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Review of Beautiful Camilla  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
great fairy tale. I've always wondered why fairy tales were told as children stories. I mean, old hags eating kids, parents leaving kids in the forest to starve, mermaids getting their tongue cut out - All of that is kinda dark for a bed time story. But anyway, I very much liked your story. I think I'd probably have had the ugly sister killing the father by mistake instead of the handsome suitor... either way, this was a great story. Thanks for the read.

happy writing,
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
ah, politics of life in these united states... you're definitely not the only one who thinks these things. I've often wondered why humans in general have these double standards - but... I have them too. Anyway, as for the writing, I liked the format and the flow of the piece - great ideas.

Review by JustTurtle
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi again,

Wow - Murphy sure did have a hold on you, now didnt he? I hope things are getting a little better.

I enjoyed reading this as again, I liked the conversational style of the writing. I did notice several misspellings, but figured this was more like a diary entry than anything else, so anyway, thanks for posting and letting me read *Wink*

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi *Smile*

Just returning the reviewing favor.

Very much enjoyed this. I liked the conversational style of the piece, the blue font and, well, the nostalgia and emotions of it all. It's funny how things really do change like that...

Happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review of Dandelions  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Hi again,

Great ideas in this poem. I'm not sure about the delivery, but cant think of any better way to get all that across. I just love the depth of thought reflected here - just the idea of being a weed is great. It's a wonderful metaphor for so many things... I wont bore you with my ruminating*Smile*

Thanks for an interesting read.

Happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Smile* Hi AD

I very much enjoyed this piece. It portrays an intense barely controlled emotional state. It makes me think. Not only that but, it's got several very vivid word images in it - those are great. So, I guess the only constructive criticism I can give has to do with making the lines even more pointed, succint. Just a word cut here and a little content edit there. I'd be happy to send you some examples of what I mean - just let me know if you want them.

Happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi *Smile* Thought I'd return the reviewing favor

This is an interesting form you've used here. I almost didnt get it... the lines seemed vaguely familiar as I read, then I realized that the first three stanzas are the same *laugh*

My favorite phrase was the 'unnoticed by the world' part. It's packed with lots of meaning.

happy writing,

** Image ID #947173 Unavailable **
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow. A friend who was reading my story mentioned this folder and how it had some world building articles in it, but I had no idea that there was so much great stuff in here. Thanks for taking the time to write this stuff out. And as I am slowly reading your Battle Songs book I am finding that my story lacks a certain 'real' presence cause of the lack of solid setting details. Maybe reading your book and all these marvelous articles will help me in my own writing.


Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi *Smile*

Saw your handle on the top reviewer's list and figured I'd check one or two of your pieces out *Smile*

This is amusing. I never thought about snob-readers/reviewers before. I hope you havent been burnt.

So, I like the topic of this poem. It's unique and interesting, but I'm not sure about the flow and some of the word choices. For instance, the second line of stanza two - why is the phrase 'time old' instead of something that sounds more conversational like the rest of the piece? That's just one instance of what I mean...

But anyway, I thought it was amusing enough to read the whole way through and I hope that you're starting to get a better opinion of this writing community than this pice portrays *Smile*

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of This Man  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Wanted to check out another piece...

I love the language use in this one. It's powerful. I think the only suggestions I can give deal with line length and meter in reference to line flow. In the first two stanzas the lines seemed too short for me as your reader to fully comprehend what was happening. It moved too fast for me to keep up. If that is what you intend, great. I mean, life and time moves at a fast pace that most of us cant keep up with and when our fate catches up with us we want to look back and slow down... but if that isnt what you meant, well, maybe consider just making the lines longer - at least double their length. I think it will aid in the flow of each line to make them longer.*Smile*

Either way, I very much liked the poetic feeling and creative use of language in this one. Thanks for a pleasant read.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review of Ah, What Wishes!  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Smile* Hi, just returning the reviewing favor.

This is a great piece. I love the meter and rhyme set up. It flows very well and I very much enjoyed the images presented as well... I almost wish they had something in between 4.5 and 5 *Star*s cause I never really think anything is finished or 'perfect'...

I so much enjoyed this piece. Thanks for a great read.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of Untitled  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Hi

A very nice piece. Short and sweet. I am not familiar with the form you've used, but I like it... was it written for a contest?

