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4,183 Public Reviews Given
4,312 Total Reviews Given
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I believe in constructive criticism and honesty. I can adapt my review style to fit the kind of feedback an author is looking for (e.g., developmental suggestions, fine-tuning, proofreading, etc.), but will always try to be as encouraging and helpful as possible.
I'm good at...
Plotting, characterization, dialogue, structure/pacing, and professional considerations. I can also do serviceable technical editing/proofreading, but I'm much better with developmental/creative feedback.
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I read almost everything. I particularly love genre fiction (mystery/thriller and science fiction/fantasy especially) and nonfiction of all kinds.
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Review of Orbit One  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Odin's Path

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

This was a really powerful, engaging story. You did a particularly great job of covering your bases in terms of explaining why John couldn't return home. At every step of the story, I'd start to think, "Well why couldn't he just..." and then the story would have a reason why that solution wouldn't work. Great job staying one step ahead of the reader (or one step ahead of this reader, at least!). *Bigsmile*

*Penw* Suggestions

I honestly have no suggestions for improvement. I really enjoyed this story. I was going to suggest that John taking a moment to admire the Earth and think of his family back home at the opening of the story felt a little out of place considering that he was in the middle of a crisis, but like the other narrative points, you set it up well to resolve that disparity by the end of the story.

*Penw* Overall

This was an excellent story and I really enjoyed the read. Nice work!

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Review of A Letter to God  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello K5Rakitan

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I liked your take on divinity. I'm of the same opinion that God isn't necessarily embodied by the Western Christian ideal of a grandfatherly white man in white robes, but rather can take any number of forms depending on to whom he's revealing himself. I also like the idea of trying to show that God is embodied in simple, everyday interactions.

*Penw* Suggestions

Some added detail and development of the scene would really help to show what a special moment this is. While the scene is set effectively as it currently exists, it reads a little more like a quick vignette than a deeper story, and I think your initial premise (of God being in the people we love) would be more effectively illustrated with a bit more information about the nature of the relationship between the two individuals in the anecdote.

*Penw* Overall

This was a thought-provoking item that was well-written. Nice work!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello a Sunflower in Texas

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

Wow, the 2004 election... that really takes me back! *Shock2* The first major election I was eligible to vote in was the now-infamous Bush/Gore election in 2000, and I remember having a lot of anxiety going into this 2004 election thanks to all the craziness that happened in 2000.

I really like the background you provided in this piece; your political inclinations and backstory were really clear and helped the reader get a sense of what you intend to bring into the future conversation about the current year's election. I like the fact that you have a blend of both interest and practical experience; that really helps establish you as an informed voice on the subject matter you'll be discussing.

*Penw* Suggestions

I don't have any particular suggestions for improvement with respect to this piece in particular; it was written at a certain point in time and - at that time - it was everything it needed to be. However, given what's transpired in American politics since the 2004 election (which includes quite a lot of firsts!), I would be very interested to read an updated piece that includes, as part of the background, your thoughts and experience since 2004, particularly with the historic nature of both Obama's and Trump's respective elections, and how much the political landscape has changed in the past 20 years. I'd love to know more about how you've grown, changed, and come to think of politics in the intervening years. Again, that's not a criticism of this piece in particular, but more a commentary on how I'd love to see this piece develop if you're ever so inclined to expand upon it. *Bigsmile*

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I think you did a great job with this piece. I loved reading it and getting to know a little bit more about your political views and the way you think about civics in our country. Well done!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello JACE

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Penw* Positives

After so many "Anniversary Reviews from you, I'm so pleased to be able to return the favor with an "I Write review this week! *Delight*

I thought this was an excellent piece. The Villanelle form is beautiful when done effectively and you did a great job with it. It's not easy to have those repeating, reordered stanzas descending throughout the forum and I thought you handled it well. It was a beautiful version of this elegant form of poetry.

