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Review of Gifts for the Sea  
Rated: E | (4.5)
As I read this:
*Star*I really liked your third stanza!!

*Star*Actually, your whole poem was beautifully done. I love your choices for your metaphors! Very unique!

*Star*The blue you use for this gives it a nice touch as well *Smile*

No suggestions for improvement at this time.

Good luck in "Invalid Item!

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Review of Face Your Fears  
Rated: E | (3.5)
to deal with pain felt for years,
This line should end with a period.

Let go of anger and hate,
This line seems a syllable or two shorter than it should to flow nicely.

Don't let it flow like a lake,
This is an awkward line. Consider revision.

Some of the lines in this seem forced. Like they are there just because they rhyme.

You have a good start, but this can do with a bit of revision.

Good luck in "Invalid Item

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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Note1*You do not need punctuation at the end of every line. Only use commas when they are needed.

You are very descriptive in this poem. I especially liked stanzas 1 and 5.
I noticed when reading though, that after the great descriptions in stanza 1, the second stanza seemed almost plain.

Keep on writing and good job winning first place in that contest. Good luck in "Invalid Item

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Review of The Truth  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really love how your port is organized! It's quite fun.

Your brief description and item body for this folder were very well-written!

I look forward to reading this folder's contents now!

One thing caught my eye already... Georgia? You live there now?

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Review of Wild Card Review  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is great! Is it just temporarily closed, or closed for good?
I say let it go again!
I'd be interested in reviewing...

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Rated: E | (4.5)
WooHoo!! I can review this! *Wink*

A quick suggestion:
*Note1*You may wish to put a note saying that it was first in my port. Otherwise the Tigger/Gymnast option is a little strange to be on your poll.

And an interesting little fact:
This item is older than your port. That's kinda cool!

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Review of Innocence remains  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Note1*The use of two colors is proving to be disrupting the flow of your poem for me. I find myself emphasizing the colored words instead of letting the emphasis lie where is should. If this was a rule of the contest you wrote this piece for, it's understandable. Otherwise, I'd encourage you to italicize the words instead.

*Note1*Capitalize the looking in the first line of this.

String and paper flying
As tiny fingers hold
Toys with all their promise
Of hours of fun to behold

*Note1*I believe "promise" here should be "promises".

*Question*Is there a reason some stanzas are separted with double lines and others with single lines?

Has falteringly just begun
*Note1*This line doesn't flow like the rest of the poem/stanza does. Consider changing "falteringly"

Yet though I’m old
I’m happy, happy that I can
Even after years, remember
The child inside of a man

*Note1*This stanza was a bit awkward.

All in all this in an interesting poem. I enjoyed reading it.
*Star*The rhymes used seem quite natural for the piece.
*Star*Most of the piece flows well. The only spots that didn't are noted above.

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Review of Broken Bonds  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Confused*I don't understand the "Nurse Hatchett" reference... could you please explain?

*Paragraph*13 -- “For nine months I have shared space with this being we shared my very breathe.
breathe should be breath.

*Star*As I write this comment, I'm about 1/3 of the way done reading this item. I'm glad that pcombs pointed it out to me as I otherwise would not have looked at it or would have opened it and been scared away by the length.

*Paragraph*22 -- He was a linebacker on the football team with his 6’4” frame and 200 pounds he was a force to be reckoned with.
This line is a bit awkward.

but how do you describe your heart is being ripped out right through your soul.
I liked this description.

*Paragraph*28 -- Marie no longer cared if she spoke out loud she was so weary she only wanted this moment to last forever and be over soon.
This should be 2 sentences.

-- “I hope your parents hearts are as full of joy as mine is pain.
parents should be parents'

*Paragraph*31 - He called her a tigress, and taunted her that he loved the fact she had finally found some fight it made things more interesting
This should be separated into another sentence (or use a semi-colon) after "fight."

*Paragraph*35 -- start this paragraph with quotation marks as its a new paragraph in the middle of a spoken part.

*Paragraph*40 -- Marie started to blubber again her heart was so heavy.
This should be 2 sentences
She couldn’t breath, she felt as if every breathe
Switch breath and breathe.

*Star*I'm really enjoying getting to know Marie. What a *Frown*sad*Frown* life, though.

One *Paragraph* from the end -- You switched tenses here, speaking in the present instead of the past.

*Star*I'm glad I read this... you did a great job.

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You're hosting a *Star*great contest*Star* here! An entrant posted a link to your contest along with their entry on scroll today and I checked both out and am very glad that I did so. I will probably be back occasionally to review some of the entries. *Smile*

May you continue to have success with this far into the future!
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I'm sure you've helped many newbies with this item. *Smile* YAY!

*NOTE: There are much more places where one can find images.
It would sound better if you changed "much" to "many"

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Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a wonderful piece with tons of valuable links.

Thank you for taking the time to compile this list (and thanks for including "Invalid Item *Bigsmile*.)

There is one error that I noticed while reading through this. The last line says "I will be adding more, as I find more or am ask" I belive you wish to change "am ask" to "am asked" or "am asked to"
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
As the hoofs of grey
and the hoofs below me as they sprang forward,
*Note1*hoofs should be hooves.

My eyes lifted, and i began to sing
*Note1*OOOPS! You forgot to capitalize "I"

I seen the faces, of those before me
"I seen" should either be "I saw" or "I have seen".

