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Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good job with the prompt. You told about a dog next door, described his personality, and showed how Harvey affected your character. You held my interest from the first line to the end.

You proved that a cat lady can have room in her life for a dog.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of What If.......  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ahh, those what ifs What if I had found some errors in this piece? Would I have given you a 5? Probably not*Laugh*, but since I didn't find even one boo boo, I feel this deserves the highest rating.(Bet you thought I was going to rhyme. But, I'm just no good at poetry.}

I think my favorite part of this is the last two lines.
Then the other thing I really like about it is the fact that you brought a big smile to my face.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny

Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Since I found no grammatical errors in this story, and you managed to hold my interest from the beginning line to the last line, you used good sentence structure and seem to have done all the right things, this deserves a 5 rating. I can't think of anything you could do to improve it.

Keep up the good work and write on.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a very interesting story. I found no typos or misspelled words in it. The one thing I noticed that I (and probably all reviewers) really appreciate is that you double spaced between paragraphs.

The story itself was good, but I especially liked the ending. And, by the way, the ending didn't surprise me at all. After all, babies tend to make a difference.*Smile*

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny

Review of Adiós Grasa  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this. I know how quickly you have to get your idea from a prompt and have your story ready in a limited time. You've done a great job.

I would like to make a suggestion. When writing something with any length, it's easier on the reader's eyes when double spaced between the paragraphs.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny

Review of Bankruptcy  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this poem.

It's been a long time since Grandma Penny has had a credit card. It didn't take long for me to realize the contents in this poem.

Your message is loud and clear. Now, if only the fine print in these accounts was just a clear. Then again, until we've been bitten once, fine print or giant print probably wouldn't keep us from giving it a try.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
While reading and paying attention to the subject matter, I also checked for typos or misspelled words. This piece is written well with no errors, that I saw.

I always boggles my mind when someone give a low rating but raved about how great the story and the writing of it was.

Yet, for a long time, even if I found absolutely nothing wrong with it, I'd still give a 4.5 since they say there's always room for improvement. Then one day one of our most popular members called me on it. She said she didn't mind a 4.5 but if she didn't get a 5, there must have been something wrong. That got me thinking.

If I read a story or poem, understand the plot, find no errors, don't get bored or sidetracked while reading it, then it deserves a 5. Yet another person may not think the plot is so great, and they will give a lower rating. From now on, if everything looks as near perfect as possible to me, I'll give a 5. If I don't give a 5, I'll definitely give a reason.

You're right about the review itself being more important than the stars.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I checked closely for typos and misspelled words in this letter. I found none. That says a lot for the writer. *Thumbsup*

You brought out some vital points about writing and reviewing. I think most of us need to get busy helping out our fellow authors by checking to see if there is something they are doing wrong that we can help them with.

It's equally important that we continue writing. I've been slack in that area more so than my reviewing.

It's easier to read what someone else has already written than to get our minds and imaginations cranked up. But, they say, if we use our minds we won't be as apt to lose our memory.

Keep up the good work and let's band together and get'er done.*Smile*

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! That was one more night to remember.

I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. The title grabbed my attention and kept it until I read the last line.

The whole time, I thought the main character was going to be accused of causing all those mishaps. Once again, I was wrong, but not disappointed in the ending.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I've never thought of life being like a ping pong ball. It does make sense, though. We get hard licks in life, but we just have to bounce back. As your poem depicts, sometimes we lose and sometimes we win. But, we still come out stronger because of it.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was interesting, but it doesn't read like poetry. It reads more like a short story.

It seems you just rode around and enjoyed the company of each other. But just to get away sometimes is better than anything else.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Taxi  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. However, I feel that it would make a better short story than poem. I get the feeling that there are lots of interesting stories lying hidden in this little poem.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I read the prologue and chapter .5 through chapter 7. I realize there are different genres that we all favor. Fantasy is not always my favorite, but I'm trying to reach out to other genres with both reviewing and writing.