*Penw* Suggestions

The only note I have, which isn't so much a criticism of the piece itself, is that this is listed as a contest entry (and stored in the "Poetic Musings" folder of your portfolio, and it would have been great to know if there was a specific prompt you were responding to, or if it was completely open in terms of subject matter and you just had to do something that matched the required form. I'm a big fan of context to help understand why you chose a particular form/approach (if there was an outside impetus for it). *Smile*

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was an excellent poem that I really enjoyed reading. Nicely done, my friend!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Sugar  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello Bianca

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

This story was imaginative and a great idea based on the lyrics of the Johnny Cash song. I really liked all the worldbuilding that you did in a comparative short piece of just a few hundred words.

*Penw* Suggestions

I would have loved more information on how the world got to this place of rationing sugar, and some more context on the Mayor's plan. As written, it's a little confusing how this world became what it was, why the Mayor had access to so much sugar, and suddenly decided to fight against the rations that everybody hated. It'd be great to know a little more about the backstory and decisions that drive the story.

*Penw* Overall

While I think there's some room for improvement in general, I liked the premise and think there's quite a bit of potential in this story based on the lyrics of a popular song.

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Swapping sex
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello Sumojo

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

This is a really interesting blog prompt, and I'll admit I've often wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex. I think you did a great job of pointing out that the "harder or easier" qualifier on the question is mostly a matter of perspective and has less to do with a person's biological sex than their circumstances. Taking the example of parenting and child-rearing you mentioned, even among a population of only women, I suspect that answer would vary wildly depending on whether you were talking about a working single mother of three trying to keep her family above the poverty line, or an extremely wealthy housewife with one child and a full-time nanny or au pair to share responsibilities.

For me, the one criticism I have of this piece is that taking the approach of only answering this question through the lens of traditional gender roles as they relate to child-rearing somewhat limits the potential of the piece and makes it feel fairly dated, as the modern world has greatly expanded its societal expectations of parents. With more women in the workforce, more stay-at-home dads and dual-income households than ever before, co-parenting being a much higher priority for the younger generations, it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity to just explore this question through that particular lens.

I was actually much more interested in the point you made about perceptions of female beauty and scrutiny over appearance, which I think is a much more topical and interesting response to the prompt that's worth exploring further. As it is, it's sort of mentioned at the very end as an add-on and it could have been a really insightful and modern take on the prompt.

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Guide Me, Lord  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anniversary Reviews email siggie

Hello intuey

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

Wow, what a great story! This is one of the first times I've heard a true story about Jesus taking the wheel! *Shock2* I thought this was a great take on the prompt, and a really insightful perspective on the event. You did a really good job of explaining the thoughts and emotions going through your head both before and after the incident on the road, and how it really did feel like there was a supernatural element to it, based on the recognition that you could not have done it alone.

*Penw* Suggestions

I was a little confused by the part where you mentioned that you thought the older couple which caused the crisis "knew exactly what they were doing" and that "they had planned it". Do you mean to imply that they were attempting to surprise you and get you to crash into them? I think that part of the story needs just a bit more context so the reader can understand what you mean and why you believe that.

*Penw* Overall

This was a really great take on the prompt and an enjoyable story. Nice work!

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Review of An Urban Myth  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Hatsuda

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

I really liked the number of pop/culture references in this story. The Indiana Jones archaeology, the Greek mythology, the paranormal investigator... all of these elements really worked well together and created a feeling of a much larger world, due to the reader's familiarity with so many genres, myths, and legends.

*Penw* Suggestions

I thought the Phaedra/Artemis misdirection was a bit confusion and I'm not entirely sure it was a necessary complication for the story. It felt a bit like that story space could have been used to better ends, like developing the characters and their connection a little more.

