few times to be a pessimist, but just couldn't make it work for me. In elementary school, I was nicknamed "Smiley". In junior high, I had an attitude, so some called me "Smirk". Then as an adult, people started calling me "Ms. Merry Sunshine ". I love wearing sunshine too - shades of red, orange and yellow.

I enjoyed reading your piece and learning more about you.

Thanks for sharing.


Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Absolutely. Freedom comes from being obedient to the One who created us all. It wasn't until I became a parent (yikes! 40 years ago now!) that I understood the kind of love that our Father had for us. And it wasn't until I heard a physician talk about the wounds that Jesus experienced and then when I watched the movie The Passion of the Christ that I understood the depth of the love that His Son also has for us. Even typing about it gives me goosebumps.

I enjoyed reading your explanation of Independence Day.

Thanks for sharing.


Review of choke  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
Bless your heart. Your portfolio has quite a few items about a lost love. It sounds rather personal, and if it is, I hope that soon you will be able to find someone new to spend your time with, if not as a love interest, at least as a good friend.

To get noticed more, I would suggest that you fill in all three genres. You never know how someone might be searching for something new to read.

This old lady, who worked as an editor, would love to see more capital letters and punctuation.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love reading your poetry aloud, and not just because the rhymes make sense or because the rhythm nears perfection. No, one of the biggest reasons is that you are quite the wordsmith. Sometimes I just marvel at the way that you so carefully create a picture with your words. You also create titles that make me wish they were my own. One of my favorite things is a good title.

Enough with the positive reinforcement.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed reading your poem aloud. Your thoughts mimic my own about the spirit if Christmas. It should be something that we experience and share every day of the year.

If you read your poem aloud yourself, you might discover a few places where the rhythm is a bit awkward. Other than that, it's fine.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of Right VS Wrong  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
You mentioned that you didn't feel that your poem was perfected yet. My suggestion is to read it aloud. It often reveals the awkward places better if you read your poetry aloud.

I enjoyed reading your poem. The rhymes made sense and the rhythm was almost right.

By the way, I totally agree. The answer to life, the universe and everything is definitely 42.

Thanks for sharing.

Review of " I'M Greatful "  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (3.5)
It's always a wonderful idea to share your faith. We're supposed to share our stories about how we came to be Christ followers.

Being thankful is fantastic. But if you are being grateful, be sure to spell it correctly. It's grateful not greatful. It comes from the word "grate," which is a term meaning pleasing or thankful.

Thanks for sharing.


Review of Helping hand  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
I cannot imagine what it was like to live in places that were locked down like that. I cannot imagine people wearing masks outdoors. Or exercising with a mask on. I cannot imagine being somewhere where people scream at you for being closer than 6 feet away.

That time was probably the worst thing that ever happened to the United States and the world, not because of a virus but because people were silenced for asking questions and doctors were not allowed to practice medicine in a way that would benefit each patient individually.

I'm glad that in your story, they touched.

Thanks for sharing.


Review of Deafening silence  
Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow. I will have to make sure that my son reads this. It perfectly describes how he tries to explain his brain and thoughts to me.

He has also said that often his thinking process is like having a dozen windows open on the computer. Or like following link after link with absolutely no idea what information he was first seeking.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.5)
That's a beautiful poem about snow. Sadly, no matter what words you use, you will never convince me to like the stuff. I've lived where there is snow and where there isn't. I long to be back where it isn't.

I only want to see snow on Christmas cards.

Thanks for sharing.

Review by Kenzie
Rated: E | (4.0)
You had some interesting thoughts back in 2022. I wonder if any of those thoughts have changed or been strengthened.

I found this entry a bit troubling:

Conspiracy Theorists: People who believe everything, except what they can see, and that the coin has two sides.

In my 72 years, I have found that many of the ideas that people called conspiracy theories turned out to be true. I've also seen that the people who believe in many of those conspiracy theorists are people who do lots of research, using many kinds of resources.

Thanks for sharing.


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