The creators voice spoke inside
Creators should have an apostrophe in it.

*Star*Keep writing!

*Note1*The two images you have linked are no longer there.

Good luck in my contest
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Review of Bearing God  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Star*I really like the ending of this. It is an interesting way to portray God. Great job at thinking outside the box... or feeling outside the bos, whichever it may be.

Keep on writing.

Thank you for entering this in my contest -- good luck!
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Review of Never Give Up  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This was a VERY moving piece. It really touched me.

You've seen many hardships in your day and have overcome them, just as your son has. I'm very proud of the both of you.

Thanks for writing this and sharing it with me and others. It's *Star*beautiful*Star*.

Good Luck in my contest!
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Review of The Chapel  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Star*I loved this poem, especially the last stanza.

Thank you for sharing it with me.

Good luck in my contest!
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Review of Dare Believe  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was reading through this and by the time I was half-way through, I started to think "tell people what TO do, not just what NOT to do"... and was going to write that as a suggestion. But, then I finished reading and saw that you did just that!
Great job!

*Star**Star**Star*I really enjoyed this, Kitt!*Star**Star**Star*

Good luck -- in life and in my contest
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Review of Little Bear  
Rated: E | (4.0)
I needed to learn from the past and to accept it as such
*Star*I liked that line.

For some reason that I couldn’t fathom, I no longer found it strange that he could read my thoughts.
*Laugh*This made me unexpectantly chuckle.

*Star*I enjoyed reading this item. Keep writing.
Good luck in my contest!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Note1*Re-read your brief description; it's not written correctly.

About two-thirds of the way down, you write “Please follow me, miss,” she said.
*Confused*It seems to me like its theman talking (thus she should be he).

*Cry**Star*By the time I reached the end of this, my eyes were watering! Great job at writing this!

Good luck in my contest!
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Review of Believe  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star*This is a great poem; you say much in few words.

*Note1*In my opinion, many times perfect rhyme can take away from a poem, but in this one it adds to it. That is probably because of the rhyme scheme you used.

*Star*Keep writing!

Good luck in my contest!
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Review of Break Free  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You do not deserve
to be owned
by your fears.

These are my favorite lines in the poem. They say so much.

This whole item is beautiful! Wish I could hear it...

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Review of Being Different  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Why do they take the mick out of the way I speak?
*Question* I know this is a cultural thing... what's "mick"?

So what if they don’t like the way I dress,
*Note1*Since you're using punctuation, I'd suggestion a question mark at the end of this line.

Maybe I’m jealous of them, I confess,
*Note1*And use a period here.

But I’ll stick up for myself; I don’t need protection.
*Star**Star**Star*GO YOU!*Star**Star**Star*

I really enjoyed this poem.

Another suggestion to you would be to (again) take the spaces out between lines... *Smile*

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Rated: E | (3.0)
My first impression:
It's really a set-up issue... but, I'd take the spaces out between the lines. It is slightly distracting.

During reading:
To earn a few bob
*Question*What's a few bob mean? I'm assuming it's some sort of currency, but of where?

Wendy I want us to stay together,
This line is awkward

I just want to say, that I like you too,
There is no need for the first comma in this line.

After reading:
This poem is very simple, and the rhymes are so perfect that it almost takes away from the poem.

*Star*Good job at putting a different spin on Peter Pan. *Smile*

One question for you: I don't remember: what does the thimble have to do with Peter Pan?

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Review of Half  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Grammar and Spelling

In the first paragraph:
She was getting used to this life – it was artistic, she thought, to have half of everything.
To make this correct, "s should be used around the thought words as in "it was artistic," she thought, "to have half of everything."

In the secong paragraph:
And he loved her back.
Technically, sentences should not begin with the word "and." Consider combining this with the sentence before.

She hated the way he looked, the way he dressed, and even the way he was breathing was enough to set her off yelling and crying and throwing things at the wall.
My suggested change:
She hated the way he looked and the way he dressed. Even the way he breathed was enough to set her off yelling, crying, and throwing things at the wall.

The house finally fell down, on a windy day.
The comma here is not needed.

They will live like this till one of them dies.
Till should be 'till.

General Impression
She loved him so much, that eventually there was no love left.
This is an thought-provoking point of view...

*Star*I enjoyed reading this piece. It's interesting.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
great item!!! It's humorous, well-thought-out, and fun.

The use of bolding makes it attractive.

I would link it to my poll but I don't want to give away the answer...

The second link you have is currently set as private... maybe the owner of the item has an expired upgrade?


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Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Grammar, Spelling, Etc
Comments here are written as I read the piece
"and I hurtle through the arched darkness with a speed I have no control over."
*Question*I'm not sure you truely mean to say you have no control over the speed. Maybe you want to say that you're going at such a speed you have no control over the car???

"I can hear it beat in my ears, thumping fear, and pumping adrenaline into my veins."
I don't think the comma is necessary after "fear."

"I can hear it beat in my ears, thumping fear, and pumping adrenaline into my veins."
*Question*What do you mean here?
*Smile*reading on, I see this get cleared up.

My Reactions
This has been written after reading through the item.

This sounds like it is a scary dream to experience, but the emotions just don't shine though in the piece. Put a little focus on what is being experienced (not just saw) to let the emotions come through a bit more.

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