*Penw* Overall

I enjoyed reading this story. It was fun, imaginative, and has a lot of potential Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Kellie Burke

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Positives

As far as complications and revealed secrets go, I'm pretty sure this is a worst case scenario, where someone finds out their spouse isn't just interested in a divorce, but is also same-sex attracted, and planning on selling the house to move to a foreign country with their lover (who happens to be their nanny!). *Shock2*

*Penw* Suggestions

While I appreciated the complexity of the relationship dynamics, the story didn't really establish why Dan feels the need to unburden himself suddenly in the middle of the night. I noticed this is a <500 word dialogue-only story that's labeled as a contest entry, so I'm assuming it was written for "The Dialogue 500 or similar contest where the lack of prose description is the point. Even so, it felt like the space that was used to establish the setting (Dan asking Helena if she's awake, and Helena asking why it can't wait until morning) could have been used to set a more realistic stage for the conversation. For example, Helena arriving home and asking why packed bags are near the door, or Helena pointing out that Dan has been quiet and withdrawn lately and then he just can't hold back any longer, etc. It felt like there were a few more dynamic option choices than waking someone up in the middle of the night for a full confession.

*Penw* Overall

All that said, the dialogue moved the story along quickly and efficiently, and there was never a question of what was happening in the story. That's not always easy to do with dialogue-only pieces of writing, and you handled that well. This was an entertaining read. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review of Musings...  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Penw* Positives

Well, well, well... we meet again in the final moments of Sunday night, and you've submitted an entry for "Hook of the Book, which is going to be a real challenge to write a 1,000-character review for! *Bigsmile*

I did really enjoy this entry, though. I particularly like the fact that you incorporated the image in a way that completely changes the context if you know what the image it. Obviously, the subject of the character's derision (or even the reader) has no idea that she has a knife hidden behind her back unless they also happen to be familiar with the prompt itself. That's a very novel take on the prompt. *ThumbsUpGreen*

*Penw* Suggestions

As an actual first line in a book, for the reason stated above, it doesn't really work as a standalone. Which is fine for the context, because the rules only state that the judges are looking for opening lines that make them want to read the rest of a story inspired by the picture prompt, but I would have loved to have seen an opening line that both accomplished the feat listed under the "Positives" in this review, but also managed to be a fantastic standalone sentence as well. That's really difficult to do, but that's the only thing I can think of that would have really put this hook of the book even higher over the top.

*Penw* Overall

I think you did a great job with this entry. There are times when we all "write to the prompt" a little more than others when it comes to writing contests, and you did that here exceptionally well. If the judges are half as pleased with your take on the prompt as I was, I'm sure you'll do just fine for yourself in the contest. *Smile*

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Barefoot Bob

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Premise

Pairing the idea of a romantic interlude with a skydiving encounter is a great way to create excitement and a sense of novelty.

*Penw* Story

I found myself wishing that there was a little more dramatic conflict in the story. From the outset Sophie and Beeper seem to find each other incredible attractive, and everyone else seems to encourage their relationship, lending a feeling of inevitability to the events in the story. I think it would have added an element of further excitement and dynamism to have a bit of uncertainty or conflict to the story. Perhaps something like another character competing for one of the protagonists' affections, or Sophie having not just a mild fear of skydiving, but a real reluctance. A moment of conflict would create a bit more tension which would increase the payoff of the story.

*Penw* Characters

Sophie and Beeper were interesting characters that were fun to follow along with. The supporting cast of characters felt a little one-dimensional in terms of all kind of serving the same story purpose, but the fact that a few characters (Beeper, Stick) had nicknames made them a little more endearing.

*Penw* Dialogue

The dialogue kept the story moving along at a good pace, and was well distributed throughout the story.

*Penw* Structure

I think that Beeper telling Sophie that he loved her before jumping out of the plane undercut the moment where he tells her that he loves him at the very end of the story. I'd recommend holding off until the very end so that the moment really pays off.

*Penw* Technical

No technical errors that I could find. Nice job!

*Penw* Overall

Overall, this was a fun story with a great premise. It was an easy, entertaining read.