Sometimes what I may get confused with while reading, others may follow right along. In this particular write, I have been confused most of the time. I think it's because you have so many different characters and I haven't been able to link them all together.

I don't remember seeing but one typo while I was reading this.

I may come back later and finish reading the whole thing, and maybe I'll catch on eventually.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Letter to Mom  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is truly a heartbreaking letter. I don't know whether to point out your grammatical errors or dwell on the content.

Being a mother, I don't think anything could hurt me more than to lose one of my children. There is no way my life could be better if one of them were to die. I think this is the same way your mother would feel.

Sometimes, all we mothers need to make us feel better and be able to deal with the hardships of life is just to know that our children love and appreciate us.

I have also read your letter to your dad and the one to wdc.

If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me. My prayers are going up on your behalf.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found no misspelled words in this poem. It reads smoothly. It's easily understood. There's one thing I'd like to suggest to improve it. Your first two verses are present tense and the rest of the poem is past tense. It would be better to use past tense in the first two verses as well. Ex.:I heard him mumble as I walked by

Use the same tense all the way through and I think it will be as near perfect as it can be. *Smile*

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I've just read another Christmas story with a happy ending. I like those the best.*Smile*

I found only one error in this piece.

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Keep writing.

They walk into the common room of the orphanage where Grace.I'm not sure what's wrong here, but I don't think you finished this sentence.*Confused*
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Woah! This gave me chills. I love Christmas stories; especially those that relate to love and mysteries; or miracles.

You held my interest from the beginning to the end.

Keep writing.

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Grandma Penny

I barely had enough to buy Charlotte a present for Christmas.
Review of The Bean Song  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
If you're talking about dried pinto beans or dried lima beans, I can sing that song with you.

This is cute. I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. You held my interest and I got a chuckle from it.

I notice you're new to the site. Welcome! I hope you're finding your way around the site ok.

If you like to review, check out
Angel Review Forum  (ASR)
Read, Review, Rate and Record all items read by the Army Angels.
#1188311 by iKïyå§ama
. If you decide at any time to join, please tell them grandmapenny sent you so I can get credit.

Please feel free to visit my port anytime and if I can help in any way, just let me know.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Now this sounds like the kind of Christmas we all dream of. No chaos. I could picture the children running down the stairs in the sleepwear to open their presents and to see what Santa left for them.

I found no typos or misspelled words.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of True Christmas  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautifully written. I found no typos or misspelled words in it.

I especially like the last verse which is a prayer.

You've talked about so many different things in just a few lines. It's enough to get a person in the Christmas Spirit. *Thumbsup*

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Gosh, I'm so disappointed. You had my interest from the beginning to the end. However, I didn't expect it to end the way it did.

I have a question about something listed below.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny

All Sally received were a coat
and mittens. When I first read this, I was sure the correct word would be was instead of were, but when I thought of how to explain it, I became confused. You might want to check it out just in case my first thoughts were right.
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
You've written this beautifully and with meaning. It's easy sometimes to get carried away with the Commercial part of Christmas.

I found no typos or misspelled words in this poem. Of course, I don't know if I've ever found errors in your writing. It shows that you take great pride in your work.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found not typos or misspelled words in this little poem. You caught my interest with the title and held it to the very last line.

I'll bet there's a lot of the Seasonal Depression out there. But, then a lot of folks who weren't depressed during the holiday, will find themselves with the credit card blues.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of The Showoff  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Although I know this is fiction, I could see it really happening. I think you met the challenge. This was cute. That would be just my kind of luck. I think I'd try hard boiled eggs next time. (See, it still sounds like I believe it, huh?)

I found no typos or misspelled words in this. You told a great little story in just a few words.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of Christmas  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I only found one error in this little Christmas poem. Yum Yum, all that food sounds good. I've never heard of Golden Syrup steamed pudding, but that even sounds good. There are certain foods that are better at Christmas time.

All the family comes for dinner and stay

Keep up the good work and write on.
Grandma Penny
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