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Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is absolutely beautiful. Of course, I looked for typos and misspelled words, but found none. I don't know of a thing you could do to improve this, so it gets a 5 rating from me.*Thumbsup*

The last three verses are very uplifting. They offer such hope and promise.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review of Per Diventare Due  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was interesting. However, since it's to be continued, the reader is left wanting to read more. I'd like to know if the marriage makes it.*Rolleyes*

I found quite a few errors you might want to correct to keep the next reader from being distracted.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

As her father released her arm, she would take her grooms,<--Oops! grooms is plural, meaning more than one. I'm sure you didn't mean that. To show possession (her groom), you need an apostrophe: groom's

that was, when he was home to eat.<--This sentence needs to be capitalized. I'm sure this was just an oversight.

she'd<--Oops! one word too many here--> would smile as old feelings of love swelled inside her chest

"We don't have one," seh said, scooping teh baby into her arms.
Review of For Christmas  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! You've requested so much in just a few words. Yet your requests are not selfish. I think we all pretty much want the same things. Wouldn't the world be so much better off if you could get what you want for Christmas?

I found no typos or misspelled words in this.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Perfect! This is such a cute idea, I'll probably be back shortly to participate.

It blows my mind at what some of us come up with by using the imagination just a little.

I love this site. There is so much to do. However, I think this one (other than COAL} takes the cake.

Keep coming up with these great ideas.
Grandma Penny
Review of TRUST IS A MUST  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem holds some powerful words. It was a little harder to read than the other poems I've read in your port.

If there were some way you could line it up so that it will look more attractive on paper (or as it is here, on the screen), I think you might have more readers.

I have a suggestion, but to keep from putting the poem in the review for the other reviewers to see, I'd rather send you an email and see what you think of my suggestion.

The content is too good to be overlooked.

Grandma Penny
Review of "KARLY"  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very touching. It's always sad to lose someone we care for, but it seems harder to deal with when the person is so young and taken away suddenly.

It would be more attractive and easier to read if separated into verses. I checked this one and if you separate it into lines of 4, that will leave the last verse with only 2 lines. But, those two lines would be alright if they stand out from the rest of the poem.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of PAULA  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
What beautiful words of encouragement for your niece. I like the rhythm of this. It would be even easier to read if you would break it down into verses. I believe it would come out perfect in lines of four.

You certainly gave her some good sound advice without sounding preachy.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of WHY AM I A NURSE?  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Thumbsup* on the content of this little poem. You've worded it well. I like the rhythm of this.

However, capitalization all the way through the poem, seems to take away from it. While working on the content, the poem needs to be attractive.

Would you consider separating the verses by lines of four? That would make it more attractive also.

Having run up on a few grumpy nurses in the past, this little poem makes me feel much better knowing that there are still good ones out there.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! What a wonderful incentive to get reviewers to review on. You've got some wonderful authors represented here. I've read visited many of their ports. We have quite a few dedicated reviewers on the site also. This just proves it.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
If this could receive a rating of 10, you'd get it. But, we only rate as high as 5 (which by the way is as near perfect as you can get).

You've written it beautifully without any errors that I saw. You grabbed my attention with the title. You had my undivided attention all the way through the story.

Having had a good, Christian husband, I know the feeling when God brings something to your attention that makes you appreciate your mate.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is well written. I found one thing that I'm not sure about, so I marked it.

You gave a good description and your detail is great.
I felt as though I were there in the prickly bushes.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

after her watchmen <--I don't know if this is an error, or if she had more than one watchman.
Review of 52 Candles  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is not as chilling as your last poem I read, but it's as much if not more touching than the last.

I found one error you might want to correct. Other than that, I'll say bood job!}
Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

the way you might have saung<--When using a helping verb (have)with the word sang, it changes to the word sung to me
Review of Red Tears  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I found no typos or misspelled words. Your title caught my eye in the beginning. The words and verses flow smoothly making it easy to read.

This poem tells a story, yet I'm not sure who did what,even after reading it two or three times.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

Review of Last Hurt  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a very touching poem. The reader can feel the pain and anguish while reading this.

This type writing will cause the reader to stop reading and whisper a prayer for the author.

I only found one error. Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

Turning this mother’s heart to stone
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. You've used good sentence structure; no sentence fragments or run-on sentences.

You held my interest from the beginning to the end. I've heard many times from older folks Be careful what you wish for. It might come true.

Keep up the good work and write on.
Grandma Penny
Review of GIFTS  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I think the more I read, the better it gets. This is so beautifully written. I really envy anyone who can put their feelings in poetry form the way you do.

It seems we so often take for granted all the gifts God has blessed us with. Thanks for giving the reader a nudge with your inspirational writing.

I have really enjoyed my visit to your port.

Keep up the good work and don't ever quit writing and sharing.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow! This is beautiful. I found no typos or misspelled words. The words and verses flow together, making it easy to read and understand.

I think we all sometimes get our eyes on the tragedies of this world and tend to wonder where God is at the time. Of course, He's always right here with us, waiting to comfort us when we turn to Him.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I say this is a job well done, both in the writing part and the message. This is a message everyone should hear. I wish you could get those flag burners and murderers right in front of you and tell them what you think. (Of course, I'd like to be able to do the same, but I don't think I could top you.)

I found no typos or misspelled words in this.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny

Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is another beautiful poem. The title caught my eye first. You held my interest from the beginning to the ending line. I found no typos or misspelled words.

I love to look at the clouds and see what is hidden there. Imagination can conjure up animals, hearts, etc., but sometimes it takes what our faith sees when we look in the clouds; angels, comforting hand, and of course, comfort of knowing who made the clouds.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of FORGOTTEN  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is absolutely beautiful. I can see why it would get an award. I found no typos or misspelled words in it and the words and verses flow smoothly making it easy to read. The subject is certainly something that is easily understood. Beautiful poem with a touch of sadness.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Thanks for giving us a peek at your beautiful sigs and photographs.

You have so much to be proud of. I can tell by the gifts you've received that you have many friends on this site.

I know you work hard on the site and deserve all the recognition anyone wants to show.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
You have a right to be proud of you. I'm proud of you too. I'm curious. Did you self-publish or did you submit it somewhere and they published it?

Have you thought about writing a story about how you came about getting your books published? Oops! That's pretty much what this poem was about. Oh well. I would like to hear lots of details. I think it might be encouraging to the rest of us.

Keep up the good work and continue writing. And, contratulations.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This was spooky. I've just moved into a new apartment, and still haven't gotten use to all the different nighttime noises. I'll bet I get up 20 times some nights to check things out because I can't stand hearing something and not knowing what it is.

Your words get the gun, dear reminded me of the time I suspected a young man in our neighborhood of prowling around our house after dark. My youngest (teenager at the time) son and I went to the corner store. We saw this guy and I thought I'd give him a scare. When I was sure he was within earshot, I mentioned to the clerk that someone had been prowling around the house and I had made up my mind the next time I heard them, I was going to shoot them. My son spoke up and said, "Mama, what you gonna shoot them with? You don't even own a gun." I could have croaked.

I enjoyed this story and found no errors.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This piece is chocked full of humor. I'd rather read something like this than listen to my ex-husband talk about the same things you've mentioned here. He also runs for cover when a black helicopter flies over.

I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece.
Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I appreciate the humor in this piece. There's nothing I hate anymore than a macanical device that won't work. I, too, have bad luck with such.

They say when it rains it pours. When on electrical appliance breaks, it's like a chain reaction. Everything decides to go on the blink.

This is another piece with no error.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
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