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review of Yellow Stone  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello sindbad

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

I really enjoyed the description of Yellowstone National Park and the unique geological features that can be found there. It definitely made me want to visit! I did notice a few small things, including the title and intro description both say "Yellow Stone" as two words rather than one. It also struck me as odd that the opening sentence of the piece mentions the subject of Geography in school, but as a subject that's usually associated with the locations of things in the world. If your class was more oriented toward the study of geological and/or historical/structural elements of a place, it might be worth clarifying that so the reader can more clearly see the connection between the school subject of Geography and the physical geograph of the natural world you're describing. Other than that, though, I thought this was an engaging, quick read!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review of The Flow  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello flcomeau

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

This article was an interesting take on the concept of "flow," pioneered by Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi. It was really interesting to hear your experience of flow and how you've used it in your life. That said, I do think that your definition of "flow" is a little unclear since you use it to describe a number of different experiences. For example, you talk about flow in terms of its ability to tap into a form of energy when you're reading and writing (i.e., being active), but that you can also use it to improve your sleep (i.e., being sedentary). It would be great to have some additional context about how you define this particular phenomena and how it applies to those vastly different kinds of activities.

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review of Off track  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello Beck Firing back up!

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Pencil* Positives

I like this story's take on the familiar "alien tests" trope. I also thought that you managed to include a lot of narrative information in a brief flash fiction tale; the backstory about the plague and Professor Blainesworth and his relationship to the students was conveyed really well in a limited amount of space. It gives the impression of a larger universe than just what this story portrays, which is very difficult to do with flash fiction. Nicely done!

*Pencil* Suggestions

In the first sentence, there's a gender pronoun conflict. The story opens with "Kylan shook her head" and then goes on to say "trying to clear the fog from his mind." Based on the pronoun usage for the rest of the story, I'm assuming Kylan is male and the first part of the first sentence is a typo?

In the fourth paragraph, it should be "Kylan stared" rather than "Kylan starred".

I think the story is missing a bit of information. With the ship's comms not working and such, it's initially implied that they've crash landed or otherwise met with technical difficulties... but later in the story, Blainesworth confirms that he's also stuck on Sanctar 3, but because the trilobites won't let him leave (or won't give him the technology he needs unless he stays for the time being). It would be great to have a little more clarity on what happened, exactly, i.e. whether the trilobites caused the technical difficulties, or if they boys just happened to have the same misfortune as Blainesworth.

*Pencil* Overall

I thought this was a fun take on the prompt. Daily Flash Fiction Challenge stories are always difficult to write well given the word limitation, and I think you've done a great job. You have the foundations of a really great flash fiction story here. Great job!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Biggest Fan  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Sam N. Yago

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Premise

I loved the premise of this story. As someone who's lost a parent at this point, I definitely identified with Sully's circumstances and all of the emotions that were going through his mind in this story. It's a touching story of loss, and also of the experience of getting to know our parents as people a little more than we thought we did.

*Penw* Story

Although the story was very well written, I found the scene on the train to be a little long. Especially for a story that's summarized in the intro as being about a character and his father connecting at a funeral (although I loved that you didn't specify whose funeral it was in the intro!), it took almost half the story to get to the actual funeral itself. If the story hadn't been advertised as taking place at a funeral, it's possible that this note would be a moot point, but when the story advertises a premise that isn't introduced until halfway through the story, it does tend to make the opening of the story drag a little bit.

*Penw* Characters

All of the characters in the story are unique and interesting; Sully and Alice were standouts for me, with Charlie acting as a good foil for Sully. Miranda and her kids on the train were equally well developed, although I wonder if all of that development was necessary in a scene that felt like it went on a little too long.

The backstory for the characters was nicely worked into the story in a natural and compelling way, and the details that you chose to included did give us a well-defined picture of both Sully and his father, and their relationship.