The last line was a good clincher in my opinion. It was amusing and my favorite. Maybe consider naming your poem 'come bees'? *Wink*

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of On Loss  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* Hi

I very much enjoyed this piece. I like the depth of emotion portrayed as well as the word choices... I think the only thing that would make it better in my estimation would be maybe considering seeing how the piece works with longer lines.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Smile* hi

Thought I'd return the reviewing favor *Wink*

I enjoyed this piece. I like the rhyme scheme and the word choices and quality of emotion expressed. I think the only line that felt out of place was the first line of the last stanza because it broke your rhyme scheme *Wink*

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of Dreams  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi *Smile*

I rarely come upon a poem I liked as much as this. I like the flow of each line, the imagry and word choices... very nice.

thanks for a great read.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of Broken Bond  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Smile* yep, me again, just one more then I'll go away for today.

This piece was nice overall. I loved the ideas expressed and the word choices were pretty good. I think the thing that made this one not 'pop' as much as the other pieces I read today was the flow of the lines. Naturally they dont have to rhyme, but the meter needs to flow a certain way for me to think each line goes with the ones before in both idea and formation. Does that make any sense at all? *Confused* I think I just succeeded in confusing myself. Um, let me give you a for instance. The last line of the first stanza is one that seemed to break the meter for me. I think it was the use of 'that's' that did it to me. Another line that was dissonate was the last line of the fourth stanza. I'm not sure what to suggest for those if that dissonance was somehting you planned to further the ideas presented in this piece.

But anyway, I did enjoy this read because again I identified with the sentiments expressed.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review of All I Wanted  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Smile* me again,

Enjoyed this one as well. I think I liked it so much becuase I identified with what was happening in the poem as well as the emotions expressed. Those 'friend' relationships can be tough.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of Are you Worthy?  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Smile* Hi

Since you're reading some of my stuff, I figured I should check out some of yours *Wink*

I very much enjoyed this read. I like the emotion in it the most. The word choices were appropriate and helped the flow of the lines. I even like the short lines of this one, though I prefer longer lines in poetry. I liked the use of the question mark as the only terminal punctuation in the piece... normally I think I'd suggest taking all punctuation out or putting all punctuation in; but in this case, I like the way you've treated it.

So... I think the only thing I could suggest that would make it an even better read for me would be to separate it into individual stanzas. If I were editing I think I'd be creative with the breaks. Maybe group the first three, then the next four, then the next line be by itself... It may not work, but would be interesting to see it in that form to decide if it works to further the erratic emotional state the poem is expressing.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smile* hi again,

Thanks for compiling this great list for those of us who need to find places other than the shameless plug page to ask for reviews. The more places the better, I always say when it comes to getting readers/reviewers for my work. But anyway, I dont think I've seen a listing like this on the site before and it's nice to know that there is one. *Smile*

happy writing,

just a little image to go with my signature with my pen name on it
Review of Ethnic Hair?  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Smile* Hi

Found this piece plugged on the public review request page and I cant tell you how I laughed. I love the conversational tone of this piece and the imaginative word pictures. I mean, I've never thought of grey hair as barbed wire before *Wink*

Happy writing,
Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (5.0)
hi fellow poet*Smile*
You arent the only one bitten by poetry.com. I submitted my first poem to them a few years ago, got all the hooplah mail about how great my artistry and all was and how I was an editor's choice and if I went to the conference I'd get this great engraved bowl and stuff... eventually bought a copy of the book which had a great deal of terrible poems in it... (I dont think they read those poems at all.) The only pay off I got was winning the moving poetry contest thing they have each day. Yeah, a whole hundred bucks for a twenty word poetry magnet like piece. But those things are like a lottery, unless they allow new people to win the first time they play to hook them into coming back *laugh* Unfortunately, I believe that group is just in it for the money. I dont believe they care even one iota for artistry or for the poets themselves.
I considered going to the conference, but for what I knew I'd get in return for the exorbitant amount of money I'd have to shell out... it isnt worth it to me. If you want to go and stuff, more power to you *laugh* but I wont be going. I'd love to go to a writing.com conference though. But I doubt things will fall into place as they should for that dream to come true.
Anyway, that's my experience with them. If you go, let me know how it is.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (3.0)

Since you asked for a critique, here I am with bells on.

Um, alright, I enjoyed this poem for the most part. It's creative and the majority of the lines are clear enough. There were a few lines that were not so clear, but with a few more editing passes those kinks can be smoothed with relative ease. If you ask, I'll point them all out later, but I think you can find them.