*Penw* Dialogue

The dialogue in this story was excellent. It really moved the story along nicely at the right times, and felt authentic for each of the characters. It's easy for dialogue to feel stilted or inauthentic, especially in highly emotional stories like this one, but you handled all of the dialogue masterfully.

*Penw* Structure

As mentioned above, I would have personally liked for the actual funeral to start earlier than halfway through the story because it caused the opening scene on the train to drag a little, but otherwise I thought the narrative was well-constructed and moved along at a brisk pace. I also really liked the note you ended the story on; it was emotional, compelling, and felt authentic for the characters and the journey they're on.

*Penw* Technical

No technical errors that I could find. The story was nicely laid out with a variety of paragraph and sentence structure, which kept the reading experience feel fresh and engaging.

*Penw* Overall

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It was extremely well-written, the characters were nuanced and believable, and the dialogue was nicely honed and kept the narrative moving along. It's a great story about loss and learning to see one's parents in a new light, and it works really well. Nicely done!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review of The Oldest War  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Anonominous

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

There were some really great lines in this piece. The "failure not being an option" is a common sentiment that works really well here, but you also have some great additional commentary like, "failure is not the end, it is acceptance of the end" which I think is really insightful and well said.

Some of the elements of the piece could use a little more explanation, I think. In particular "failure extends an olive branch to achievement, a sacred covenant disguised as compromise" is a little unclear in its meaning, so it would be great to have some additional context about how you see that relationship between these two inherently oppositional results working.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this item and think it has a lot of potential. Failure is an experience we all have sooner or later, and you were able to successfully capture a lot of the experience of dealing with failure and provided some thoughtful advice about productive ways to think about it. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Soul Searching  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Spiritual Dawning

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

I can definitely relate to the sentiments in this poem, particularly the sentiments about sitting and wondering what to write, and having experienced the ups and downs of life. I really connected with those elements.

One of the things I noticed, not just about this item but several items in your port as I was looking for one to review, was that you definitely seem to like rhyming couplets as your poetry form of choice. There were so many items using this exact same form in your port, I'd actually be really curious to see you approach different concepts and sentiments with different poetic forms for effect. That's a personal choice, of course, but in my own poetry writing I've found it really challenging (and quite liberating when it's successful!) to attempt to express things in poetic forms of different types... short, long, highly structured, loosely structured, etc. This particular premise seems like it would lend itself well to exploring in a few different forms to find the best possible execution for it.

Overall, I think you did a good job with this piece. It was evocative and really resonated with me personally. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Fairbanks

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

Overall, I enjoyed this piece and all the memories that it evoked. We all have those formative memories which are unique to us and that inform who we are as people. Some of the events you mentioned I remember myself, and others spurred a memory of my own equivalent of those events. In that respect, you did a great job creating an essay called "Remembering History" which encourages the reader to do just that.

Where I struggled with this piece is that it felt like it was trying to accomplish a couple different things. On the one hand, it seemed to be a recitation of the history and accomplishments that are important to you. On the other hand, it seemed to be an argument that "history" can be anything, large or small. There's a fair amount of disparity between those two concepts; listing personal accomplishments that are significant to you personally (but less so for the world at large) and are a part of your personal history is a very different premise than where someone was when "world news" happened that affected huge swaths of the population.

In a piece this short, I'd recommend focusing on one approach or other. Since there are so few words in a piece of this length, it's often more impactful to focus each and every word on one central thesis and backing it up. Or you can expand the piece into a more comprehensive look at history and memory, in which case you could cover both elements but then would probably want to more thoroughly explore each of them.

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Mousethyme

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

This essay provided a lot of great examples of the color yellow. Some of those examples were obvious (the sun, bananas, etc.) while others were more obscure (solar plexus chakra, yellow ochre pigment, etc.), which created a good mix of familiarity and novelty that I think worked well for the piece.