I'm not really into end rhyme patterning in my own stuff cause often times I get stuck in my attempt to find a rhyming word to go on the end and the line ends up sounding wrong/forced. There are a precious few I've run into who seem able to use the rhyme to their advantage... invisibleinkbutt_ugly_toad are two persons who are great at that... maybe look at some of their work - it will help inform your rhyme scheme a bit more. (Besides, reading things that are in the same genre and form as yours will help you grow.) The lines that I mentioned above that were not clear fall into this category, I think, because those lines seem forced and dont flow as well as others.

Your lineation is alright, considering the rhyme scheme you are working with... But to be perfectly honest, I think I'd like to see this poem be longer or go more into the narrative aspect of the piece. Make it even more personal, have a first person narrator or some other thing that will make the poem stand out and call to the reader. There are billions of love poems out there, so you have to ask yourself how yours is different or more importantly, how you will make yours different.

Ok, let me pick a little on your first stanza for a moment:*Smile*

*Reading*I saw in your beauty, spreading like night,
I dreamt of our meeting, in the day's setting light.
Remember that moment, when you left the plane,
Desire loves glance, bearing no shame.
Tender moments approaching, seen in your eyes,
A comet in glory, through clear starry skies;

*Star*Ok, so... I love the first two lines. They are near perfect. I haven't the foggiest idea what 'desire loves glance' means in this context and since you've poeticized things, why not do the same for 'plane'... say it's a vulture come to take your love away or a mercy flight of... I donno, something other than just 'plane'. I very much like the last line. The second to last line... seems a bit awkward, like the one above it. Here's how I'd work on the piece.
I saw your beauty
spreading like the dark dress of night.
I dreamt of our meeting
in the day's setting light.

Remembering that moment
when I left the plane
Desiring love's glance
and bearing no shame.

Tender moments fill my mind
as I saw emotion in your eyes
like a comet in glory
through clear starry skies;

Um, I'm almost certain that I got the action wrong in my edit. I'm just not clear on the action because although there are beautiful lines and phrases, I'm not sure what they're connected to. For instance, the last two lines of your first stanza... I love that last line, and think I know what you mean by 'tender moments approaching' but I dont see how the two ideas connect very well. It needs to be a little more obvious in its meaning. I assure you that if you make it a little more clear, it wont lose its artistry. Vague doesnt always mean cerebral or brilliant or anything of the sort, sometimes it's just vague. *laugh* *Wink* I struggle with that quite often myself, cause I dont want to spell out everything, I want my reader to think and draw conclusions... but what I've learned is that I need to set up the scene enough so that they can.

Well, overall, I think this piece is nice and relatively solid, however with a little work it could really glow. So, I challenge you to put in the effort and send it out for publication somewhere. *Wink* I know you have the talent, so go for it.

happy writing,

Little sketch dude-ed up on the computer
Review of "Stuck"  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Smile* Hi

I enjoyed reading this. It's funny and I can identify. I think the only suggestion I could come up with was an idea for another title - Curse of the Cursor. When I read that 'Cursor/Curse' line, I laughed out loud. Thanks for such an enjoyable piece.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review of Obayo  
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Smile* thanks for the opportunity to work with you on this one too.

Alright, here are a few editing suggestions:

*Note1*He was born high in a nest in a coconut tree.
Since there are two 'in' phrases, maybe consider saying that: He was born in a nest of the tallest coconut tree. *shrug* it still doesnt quite sound right somehow, but I know you can play around with it till it does*Wink*

*Reading*The rocks hurt him as he was dashed against him.
Um, I think 'him' needs to be 'them' here.

I noticed a few other sentences that probably needed to be reworded near the beginning... but all that was forgotten as I got wound up in the story. I love the idea of this. I was worried for the bird. I mean, he fell and I was wondering if he'd fly at all or get eaten. Wow, I love the imagry in this one. Cant wait to start sketching.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
Review by JustTurtle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Lady Rook,

What a great story you've created here. I very much enjoyed reading it.

Ok, you know I cant just pass up a chance to spout out my opinions, so here I go:

Many of the lower leaves on the plant had shriveled and dried up. They looked like dead spider legs.
Is there some way you could combine these two sentences? I like the simile (in fact it's quite powerful), but think it could be a stronger statement if you somehow combine the sentences. *Wink*

She was his best friend after all. so he led her into the room.
Um, just some punctuation stuffs here.

Well, overall I very much liked the symbolic possibilities of this piece. I love the conclusions I can draw from this sentence or that sentence. It could easily be made into a story book illustrating how to keep a friendship going, or any relationship for that matter. Your words painted images in my mind that I'd love to create on paper. *Smile* Thanks for sharing this piece.

happy writing,

another sig for reviewing
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