I do wish that some of the assertions in this essay were a little better defined. For example, "yellow is the color of the spirit" and "yellow is the color of memories" are somewhat vague statements that, even when taken in context of the examples provided immediately prior, need a little explanation due to the broad generalizations that are being made. I'm also not entirely sure what the color yellow's association with plagiarism was intended to convey, but it would be good to have some additional clarity on that point as well.

Overall, I thought this was an entertaining read that highlighted (no pun intended) some of the color yellow's "greatest hits" in terms of uses, and also used some lesser-known applications to keep things interesting. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello The Sun SmilesOn Small Valley

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

This was an entertaining story with a great message to it. I liked the way the Taylor Swift song was worked into the narrative, and the fact that it was an integral part of the story and character development. The end of the story did feel like is was covering a lot of ground in a very short span of time, which I think would have benefitted from some more specificity, but this was otherwise a fun read and a great take on the WdC Media Prompt. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with I Write  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello ruwth

I'm sending this review in connection with "I Write in 2024.

*Pencil* Positives

I thought you did a great job explaining the journey to getting your first entry for "The Soundtrack of Your Life posted. With such a lengthy activity where you're going to be blogging about multiple songs over the course of a month, entries can have a habit of becoming repetitive if you don't find ways to make them unique and interesting, so I think this was a great way to start the challenge, with something fresh and unique.

*Pencil* Suggestions

As great as this particular entry was, it was a one-off in terms of concept; in a month-long activity about the music you've listened to over the past year, an entry about how difficult it was to link the song and find the right version of it only really works the first time you use it.

*Pencil* Overall

Overall, I thought this was an excellent first entry into the "The Soundtrack of Your Life challenge. As I mentioned above, it's a marathon activity not a sprint, so finding unique ways to talk about the songs you choose is going to be really important as you go. This was a fun first entry to read, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your other entries. I'm excited to see what music you've listened to over the past year and what you think of it! *Bigsmile*

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

Banner for Winter I Write

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of White Leaves  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Angel

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Premise

I really like the premise of this story. The "what goes on behind closed doors" concept is always an interesting one, and I always love a good story of a couple where one person has ulterior and/or motives against the other. Nice work!

*Penw* Story

With such a short piece, I think the story had a few too many elements to it. The key elements definitely needed to be the relationship between Jill and Ted, and Ted's plan to get rid of Jill. The part that I'm not sure is necessary is the element where they move to a new location. That felt like it could have been pared back to streamline the narrative a bit and focus on the details of the relationship and Ted's plot.

*Penw* Characters

Ted and Jill were both good characters, but I would have loved a little more detail about their relationship. There was only a bit of backstory added to the story early on that tells the reader about the broad strokes of their relationship (the accident, it was his fault, she uses it as leverage), but I would have loved to see this dynamic play out a little more between the characters, to the point where the reader is really in the middle of this dynamic and experiencing it in real time, before moving into the part of the story where Ted plans to do something about it.

*Penw* Dialogue

The dialogue worked, although it felt a bit unevenly applied throughout the story, with heavier bits of dialogue and interaction in the first half, then very little interaction toward the end of the story. I'd recommend weaving in some more dialogue and conversational pieces throughout the story to give it a little more balance.

*Penw* Structure

Except for the dialogue balance issue mentioned above, and the story element of moving houses that I think detracted from the narrative, I think the story overall was concise and well paced. You managed to tell a complex story in comparatively few words, which is not easy to do!

*Penw* Technical

There were quite a few issues with punctuation that made readability a bit of a challenge. For example, some sentences - especially when it comes to dialogue - are missing punctuation at the end of the sentence, or the punctuation is in the wrong place. I'd definitely recommend a good proofreading to catch all of the little typos and errors in order to increase the polish and readability of this story.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I think you have a lot of great elements here, and the foundation for a really compelling story. The existing execution needs a little work in order for everything to really come together and live up to its full potential, but you have the start of a really great short story here. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Amor Fati  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Jay-J

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

*Penw* Premise

I really liked the premise of this story, where a character is trying to come to terms with the death of a loved one. Grief is a complex, complicated emotion and I always admire stories that try to capture the essence of what it means to grieve. I think there's a lot of potential in stories like this.

*Penw* Story

The biggest unanswered question in this story is the "why" of it all. Patient care directives are fairly well established and there are enormous consequences for medical professionals who ignore the care directives of their patients; yet multiple medical professionals in this story just straight-up ignore the wishes of their patient (thereby exposing themselves to massive liability). Why would they do that? Was there something about Laura's situation that makes her unique? Is this a medical facility that has a habit of violating patient directives? Throughout the story Joseph and Carol have this almost clinical conversation about something that, if it were to happen, would likely be one of the largest single-patient medical malpractice suits in modern history... so I'm really interested to know more about the circumstances of how that came to pass!

*Penw* Characters

The story started with a recitation of details about Joseph's demeanor and background that felt a little too expository. In a piece of this length, while some character development must be done in the form of "telling" the audience, I'd recommend finding at least a few details that you can "show" the audience instead, and convey those elements to the reader through character choices and action rather than simply stating a fact. For example, sentiments like, "Today he is grieving" and "Joseph is a remarkable man" and "Her tragic passing left Joseph devastated and struggling" are all the kinds of things that you can communicate with active moments in the story, which will make those emotions all the more vivid for your reader as well.

*Penw* Dialogue

The dialogue in this story has a tendency to be a bit overly formal, and to state information that two characters with that level of familiarity with one another wouldn't necessarily need to state. For example, it's stated earlier in the story that "Laura's old friend Carol is a legal advocate for a large right-to-die organization and became involved with getting Laura's final wishes accepted by the health industry" so the later dialogue where Joseph asks her to bring him up to speed doesn't require Carol to go into the whole thing again, reiterating that she's an end-of-life advocate and that she was engaged to work for Laura. Dialogue is at its most effective when it's moving the story forward or communicating information that the reader doesn't already have; it's at its least effective when it repeats something that the reader already knows.

*Penw* Structure

As mentioned above, there's a fair amount of "telling" in this story (that is, just presenting information in a straightforward manner without letting the reader discover it for themselves), and I think the narrative would be a bit more compelling if there were some variety added in to that process. Having two characters discuss something that already happened and relaying information to one another is an inherently difficult setup to make more compelling and dynamic, but you can sometimes use techniques like intercutting the conversations with flashbacks, or using a more strategic method of laying out critical information to keep the reader engaged and guessing about what will happen next.

*Penw* Technical

No specific typos or technical errors that I could find. Other than the issue of the medical practitioners violating a clear patient care directive for unclear reasons, the rest of the medical information presented in the story felt sufficiently detailed and nuanced. It added a layer of authenticity to the story as it was laid out.

*Penw* Overall

Overall, I really like the premise and the potential in this story. There's a good foundation here to build upon, but the actual execution needs work, especially in the areas of story structure, character development, and dialogue. But the bones of a really compelling story are there for sure. Nice work!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

This was a great flash fiction story; it reads almost like an urban legend that might be conveyed from a local to some visitor to the area. There were just enough details to capture the reader's attention while leaving plenty of room for the imagination, and the mythology being conveyed in this story is really intriguing and entertaining!

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"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Told You So  
Review by Jeff
In affiliation with The Soundtrackers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.

Hello Mara ♣ McBain

Congratulations on your Writing.com account anniversary this month! I'm sending this review in honor of the occasion, courtesy of the "Anniversary Reviews activity.

You did a great job capturing the complex emotions surrounding an unanticipated return home, as well as the strangeness of the pandemic in the past few years. As with so many of your stories, the dialogue moved the story along effortlessly, and your character development was excellent. It's always a pleasure to read your work; it's been far too long since I've visited your port! *Bigsmile*

I hope you've found this review helpful. If so, please consider paying it forward by reviewing the work of another WDC author!


"Rating & Reviewing Philosophy

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